How many branches in architecture and what are they? Architecture is how many years ?, how many architecture colleges in India ? (2024)

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How many branches in architecture and what are they?Architecture is how many years ?,how many architecture colleges in India ? (1)

Saanch kaushik 22nd Apr, 2019

How many branches in architecture and what are they?Architecture is how many years ?,how many architecture colleges in India ? (2) How many branches in architecture and what are they?Architecture is how many years ?,how many architecture colleges in India ? (3)

Below is a list of 7branchesofarchitecturefor you to consider:

  • LandscapeArchitecture
  • Urban Planner Architecture
  • RestorationArchitecture
  • ResearchArchitecture
  • LightingArchitecture
  • PoliticalArchitecture
  • ExtremeArArchiteure

If you are doing btech in architecture it is of 4 years otherwise it varies according to the degree.

There are a lot of architect colleges in india approxiamately 439 colleges.

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How many branches in architecture and what are they?
Architecture is how many  years ?,
how many architecture colleges  in India ? (2024)
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