Biomedical Engineer Demographics and Statistics [2024]: Number Of Biomedical Engineers In The US (2024)

Biomedical engineer demographics research summary. Zippia estimates biomedical engineer demographics and statistics in the United States by using a database of 30 million profiles. Our biomedical engineer estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. Zippia's data science team found the following key facts about biomedical engineers after extensive research and analysis:

  • There are over 11,647 biomedical engineers currently employed in the United States.
  • 25.0% of all biomedical engineers are women, while 75.0% are men.
  • The average biomedical engineer age is 37 years old.
  • The most common ethnicity of biomedical engineers is White (58.3%), followed by Asian (20.1%), Hispanic or Latino (10.3%) and Black or African American (5.6%).
  • In 2022, women earned 100% of what men earned.
  • 13% of all biomedical engineers are LGBT.
  • Biomedical engineers are 56% more likely to work at private companies in comparison to public companies.

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Biomedical Engineer demographics by:

Biomedical Engineer gender statistics

25.0% of biomedical engineers are women and 75.0% of biomedical engineers are men.

  • Male, 75.0%
  • Female, 25.0%

Biomedical Engineer gender ratio


Biomedical Engineer gender pay gap

Women earn $1.00 for every $1 earned by men

Biomedical Engineer Demographics and Statistics [2024]: Number Of Biomedical Engineers In The US (1)Biomedical Engineer Demographics and Statistics [2024]: Number Of Biomedical Engineers In The US (2)

Male Income


Biomedical Engineer Demographics and Statistics [2024]: Number Of Biomedical Engineers In The US (3)Biomedical Engineer Demographics and Statistics [2024]: Number Of Biomedical Engineers In The US (4)

Female Income


Biomedical Engineer gender ratio over time

This data breaks down the percentage of men and women in biomedical engineer positions over time. Currently, 25.0% of biomedical engineers are female.


























Biomedical Engineer gender ratio by year


Biomedical Engineer related jobs gender ratio

We compared biomedical engineers with similar job titles to see how gender ratios vary. As you can see, senior electronics design engineer and refrigeration engineer have the biggest gender ratio gaps.

Job TitleMaleFemale
Domestic Engineer11%89%
Biomedical Engineer75%25%
Machine Tool Designer99%1%
Refrigeration Engineer99%1%
Senior Electronics Design Engineer99%1%

Biomedical Engineer demographics by race

The most common ethnicity among biomedical engineers is White, which makes up 58.3% of all biomedical engineers. Comparatively, 20.1% of biomedical engineers are Asian and 10.3% of biomedical engineers are Hispanic or Latino.

  • White, 58.3%
  • Asian, 20.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino, 10.3%
  • Black or African American, 5.6%
  • Unknown, 4.9%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.8%

Biomedical Engineer Race

Biomedical Engineer RacePercentages
Hispanic or Latino10.3%
Black or African American5.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native0.8%

Biomedical Engineer race and ethnicity over time

See how biomedical engineer racial and ethnic diversity trended since 2010 according to the United States Census Bureau data.

  • White
  • Asian
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Black or African American

Biomedical Engineer race and ethnicity by year

YearWhiteBlack or African AmericanAsianHispanic or Latino

Biomedical Engineer wage gap by race

Unknown biomedical engineers have the highest average salary compared to other ethnicities. Black or african american biomedical engineers have the lowest average salary at $67,440.









Black or African American


Hispanic or Latino

Black or African American$67,440
Hispanic or Latino$77,821

Biomedical Engineer age breakdown

The average age of biomedical engineers is 30-40 years years old, representing 34% of the biomedical engineer population.

40+ years

30-40 years

20-30 years

Biomedical Engineer age breakdown

Biomedical Engineer YearsPercentages
40+ years32%
30-40 years34%
20-30 years34%

Biomedical Engineer educational attainment

The most common degree for biomedical engineers is bachelor's degree, with 65% of biomedical engineers earning that degree. The second and third most common degree levels are master's degree degree at 16% and master's degree degree at 12%.

  • Bachelor's, 65%
  • Master's, 16%
  • Associate, 12%
  • Doctorate, 3%
  • Other Degrees, 4%

Biomedical Engineers by degree level

Biomedical Engineer DegreePercentages
Other Degrees4%

Biomedical Engineer Jobs You Might Like

Biomedical Engineer employment statistics

Most biomedical engineers work for a private in the health care industry.

Company size where biomedical engineers work

Below, you can see the size of companies where biomedical engineers work.

< 50 employees

50 - 100 employees

100 - 500 employees

500 - 1,000 employees

1,000 - 10,000 employees

> 10,000

Biomedical Engineer jobs by employer size

Company SizePercentages
< 50 employees8%
50 - 100 employees11%
100 - 500 employees23%
500 - 1,000 employees8%
1,000 - 10,000 employees25%
> 10,000 employees25%

Biomedical Engineer jobs by company type

Employees with the biomedical engineer job title have their preferences when it comes to working for a company. For instance, most biomedical engineers prefer to work at private companies over public companies.





Biomedical Engineer jobs by sector

Company TypePercentages

Biomedical Engineer jobs by industry

The most common industries for biomedical engineers are health care, education and professional.

Health Care



Fortune 500


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Biomedical Engineer turnover and employment statistics

Biomedical Engineer unemployment rate over time

The unemployment rate for biomedical engineers between 2008 and the most recent data has varied, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  • Unemployment rate

Biomedical Engineer unemployment rate by year

YearBiomedical Engineer Unemployment Rate

Average biomedical engineer tenure

The average biomedical engineer stays at their job for 1-2 years, based on the 1,527 biomedical engineers resumes in Zippia's database.

Less than one year

1-2 years

3-4 years

5-7 years

8-10 years

11+ years

Biomedical Engineer tenure statistics

Number of yearsPercentages
Less than 1 year29%
1-2 years31%
3-4 years13%
5-7 years14%
8-10 years6%
11+ years7%

Biomedical Engineer LGBT ratio compared to similar jobs

Review the percent of biomedical engineers that are members of the LGBT community. You can see how this compares to similar jobs in the chart below.

Job TitleLGBTJob Openings
Registered Safety Engineer3.67%14,619
Nuclear Fuels Reclamation Engineer5.25%3,408
Device Engineer6.39%42,316
Flight Analyst7.54%12,246
Refinery Process Engineer8.92%24,593
Materials Process Engineer10.43%79,795
Biomedical Engineer13.07%-

Similar biomedical engineer jobs LGBT demographics

ProfessionPercentages of LGBT Job Openings
Registered Safety Engineer3.67%14,619
Nuclear Fuels Reclamation Engineer5.25%3,408
Device Engineer6.39%42,316
Flight Analyst7.54%12,246
Refinery Process Engineer8.92%24,593
Materials Process Engineer10.43%79,795

Foreign languages spoken by biomedical engineers

The most common foreign language among biomedical engineers is Spanish at 36.8%. The second-most popular foreign language spoken is French at 13.8% and Arabic is the third-most popular at 8.0%.

  • Spanish, 36.8%
  • French, 13.8%
  • Arabic, 8.0%
  • German, 4.6%
  • Hindi, 4.6%
  • Other, 32.2%

Biomedical Engineer languages spoken

Foreign LanguagePercentages

Biomedical Engineer Jobs

Biomedical Engineer Demographics and Statistics [2024]: Number Of Biomedical Engineers In The US (2024)


How many biomedical engineers are in the US? ›

Employers. There are approximately 19,800 biomedical engineers working in the United States. About 16 percent are employed in scientific research and development, and 19 percent work in medical equipment and supplies manufacturing.

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12.5% of all professional engineers are women, while 87.5% are men. The average professional engineer age is 40 years old. The most common ethnicity of professional engineers is White (66.8%), followed by Asian (12.6%), Hispanic or Latino (11.7%) and Unknown (4.7%). In 2022, women earned 97% of what men earned.

What are the statistics of biomedical engineers? ›

25.0% of all biomedical engineers are women, while 75.0% are men. The average biomedical engineer age is 37 years old. The most common ethnicity of biomedical engineers is White (58.3%), followed by Asian (20.1%), Hispanic or Latino (10.3%) and Black or African American (5.6%).

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The engineering job market is poised for a significant upswing in 2024. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of engineers is projected to grow by 4.0 percent, adding about 65,000 new jobs.

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Biomedical engineering courses in USA are a 1.5 to 4-year STEM degree in healthcare and medicine (depending on the degree level of the program). This program primarily focuses on engineering, biology, and applied engineering.

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If you're like me, you've often wondered how many people with engineering degrees have become professional engineers (PEs). As of 2022, there are 931,640 PE licenses in the United States, with 494,542 licensees and 437,098 non-resident licenses, indicating multi-state licensed engineers.

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In 2018, 18% of women self-reported working in an engineering or technical department, versus 35% of men. However, in 2022 the percentage of women decreased to 16% and the percentage of men increased to 40%.

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of May 2020, there were about 1.1 million physicians and surgeons employed in the US, which represents about 0.3% of the total US population. Meanwhile, there were about 1.8 million individuals employed as engineers, representing about 0.5% of the US population.

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The workforce of Civil engineers in 2021 was 409,180 people, with 16.6% woman, and 83.4% men. The average age of male Civil engineers in the workforce is 42.8 and of female Civil engineers is 36.7, and the most common race/ethnicity for Civil engineers is White.

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Statistical thinking is crucial for studies in medical and biomedical areas.

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A key aspect of biomedical engineering is its interdisciplinary nature; introductory courses in mathematics, statistics, biology, chemistry, and physics, together with technical electives in natural sciences and engineering build the basis for creating the synergy among these disciplines that is required in the ...

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Bioengineers and biomedical engineers are expected to see employment growth as demand for biomedical devices and procedures, such as hip and knee replacements, continues to increase.

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Job Outlook

Employment of bioengineers and biomedical engineers is projected to grow 5 percent from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations.

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Another thing about BMEs is that we're kind of considered a “jack of all trades”. While this can be both a pro and a con, I consider it as more of a benefit because it allows me to participate in multiple conversations and projects at least on a surface level.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.