10 Keto Holiday Recipes That Don't Taste Low Carb (2024)

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If you’ve been keeping your keto game strong, it’s time to belly up to Thanksgiving soon. If you’ve been on the ketogenic diet for a while, you know the struggle is going to be real during the Holidays. Not to worry, I’ve found the best and easiest keto Holiday recipes that have been keto-fied to help you stick with your diet.

10 Keto Holiday Recipes That Don't Taste Low Carb (1)

These keto recipes will not only taste amazing, they will fool your family and friends into thinking it’s the real deal. Seriously, last year, I made loaded mashed cauliflower and no one could tell the difference!

Check out these recipes and tell me what you think in the comments!

Keto Holiday Recipes That Taste Great

1. Mashed Potatoes

Found from Low Carb Maven

Grab a free printable: Keto Food Lists

Cauliflower is pretty much a hero when it comes to the keto diet. It’s so versatile because it pretty much conforms to whatever flavor you are going for. It can be part of pizza dough, it can be part of mac and cheese, and it can be mashed potatoes. If you want the ultimate comfort food side dish, you have got to try this loaded cauliflower mash by Low Carb Maven.

2. Green Bean Casserole

Found from Keto Connect

Another hero of the keto diet is pork rinds. This low-carb replacement for potato chips is pretty much the topping for every crunchy casserole I make. This green bean casserole by Keto Connect is no exception. With a 5 minute prep time and amazing flavor, you won’t be missing that old cream of mushroom soup green bean casserole recipe. Your guests will gobble up this keto-friendly veggie side with no complaints.

3. Turkey & Gravy

Found from Ruled.me

A huge pantry staple for the keto diet is xanthan gum. This handy little powder acts as a thickening agent. You can purchase this at most local grocery stores or get it on Amazon. It may look expensive, but you will only need a little bit so it will go a loooong way. This amazing keto-friendly turkey and gravy dinner from Ruled.me is super easy to make and the consistency is spot on close to that brown gravy packet you make every year. The gravy will taste so good, you’ll barely have enough for the leftovers.

4. Keto Stuffing

Found from All Day I Dream About Food

This is a new twist to a holiday favorite and it’s literally the best keto stuffing recipe out there. This amazing keto stuffing recipe from All Day I Dream About Food is delicious and nearly indistinguishable from its carb-heavy counterpart. If you thought you had to skip out on the stuffing this year, think again!

5. Keto Cornbread

Found from Keto in Pearls

Thanksgiving is not complete without some great cornbread on the side of your plate. Especially in the south! The cheesy almond bread mixture will mimic that cornbread taste without any weird extra ingredients. You can even add in garlic, ranch, or jalapenos depending on your style.

6. Keto Mac & Cheese

Found from Tasty.co

Cauliflower saves the day again in this classic Thanksgiving dish. Growing up, I remember those heating up those Stouffer’s dishes with the super cheesy Mac & Cheese. If you liked the loaded mashed cauliflower, you’ll love this comfort food favorite Bacon Mac & Cheese from Tasty.co

7. Keto Dinner Rolls

Found from Hey Keto Mama

Along with some good cornbread, you need some soft buttery dinner rolls in that bread basket too. You could even use those rolls for mini turkey sandwiches for tomorrow’s leftovers. This dough is similar to the famed Fat Head Pizza Dough and it will only take you 5 minutes to prepare!

8. Low Carb Cranberry Sauce

Found from Wholesome Yum

This is a tricky recipe to keep keto but Wholesome Yum nailed it with her sugar-free low-carb version of cranberry sauce. With the 10 minute prep time and super sweet taste, you won’t be missing that can shape for long!

9. “Sweet Potato” Casserole

Found from Low Carb Yum

Keto recipes have to get super creative when it comes to sweets. To mimic this Holiday favorite, you’ll combine cauliflower with some pumpkin and top with sweet buttery pecans.

Psst, if you love your air fryer like me, make sure to check out these easy keto air fryer recipes!

10. Pumpkin Pie

Found from Keto Connect

Last but not least, the pumpkin pie! I had to give more props to Keto Connect because they are amazing at what they do. Cheesecake is one of those staples on the keto diet so why not combine it with pumpkin to make a delicious pumpkin pie cheesecake? Keto Connect does it again with this super easy-to-make dessert. No one will know even know it’s low-carb. Pile on the sugar free whipped cream and serve it up super cold!

Need help surviving the rest of the year on the ketogenic Diet? Make sure you check out my Holiday survival guide packed with really great tips!

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10 Keto Holiday Recipes That Don't Taste Low Carb (2)


10 Keto Holiday Recipes That Don't Taste Low Carb (2024)


Can you go into ketosis without a low carb diet? ›

In a high MCT diet, ketosis occurs without restricting carbs as drastically as in the classic ketogenic diet. Other research has found that a high MCT diet containing around 20% of calories from carbs produces effects similar to those of the classic ketogenic diet, which provides fewer than 5% of calories from carbs.

What foods can you eat unlimited amounts of on keto? ›

Foods you can eat on the keto diet include fish and seafood, meat and poultry, non-starchy vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini, avocados, berries, nuts and seeds, eggs, high-fat dairy products, olive oil and other oils, and high-cocoa chocolate.

What is lady lazy keto? ›

A lazy keto diet only requires someone to limit their carbohydrates to 10% or less of their daily calories. This approach means that a person does not need to track their fat and protein intake. Some people use keto diets to lose weight or reduce their body fat.

What foods are lazy keto? ›

What can you eat on the lazy keto diet?
  • Healthy fats: Avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds.
  • Protein sources: Eggs, lean meats, poultry, fatty fish and tofu.
  • Low-carb vegetables: Leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and bell peppers.
  • Low-sugar fruits: Avocado, berries, lemons and limes.
Aug 6, 2023

What drink puts you in ketosis? ›

9 of the Best Keto-Friendly Drinks
  • Nut milks, unsweetened tea, and good old-fashioned water are all great keto-friendly drinks. ...
  • Plain Low-Carb, Calorie-Free Tea Is Also Keto-Friendly. ...
  • Plain Coffee, or Coffee With Unsweetened Heavy Cream, Is Also Okay on the Keto Diet. ...
  • Nut Milks Are Also Low-Carb and Okay for Keto Dieters.
Oct 25, 2022

How many carbs is too low on keto? ›

The ketogenic diet typically reduces total carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams a day—less than the amount found in a medium plain bagel—and can be as low as 20 grams a day. Generally, popular ketogenic resources suggest an average of 70-80% fat from total daily calories, 5-10% carbohydrate, and 10-20% protein.

Can you eat peanut butter on keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

What happens if I eat no carbs for a month? ›

Severe carb limits can cause your body to break down fat into ketones for energy. This is called ketosis. Ketosis can cause side effects such as bad breath, headache, fatigue and weakness.

What is dirty keto? ›

In essence, dirty keto is a variation of the keto diet (a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet) that allows you to consume whatever you want as long as it meets your macro goals. While it still reduces carb intake, it does not pay attention to the nutritional value of the fats and protein consumed.

How can I eat less than 20 carbs a day? ›

To stay under 20 grams of carbs a day, fill yourself up with lots of vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats.

Can you lose 100 pounds in a year on keto? ›

I started the keto diet in 2018, and within a year, I was able to lose over 120 pounds. Although the diet clearly worked, it made me obsessed with tracking calories and carbs.

What foods ruin ketosis? ›

One of the initial food categories to steer clear of on the keto diet is grains and starchy foods. Examples include wheat, rice, corn, and oats, which are rich in carbohydrates. These goods can have a notable impact on blood sugar levels and impede the body's ability to enter ketosis.

What foods speed up ketosis? ›

Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are some excellent choices that can help you get into ketosis fast. These crunchy snacks are perfect for curbing hunger and providing an extra dose of healthy fats. However, keep in mind that nuts and seeds are calorie-dense, so portion control is key.

What foods give you energy on keto? ›

It's therefore important to keep some healthy, high-energy, low-carb ketogenic snacks on hand. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and cashews are packed with nutrients and are great as a snack if you're hungry between meals and need an energy boost.

Is it possible to go into ketosis but not lose weight? ›

You may be consuming too many calories

This can be achieved by either reducing the number of calories that you consume or by expending more calories through increased physical activity. If you switch to a keto diet and don't watch your calorie intake, you're unlikely to drop pounds.

How many carbs do you need to go into ketosis? ›

Ketosis occurs when a lack of carbohydrates forces the body to use fat, not glucose, as its primary energy source. A person looking to reach ketosis should reduce their carb consumption to 50 grams (g) or less per day .

How do you know your body is in ketosis? ›

Having ketones in the blood is probably the most definitive sign that someone is in ketosis. Doctors may also use urine and breath tests to check for ketone levels, but these are less reliable than blood samples. A special home testing kit allows people to measure their own blood ketone levels.

How can I get into ketosis naturally? ›

Tips to achieve ketosis
  1. Eat 20–50 grams of carbs per day. This can encourage your body to produce ketones. ...
  2. Track your carb intake. ...
  3. Limit eating out at restaurants. ...
  4. Be aware of hidden carb sources. ...
  5. Increase your intake of high quality fats. ...
  6. Try intermittent fasting. ...
  7. Exercise more. ...
  8. Test your ketone levels regularly.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.