How Are AP Exams Scored? Here’s the Breakdown (2024)

How Are AP Exams Scored? Here’s the Breakdown (1)

Kate Sundquist5AP Guides,Standardized Tests

What’s Covered:

  • Understanding the AP Scoring Scale
  • How Is the Multiple-Choice Section of AP Exams Scored?
  • How Are Free Responses Scored on AP Exams?
  • How Is A Composite Score Calculated From My Multiple-Choice and Free Response AP Scores?
  • Why Do Some Exams Have Subscores?

For some students, AP scores seem kind of arbitrary. You prepare all year for a single test that supposedly measures your ability to complete college-level work within a certain subject area, and then your score comes back as a single number between one and five. It does indeed seem like a strange scale if you don’t understand the scoring process. In this post, we’ll break down how AP exams are scored, and offer some tips on how to understand your scores.

Understanding the AP Scoring Scale

As stated above, the score range on AP exams is 1-5. This five-point scale corresponds to the following evaluations of your ability to complete college level coursework:

5 = extremely well qualified

4 = well qualified

3 = qualified

2 = possibly qualified

1 = no recommendation

In general, a score of three or above is considered “passing,” which generally means that you’ve proven yourself capable of doing the work. Many colleges will grant credit and placement for scores of three or above, but others will only accept fours or fives. Each college decides which scores it will accept, and be aware that there may be variation from one department to another. To see a particular college’s policy on a particular AP exam, visit the AP Credit Policy Search.

How Is the Multiple-Choice Section of AP Exams Scored?

All AP tests have a multiple-choice section. This portion of your test is scored in the same way as the SAT or ACT—your answer sheet is scanned by a machine and a raw score indicating the number of questions that you got correct is returned.

These is no penalty for wrong answers on the multiple-choice section of AP exams, so the score that you receive on this section of the test is simply the number of answers you got correct. You’ll never see this score, though. Instead, it is used to help calculate your final composite score. The multiple-choice section of your AP usually accounts for 40-50% of your final score.

How Are Free Responses Scored on AP Exams?

Free responses vary broadly depending on what AP exam you’re taking. If you took the English Literature AP, you’ll be writing an analytical essay for your free response. If you’re taking a Calculus AP, the free response questions will require you to write out your solution to a conceptual problem. While the format of the free response section varies dramatically, they are all designed to test your creativity and higher-level mastery of the material, and thus cannot be scored by a computer.

Instead, free responses are scored by readers at the annual AP reading, which takes place in June. At this giant convention, specially appointed college professors and experienced teachers of AP courses gather to read the tens of thousands of AP free-responses produced by students each year. This practice is one reason why your scores take so long to come back—the AP Reading does not take place until nearly a month after APs are administered.

As AP readers evaluate your free-response answers, they use a set of universal scoring criteria developed for each specific prompt. Most free-response answers are scored on a scale between one and nine, with one being least effective and nine being nearly perfect. AP readers will evaluate your response using the scoring criteria provided for that prompt and will award you between one and nine points for your answer.

To review specifically how free response questions will be graded on the exams you’re taking, visit the AP Central homepage, navigate to the relevant course, and click on the “Course and Exam Description” document. The information contained here will be your best friend as you prepare for your exams—while there’s no way of knowing exactly what you’ll be asked, you can prepare yourself by familiarizing yourself with how your responses will be graded.

How Is A Composite Score Calculated From My Multiple-Choice and Free Response AP Scores?

After both sections of your test have been scored, these raw scores are weighted according to the section and combined into your composite score. These composite scores, which you will actually never see, are then translated into a five-point scale using a statistical process designed to ensure consistency.

College Board, the administrator of AP exams, wants to make sure that, for example, a score of three on the Spanish Language AP this year reflects the same level of achievement as a score of three on last year’s exam, even though the tests themselves were different. In other words, AP scores are not graded on a curve, but instead calculated specifically to reflect consistency in scoring from year to year.

Although the exact conversion from composite score to the five-point scale will vary from year to year and exam to exam, you can get a general sense of how this process works by looking at this breakdown of a past AP English Literature exam. Your teachers in your AP classes likely also have information about what raw score you’ll need to earn in order to get a 5, 4, or 3—it’s a good idea to reach out to them so you can set your expectations for yourself properly.

Why Do Some Exams Have Subscores?

Two AP exams currently have a subscore: the AP Calculus BC exam and the AP Music Theory exam. Subscores on these tests are designed to give colleges more information about your specific abilities, which can then be used to shape decisions about your class placement or how much college credit you are granted.

For example, the AP Calculus BC exam gives you a Calculus AB subscore, because the BC exam is largely comprised of material that is also on the AB exam, plus some more advanced topics. If your overall score on the BC exam was a 3, but your AB subscore was a 5, that shows colleges that, while you struggled with the most difficult parts of the exam, you still have an excellent grasp of most core calculus concepts.

The Impact of APs on Your Chances of Acceptance

While AP scores themselves don’t play a major role in the college admissions process, having AP classes on your transcript can be a crucial part of your application, especially at highly selective institutions. College admissions officers want to see that you enjoy challenging yourself intellectually, and that you’re capable of handling college-level coursework, and taking AP classes demonstrates both of those qualities.

If you’re wondering how your course rigor will stack up at the colleges you’re considering, check out CollegeVine’sfree chancing engine, which evaluates a variety of factors like grades, course rigor, extracurriculars, and standardized test scores to estimate your odds of being accepted at over 1,600 schools across the country. Our admissions calculator can also give you suggestions for how to boost your chances of acceptance—for example, by taking more AP classes in your junior or senior year.

Finally, even though AP exam scores are unlikely to swing your application one way or another on their own, having some strong scores to send to colleges definitely doesn’t hurt. If you’re aiming high and want advice on how to crush your upcoming AP exams, consider using CollegeVine’s AP Guides. Happy studying!

How Are AP Exams Scored? Here’s the Breakdown (2024)


How Are AP Exams Scored? Here’s the Breakdown? ›

Your total score is calculated from your section scores.

Is a 70% a 5 on the AP exam? ›

Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb. The AP Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP's five-point scale: 5: Extremely well qualified.

How are AP exam scores calculated? ›

When students take an AP test, they receive a composite score calculated from the total number of points they earned from correct multiple-choice answers and free responses. After the test, this composite score is converted into the simpler scaled score students receive as their official exam results.

What is the breakdown of the AP exam? ›

AP exams take between 2–3 hours to complete and are broken into two sections: multiple choice and free response. The amount of questions per section and the time allotted varies per test subject. How many AP exams are there in total? There are a total of 38 AP Exams.

Is a 50% a 5 on the AP test? ›

As a general guide, though, you can consider roughly more than 70% correct as being in the 5 range, 50-69% for a score of 4, 40-49% for a score of 3, 30-39% for a 2, and below 30% would likely be a 1. Again, these ranges are approximations and can vary by subject and by year.

Is a 75 a 5 on the AP Exam? ›

For example, a 5 could be any composite score between 110 and 150 on one exam. Since scaling varies year to year, there are no exact cutoff numbers for scores for AP tests, and the College Board does not release detailed scoring data.

Can you get a 0 on an AP exam? ›

To clarify, it's quite rare and quite difficult to get a score of 0 on an AP exam. Typically, scores range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest possible score that indicates the student likely wasn't prepared for the level of the content on the exam.

Are AP tests curved? ›

AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...

Should I report a 3 on an AP exam to Ivy League? ›

Interpreting AP Scores in Admissions is a Human Process

But there are no hard and fast rules, such as not submitting 4s or 3s, as some suggest because, in some cases, students should submit those lower scores since admissions officers will assume even worse if they withhold them.

Is a 50% a 3 on the AP test? ›

A 50% is considered a 3 or passing. This is when your AP credit is considered in colleges for being qualified, well qualified or extremely well qualified. Also, most exams have multiple parts to them.

What AP score does Harvard accept? ›

Harvard only accepts AP® scores of 5 for course credit. If you have 4 scores of 5, you can opt to obtain Advanced Standing. You can use AP® credits to opt-out of lower-level classes.

Why are AP exams curved? ›

This is to ensure fair grading between different sections of the same course. Curving will make the scores among different students, teachers, and schools easier to compare. In turn, this will increase the score's legitimacy.

What is the oldest AP class? ›

1952-1954: Pilot program and first AP exams taken

In the spring of 1954, around 530 students took the first AP exams and paid a $10 fee per exam, equivalent to just over $110 in 2023. The possible scores of the exams ranged from 1 to 5 and determined college credits for students.

Is it OK if you fail an AP exam? ›

The good news is that a failed exam does not affect your GPA. In addition, you can retake the AP exam the next year. To prepare, you can re-enroll in the class, study on your own, or hire a tutor who can help you tackle the more challenging subjects on the test.

Does it look bad to fail an AP exam? ›

Colleges will not look at your score

You will not be required to send your AP score to your colleges unless you want to earn college credit.

Can AP teachers see all your AP scores? ›

The Subject Score Roster lists all students and their AP scores for each AP subject. This report is available to teachers, school administrators, district administrators, and staff at online learning providers.

What is a 75% on an AP test? ›

A 70 to 75 percent out of 100 usually translates to a 5. There are, however, some exceptions to this rule of thumb. In July, students, high schools, colleges, and universities receive AP grades on a five-point scale: 5: Extremely knowledgeable.

Is scoring a 2 on AP Exam bad? ›

Generally speaking, a 2 is not a good AP score, as it is not considered a passing score by the College Board. If you get a 2 on your AP exam, it might be better not to submit that score to the colleges you're applying to.

How rare is a 5 on AP Exam? ›

As you can see, while at least 5% of test takers scored a 5 on each AP exam, the perfect scores are teeny, teeny, teeny percentages.

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