7 Reasons Why You Should Use Tailwind CSS Right Now (2024)

When talking about web design and development, you'll come across various CSS frameworks, each with its unique benefits. So, what sets Tailwind CSS apart from the others? Tailwind CSS is a new tool that many people are talking about and using.

In this article, we'll explore the 7 major reasons why Tailwind CSS is becoming a favorite for many web designers and why you might want to consider it for your next project.

Tailwind CSS Benefits - Why use it?

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Tailwind CSS Right Now (1)

In short, Tailwind CSS is special because it gives you the freedom to design your website your way, using simple building blocks. See below how this happens.

1. Utility-first approach

Instead of predesigned components, Tailwind CSS provides a wide array of utility classes that can be combined to create unique designs. Have you ever played with LEGO blocks? Building a website with Tailwind CSS can be seen as using LEGOs. Instead of giving you a fixed toy, Tailwind CSS gives you lots of small pieces ("utility classes") that you can match together in any way you like. This lets you create unique and personal designs for your website.

This approach contrasts with traditional CSS frameworks which often come with pre-styled components. These can be quick and easy, but sometimes they might not look or work exactly how you want. With Tailwind, the customization process is more intuitive. You're adding styles directly to your HTML elements, making the design process clear and direct.

2. Reusability and Consistency

Once you learn the utility classes, you can easily replicate designs across different parts of your website without repeatedly writing custom CSS. This will speed up the development process and ensure a consistent look and feel across your web project.

3. Purge Unused Styles Feature

One of the important features of Tailwind CSS is its ability to automatically remove unused styles from your final CSS file. In the development phase, it's usual to experiment with different styles, which can lead to bloated CSS. Tailwind CSS's "purge" feature makes sure that only the styles actually used in your HTML make it to the final stylesheet, optimizing performance.

4. Less Custom Code

While Tailwind CSS allows for custom CSS when needed, its extensive utility class library minimize the need for it. By relying more on Tailwind's optimized classes and less on custom-written styles, you can ensure that your code remains clean and efficient.

5. Streamlined Workflow

Working with Tailwind CSS encourages a more direct approach to styling. Instead of moving between HTML files and separate CSS stylesheets, developers can apply styles right within the HTML. This makes designing quicker and simpler.

6. Works well with other tools

Tailwind CSS isn’t tied to a specific JavaScript framework. Whether you’re working with React, Vue, Angular, or just plain JavaScript, Tailwind integrates smoothly. This flexibility means you can incorporate Tailwind into various projects without worrying about compatibility issues.

7. Continuous Updates & Community Support

The Tailwind team and community are active and continuously work on improving the framework and the integration with other tools. As the web landscape evolves, so does Tailwind CSS, ensuring it remains compatible and relevant in diverse development environments.

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Tailwind CSS Right Now (2)

Final Thoughts

The tools we choose shape how we build and design on the web. Tailwind CSS offers a fresh and efficient approach, making web design more flexible and user-friendly. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, it's worth exploring what Tailwind CSS brings to the table.

If you are looking to amplify Tailwind CSS’s potential, there's Material Tailwind. By merging the principles of Material Design with the utility-first approach of Tailwind CSS, Material Tailwind offers a unique and powerful combination, streamlining the design process even further and ensuring your projects not only function seamlessly but also look impeccable. Don't forget to visit Material Tailwind if you are a fan of Tailwind CSS!

Updated on 2023-06-11

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Tailwind CSS Right Now (2024)


Why should you use Tailwind CSS? ›

Benefits of Tailwind
  • Increases development speed. This might sound silly at first, but the fact that you're coding both structure (HTML) and styling (CSS) in the same file DOES drastically increase coding speed. ...
  • Eliminates the need of naming elements. ...
  • Reduces the chances of error in styling.
Dec 19, 2023

What is one reason to use Tailwind CSS over Bootstrap? ›

Tailwind gives you more freedom to design things your way, while Bootstrap has lots of ready-to-use parts that make building websites quicker. If you really care about making your site look just right, Tailwind might be better. But if you need to get a website up fast, Bootstrap could save you a lot of time.

What problem does Tailwind CSS solve? ›

Managing duplication and creating reusable abstractions. Tailwind encourages a utility-first workflow, where designs are implemented using only low-level utility classes. This is a powerful way to avoid premature abstraction and the pain points that come with it.

How popular is Tailwind on Reddit? ›

Tailwind is popular everywhere now. It's much easier to onboard new hires than a custom css implementation. It's easy to understand and a lot of the gotchas in CSS are reduced. It also makes code more copy-pastable without needing to extract styles from somewhere else.

Why choose us Tailwind CSS? ›

Tailwind CSS revolutionizes the development process as a CSS framework by providing a unique approach to building websites. Using Tailwind CSS allows developers to apply styling directly within HTML, optimizing project workflows and eliminating the need for extensive custom CSS.

What are the cons of Tailwind? ›

The main disadvantage of Tailwind CSS is that it can be challenging to use effectively and has a steep learning curve, which may take longer to become productive. Additionally, it can lead to vendor lock-in, making it difficult to switch to another CSS framework or library.

Why we don't use Tailwind? ›

Don't use Tailwind for a design system (2021) | Hacker News. because the complexity of reading and writing all of the classes is just too much. At that point, you've just reinvented CSS classes.

Is Tailwind CSS good for big projects? ›

Tailwind CSS is incredibly performance focused and aims to produce the smallest CSS file possible by only generating the CSS you are actually using in your project. Combined with minification and network compression, this usually leads to CSS files that are less than 10kB, even for large projects.

Should I learn Bootstrap or Tailwind in 2024? ›

Both of them are being used for modern website styling. However, if you want to complete and deploy a project quickly, Bootstrap is suitable. But if you need advanced customization, a lot of CSS design flexibility, and complete control, Tailwind CSS is the best fit.

What is the danger of Tailwind? ›

Risks. The primary risk of tailwind operations is runway excursion. It may happen at take-off (especially in reduced take-off thrust scenarios), landing (especially in the late touchdown case) or rejected take-off.

What is Tailwind CSS weakness? ›

Cons of using Tailwind CSS:

And now here are the disadvantages of using Tailwind CSS: Tailwind contains large CSS files because it provides low-level CSS classes, so when styling, the files may be too large and complex to maintain over time. This also affects the performance of the website or application.

Is a Tailwind good or bad? ›

Conversely, tailwinds are bad on take-off and landing, but are good in flight.

Why do people love tailwind? ›

In short, Tailwind CSS is special because it gives you the freedom to design your website your way, using simple building blocks. See below how this happens. Instead of predesigned components, Tailwind CSS provides a wide array of utility classes that can be combined to create unique designs.

Is tailwind worth it in 2024? ›

Advantages of Tailwind CSS in 2024

Tailwind CSS offers several benefits that make it a compelling choice for developers in 2024: Responsive design: Firstly, it provides a highly customisable approach through the tailwind. config. js file, allowing developers to define colours, breakpoints, fonts, and much more.

Why should I use tailwind? ›

The use of Tailwind on your website facilitates development and responsiveness and offers a great degree of customization. You can use more than 500+ components in your Tailwind projects and UI designs. Tailwind aids in the implementation of a consistent design system (without being too restrictive).

Why is Tailwind better than vanilla CSS? ›

Tailwind provides developers with the customizability to make their own designs, which promotes a greater level of creativity as compared to the other frameworks that come with built-in UI components.

Why Tailwind is better than material UI? ›

With a lower learning curve and smaller bundle sizes, Tailwind CSS suits projects requiring a more customisable and lightweight approach. While Material UI excels in structured development with pre-designed components, Tailwind CSS caters to those who prioritise flexibility and fine-grained styling control.

Is it necessary to learn Tailwind CSS? ›

How to use Tailwind. As this subtitle suggests, you don't learn Tailwind, you just use it. A lot of developers may not want to agree with me, but it's true. Think about it: there is nothing to learn in Tailwind other than how to set it up for your project.

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