Enable Internet access - Elastic Container Instance (2024)

To enable Internet access for your elastic container instance, you must configure a net address translation (NAT) gateway or an elastic IP address (EIP) for the instance and pay network usage fees. This topic describes how to associate an EIP with an elastic container instance and how to attach a NAT gateway to the virtual private cloud (VPC) where an elastic container instance resides.

Background information

The following table describes two methods used to enable Internet access for an elastic container instance.




Associate an EIP with the elastic container instance

EIPs are public IP addresses that can be separately purchased and managed. You can enable Internet access for an elastic container instance by associating an EIP with the instance.

EIPs support the subscription and pay-as-you-go billing methods and the pay-by-bandwidth and pay-by-data-transfer metering methods. When you associate an EIP with an elastic container instance, you are not charged a configuration fee but may be charged an association fee. For more information about billing of EIPs, see Overview.

Attach a NAT gateway to the VPC where the elastic container instance resides

NAT gateways are Internet gateways that can be individually purchased. After you associate an EIP with a NAT gateway, the NAT gateway can provide Internet services for all elastic container instances within the associated VPC.

NAT gateways support the pay-as-you-go billing method. A NAT gateway can provide Internet services only after it is associated with an EIP. You must pay for NAT gateways and their associated EIPs. For more information, see Billing of Internet NAT gateways.

Use appropriate methods to enable Internet access for elastic container instances based on your business needs.

  • Scenario 1: Enable Internet access to NGINX deployed on an elastic container instance.

    If you want to deploy the NGINX service on an elastic container instance, you must associate an EIP with the instance when you create the instance. When NGINX starts, the elastic container instance exposes port 80 to the associated EIP. You can then use the EIP and the port number to access NGINX.

  • Scenario 2: Allow multiple elastic container instances to pull images from Docker Hub over the Internet.

    By default, Elastic Container Instance does not provide external links for pulling public images over the Internet. If one or more elastic container instances in a VPC need to pull images from Docker Hub, you must attach a NAT gateway to the VPC to provide Internet access for the instances. Otherwise, the images cannot be pulled.


When you configure Internet access for elastic container instances, make sure that rules are added to the security groups of the instances to allow traffic on specified ports and to or from specified IP addresses. For more information, see Add a security group rule.

Method 1: Associate an EIP with an elastic container instance

You can associate an EIP with an elastic container instance when you create the instance.


Each EIP can be associated with a single elastic container instance at a time and provide Internet services only for its associated elastic container instance. If multiple elastic container instances need to access the Internet, you must associate an EIP with each of these instances or attach NAT gateways to the VPCs where the instances reside.


When you call the CreateContainerGroup operation to create an elastic container instance, you can use the EipInstanceId parameter to associate an existing EIP or use the AutoCreateEip and EipBandwidth parameters to create and associate an EIP. The following table describes the parameters. For more information, see CreateContainerGroup.








The EIP to be associated with the elastic container instance.




Specifies whether to create an EIP and associate it with the elastic container instance.




The maximum bandwidth value for the EIP. Unit: Mbit/s. Default value: 5. You can specify this parameter when you set AutoCreateEip to true.

Use the Elastic Container Instance console

When you create an elastic container instance in the Elastic Container Instance console, you can associate an EIP with the instance in the Other Settings step. In the Other Settings step, you can associate an existing EIP or create and associate an EIP, as shown in the following figure.

Enable Internet access - Elastic Container Instance (1)

Method 2: Attach a NAT gateway to the VPC where an elastic container instance resides

In the VPC console, you can attach a NAT gateway to a VPC and associate an EIP with the NAT gateway to implement the following features:

  • Source NAT (SNAT): allows elastic container instances within the VPC to access the Internet when these instances are not assigned public IP addresses.

  • Destination NAT (DNAT): maps the EIP to the IP addresses of elastic container instances within the VPC so that the instances can provide Internet-facing services.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the VPC console.

  2. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  3. On the NAT Gateway page, create a NAT gateway.

    1. Click Create NAT Gateway.

    2. Configure the parameters for the NAT gateway.

      Select the region, zone, VPC, and vSwitch of the elastic container instance. For more information, see Purchase a NAT gateway.

    3. Confirm the configurations and fees and click Buy Now.

  4. On the Elastic IP Addresses page, create an EIP.

    1. Click Create EIP.

    2. Configure the parameters for the EIP.

      Select the region where the elastic container instance is located. For more information, see Apply for new EIPs

    3. Confirm the configurations and fees and click Buy Now.

  5. Associate the EIP with the NAT gateway.

    1. On the NAT Gateway page, find the created NAT gateway and click Associate Now in the Elastic IP Address column.

    2. In the Associate EIP dialog box, select the created EIP and click OK.

  6. To allow your elastic container instance to access the Internet, you must create an SNAT entry for the NAT gateway.

    1. On the NAT Gateway page, find the NAT gateway and click Configure SNAT in the Actions column.

    2. Click Create SNAT Entry.

    3. Configure the parameters for the SNAT entry.

      Take note of the parameters described in the following table. For more information, see Configure SNAT to access the Internet.



      SNAT Entry

      Select a value for this parameter based on factors such as service networking and security:

      • Specify VPC: All elastic container instances in the specified VPC can use SNAT to access the Internet.

      • Specify vSwitch: All elastic container instances that are connected to the selected vSwitches can use SNAT to access the Internet.

      • Specify Custom CIDR Block: All elastic container instances that belong to the specified CIDR block can use SNAT to access the Internet.

      Select vSwitch

      If you select Specify vSwitch for the SNAT Entry parameter, for this parameter select one or more vSwitches that are used to create your elastic container instance.

      Custom CIDR Block

      If you select Specify Custom CIDR Block for the SNAT Entry parameter, use this parameter to specify the CIDR block to which your elastic container instance that will access the Internet belongs to.

      Select Public IP Address

      Select one or more EIPs that are associated with the NAT gateway to access the Internet.

    4. Click OK.


    If your elastic container instance has an associated EIP, the instance uses this EIP instead of the SNAT feature of the NAT gateway to access the Internet.

  7. To allow your elastic container instance to provide Internet-facing services, you must create a DNAT entry for the NAT gateway.

    1. On the NAT Gateway page, find the NAT gateway and click Configure DNAT in the Actions column.

    2. Click Create DNAT Entry.

    3. Configure the parameters for the DNAT entry.

      Take note of the parameters described in the following table. For more information, see Configure DNAT to provide Internet-facing services.



      Select Public IP Address

      Select the EIP that is associated with the NAT gateway. This EIP is used to communicate with the Internet.

      Select Private IP Address

      Select the elastic container instance that needs to communicate with the Internet by using the DNAT entry. You can specify the elastic network interface (ENI) bound to the instance or enter the private IP address of the instance.

      Port Settings

      Select a DNAT mapping method:

      • Any Port: specifies IP address mapping. The NAT gateway forwards the requests destined for the associated EIP to the selected elastic container instance.

      • Specific Port: specifies port mapping. The NAT gateway forwards the requests from a specific protocol and port destined for the associated EIP to the corresponding port on the selected elastic container instance.

    4. Click OK.

Enable Internet access - Elastic Container Instance (2024)


How do I expose my ECS from the Internet? ›

First of all you need to create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) with a Listener and a Target Group. Then you register your ECS Service in the ALB Target Group. That will expose the Nginx container to the internet through the ALB.

What is NAT gateway? ›

NAT Gateway is a highly available AWS managed service that makes it easy to connect to the Internet from instances within a private subnet in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Previously, you needed to launch a NAT instance to enable NAT for instances in a private subnet.

Does ECS require a NAT gateway? ›

Sadly no. But you can create a vpc interface endpoints for ecs which will enable communication with ecs from your private subnets, without the need for internet and nat.

What is the difference between NAT gateway and internet gateway? ›

A NAT device forwards traffic from the instances in the private subnet to the internet or other AWS services, and then sends the response back to the instances while Internet Gateway is used to allow resources in your VPC to access internet.

What are the 3 types of NAT? ›

Types of NAT
  • Static NAT. It is otherwise called balanced NAT. ...
  • Dynamic NAT. In this kind of NAT, planning of IP from an unregistered private organization is finished with the single IP address of the enrolled network from the class of enlisted IP addresses. ...
  • Overloading NAT. ...
  • Overlapping NAT.
15 Sept 2021

Should I disable or enable NAT? ›

Network Address Translation (NAT) is an advanced networking setting that most people do not use. We advise you not to disable NAT unless instructed to do so by a qualified technician, as it could open your broadband modem to outside intrusion and create a security risk.

Is internet gateway a NAT? ›

An internet gateway provides a target in your VPC route tables for internet-routable traffic. For communication using IPv4, the internet gateway also performs network address translation (NAT). For communication using IPv6, NAT is not needed because IPv6 addresses are public.

How do I connect to ECS instance? ›

To connect to your container instance

Open the Amazon ECS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/ . Select the cluster that hosts your container instance. On the Cluster page, choose ECS Instances. On the Container Instance column, select the container instance to connect to.

Can I use API gateway with ECS? ›

As Amazon ECS services are private resources in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), API Gateway uses a VPC link to connect to them in a private way. A VPC link is a set of elastic network interfaces in the VPC, assigned to and managed by API Gateway, so that API Gateway can talk privately with other resources in the VPC.

Which is better NAT instance or NAT gateway? ›

The following is a high-level summary of the differences between NAT gateways and NAT instances. We recommend that you use NAT gateways because they provide better availability and bandwidth and require less effort on your part to administer.

Is Internet gateway same as router? ›

Gateway vs router: what is the difference

A router is a networking layer system used to manage and forward data packets to devices network while a gateway is simply a hardware that acts as a gate between the networks.

Does Internet gateway have an IP address? ›

Thus, the Internet Gateway 'owns' the public IP address, but forwards it to the instance. It's all quite magical, so sometimes it's just easier to imagine as the instance having the public IP address.

Is NAT a switch or router? ›

Switches with NAT routing function combine switching and routing in a single DIN rail device. With ​Network Address ​​Translation​, they allow easy connection to the higher-level network for machines or systems with the same IP address range.

What is the difference between DNS and NAT? ›

The DNS reply from the external DNS server contains only the domain name and public IP address of the internal server in the payload. The NAT interface might have multiple internal servers configured with the same public IP address but different private IP addresses.

What is NAT and VLAN? ›

NAT is a method of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. with the desired IP address of the managed device VLAN.

What happens if I turn NAT off? ›

If NAT is turned off, the device will work on pure-router mode which can transmit data only. Please DO NOT turn it off unless your ISP supports this mode, otherwise you will lose Internet connection.

What does enabling NAT do? ›

In simplest terms, NAT allows many devices on a private network to share a single gateway to the internet. In turn, all of those devices will have the same public IP address—that of the gateway—and unique private IP addresses. These gateways are commonly found on wifi routers and some VPN services.

When should I enable NAT? ›

Assuming IPv4 is being used, you must use NAT unless you have multiple public IP addresses (a public subnet) or you want your single public IP address to be bridged straight through to another device or router. In those two scenarios, you can avoid using NAT. Each 'point' on an IP network has to have unique IP address.

Is NAT same as VPN? ›

VPN provides a means for performing network address translation, called VPN NAT. VPN NAT differs from traditional NAT in that it translates addresses before applying the IKE and IPSec protocols. Refer to this topic to learn more.

How can I tell if my router is NAT enabled? ›

If by NAT you mean any NAT including a WIFI router for example click the windows button, type cmd, click on command prompt, type in ipconfig and press enter, see what it says to the right of "IPv4 Address". If it starts with 192.168 OR 172.16-172.31 OR 10 - you're on a NAT.

How do I access my Internet gateway? ›

In the Command Prompt window, type “ipconfig” and press “Enter/Return” on your keyboard. You will see a lot of information generated in this window. If you scroll up you should see “Default Gateway” with the device's IP address listed to the right of it.

Can ECS be stopped online? ›

In case of any need to withdraw or stop a mandate, the customer has to give prior notice to the ECS user institution well in time, so as to ensure that the input files submitted by the user do not continue to include the ECS Debit details in respect of the mandates withdrawn or stopped by customers.

How do I connect to ECS? ›

To connect to your container instance

Open the Amazon ECS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/ . Select the cluster that hosts your container instance. On the Cluster page, choose ECS Instances. On the Container Instance column, select the container instance to connect to.

How do I stop the ECS if I Cannot visit the bank? ›

If for some reason you want to stop ECS debit from your bank account, you need to inform the same first to your loan provider. A written application needs to be submitted in a format prescribed by the loan provider. Once this is done, you also need to inform the same to your bank by submitting a written application.

How do I view ECS files? ›

You can view these log files by connecting to a container instance using SSH. For more information, see Connect to your container instance using the classic console. If you are not sure how to collect all of the logs on your container instances, you can use the Amazon ECS logs collector.

What are the disadvantages of ECS? ›

Changing the content of components could potentially break quite a few systems. Although it's easy to debug the flow of a system, it's also harder to debug single component changes and not have a global view of what happened to the entity across all it's components.

What will happen if ECS bounces? ›

If you bounce an ECS, you will have to bear the same penalty as you would have for a bounced cheque. And this could be upto Rs 750. Keep in mind that your bank runs an ECS and if there isn't enough funds, the bank may run an ECS again at a sometime later (usually a couple of days), that is after a few days.

Can ECS hit on Sunday? ›

There will be no delay in processing them because the National Automated Clearing Houses (NACH) facility, which processes the ECS payments, will now function all days. Previously, it did not work on closed holidays, Sundays, second and fourth Saturdays.

How do I connect ECS to EC2 instance? ›

Step-1: Go to the ecs service and click on the cluster.
  1. Step-2: select the create cluster option and select Ec2 linux + networking.
  2. Step-3: configure the details as below.
  3. Step-4: Cluster is createed as below.
  4. Step-5: Go to the view cluster.
  5. Step-6: Go to the ECS-Instances.
25 Jan 2022

How enable ECS Run command? ›

You can turn on the ECS Exec feature for your services and standalone tasks by specifying the --enable-execute-command flag when using one of the following AWS CLI commands: create-service , update-service , start-task , or run-task .

Do banks charge for ECS? ›

Transactions made by ECS mandate involve no charges as per RBI's directive. As per the directive, ECS mandate charges cannot be levied by sponsor or beneficiary banks on the customers.

How many times bank can hit ECS? ›

more than two times in a month, it has to get a written permission from the borrower and change the instrument (cheque, ECS, draft etc),” says Vipul Patel, CEO and founder of loan advisory MortgageWorld. What to do, if faced with high bounce charges?

Can you work without an ECS card? ›

ECS cards are issued by the JIB as a way to recognise and verify the competency of electrotechnical operatives working in the UK. If you are looking to work on a construction site, you won't be able to without a valid ECS card.

Can ECS run without EC2? ›

Amazon ECS supports Fargate technology and customers canchoose AWS Fargate to launch their containers without having to provision or manage Amazon EC2 instances. AWS Fargate is the easiest way to launch and run containers on AWS.

Is ECS same as EC2? ›

EC2, ECS is primarily used to orchestrate Docker containers and EC2 is a computing service that enables applications to run on AWS. ECS resources are scalable, just like EC2. However, ECS scales container clusters on-demand, rather than scaling compute resources like EC2.

How do I know if ECS is running? ›

To check if your Amazon ECS container agent is running the latest version with the introspection API
  1. Log in to your container instance via SSH.
  2. Query the introspection API. [ec2-user ~]$ curl -s | python -mjson.tool. The introspection API added Version information in the version v1.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.