Defining a Project Team: What are Different Team Roles in a Typical Work Project?| The Beautiful Blog (2024)

All successful companies set goals, but how do those goals get accomplished? Who is responsible for improving processes or finding solutions to new problems? Organizations create project teams to focus on these and other objectives. Like any other team, project team members work together to accomplish their goals, a process made more efficient when everyone serves a specific role.

By defining project roles, managers are more likely to delegate tasks, creating accountability for team members. By identifying project roles, teams gain an understanding of who is responsible for what tasks, knowledge that empowers them to make decisions and master their duties.

Project teams benefit from defined project roles in a variety of ways, including:

  • Assigning specific project roles allows managers to more easily delegate responsibilities.
  • Specific project roles give team members ownership over their portion of a larger project, which boosts accountability and responsibility.
  • Defined project roles give a project structure, which allows for better collaboration and problem-solving.
  • By defining project roles, managers are empowered to plan more effective budgets for their projects since each team member can account for the costs of their specific responsibilities.
  • When project roles are defined, managers are better able to assess the performance of their team members.
  • Teams with assigned roles more readily meet deadlines since each team member holds a thorough understanding of their assigned tasks.

Once a project team’s roles are defined, they can be communicated with an organizational chart like the one created using’s Smart Slide template. It’s easy to present a project team’s organization with the PowerPoint-alternative software. Just start adding names and watch as artificial intelligence creates a perfectly designed infographic.

Unsure what roles to assign in your project team to achieve the best results? While every company, project and team is different, the following project team roles are typical to many organizations:

Project manager

An essential component of any project team, the project manager leads the other team members and organizes the overall mission. Project managers typically create and organize the team, assigning the other project roles. Other responsibilities of the project manager include creating schedules and deadlines, organizing and managing a budget for the project, delegating tasks and providing updates to company stakeholders.

Project sponsor

In larger organizations, a project sponsor represents a more senior member of the company, often a representative of upper management, who oversees the project from a high level. While this person will not be involved with the day-to-day management of a project, they will help create goals, address obstacles and sign off on major project components.

Business analyst

Also known as a resource manager, a business analyst ensures project teams have the technology, tools and resources needed to work efficiently. When a project team encounters a problem, a business analyst provides the resources needed to find a solution. Resource managers and business analysts ensure team members have the necessary tools to fulfill their roles, and they analyze a teams’ resources to ensure they are meeting defined objectives.

Team leaders

Large projects often will include multiple team leaders who report directly to the project manager. A project team will be divided into committees assigned to various functions, and each committee will report to a team leader. Team leaders head their committees by initiating action and modeling positive performance, while they take charge in decision-making collaborations. While they don’t typically manage team members, team leaders often act as coaches, helping their teams maximize their potential.


In the modern workplace, technology is essential to success, but who will oversee the nuts and bolts of the operation? Every project team needs team members assigned to support the technical aspects of the project, although those exact roles can vary. These include IT personnel, software developers, database managers and engineers, depending on the specific project and business sector. These important project support members can hold a variety of technical roles, which can be assigned by the project manager.

Subject matter experts

To promote project efficiency, project managers might assign specific topics to team members, who become subject matter experts in the area. While SME is not the team member’s primary role, they are available to offer specialist input as needed and might be called upon to aid in making decisions related to their area of expertise.

Project team members

Every project team is composed of members who are assigned duties within the sphere of the project. A project member might be assigned a single duty, or they could be awarded multiple assignments and committees. Project team member roles include contributing to overall project objectives, serving on committees, offering expertise when requested and collaborating with the overall team to meet business needs.

Steering committee

Larger projects might utilize a steering committee that represents various project stakeholders and offers input for strategic decisions. Often comprised of executive leadership and senior-level stakeholders, a steering committee might be assigned to a specific project, or it might be formed to confer on a broader strategy that encompasses the project.

Defining a Project Team: What are Different Team Roles in a Typical Work Project?| The Beautiful Blog (2024)


Defining a Project Team: What are Different Team Roles in a Typical Work Project?| The Beautiful Blog? ›

5 key project team roles and responsibilities. Every project has different requirements, so team structure can vary. But the five major roles in a project team are project sponsor, project manager, business analyst, resource manager, and project team member.

How do you define a project team? ›

What is a project team? The project team is the group of people responsible for executing the tasks and producing deliverables outlined in the project plan and schedule, as directed by the project manager, at whatever level of effort or participation defined for them.

What are the different roles in a team describe? ›

The nine Belbin Team Roles are: Resource Investigator, Teamworker and Co-ordinator (the Social roles); Plant, Monitor Evaluator and Specialist (the Thinking roles), and Shaper, Implementer and Completer Finisher (the Action or Task roles).

What are the roles and responsibilities in a project? ›

A successful project requires the project team to participate (at some level) in the planning process, buy-in to the project plan, and be responsible for completion of assignments. It is important to have a defined formal structure for the project and for the project team.

What are the five roles of a team? ›

Together with your team: On a piece of paper, draw a circle split into five segments with one of the Team Roles (leader, challenger, doer, thinker, supporter) represented in each segment.

What are the 5 key roles as a project manager? ›

"Project Managers play the lead role in planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing projects.

What are the three main types of roles within a team? ›

Dr Meredith Belbin identified nine "team roles" that different people assume in a typical team. These roles are grouped together in three categories: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented.

What are the four main team roles? ›

Regardless of the industry-specific knowledge and skills necessary on a given team, there are four major roles a person can play: Champion, Creator, Facilitator, or Implementer.

What are the team roles in teams? ›

There are three roles to choose from: co-organizer, presenter, and attendee. Co-organizers and presenters share most organizer permissions, while attendees are more controlled. *People in presenter roles who are not signed in can't see or admit others from the lobby on Teams web and desktop.

What are the different types of team in project management? ›

4 Types of Project Teams
  • Cross-Functional Teams. A cross-functional team comprises of individuals from different departments who are brought together to solve a particular problem in a set timeframe. ...
  • Matrix Teams. ...
  • Contract Teams. ...
  • Virtual Teams.
Oct 2, 2017

What is an example of a project team? ›

A project team is the group of people who are responsible for implementing the tasks defined in the project scope, under the guidance of the project manager. For example, if you're building a software product, then everyone involved in that specific product could be arranged as a project team.

What are the four types of project management roles? ›

Pooling the knowledge gained from the hundreds of organizations we've worked with, here are the four most important strategic project management roles and responsibilities:
  • (Executive) Project Sponsor. ...
  • Strategy Manager. ...
  • Project Manager. ...
  • Project Team. ...
  • Summary.
Jan 24, 2024

How do you structure a team for a project? ›

Here are some essential steps to structure your project team:
  1. Recruit for skills. The success of the project largely depends on the team's skill sets, so it's imperative to select committed and dedicated members. ...
  2. Get the role composition right. ...
  3. Tailor your approach.
Feb 23, 2023

How do you answer roles and responsibilities in a project? ›

Explain Your Role Clearly and Talk Tangible Outcomes

It is okay to say “we” if you've managed a team, but make sure that you make your contribution to the project clear. What role did you play in its success? That's what you need to emphasize. Also, make sure you mention the tangible result of the project.

How to choose a project team? ›

Keep These Things in Mind During Project Team Selection
  1. Select teammates with the proper skills and knowledge.
  2. Be sure to adequately engage management and/or have management part of the team.
  3. Be sure that you have the appropriate support and guidance for your project from leadership.

What are the four main roles in a project team? ›

Every project has different requirements, so team structure can vary. But the five major roles in a project team are project sponsor, project manager, business analyst, resource manager, and project team member.

What are the 5 stages of a project team? ›

The stages a team generally goes through are: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. As a project manager, a good understanding of these stages will help you guide a team from infancy to maturity.

How do you structure a project team? ›

6 tips for leading an effective project team
  1. 1 - Create a cohesive and complementary team. ...
  2. 2 - Define and communicate in a clear direction. ...
  3. 3 - Establish a functional structure. ...
  4. 4 - Provide contextual support to the team. ...
  5. 5 - Having an experienced team coach. ...
  6. 6 - Invest in team diversity.
Jun 4, 2021

What is a project team example? ›

A project team is the group of people who are responsible for implementing the tasks defined in the project scope, under the guidance of the project manager. For example, if you're building a software product, then everyone involved in that specific product could be arranged as a project team.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.