5 Reasons to move to SAC (advantages and benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud) (2024)

Here is the short introduction of SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) - built on the SAP cloud platform, SAC is the leader in analytics AI product from SAP.

SAC is a SaaS offering, unique in the market by combining planning and predictive analytics with business intelligence in one cloud solution.
SAP Analytics Cloud’s augmented analytics features are fromnatural language processing to AI-powered data discovery, analysis, visualization, and prediction.

What is augmented analytics?
The term “augmented analytics” was coined byGartnerin 2017 and is now widely thought to be the future of business intelligence (BI) and data analytics – including predictive analytics. Augmented analytics uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make business intelligence (BI) and analytics tools easier to use to generate insights not possible with earlier generations of products.

Augmented analyticsovercomes the risk of missing valuable insights in the data, optimizes decisions, and actions, and explains actionable decisions to the users. Furthermore, you can simulate business scenarios and “what-if” analysis using value driver trees and predict your future sales using Machine Learning Algorithms. It has the power to revolutionize business processes and you can see great benefits of it in finance, sales and marketing, logistics, human resources, and accounts receivable.

SAC comes in two variants- Private and Public. The Private mode hosts only one user while the Public mode has multi-tenancy. The public edition is more cost-effective than the private one.

So, what are the reasons to move to SAC and which top challenges that can be addressed effectively using SAP Analytics Cloud?

One-stop Solution
SAP Analytics Cloud has everything ranging from planning to prediction, and business intelligence to augmented analytics in a simple cloud-based environment. When you integrate it into your business system with the help of a trustworthy ERP solution provider, you can readily manage expenses, revenues, and other financials at a single source.

Proper Alignment– Whether it is operational planning or financial planning, accuracy is always necessary. Also, you need to combine multiple teams and stakeholders while making policy-related decisions. SAP Analytics Cloud, with its several enterprise planning tools, enables you to align your company’s expenses and cost strategies across various teams like HR, Sales, IT, and marketing. You can get rid of sending out unnecessary emails with irrelevant plans and maintain productivity through real-time collaboration.

Improved Planning– SAP Analytics Cloud brings ML (Machine Learning) and Predictive analytics-based features to help you build accurate plans related to expenses and costs in a quick time. Predictive features of SAC can automate the baseline expense planning by analyzing the previous data. Accuracy indicators also provide some sort of insights for financial planning. It is easy to monitor the plan in real-time using the SAP Analytics Cloud. A reliable ERP consultant can give you more insights into this futuristic benefit.

Useful Insights– SAP Analytics Cloud is a solution that has machine learning and augmented analytics functionality that can convert actionable insights into business value. Augmented Analytics plays a vital role in exploring data, discovering production cycles and trends, and identifying all possible ways to implement cost plans effectively. Managers can make an actionable plan based on these insights and monitor the team’s performance in real-time. SAC also enables you to simulate outcomes for various ranges of budget.

Real-time Decisions– SAP Analytics Cloud enables you to convert insight into action in no time. As this cloud ERP solution is based on automated technology, it enables you to make decisions that are free from any agenda or biases.

SAC has a natural language query feature that generates visualizations to answer all the questions instantly. You can also remain updated with the important trends through machine learning technology. What’s more, SAP Analytics Cloud can save your time and effort, so that you can concentrate on high-value, core activities.

Apart from these benefits, SAP Analytics Cloud offers a data modeling feature. You can have an end-to-end industry dashboard to get real-time reports and actionable insights. You can consult an ERP software developer to know more about the benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud.

Concluding Lines
Modern businesses need to predict changes and trends in advance to remain competitive. SAP Analytics Cloud can help companies to survive through the post-pandemic age and enable them for minimizing the impact of any crisis on business. It is fair to mention that challenging situations keep on coming, but you can make your enterprise ready to face them with SAP products.

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5 Reasons to move to SAC (advantages and benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud) (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.