7 Main Factors To Consider In Menu Planning (2024)

7 Main Factors To Consider In Menu Planning (1)

Planning a menu is one of the most important managerial activities. Food and beverage operations are executed by a team comprising the proprietor, the restaurant manager, and the executive chef.

In a large hotel, the General manager and the food and beverage manager will also be members of the team. There are many factors to be considered while menu planning, that would determine the success of the f&b operation.

What are the Factors to Consider while Planning a Menu

The following are the points that should be considered when menu planning:

  1. Competition
  2. The policy of the establishment
  3. Customer
  4. Operational aspect
  5. Gastronomic standpoint
  6. Nutritional aspect
  7. Government regulations

Points that Influence the Menu Planning Process in Hotel

The team should be aware of the restaurant that equals its standard of service in the area where it proposes to commence business or is already operating.

It should make an effort to find out the following from its competitors:

  1. 24 hours of operations.
  2. Cuisine offered.
  3. The variations are available.
  4. Types of customers- Business class, Family, Students, and so on.
  5. Menu pricing.
  6. The portion size of the dish.
  7. Consumers’ opinions on the menu of the competitors.
  8. Time is taken for service.
  9. The policy of the establishment.
  10. Return on investment.
  11. Operations hour.
  12. Types of operations.
  13. What to serve.
  14. Production process.
  15. Use of convenience products.
  16. Techniques of serving.
  17. Time available.
  18. The age group of consumers.
  19. The area is available.
  20. Place of consumption.
  21. Skill level of staff.
  22. Products are more.
  23. Ingredients are available.
  24. A number of covers.
  25. Ease of maintaining consistency, etc.

Read more: The 7 Different Types of Menus in Hotel

7 Main Factors To Consider In Menu Planning (2)

Dipayan Mondal

Dipayan is the author of this blog. He completed his hotel management degree from GNIHM, Kolkata. And he is very passionate about the hospitality industry. And right now, he is working as a successful hotelier in a 5-star hotel.

7 Main Factors To Consider In Menu Planning (2024)
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