26 Things to Do in Chikmagalur 2024: Upto 40% Off (2024)

Located at the Sampangi Rama Nagar of Hiremagalur (Chikmagalur), Kodandarama Temple is a holy shrine dedicated to Hindu Lord Rama. The term ‘Kodandarama’ signifies the bow of Lord Rama. The principle idol here is that of Lord Rama with a bow in his hand, and this is how the temple got its identity.

Kodandarama is equally well-known for its intricately carved idols and temple architecture as it is known for its religious significance. Right at the central heart of the temple, you will find the presence of the main shrine. Here, there are huge idols of Lord Rama with Goddess Sita towards his right and Sri Lakshmana towards his left.

What makes the onlookers go crazy about the idol architecture is the fact that they have been carved out from a single massive boulder. Besides, the minute detailing of these idols (from eyes to the ornaments and supporting accessories), makes them adorable masterpieces.

Adjacent to the Kodandarama Temple flows the mighty River Tungabhadra, which is a well-known water sporting adventurous site. Right in the front of the temple’s main entrance, you have a Chakratirtha ghat where lakhs and lakhs of pilgrims take holy dips in the river water. This spot is highly auspicious according to the beliefs of Hindu mythology.

Standing atop a large land cover, the temple’s architecture is appealing. Whatever massive pillars you come across here, are all inscribed various ancient and medieval sculptures. The central holy sanctum has been carved in the shape of a rectangle where you have the three main idols. If you are good with the architectural basics, you will immediately come to know that the temple reflects an amalgamation of Hoysala and Dravidian style.

Location – Double Rd, Sampangi Rama Nagara, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560027

Timing – Kodandarama Temple of Chikmagalur remains functional on all seven days of the week between 05:00 am to 12:00 pm. Then, the temple doors are closed during lunch hours and are reopened again between 04:00 pm to 09:00 pm. You can explore the entire temple within a duration of 1 to 1&1/2 hours.

Price – You do not need to pay anything on behalf as entry fees for visiting this holy shrine of Kodandarama Temple.

26 Things to Do in Chikmagalur 2024: Upto 40% Off (2024)
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