How Did Sam Walton Build Wal-Mart’s Sustainable Competitive Advantage? (2024)

How Did Sam Walton Build Wal-Mart’s Sustainable Competitive Advantage? (2)

The year 1962 was called the year of discounting. Hundreds of discounting stores had popped up all across the USA. In the same year, three big companies started their discount chains. One company, Woolworths, opened gigantic stores. Everyone thought that the Woolworths chain of stores would conquer the world. But the company vanished from the scene in a few years. The other company, K-Mart entered discounting with a big bang. The third company, Dayton-Hudson opened its first ‘Target’ store in a big city. All three were giants and people were optimistic about their growth. And then one guy started a small ‘discounting store’ called ‘Walmart’ in a small town called Rogers, Arkansas. Nobody gave him any importance. He received no media coverage. He was just one among those hundred small discounting store owners waiting to be eaten up by the three giants.

Within 5 years, Kmart had 250 stores with sales of $800 million to Walmart’s 19 stores with sales of $9 million. By 1970, Target reached $200 million in revenue with 24 stores — well ahead of Walmart. But…. five decades later, Kmart has 365 stores with sales of $25 billion to Walmart’s 11,718 stores with sales of $500 billion. Target’s revenue in 2017 was $72 billion.

Almost 80% of the early discounters have disappeared into thin air, though many of them enjoyed more capital and visibility than Walmart. Unlike Walmart, almost all discounting stores including Kmart, Target, and Woolco began their operations in larger cities which had more population, more disposable income, and more opportunities. Yet, today Walmart is the top global retailer.

How did Walmart succeed and sustain? How did they build a sustainable competitive advantage? What are the success factors?

How Did Sam Walton Build Wal-Mart’s Sustainable Competitive Advantage? (2024)


How Did Sam Walton Build Wal-Mart’s Sustainable Competitive Advantage? ›

Discount everything the Wal-Mart carries. Customer-Centric - Sam learned the importance of 'Customer Service' while running the 'Variety stores' for 15 years in those small towns. In those years, he and his associates built a strong relationship with customers, who would keep coming back. Loyalty drove the business.

How does Walmart have a sustainable competitive advantage? ›

Walmart can achieve a sustained competitive advantage through its huge worldwide supply chain. Supply chains support the company's activities, cost structure, and cheap pricing to ensure an effective value chain.

How did Walmart gain a competitive advantage through distribution? ›

Distribution Centers and Warehousing

By having a network of distribution centers, Walmart can minimize transportation costs and reduce delivery times. The company utilizes advanced automation and technology in its distribution centers to optimize operations, increase throughput, and enhance overall efficiency.

How did Walmart continue to strengthen its competitive advantage over time? ›

How did Wal-Mart continue to strengthen its competitive advantage over time? Continued expanding and further gained economies of scale, lowering prices even more. By the early 1990s, Wal-Mart was encountering limits to growth in the US. How did it overcome these limits to growth?

What technology gave Walmart a competitive advantage? ›

Walmart has continued to leverage technology, such as machine learning, cloud powered checkout and pickup capabilities to offer more convenience and enhance the overall shopping experience for customers.

Was Walmart successful in sustainability initiative? ›

We're making progress: As of 2020, we've diverted 81% of waste from landfill and incineration globally donated 627 million pounds of food in the U.S. alone. We've conserved nearly 1.6 million acres of land since 2005 in partnership with Acres for America.

What has Walmart done to become more sustainable? ›

By leaning on its 4,700 stores as fulfillment centers, Walmart activates its end-to-end network to speed up delivery times for customers and reduce fleet miles and emissions, in line with the retailer's commitment to achieve zero emissions by 2040.

How did Walmart gain a competitive advantage through distribution quizlet? ›

How did Walmart gain a competitive advantage through distribution? Placed distribution centers along easily accessible roads/ locations.

How did Sam Walton change the retail world? ›

Changing the Face of Retail

Sam credited the rapid growth of Walmart not just to the low costs that attracted his customers, but also to his associates. He relied on them to give customers the great shopping experience that would keep them coming back.

What did Walmart created a competitive advantage with its inventory system to reduce the ratio of cost of goods sold to sales expecting? ›

Wal-Mart created a competitive advantage with its inventory system to reduce the ratio of cost of goods sold to sales, expecting: to enjoy economic profits for a few years before its rivals caught up. The most-favored customer is one who: is guaranteed to receive the lowest price for a product.

How did Walmart surpass other stores beat out their competition? ›

Walmart has always been focused on low prices. They will do everything they can to slash their prices as low as possible because that is the value that they aim to provide to their customers. They want to beat the competition by convincing their audience that you won't find these goods for cheaper than anywhere else.

What is Walmart's competitive advantage over target? ›

Target focuses on differentiating itself from other retailers by offering stylish and trendy products at affordable prices, while Walmart emphasizes on being the low-price leader and offering convenience and value to its customers .

What is the major reason behind the success of Walmart? ›

Walmart's success as the world's largest retailer in the digital era is attributed to Walmart offering a broad range of products, Walmart having ample competitive advantages, Walmart offering an exorbitant amount of products at competitive prices, Walmart offering a convenient shopping experience, Walmart having ...

What makes Walmart stand out from the competition? ›

For example, if a particular product becomes popular and rises in demand, Walmart can quickly adjust its supply chain to ensure that it can meet customer demand. This alone makes Walmart stand out among its competitors in a world where customer preferences can change rapidly.

What competitive advantage does Walmart have as compared to Amazon? ›

Walmart's Proximity Advantage

With 4,756 stores in the U.S. alone, Walmart has a significant physical presence, allowing for rapid delivery times, potentially even one-hour deliveries. This network gives Walmart a logistical edge over Amazon, whose warehouse network, though extensive, can't match Walmart's store count.

What are the sources of Walmart's competitive advantage in discount retailing? ›

What are the sources of Walmart's competitive advantage? 1. Pricing strategy: Highly competitive pricing which is Low prices and high volumes: Lower pricing has also aided it in overcoming competing constraints and become the preferred store in the United States.

How can a company have sustainable competitive advantage? ›

By definition, a sustainable competitive advantage refers to a company's unique superiority over its competitors, allowing it to maintain its leading position in the market. This upper hand can stem from various sources, including branding, customer service, technology, product design, and distribution channels.

What is an example of a sustainable competitive advantage company? ›

An obvious example of an organization with a sustainable competitive advantage is Coca-Cola. A brand takes a lot of effort and money to develop. It's easy to take it out. Having a strong brand means people will choose your product or service over competitors'.

What are Walmart's three big sustainability goals? ›

In 2005, then-CEO Lee Scott set three aspirational sustainability goals for Walmart: to create zero waste, operate with 100 percent renewable energy and sell products "that sustain resources and the environment." Since then, the company has been working to live up those ambitious aspirations, boasting a number of ...

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.