Handling a Low Score on an AP Exam (2024)

Hey, just a bit stressed here 😅. If I happen to get a low score on an AP exam, how badly will it affect my college admissions chances? And if I decide not to submit the score, will that look bad to colleges? Any advice would be appreciated!

4 months ago

First of all, take a deep breath! It's completely understandable to be worried about AP scores, but they are not the primary focus of the college admissions process. Colleges are more interested in the number of AP courses you take and the grades you receive in them, as that information demonstrates your desire to challenge yourself, and ability to perform well over time, much better than a single exam result.

So, a low score on an AP exam won't significantly impact your admissions chances, especially if your overall academic profile is strong and you got a good grade in the class itself. In fact, AP scores are often considered separately from the rest of your application and play a larger role in determining course placement and potential college credit after you've been admitted.

As for not submitting a low AP score, you have the choice to do so, and it is unlikely to be viewed negatively by colleges. Especially if you have other impressive scores, or if the low score was in a subject unrelated to your intended major, it's not a big issue. Many schools allow you to self-report your AP scores, so you can choose which scores you want to include on your application.

In summary, don't stress too much about a single low AP score. Focus on your overall academic performance, and you'll be just fine. Good luck!

4 months ago

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Handling a Low Score on an AP Exam (2024)
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