How long does it take to become a Director? (2024)

It takes 7 years of professional experience to become a director. That is the time it takes to learn specific director skills, but does not account for time spent in formal education. If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 10 to 12 years years to become a director.

There are certain skills that you need to obtain in order to become a successful director. Some of the most common skills are listed below. Along with each skill, we provide an actual example of how someone included the skill on their resume:

  1. Procedures -- Developed procedures and lead the implementation of processes established to ensure compliance with applicable standards, requirements and identified practices.

  2. Healthcare -- Assisted and provided leadership in the successful merge between two hospitals into Covenant HealthCare.

  3. Customer Service -- Demonstrated professional communication when following up with patrons to ensure quality customer service by addressing concerns and to provide problem resolution.

  4. Facility -- Performed and managed Business intelligence consulting engagements for Life Sciences Division in the areas of Software, Process and Facility Validation.

  5. Oversight -- Performed executive oversight and direction of the Army Medical Department's testing and evaluation of future military medical concepts and capabilities.

Common Educational Background For A Director

The education needed to be a Director is normally a Bachelor's Degree. Directors usually study Business, Psychology or Communication. 64.0% of Directors hold a Bachelor's Degree and 18.0% hold a Master's Degree. We found these by analyzing 153575 Director resumes to investigate the topic of Director education more precisely.

The most common colleges for students to pursue their goal of becoming a Director are University of Phoenix and New York University. We also broke down what colleges provide the best overall education for a Director. Students have a great path to earning their Director qualifications at the following schools:

  1. Stanford University
  2. University of Pennsylvania
  3. Northwestern University

If you're interested in getting a college degree in an affordable college for Directors - SUNY Farmingdale is an excellent option for you. If your SAT or ACT score aren't as high as you'd like, you can look at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, as the admission requirements aren't too selective. On the other end of that spectrum are the Stanford University, Northwestern University and University of Pennsylvania.

For those who would rather stay in your pajamas during the day, we prepared some online courses that can help in Director education paths.

Common Certifications For A Director

The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is most common among Directors. This certification is awarded by the Project Management Institute. The advanced certification is for more experienced employees as it often requires some work experience to acquire. To become a certified Director with Project Management Professional (PMP), You need to pass the exam. This certificate requires more than two years of work experience. Renew certification every 3 year.

How long does it take to become a Director? (1)

How long does it take to become a Director? (2024)
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