City University of Seattle Library: Business & Management: SWOT and PESTLE Analyses (2024)

Can I locate ready-made PESTLE analyses in the databases or online?

You will occasionally find a ready-made PESTLE within the databases or online. However, most online PESTLEs are conducted by other students or within a context that does not apply to your current environment. Ultimately, online PESTLEs willnot have been writtenwithin the same context in which you are conducting your own assessment.It is your job as strategists to pull the component parts of a PESTLE analysis frommultiple data sources and compile them yourself.

Can I use Chat GPT or other AI to write a PESTLE for me?


AI chat bots, like Chat GPT, can only generate answers based on the data it has been trained on, which includes inaccurate or dated information like that found in low-quality, online PESTLEs.ChatGPTdoes nothave the ability to fact-check or verify the accuracy of the information it generates. As such, it often generates false or dated information. It also regularly makes up citations or references that do no exist.ChatGPT is just replicating patterns, so it may not be able to understand complex topics, questions that require critical thinking, or the process of attribution. The context in which you are conducting your PESTLE is important, and AI will not be able to understand that context or the content of your previous assessment work to date.

How can I use AI (like Chat GPT) to help me write a PESTLE?

If you would like to utilize AI to help you with your PESTLEanalysis, consider having it generate a format or template you can replicate andfill it with your own research and analysis. You can also use it to brainstorm different categories to consider researching for your PESTLE. Here are some example prompts:

  • What typeof information is found in a PESTLE analysis?
  • Where can I locate information to include in a PESTLE analysis?
  • In a PESTLE, what are some factors related to environment (or other factor)?
  • What are some environmental (or other) factors that may impact [your industry]? Etc.

AI is great tool for brainstorming ideas or providing boiler plate information that you can use as a jumping off point to conduct your own research. Do NOT use AI to generate research for you but, instead, use it as a way to generate ideas that can kick start the research process.

Remember: AI is NOT good and mimicking scholarly output, critical thinking, or analysis. When using AI, approach it as a means to enhance your understanding or learning, not replace it.As with all academic work, the ideas and contributions of others (including generative AI tools) must be acknowledged and provided with proper attribution. Work that is presented as original must be, in fact, original by the learner. The use of generative AI tools, such as Bard or ChatGPT, when completing coursework without proper attribution is a form of academic dishonesty and violates the university’s Academic Integrity policy. To learn more about how to cite AI, please see:

City University of Seattle Library: Business & Management: SWOT and PESTLE Analyses (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.