Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)

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This is a list of all Ayutthaya's events [1]:


  • 1 Boromo Trailokanat's Reforms
  • 2 Maha Chakkrap'at's Army Reforms
  • 3 Prasat T'ang's Economic Reforms
  • 4 King Ekit'at's Incompetence
  • 5 The Foundation of the Modern Thai State
  • 6 Wat Chaiwatthanaram
  • 7 Phrabat Somdet Phra Chairachathirat
  • 8 The Buddha Footprint
  • 9 Constantine Phaulkon
  • 10 Wat Ratchaburana
  • 11 Suriyothai
  • 12 Footnotes


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2)Boromo Trailokanat's Reforms

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (3)

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King Boromo Trailokanat has proposed various reforms in order to streamline the government of the state. While many of these proposals make great sense, they will also be expensive and may cause unrest. What shall we do?

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya

The year is before 1500

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (5)

Go with the reforms

  • Gain 50 Military Power
  • Gain 50 Administrative Power
  • Gain 50 Diplomatic Power
  • Lose 2.00 inflation

If the country has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms

  • then the country gains 15 government reform progress

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (11)

Ignore the reform ideas

If the country has a stability of less than +3,
  • then it gains 1 stability,
  • else it gains 50 administrative power.


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (14)Maha Chakkrap'at's Army Reforms

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (15)

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King Maha Chakkrap'at has proposed various reforms for our military forces, including the training of a full-time professional elephant brigade. While many of these proposals make great sense, they will also be expensive and may cause unrest. What shall we do?

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya

The year is between 1500 and 1600

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (17)

Go with the reforms

Gain 300 Military Power

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (19)

Ignore the reform ideas

If the country has a stability of less than +3,
  • then it gains 1 stability,
  • else it gains 50 administrative power.


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (22)Prasat T'ang's Economic Reforms

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (23)

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King Prasat T'ang has proposed various reforms concerning trade and the economic well-being of our kingdom. While many of these proposals make great sense, they will also be expensive and may cause unrest. What shall we do?

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya

The year is between 1600 and 1700

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (25)

Go with the reforms

  • Lose 1 stability
  • Gain 2 Mercantilism
  • Lose 5.00 inflation
  • Gain 1 base tax in 3 random owned core provinces

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (30)

Ignore the reform ideas

If the country has a stability of less than +3,
  • then it gains 1 stability,
  • else it gains 50 administrative power.


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (33)King Ekit'at's Incompetence

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (34)

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King Ekit'at is an utter fool who is a disaster as king of this land. He ignores the duties of government, preferring to spend his days in endless parties and bouts of drinking and debauchery. Meanwhile, the kingdom is falling to part, and our neighbors eagerly circle like vultures moving in on their prey. Unfortunately, the king refuses all advice to take a more active role in the government, thus causing the nation to slide further into chaos.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya
  • One of the following must be true:
  • Ruler has lower Diplomatic Skill than 2
  • Ruler has lower Military Skill than 2
  • Ruler has lower Administrative Skill than 2
  • Ruler has lower Diplomatic Skill than 4
  • Ruler has lower Military Skill than 4
  • Ruler has lower Administrative Skill than 4
  • Is not in a regency

The year is between 1700 and 1800

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (42)

Why are we stuck with such a fool?

  • Lose 2 stability
  • Lose 200 Administrative Power


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (45)The Foundation of the Modern Thai State

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (46)

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The chaos of King Ekit'at's reign is now behind us, and the new king, Phya Taksin, has placed the nation on a new course. He wishes to refound the state by moving its capital a few miles to Bangkok and undertaking a thorough administrative reform. Should we follow his wishes?

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya

The year is between 1750 and 1800

Mean time to happen

2000 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (48)

It is the beginning of a new era!

If the country has a stability of less than +3,
  • then it gains 1 stability,
  • else it gains 50 administrative power.

Gain 1 base tax in 3 random owned core provinces


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (52)Wat Chaiwatthanaram

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (53)

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The king Prasat Thong constructed the first temple of his reign in 1630, the Wat Chaiwatthanaram, as a memorial of his mother. The temple's name means 'Temple of long reign and glorious era' and it was designed in Khmer style. Religious ceremonies and the cremation of princes and princess were held there. One hundred and twenty sitting Buddha statues, painted and black and gold, adorn the wall. Eight chedi-shaped chapels surrounds the central platform, the exterior walls decorated by 12 reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Buddha and painted inside., which must be 'read' clockwise. In each of the rectangular chedis are two sitting Buddha statues and in each of the four middle chedis is one big sitting Buddha statue, also lacquered in black and gold. The ceiling over those statues is of wood with golden stars on black lacquer.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya
  • Is not in a regency
  • One of the following must be true:
  • Ruler has Diplomatic Skill of at least 4
  • Ruler has Military Skill of at least 4
  • Ruler has Administrative Skill of at least 4
  • Do NOT have the ruler modifier Wat Ratchaburana

The year is between 1625 and 1675

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (58)

Help fund the restoration of the temple

  • Lose 0.2 years of income
  • Ayutthaya gets 'Wat Chaiwatthanaram' until the death of the current monarch, giving the following effects:
  • -1.00 national unrest
  • +1.0% missionary strength

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (62)

Send help

  • Lose 20 Administrative Power
  • Gain 10 prestige


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (65)Phrabat Somdet Phra Chairachathirat

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (66)

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Our reign has been compared to that of Phrabat Somdet Phra Chairachathirat, who reigned between 1534–1546 as King of the Ayutthaya kingdom of Siam. An influx of Portuguese traders, mercenaries and warfare technology happened during his reign.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya
  • Has trade efficiency over 50.0%
  • Is not in a regency
  • One of the following must be true:
  • Ruler has Diplomatic Skill of at least 4
  • Ruler has Administrative Skill of at least 4

The year is at least 1600

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (70)


Gain 2 Mercantilism


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (72)The Buddha Footprint

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (73)

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A puddle of water resembling a large footprint was found by a hunter, and it was declared a footprint of Buddha. Buddhist legend holds that during his lifetime the Buddha flew and left his footprints in all lands where his teachings would be acknowledged. As the mark has been acknowledged as a footprint of Buddha, voices have been raised in support of building a temple around it.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya
  • Is not in a regency

The year is between 1600 and 1700

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (75)

Fund the temple

  • Lose 0.2 years of income
  • Ayutthaya gets 'The Buddha Footprint' until the death of the current ruler, giving the following effects:
  • -1.00 national unrest
  • +1.0% missionary strength

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (79)

It's just a natural phenomenon

Lose 1 prestige


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (81)Constantine Phaulkon

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (82)

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The Greek adventurer and merchant Constantine Phaulkon, who became first counselor to King Narai of Ayutthaya, came to Siam in 1675 after working for England's East India Company. He worked at the court of King Narai as a translator as he was fluent in Thai, English, French, Portuguese, and Malay. Not long after, Phaulkon became a counselor of the king. Phaulkon rose to become highly influential at the Siamese court of king Narai. The French called Phaukon 'Monsieur Constance' as he had engineered a Franco-Siamese rapprochement leading to the exchange of numerous embassies between France and Siam, as well as the dispatch of an expeditionary force by the French in 1687.
Thai members of the royal court envied Phaulkon's closeness to the king and that became his undoing. Pra Phetracha, the foster brother of Narai, used rumors about Phaulkon wanting to use Phra Pui, the heir to the throne, as a puppet and become ruler himself, to stage a coup d'état, the 1688 Siamese revolution. Phaulkon, his followers and the royal heir were executed on June 5, 1688 in Lopburi. King Narai died several days later, and Phetracha proclaimed himself the new king of Siam.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions
  • DLC Leviathan is active
  • At least one of:
    • Is Ayutthaya and the year is between 1675 and 1700
    • Country flag can_have_phaulkon_flag is set
Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (85)

This man is vital to our empire!

  • Increase variable siam_openness by 1
  • Gain the discounted Greek orthodox skill 3 Philosopher 'Constantine Phaulkos' (95% cheaper to employ)

If this country is the Emperor of China,

  • then it gains 5 meritocracy.

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (88)

Ignore him

  • Gain 10 legitimacy
  • Increase variable siam_reactionism by 1


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (90)Wat Ratchaburana

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (91)

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King Boromma Trailokanat of Ayutthaya moved the capital of his empire in 1463 to Phitsanulok. He ordered the restoration of old temples and the establishment of new ones. The king ordered the construction of the Wat Ratchaburana temple, with a chedi said to enshrine relics of the Buddha. There is no access to the chedi's spire and the roof of Wat Ratchaburana is very unusual. Its walls are decorated with artistic frescoes and an old bell tower, called Hor Rakhang, stands beside the monastery.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Ayutthaya
  • Is not in a regency
  • One of the following must be true:
  • Ruler has Diplomatic Skill of at least 4
  • Ruler has Military Skill of at least 4
  • Ruler has Administrative Skill of at least 4
  • Do NOT have the ruler modifier Wat Chaiwatthanaram

The year is between 1625 and 1675

Mean time to happen

200 Months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (96)

Sponsor the temple

  • Lose 0.2 years of income.
  • Ayutthaya gets 'Wat Ratchaburana' until the death of the current monarch, giving the following effects:
  • -1.00 national unrest
  • +1.0% missionary strength

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (100)

Send help

  • Lose 20 Administrative Power
  • Gain 10 prestige


Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (103)Suriyothai

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (104)

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The loss is too great for the heart, we fear it might break in two and never be whole again! Our dear Queen Suriyothai has died, sacrificing herself to save our $MONARCHTITLE$. She rode beside him on a small war elephant together with their daughter, Princess Boromdhilok, both dressed in armor and helmets. [Root.Monarch.GetName] was mounted on his chief war elephant when the enemy attacked. His elephant panicked and charged away from the enemy commander who gave chase, but Suriyothai charged ahead and blocked his pursuit. The commander attacked her with his spear, fatally cleaving her from shoulder to heart, and also wounded Princess Boromdhilok. Both died on the elephant and it was not until their helmets fell off and exposed their long hair that the enemy commander realized that he had fought a woman. The enemy was driven back, the bodies of Princess Boromdhilok and Queen Suriyothai brought to Ayutthaya to be buried and mourned there.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions
  • Is Ayutthaya.
  • Has a male ruler without a regency.
  • Has a truce or is at war.

The year is between 1500 and 1550.

Mean time to happen

200 months

Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (107)

We will mourn them but also celebrate Suriyothai for her bravery.

Gain the “Suriyothai” country modifier for 20 years, giving:

  • +0.5 yearly prestige.

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. from /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorAYU.txt)

Retrieved from ""


  • Potentially outdated
  • 1.31
  • Events

Hidden category:

  • Articles with potentially outdated infoboxes
Ayutthayan events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)


How to trigger the siamese revolution in EU4? ›

1) Be allied to a western country in East Indies or have 100+ opinion with a western country. This will trigger the disaster, you can complete the mission and then the next one and you finally form Siam. Hurray! 2) Have no western country in East Indies and the year is 1650.

Are the temples worth it in Europa Universalis 4? ›

They are always worth it. They not only increase your monthly profit but they also increase the trade node by creating more production.

Can you conquer the world in Europa Universalis 4? ›

Is it possible to conquer the whole world on Europa Universalis IV? - Quora. Yes, this is known as a World Conquest (WC) and is the goal of the achievement World Conqueror, and the game's hardest achievement The Three Mountains; conquer the entire world as Ryukyu.

Who can form Siam EU4? ›

+5% Discipline

Siam is a formable nation that can be formed by any nation is in the Siamese culture group. Leviathan DLC is enabled, however, this takes exceptionally long - deep into the 1600s - as it requires development of 500 and absolutism of 75.

How do you become disloyal in eu4? ›

'disloyal'. Nations who are historical rivals will have a base liberty desire of 50% and as such make poor vassals since to diplo-annex them there needs to be less than 50% liberty desire. Disloyal vassals may: Refuse to send troops to a war waged by the liege.

How to crush Revolution EU4? ›

The Center of Revolution can be destroyed either by the owner of its province winning the Revolution Disaster on the side of the Reactionists, or by the owner of its province losing a war and being forced to accept the "Dismantle the Revolution" peace term.

What is the richest area in EU4? ›

English Trade Node is the best without question since you can funnel everything into it. But if we're talking the richest regions to prioritise getting a slice of the pie, they'd be the Coromandel + Bengal in India, Indonesia and South + East China.

Is Crusader Kings easier than Europa Universalis? ›

They're very different. It really depends on what era you're into and what type of mechanics you enjoy. CK3 takes place in the middle ages and is the easiest Paradox game to learn and play, so it's good for beginners.

Is Europa Universalis 4 better than Crusader Kings 2? ›

Both are great games. CK2 is harder to get into and focuses more on roleplay while EU4 is more focused on war and conquering the world. Eu4 is overall more popular but the forum is more negative towards it as the last 2-3 DLCs havent been all that great. What you should buy depends on what you like.

What is the hardest nation to play EU4? ›

The nation of Hisn Kayfa can make for quite a challenge due to its rather unappealing starting position. Being bordered by the larger Aq Qoyunlu to the west and Qara Qoyunlu to the east means both nations may attempt to dominate the rather small Hisn Kayfa should it pose a threat.

Can you go past 1821 in EU4? ›

as one of over 500 different nations. These nations range alphabetically from Aachen to Zuni. The game is a sandbox environment; while there is no strict rule on winning the game, the game of the player is over when the player's nation is removed, or annexed, from the map or the date reaches the year 1821.

What is the strongest AI nation in EU4? ›

For the A.I the ottoman empire is the strongest nation in the game and the hardest to deal with for other A.I nations.

Can you form USA in eu4? ›

As you try to spawn Colonialism institution in your country, you will eventually need to colonize California and Cascadia. In a full colonial game these Eastern Nations can form United States as well given that no other Europeans colonize East Coast.

Can you form Mexico eu4? ›

Mexico is a North American country available in campaigns which start after 16 September 1810. It also can be formed.

Can you form the Netherlands as Burgundy eu4? ›

Formation[edit | edit source] Forming the Netherlands as a member of the Holy Roman Empire will cause it to leave the empire, unless it is an elector or the Emperor. Forming as Burgundy will additionally cede French land to France, if it exists.

What is the command to trigger events in eu4? ›

Events can be used in the console (Default is the ` key) with typing event [eventID]. There are three types of events: single-usage, multi-usage, and provincial usage.

How to discover Renaissance eu4? ›

The Renaissance can appear from 1450 in a province that:
  1. is in Italy (region) except Malta (126)
  2. is in a state.
  3. is not an island.
  4. is a capital or has at least 20 development - if the year is before 1475 and the game is being played with normal or historical nations.
Feb 21, 2024

How to colonize early eu4? ›

In order to colonize a nation must have:
  1. a colonist (from national ideas, idea groups, a Parliamentary issue, or a religious reform) A special case is Russia with the. ...
  2. an empty province to colonize (either adjacent to a core province, or within colonial range of a port)

How to turn on ironman in eu4? ›

When beginning a new game, the player is given the option to play in Normal or Ironman mode from a pop-up box. If Ironman is selected, the box will also say whether it is possible to unlock achievements.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.