Academic Background of Walt Disney Animation Studios Animators (2024)

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Academic Background of Walt Disney Animation Studios Animators (1)

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Academic Background of Walt Disney Animation Studios Animators (2)

Where did people who work as animators at Walt Disney Animation Studios go to college?

Most Common Colleges of Walt Disney Animation Studios Animators
CollegeLocation% of Employee Degrees
California Institute of the Arts (CalArts)Santa Clarita, California11%
Sheridan College Ontario, Canada8%
Ringling College of Art and DesignSarasota, Florida4%
Academy of Art UniversitySan Francisco, California4%
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)Savannah, Georgia3%
ArtCenter College of DesignPasadena, California3%
GobelinsParis, France3%
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Los Angeles, California2%
School of Visual Arts (SVA)New York, New York2%
New York University (NYU)New York, New York2%
Gnomon - School of Visual Effects, Games & AnimationLos Angeles, California2%
University of Southern California (USC)Los Angeles, California2%
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)Columbus, Ohio1%
California State University, NorthridgeLos Angeles, California1%
Pratt InstituteNew York, New York1%
Vancouver Film School (VFS)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada1%
California State University, FullertonFullerton, California1%
Brigham Young University (BYU)Provo, Utah1%
California State University, Long BeachLong Beach, California1%
University of Central Florida (UCF)Orlando, Florida1%
Rhode Island College of Design (RISD)Providence, Rhode Island1%
Texas A&M University (TAMU)College Station, Texas1%
San Jose State UniversitySan Jose, California1%
Laguna College of Art and Design (LCAD)Laguna Beach, California1%
Syracuse UniversitySyracuse, New York1%
Columbia College ChicagoChicago, Illinois1%
Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI)Kansas City, Missouri1%
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)Rochester, New York1%
College for Creative StudiesDetroit, Michigan1%
Emily Carr University of Art + DesignVancouver, British Columbia, Canada1%
University of Technology SydneySydney, Australia1%
Full Sail UniversityWinter Park, Florida1%
Otis College of Art and DesignLos Angeles, California1%

We analyzed the academic backgrounds of over 1500 current and former Walt Disney Animation Studios employees who worked as animators, or in animation related jobs, at Walt Disney Animation Studios. The percentages of the schools and colleges listed above represent the amount of current and formerWalt Disney Animation Studios animators that have a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree from that institution. We listed only those schools and colleges above 1% in our analysis. In total, the 33 schools listed above represent 61% of the degrees we considered.


  • For the purposes of our analysis, we only listed above the colleges offering animation related degrees.
  • Many current and ex-Walt Disney Animation Studiosemployees have academic backgrounds that include unfinished degrees, associate degrees, diplomas, certificate programs, and other continuing training programs. While these are all relevant and important educational experiences, we excluded them from our analysis in an effort to focus on degree granting programs.
  • Non-degree granting animation career training programs offered byAnimation Mentor,The Animation Collaborative,Animsquad,iAnimate, andAnimSchool are not included in our analysis but it is worth noting these programs are enormously popular among current and former Walt Disney animators. These programs are often utilized by working, professional animators to enhance their skill set in specific areas.
  • While most professional animators have a formal college degree in animation, there are some professional animators who studied a major other than animation in college. These people are included in our analysis.
  • This data is not meant to indicate nor suggest that Walt Disney Animation Studiosactively recruits from any of these schools or colleges. It only conveys from which schools and colleges current and former Walt Disney Animation Studiosanimators earned their degrees.
  • This analysis is as of July, 2022.
Academic Background of Walt Disney Animation Studios Animators (2024)
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