Accounting Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare (2024)

Accounting Personal Statement Advice

A personal statement is the final piece of the puzzle for your UCAS application. All universities require you to write a personal statement detailing your passion and interest for the course you're looking to study.An Accounting personal statement is designed to show course tutors why you would be suitable for their course. Your personal statement should be an in-depth look at the most important person on the! With an Accounting and Finance personal statement, universities should see your love of the subject, your interest in the field and what makes you tick.When writing an Accounting and Finance personal statement, you should look at some previous Accounting personal statement examples to understand the tone for what you need to include in your own statement.No one is expecting War and Peace and no one is expecting the prose of Ernest Hemingway or the wit of Oscar Wilde, all a university wants to see is an honest and passionate representation of you.Sometimes in the case of an Accounting personal statement, less is more. Whatever you're going to be talking about or whatever experiences you have had that relate to the course, should be backed up with evidence.Talk about your love of finance.Have you done any work experience in this area?What prompted you to take up an interest in Accounting?It’s also important to make sure that any information you include is relevant. A story about how you scored the winning goal in your football team’s cup final isn’t really relevant in an Accounting degree, but if you speak about how it taught you the importance of discipline and hardwork, then you might just arouse some curiosity.

Accounting Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare (2024)
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