How To Check UAE Visa Status Online: Know Your Visa Expiry - MyBayut (2024)

5 min read

Updated: 25 Mar, 2024

  • UAE Visa Check by Passport Number
  • Using GDRFA Portal
  • FAQs

Do you remember your UAE visa expiry date? Let’s face it, in the midst of a busy schedule, it can be hard to keep track of the exact date. To check your UAE visa status, you can always keep your passport handy or learn other ways to check UAE visa validity on the go. So the next time you wonder how to check visa status in the UAE online, these channels can help.


A visa is an extremely important document for expat residents in the UAE. Not only does it certify your legal status as a resident, but it is also required to lease an apartment, find a villa for rent in Dubai, apply for a dependent’s visa and more.

Thankfully, the UAE Government has an official portal to help you access visa-related services. Using this method, you need your passport number to check your UAE resident visa validity.

To answer your question, “how to check my visa status in the UAE”, we have listed down all the methods for UAE visa status check online and offline.

How To Check UAE Visa Status Online: Know Your Visa Expiry - MyBayut (2)


For UAE visa status check online by passport number, here’s what you need to do.

  • Visit the ICP Smart Services portal for visa check by passport number link:
  • Select “Change Language” and click on English
  • Click on the “Passport Information” tab
  • Select “Visa” or “Residency,” depending on your visa type
  • Enter your passport number and passport expiry date (UAE residents can also enter their Emirates ID)
  • Select your nationality from the dropdown menu
  • Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details, including the UAE visa expiry date.

Please note: the above-mentioned method is also valid for Dubai visa check online by passport number only.


The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) is tasked to deal with and respond to all UAE visa-related rules, applications, queries and concerns. So far, only Dubai has a separate portal that allows you to check your UAE visa status online.

GDRFA Dubai Website

If you have an entry permit/residence visa, here’s how you can check your UAE visa status using the GDRFA website.

How To Check UAE Visa Status Online: Know Your Visa Expiry - MyBayut (3)
  • Visit the official website, go to services and then visa status.
  • Select “Residence Validity” from the drop-down menu as the service you seek for your UAE visa enquiry.
  • Enter your residence file number using your year of issue. You can find the residence file number on the visa page of your passport.
  • Next, enter your first name, as per your passport and select your gender.
  • Specify your correct date of birth in the dd-mm-yyyy format.
  • Enter the Captcha code in the specified bar and click “Submit.”

Given all your details are correctly entered, your visa validity details will appear in green below your submission form. The details will include your UAE visa expiry date, name, date of birth, nationality and gender.

UAE residents can also use their Emirates ID instead of their passport number to check visa validity via ICP smart services.

GDRFA Dubai Application

GDRFA Dubai launched an app for expats in the UAE to provide further ease in visa-related matters. If you don’t want to use the website, download the GDRFA Dubai app. Here’s how you can use it to confirm your visa expiry date.

How To Check UAE Visa Status Online: Know Your Visa Expiry - MyBayut (4)
  • Open the app and select the “Services” label
  • Click on “Entry Permit / Residence Status” and then select “Residence Inquiry”
  • Enter your details: Visa code, first name, nationality and date of birth
  • Double-check your input and then click “Inquiry”

If the entered details are correct, the page will display a green tick with your visa details. These details will include your full name, UAE visa expiry date, visa type, and visa number. You don’t need to sign up or enter login credentials to check your visa status.

You obviously need your passport details for each method to check UAE visa validity, but you don’t always carry it with you. A smart way to go about it is to keep a scanned version of your passport in your phone, or at least a photocopy of it in your wallet. This way, you can confirm your UAE residence visa validity whenever you want.

The same process can be applied to check the status of a Dubai visit visa.



Another way to conduct UAE visa check by passport number is by calling 600-522-222. For offline Dubai visa status check by passport number, you can call Amer Centre at 800-5111. If you are calling from outside the country, the number is +971-4-313-9999.


For Dubai visa check by passport number only, you can either opt for the online method via ICA Smart Services portal or call the Amer Centre helpline.


You can use the same processes listed above to check the validity of Dubai tourist visa extension.


Similarly, those wanting to leave the country but are unsure of the legal consequences should check their travel ban status.You can also read our guide on visa and passport services for expats in the UAE.

That’s all we have for ‘how to check UAE visa status.’ We hope you find the information useful. Before you apply for a visa, you have to undertake a medical test. Here is how you can check your DHA medical report status.

Remember, it is important to renew a UAE visa before it expires. Staying in the country even after your visa has expired will result in overstay fines. Earlier, there used to be a 10-day grace period for visit visas, but that is no longer the case. Per day, an AED 50 fine is imposed on overstayers. Read our guide on overstay fines in the UAE to find out more.

If you are looking to move to Dubai for the long term, you can consider applying for a UAE property investor visa.

New to the city? Have a look at some of our listings for Dubai apartments for rent, and find your perfect home in Dubai!

For more useful information on life in Dubai and the UAE, subscribe to MyBayut.

Leave a Reply

  1. Visiting visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Riyaz,

      To check your visit visa expiry date, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa expiry date.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. I need to know my visa is cancel our not


        1. Hi Rais,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
          We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


          1. Hi my Visa expired 14 April but nowadays I am home country please give me information

          2. Hi Abdul,

            Thanks for writing to us. Unfortunately, until there is a relaxation in the Covid-19 travel restrictions, it is not possible to travel in and out of the country.

            For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

            We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

          3. Want to know my Visa status

          4. Hi Chibueze,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

          5. Hi sir my visits visa has expired on 14april 2020
            During lockdown now I am sorry to go back
            Please check my vid status

          6. Hi Faridullah,

            Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

            We hope this helps. Have a nice day.

          7. Visa states

          8. Hi Nadeem,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

          9. It checked how many times but it’s says no data found or no record but my company say they cancel me already

          10. Hi Janet,

            Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

            We hope this helps.

          11. So if its shows: Visa status : converted to residence. It means my Visa is not cancelled?

          12. Hi Anhelina,

            Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

            We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

          13. My vist visa is expire 21 april 2020 so am stuck in here so plz inform me my visa vild

          14. Hi Haider,

            Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

            Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

        2. How do I know if my visa is cancelled ?


          1. Hi Oki,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
            We hope you find this information useful.

            Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

          2. My visit visa may.05.2020expired covid 19 corona , fight band any fine

          3. Hi Mudssar,

            Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

            We hope this helps. Have a nice day.

          4. My visa exit on May during this padimic do I have to fine?

          5. Hi Marlou,

            Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

            Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

        3. My visa fineshed in 1 march i have fine the overstay the air port is closed 15 da


          1. Hi Asif,

            Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

            We hope this helps.

        4. I need to know my visa is cancel our not


          1. Hi Muhammad,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

        5. My visa cancel or not


          1. Hi Bir,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
            We hope you find this information useful.

            Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

        6. Hi ! This is sahil . I want to know that I have been cancelled since ¹0 may 2020 from company and I am still in uae . Is there any overstay fine to me.


          1. Hi Sahil,

            Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

            Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

          2. How to check my visa

          3. Hi Munachi,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

        7. I need to know if my recidence visa is cancelled


          1. Hi Gennilyn,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

        8. Visit visa


          1. Hi Pratheepan,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

      2. Hello ,
        My visit visa April 04 already expired covid 19 corona , fight band any fine


        1. Hi Abiral,

          Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020.

          For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

          We hope this helps.


          1. Hi
            My visa will expire on the 3rd of May but when I check my status there is no update if it has been extended untill December2020

          2. Hi Belinda,

            Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

            We hope this helps. Have a nice day.

          3. Hi,

            I need to check if my dependents visa is extended till end of 2020, the visa getting expired on 14th may2020, how can i know that if it is automatically extended..?

          4. Hi Bhaskar,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

        2. i wnt check my visit visa expire date


          1. Hi Aswin,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
            We hope you find this information useful.

            Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

      3. Thank you… dear for your help very simple & easy steps… really appreciated..


        1. Hi Bashisha,

          We’re glad we could be of assistance to you. Have a nice day!


          1. Hey my visa was already expired on 14th May 2020. How do I extend it since your given website I had checked it and it is available till end of the year. It’s still available right.

          2. Hi Aakriti,

            Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

            Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

          3. Hello
            I have a question
            I have Russian residence visa for 3 years as I immigrated there but I have passport with another citizen
            Now I’m in Dubai and my visa was automatically extended until 31.12.2020
            I want to know Can I travel to Russia or I must go as per my passport citizen ??I mean after all countries are open

          4. Hi Saniyat,

            Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

            We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

          5. I want chek my visa validity

          6. Hi Gurpreet,

            To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

            1. Visit the portal:
            2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
            3. Select “Visa”
            4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
            5. Select your nationality
            6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

            If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

      4. My visa expire march 2 for ta detail


        1. Hi Uzair,

          Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

          We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


      5. I want check my visa cancel


        1. Hi Raj,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful.

          Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      6. I need to know my visa is cancel our not exp 8/6/2020


        1. Hi Ravinder,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful.

          Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


          1. Please my visa expired on 2nd of June and when i check the expiring date it’s still december 31st

          2. Hi Arowolo,

            Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

            Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

      7. Thanks a lot for such helpful link


        1. Hi Muhammad,

          It’s great to know that you like and appreciate our content. Do subscribe to MyBayut for more informational posts on life in the UAE. Have a nice day!


      8. I am in my home country and my UAE abudhabi visa has expired on 4th of june
        Kindly help me how could I re enter UAE


        1. Thanks for writing to us. For your particular query, please refer to our post on How to Get a UAE Re-Entry Permit for answers.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      9. Hello, my vidit vusa started 12 march and ended 11may. Online status still says i can stay till 31st december. Can you confirm if i need to exit ir i can stay till year end


        1. Hi Sandeep,

          Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

          Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


    2. Vizat check expiry date


      1. Hi Tehseen,

        To check your visa expiry date, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa expiry date.
        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      2. Visa check


        1. Hi Mohd,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful.

          Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      3. Visa check


        1. Hi Muhammad,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful.

          Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      4. I m in Dubai on visit visa my visa is expired on 27/3/2020 I submit my extension but still now my visa is in progress
        Is any fine on me or not because i submit visa renew before my visa expire


        1. Hi Shakeel,

          Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has waived of any overstay fines applicable on visit visas for the next 3 months.

          For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

          We hope this helps.


        2. Hi, my visa has been cancelled on 17th April.,may I know do I get grace period for three months?


          1. Hi Sanu,

            Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

            Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!

      5. Need chek visa expari date


        1. Hi Mheraj,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful.

          Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    3. how to check expiration of my visa


      1. Hi Chalee-vee,

        Thanks for writing to us. Generally, your visa expiry date is clearly mentioned along with the visa stamp on your passport and even on your e-visa statement. Your visa expiry date is the “valid through” or the “valid until” date printed on your visa.

        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    4. Visa check expiry date


      1. Hi Talib,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      2. Chak visa


        1. Hi Meer,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

          We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    5. My Visa expiry date


      1. Hi Manoj,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    6. Hi..My Visit Visa valid until April 18.2020.I would like to know if I have fine to overstay until end of May to return to my country.Many thanks for your consideration and I look forward to your early reply.


      1. Hi Florinda,

        Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020.

        For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

        We hope this helps.


        1. How can i view my visit visa status if automatic extend u till last of 2020..i already track what ypu given portal but not found my visa status replied..


          1. Hi Xer,

            Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. This may not be reflected on the visa status as yet, but is still applicable.

            We hope this helps.

    7. Please can you check my visa update or not?


      1. Hi Rosein,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    8. Hey,
      What about me whose visit visa got expired in October 2019
      And now in 5months overstay, will I pay for the last stayed days or just continue with the visa ?.
      And how do we confirm that our free visa extension is obtained??


      1. Hi Quin,

        Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

        We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


    9. hi, my visa is going to expire on May 22,2020.
      what will be the process , either it will be extended automatically or to be renewed.
      In addition can I know , If I want to cancel it.
      please give me detail information. thanks


      1. Hi Gulzar,

        Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

        Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


    10. Hi
      My residence visa was cancelled at march 11 and graceperiod till april 9 im still here in dubai due to covid19 do i get any fine when i go out to dubai?


      1. Hi Jay,

        Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

        We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


      2. Goodmorning..i want to ask regarding my visa is cancel on may 16, 2020 and the grace period june 14 ,2020 im here in abu dhabi but no exit because of the pandemic covid19 what will i do?.


        1. Hi May,

          Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

          Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


    11. I just checked it online. And it is extended until december 2020. Does it mean i dont have to pay for the extension? Im a tourist by the way.


      1. Hi Kathleen,

        Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. If your visit visa has originally expired and you have repatriation flights available to your country, it’s best to return home to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

        We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


    12. I need to my visiting visa validity


      1. Hi Sheela,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
        We hope you find this information useful.

        Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    13. hi my visa expired last may 14,2020 .I was a cancelled visa . My visa is abu dhabi. I need to know if extended until dec 2020


      1. Hi Rizza,

        Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

        We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


    14. I need to know my visa Cancell &not


      1. Hi Wasim,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    15. Vesia check


      1. Hi Sewa,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    16. My visiting visa got expired on last 13th of may,2020.Even though I checked my visa status,It’s not showing my details.Can i know why?


      1. Hi Guwani,

        Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

        We hope this helps.


    17. My global village visa cancelled 18-3-2020 still i staying dubai bcz of corona flights cancelled .i will get fine or no


      1. Hi Robin,

        Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

        Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


    18. Good day
      I’m Mary Ann Sacro
      I’m outside of country
      My visa is expired last April 22
      I’m still ok to come back in UAE
      Thank you


      1. Hi Mary,

        Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

        Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


    19. my visit visa is expireafter march what is the last date of my visit visa after new gov announcements let me know please


      1. Hi Nasar,

        Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

        Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  2. I just want to see my employment visa if finish or no..visiting visiting visa expiry date check


    1. Hi Aileen,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. I did follow this process but it’s given me
        No record found


        1. Hi Uche,

          Thanks for writing to us. Generally, “no record found” means no visa has been applied for. In case you have applied for the visa and still get “no record found,” you might want to check whether your visa is genuine or not.

          For that, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit
          2. Click on the ‘General Inquiry’ tab
          3. Enter the relevant details (visa number, date of birth etc.)
          4. Submit your information

          You will be redirected to a new page that confirms the existence of your visa in the system. If the visa is not fake, the page will display your visa status and expiry date. For more information and assistance, you can visit one of the Amer Centres in Dubai.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


          1. Sir
            I am in UAE on vist visa my flight cancel due suspended flight pakistan air line coronavirus. My visa expire 4-4-2020 . After expire 10 day extra have or not. Plz help me

          2. Hi Ibrar,

            Tourist and visit visas have a grace period of 10 days. As per your visa expiry date, no fines will be applicable until 14-4-2020. After that, overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

            – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
            – AED 100 each consecutive day
            – AED 100 as service charges

            You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

            We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

  3. i need to check the visa expiry date


    1. Hi Abdullah,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    2. I need to check validation of my tourist Visa


      1. Hi Abdullah,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
        We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  4. I want to check my visa cancel or not


    1. Hi Rajan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  5. How to confirm visa is not fake?


    1. Hi Samir,

      Thank you for writing to us. To check if your visa is genuine or not, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit
      2. Click on the ‘General Inquiry’ tab
      3. Enter the relevant details (visa number, date of birth etc.)
      4. Submit your information

      You will be redirected to a new page that confirms the existence of your visa in the system. If the visa is not fake, the page will display your visa status and expiry date. For more information and assistance, you can visit one of the Amer Centres in Dubai.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      1. If show no record found so whats mean ir


        1. Hi Waqar,

          Thanks for writing to us. Generally, “no record found” means no visa has been applied for. In case you have applied for the visa and still get “no record found,” you might want to check whether your visa is genuine or not.

          For that, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit
          2. Click on the ‘General Inquiry’ tab
          3. Enter the relevant details (visa number, date of birth etc.)
          4. Submit your information

          You will be redirected to a new page that confirms the existence of your visa in the system. If the visa is not fake, the page will display your visa status and expiry date. For more information and assistance, you can visit one of the Amer Centres in Dubai.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      2. How do I check of is a visit or work visa


        1. Hi Che,
          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  6. Now smart service not working


  7. Hi sir I want know my visa is canclelation or not


    1. Hi Sunil,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  8. My visa got cancelled due to medical fitness 4 years ago.can I reapply now that it’s all cured and I have proper medical fitness report


    1. Hi Yusoof,

      Thanks for writing to us. As of April 2018, you do not require a medical fitness report for a visit visa. You can simply re-apply for the UAE visit visa as per your convenience. For further details on the matter, please refer to our post on visit/tourist visas in the UAE.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      1. Hi, my visa has cancelled on 7th April. Now I am not getting any flight . I am holding the passport of Bangladesh. In this case what can I do.


        1. Hi Shabbir,

          Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

          We hope this helps.


  9. i need visit visa satus


    1. Hi Asif,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  10. I need to check my visit Visa validation


    1. Hi Shaukatullah,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  11. I want check visa status.No 104/220/87/0006781


    1. Hi Mujeeb,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  12. how to know my expire viza


    1. Hi Cherry,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  13. Hii ,
    J want to check my visa stetus..


    1. Hi Gurdeep,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  14. I want to know my visit visa expired or no


    1. Hi Mohamed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  15. I want to check my visa pls if active or no thankyou


    1. Hi Christinejoy,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  16. Chek my visa 22/10/2019


    1. Hi Saddam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  17. I want to no my visa status


    1. Hi Daniel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    2. I came on March 15th I want to know if my visa is still valid?


      1. Hi Olivia,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
        We hope you find this information useful.

        Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  18. I need to know cancel my visa


    1. Hi Harjeet,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  19. Visa check


    1. Hi Singh Puran,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  20. i check empolmenet work vissa


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  21. I want to check my residency visa


    1. Hi Lilibeth,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  22. I’ve check the status of my mother’s visit visa and it’s written file status: active with visa validity date, what does it mean “active”.?


    1. Hi Sheng,

      Thanks for writing to us. Generally, an “active” visa means the visa is valid up to the validity date mentioned in the visa status check results.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  23. I want to check my Visa stats


    1. Hi Yunus,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  24. how do i check online wether in the pdf version and online my passport spelling is matching


    1. Hi Priyash,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  25. Hi sir… how check Visa status in passport


    1. Hi Narige,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  26. Hello how are you
    My visa issue date was 23 july but file status showing me it is in 29 sep can you plz help with that


    1. Hi Jhanzaib,

      Thanks for writing to us. The issue date shown on the visa check is the one registered in the system.

      For further assistance with visa issues, please contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      1. How to check my friend visa renewal he is in country now please


        1. Hi Irfan,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
          We hope you find this information useful.

          Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  27. I can found my file in checking residence visa I’m in Abu Dhabi…


    1. Hi Vanessa,

      Thanks for writing to us. t could have been a temporary glitch that led to those results. You can try it once again on

      If it still shows the same result, get assistance from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  28. I want to check my visa over staying fine how to check please inform


    1. Hi Sheikh,

      Tourist and visit visas have a grace period of 10 days. After that, overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
      – AED 100 each consecutive day
      – AED 100 as service charges

      UAE residence visas have a 30-day grace period. After the lapse of this grace period, overstay fines applicable are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 125 for the first day
      – AED 25 per day after that
      – AED 50 per day after overstaying for six months
      – AED 100 per day after overstaying for one year

      You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  29. My visa cancellation


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  30. I want a employment visa expiry check


    1. Hi Sankha,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  31. i need my company location im new in dubai no body racive to me in air port


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. If you could tell us the name of your company, may be we can help you out in locating it.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  32. I need check my Visa uae


    1. Hi Mr Perera,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  33. What is my visa status


    1. Hi Everlyn,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  34. Cost and procedure of visa extension for 03 month as a pakistan nationality please


    1. Hi Sufyan,

      Thanks for writing to us. The tourist visa extension fee is AED 600. Please refer to our post on “How to renew or extend a tourist visa in Dubai” for detailed information on the process.

      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  35. I want check my visit Visa expires date


    1. Hi Ghulam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  36. Dear sir how to cheack Visa expire date


    1. Hi Sanish,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  37. Visit visa expiry date check


    1. Hi Manbeer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  38. Hi I just want to k ow if my visa cancel or no?


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  39. Thanks
    Very good information visa validity


    1. Hi Basharat,

      It’s great to know you find our post useful! We aim to continue bringing valuable information your way. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  40. Check my Visa time


    1. Hi Ganesh,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  41. Hi i Just Want to know my Visa Status


    1. Hi Nouman,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  42. I want to check my Visa status


    1. Hi Marilyn,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  43. My veza expired which date


    1. Hi Wajid,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  44. check my Visa pls


    1. Hi Shaik,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  45. how can we get visa cancellation online


    1. Hi Joann,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  46. Sir how check my Visa application


    1. Hi MD,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  47. How to cancel UAE Restance Visa


    1. Hi Ganesh,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  48. Hi my employment visa expired and apply for renewal. Can I check the current status of my visa?


    1. Hi Blessen,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  49. My visa expiry date


    1. Hi Mohamed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  50. Visa cancil


    1. Hi Gul Sher,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  51. I check visa status


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  52. Hi Can I cancel my visa . My boss has escaped from dubai


    1. Hi Kailash,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  53. I now my visa status


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  54. Hi .. i just wanted to asked what is best thing to do i resign on my job i work there for 4years and 3 month .. but still inam waiting when they will cancel my visa they say i need to wait for renewal of shop ..


    1. Hi Jennifer,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  55. Iam not sure the link you have given is correct to check visa status


    1. Hi Hassan,

      Thanks for writing to us. If you’re based in Dubai, you can use the following mediums to check your visa status.

      3. GDRFA Dubai app

      If you’re based in any of the other emirates, you can check your visa status via:

      Please note that the websites may be temporarily unavailable due to glitch, but they are up and working again after a while. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  56. How to get my visa status


    1. Hi Maricel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  57. Check visa status


    1. Hi Nsubuga,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  58. Visit visa status


    1. Hi Vincent,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  59. I want to check my Visa


    1. Hi Rizwan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  60. My visit visa already approved. Now have any ban abudhabi visit visa?


    1. Hi Ansar,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  61. I have a visit visa and expires April 10. During this time, the new visa has been closed since March 17. What do I do?


    1. Hi Raj,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  62. Checking my visa Status


    1. Hi,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  63. How i check my ban for how mini years, please


  64. Dear Madam My e-visa issued on 15th January,2020 and expairy date mentioned in e-visa paper is 14th March,2020.However I entered in UAE()Dubai on 30th January,2020.Please let me know how long my e-visa will valid to stay in UAE.Is it 60days from my entry in UAE?


    1. Hi Kaustav,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your UAE visa remains valid for 58 days from the date of issue. However, your stay in the country should not exceed more than the number of allowed days – 30 in case of 30-day visa and 90 in case of 90-day visa. You may extend your visa twice for 30 days each time by paying the applicable extension fee.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  65. how to check uae tourist visa status


    1. Hi Hamza,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  66. I want check my visa status


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  67. I want to know my visa status expired date


    1. Hi Zainabu,

      Thanks for writing to us. Generally, your visa expiry date is clearly mentioned along with the visa stamp on your passport and even on your e-visa statement. Your visa expiry date is the “valid through” or the “valid until” date printed on your visa.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  68. Dear sir
    I would like to check my Visa current status, so please assist me right way to check my Visa status


    1. Hi Ranjeet,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  69. Hello I want to know my Visa status


    1. Hi Akankiza,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  70. I’m in Dubai my visiting visa will expiry date 26/3/2020 but I want to extend to more 3 months how can I ….?


  71. I want to know the expiry date of my visit visa


    1. Hi Ali,

      Thanks for writing to us. Generally, your visa expiry date is clearly mentioned along with the visa stamp on your passport and even on your e-visa statement. Your visa expiry date is the “valid through” or the “valid until” date printed on your visa.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  72. Visiting visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Fahima,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  73. Viza status


    1. Hi Roberto,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  74. Hi can you please tell me how to check vist visa


    1. Hi Mazhar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  75. Hi I need visa validity information


    1. Hi Naveed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  76. Wanna check my visa status


    1. Hi Christopher,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  77. i want check visa


    1. Hi Munir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  78. VISA chacking


    1. Hi Shoiab,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  79. Visit visa renewal please let me know how much fees


    1. Hi Mirza,

      THe tourist visa renewal fees is AED 600. For further details on the matter, please refer to our post on visit/tourist visa renewal in the UAE.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  80. I am Italian national. I got Visa on arrival. Which is just entry stamp on my passport. It was for 90 days which will expire on 4 April 2020. Will I subject to fine if I couldn’t extend it before expiry as all agencies are close


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  81. Hi Hr services,
    Kindly advice my visit will be expiring on month of aprill2020. Due to covic19 im stuck here in uae any late fee will applicable for current situation. How i can process next step below attaching all the details of visa.
    Entry permit no:204/2019/77726609
    Uid no:216997927


    1. Hi Haneefa,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  82. Hi
    My vist visa finished is 5 April but my flight is cancelled so what I m doing


    1. Hi Sana,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  83. Hi, I have called my mother on visit visa before covid-19 and her last day of stay in country 7th April 2020, even flights are cancelled her ticket due to the same reason.

    Please let me know how do I renew her visa in order to avoid fines. Or is there any support from the authority or Government?


    1. Hi Nadeem,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  84. Status visa


    1. Hi Abdul,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  85. Visa status check please


    1. Hi Qadeer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!




    1. Hi Sanjay,

      You can simply re-apply for the UAE visit visa as per your convenience. For further details on the matter, please refer to our post on visit/tourist visa renewal in the UAE.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  87. Hi,
    My visit visa expiring this week, but in current situation all airport is closed so how i can go back to india?
    Please advice.
    Puthiya veetil Haneefa
    Nationally: Indian
    Type of visa: Visit (issued from dubai)


    1. Hi Haneefa,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  88. How i can renew the 1 month visit visa


    1. Hi Jithu,

      You can simply re-apply for the UAE visit visa as per your convenience. For further details on the matter, please refer to our post on visit/tourist visa renewal in the UAE.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  89. Chek my visa


    1. Hi Sahir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  90. hello …what if my status is violated how can i waive on it …all fkights are cancelled… what i gonna do


    1. Hi Glenda,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  91. I want to know my visit visa expiration date


    1. Hi Moses,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  92. Visa status


    1. Hi Abdul Raziq,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  93. Check my fine


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Tourist and visit visas have a grace period of 10 days. As per your visa expiry date, no fines will be applicable until 14-4-2020. After that, overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
      – AED 100 each consecutive day
      – AED 100 as service charges

      You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  94. my flight 24 March but flight operations closed my visit visa will be expired ofter 2 day How can do for visa extend


    1. Hi Syed,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  95. My employment visa was cancelled automatically on the 17th march 2020 due to the suspension of incoming flights to Dubai and I never travelled, so what will happen,pliz guide me,thanx


    1. Hi Ssowankamba,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  96. I want to check my visa


    1. Hi Godswill,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  97. Expairy cheak


    1. Hi Ammaraslam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  98. check my visit visa expiry date


    1. Hi Hammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  99. Visit visa expiry check


    1. Hi Mrs. Laraib,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  100. Visit visa expire date


    1. Hi Nadeem,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  101. Please inform me how to check visit visa date expair


    1. Hi Mubeena,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  102. mai visa valid


    1. Hi Uttam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  103. Hi. I’m Louis I’m here to have information about the uae 🇦🇪 3 months extension. My visa will expire on 11 April 2020 .
    I’m on residential visa. Flight cancelled


    1. Hi Louis,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


      1. Hi I’m ilori
        Am in Nigeria for vacation and I suppose to return back on 22 of march last month but due to covid 19 all flight has been closed and I heard an information that my visa has been cancel when it not my fault
        So how can I check if my visa are still valid


        1. Hi Ilori,

          Thanks for writing to us. You can check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
          We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  104. good


  105. How to check visit visa expiru


    1. Hi Raju,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.
      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  106. I want to check my visit visa


    1. Hi Syed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  107. I want to check my visa status


    1. Hi Warren,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  108. Please help us through giving advice. Previously i send a msg. It’s urgent. & if Fine arrived then who will liable to pay ?


    1. Hi Vishal,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has waived of any overstay fines applicable on visit visas for the next 3 months.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  109. I listen in news UAE gov extend all type of visa from 1 march .it’s true r not


    1. Hi Shahzad,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has waived of any overstay fines applicable on visit visas for the next 3 months.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  110. I am coming visit visa date 14/03/2020 but now I’m stay for covid 19 lock down my visa expire date 14/04/2020 now how can visa extension of multiple u can help me


    1. Hi Belal,

      Thanks for writing to us. For all your queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  111. Hi my visa expired is until april 9 2020, they will give me fine if i overstay here in uae? But i have flight to miami florida march13 but because of covid 19 im still here, hope i satisfied to the answer thank you and god bless, keepsafe.


    1. Hi Jay,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has waived of any overstay fines applicable on visit visas for the next 3 months.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  112. How to check visit visa expire and how to renew new visa to 90 days


    1. Hi Durga,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.

      For details on visa renewal, please refer to our post on visit/tourist visa renewal in the UAE.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      1. hello
        my visa has expired from today can you tell me when i will go my country then i will pay overstay charges or not .


        1. Hi Ahsan,

          Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

          For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

          We hope this helps.


      2. Hai i need to know about visiti visa which was cancelled before entry, and visa will expire may 2020


        1. Hi Anzaraj,

          Thanks for writing to us. Although, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020, your query is case-sensitive. It is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

          For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

          We hope this helps.


  113. My visit visa expired on 3 april is there any fine for this or any solution plz rply


    1. Hi Jamshed,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  114. can you check my visa status


    1. Hi Jenny,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  115. How can check my visa residence


    1. Hi Jabed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  116. i want to know how i know my visa is cancel


    1. Hi Mary,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  117. How I check my visa cancel or not?


    1. Hi Sajjad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  118. I have 3 moth vist visa
    Entry date 12 march
    How is my last visa day plz


    1. Hi Danish,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  119. hi my family Entry E Visa has been Canceled Automatically saying that Cancel Before Entry currently my family in India Visa issue Date 03/03/2020 Visa Cancel Date 17/03/2020 Visa Validity Date 01/05/2020 so kindly advice for next step what we have to do


    1. Hi Gajanan,

      Thanks for writing to us. Although, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020, your query is case-sensitive. It is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on 8005111 for the relevant information.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  120. How do I check if my company has started my visa process


    1. Hi Maria,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your query, the best possible way to know whether your visa process is started or not, is to contact the relevant personnel in your company. However, please note that due to the Covid-19 travel restrictions and lockdowns, the process might be halted or slower than usual.

      We hope this helps.


  121. Hi, i am jaison, my visit visa is going expire on 20-04-20, thats including grace period. as flights are closed down, do i need to renew the visa from agency or government will do it for the tourists??


    1. Hi Jason,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  122. Hi my visa canceal give me information


    1. Hi Farhad,

      Thanks for writing to us. Although, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020, your query is case-sensitive. It is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on 8005111 for the relevant information.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  123. my visit visa is expired on 10 april what i do ?


    1. Hi Shahjahan,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends. Till then, it’s best to stay where you are and wait for the flights to be operational again.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  124. Hello good morning my visa expired yesterday and I’m still needed to be in uae 🇦🇪 to find a job I will be paying penalty for over stay or it will be among No penalties

    “There are different types of residency visas and all are exempted now as of March 1. They are also exempted from any financial penalties incurred under the current conditions,” he added.

    People with expired visit or tourist visas will be also exempted from fines as per the decision. let me know


    1. Hi Karim,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  125. Hi, I am on a visit visa and it will expire at the beginning of next month in May. Since there are no international flights, what should I do?


    1. Hi Ahsan,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  126. hi good pm my daughter visa will expire this weekdo we need to renew it now or she is also exempted for 3mos no fine.. will we have fine if we renew it before june? bcoz agency telling us only the one going back to country is exempted not for the one staying here in uae.


    1. Hi Yam,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  127. Dear Sir/Ma’am,
    I would like to request kindly let me know the full details/fine about my family Visa Cancelled,
    My Wife & Son was having receidence VISA in Abu Dhabi,
    I cancelled thier Receidence VISA on 16-03-2020
    So please let me know what is the next step to do, because in this time all flights are ban to fly to INDIA, and how can I proceed for exdent their living here. please advide and do needful. Thank you.


    1. Hi Syed,

      Thanks for writing to us. Although, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020, your query is case-sensitive. It is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on 8005111 for the relevant information.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  128. my visa status


    1. Hi Tony,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  129. Hi my 3 months visa is start from 10 march . I hear from someone that the visa which start r expire from after 1st march valid till 31 december !is that true?


    1. Hi Saad,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  130. hi,i check my visit visa is xpired in may 22 2020 is it include in the visit visa xtention unti december 2020?


    1. Hi Robert,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. This may not be reflected on the visa status as yet, but is still applicable.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  131. My visit visa is getting expire on 28/04/2020 so there is no flight to my home country so my visit get extended or not??


    1. Hi Ibrahim,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      For any other queries related to the Covid-19 travel restriction, please refer to our post on the Travel Related FAQs.

      We hope this helps.


  132. Iwant to know when is mai visa expire?


    1. Hi Nalukwago,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. Visa status is showing file converted to resident. What does it mean. It’s not showing any date


        1. Hi Kishore,

          Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


      2. Hi, good day! My visa was cancelled last May 5, 2020… I would like to know if my visa is covered until end of 2020.


        1. Hi Mylene,

          Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

          Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  133. My visit visa expire on 13 march i wan to know if i have also extension


    1. Hi Marilou,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  134. Visiting expired Visa check pls.


    1. Hi Noria,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  135. My visit Visa expired is may 3, 2020 I need to know if I’m including for till end of 2020? Pls give me information thank you.


    1. Hi Noria,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  136. My visit visa 2020 May 5 already expired covid 19 corona , fight band any fine


    1. Hi Mohammed,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  137. My visa status


    1. Hi Hans,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  138. Hi My visit visa will expired on May 04 2020 because of covid 19 corona virus , fight band any fine.


    1. Hi Diomhelle,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  139. Assalam o alaikum, sir i came to UAE on 20 fab on visit visa and my visa will be expired on 19 May, so kindly tell me would i have to extend my visit visa or i can stay without extending my visa cuz of government announced all visa are valid upto 20 December, kindly tell me i m confused?


    1. Hi Ali,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  140. Would you please tell me why my visit visa was not promoted by the Time Government


    1. Hi Fahad,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  141. Hello ,
    My visit visa Is Already expire on April 11 because of covid 19 corona , fight are band therefore I would like to find My visa status or how to renew my visit visa.


    1. Hi Syed,

      Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  142. There is residence visa for my family valid until 02-05-2020 .In this present situation not able to come so what will do will it be expired .


    1. Hi Saifudheen,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  143. I need know about my visa details


    1. Hi Haris,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  144. I want to check my visa status


    1. Hi Ayoola,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  145. How to check visa because my visa expired on march 07 2020


    1. Hi Jennifer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  146. Hello can i check my visa


    1. Hi Ysmael,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. Hello mam i am gursewak singh. I am employee of saif bin Darwish company . Now i am in india i.e in my home country. My visa is expired on 20 may 2020 .how can i check my visa is extended or not


        1. Hi Gursewak,

          To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

          1. Visit the portal:
          2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
          3. Select “Visa”
          4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
          5. Select your nationality
          6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

          If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

          We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  147. Visit visa esprit daite


    1. HI Seemab,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  148. Visit visa expire


    1. Hi Hamayun,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  149. My visa has been cancelled on dated 6/06 April date on cancelation paper is 29 April 2020.
    But I want to stay more time …is it over stay fine will be applicable…


    1. Hi Zahoor,

      Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      However, if you wish to stay in the UAE after the travel ban is lifted, it’s best to renew your visa to avoid fines.

      We hope this helps.


  150. My visit visa expires on May 4, the visa portal shows that my visa validity is up to 15th May……. How to know the status of this covid condition…..


    1. Hi Suresh,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  151. I want to check my visa statues


    1. Hi Chibuikem,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. Hi good afternoon.

        I need to check my Visa it’s in the cancellation process or not yet please give me information


        1. Hi Muhammad,

          Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

          We hope this helps.


  152. How to check my residence visa validity


    1. Hi Rehna,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  153. Tourism visa please check


    1. Hi Gurjant,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  154. How can i knowing to my visiting visa expire date


    1. Hi Khrishna,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  155. Hi
    My Visa 3 months visit in UAE.
    My visa expires on the 24th April 2020.How do I check this?


    1. Hi Qasim,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  156. Am in my home country my Visa is expiring on 26/04/20 when I check it’s councelled before entery councelled date 17/March/20 will it also be extended ,residency visa


    1. Hi Ndoli,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!




    1. Hi Umar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  158. Hello have a good day everyone. I just want to ask about my visa if there’s a penalty of being overy stay since it was cancelled on last march 20 , 2020 and it will expired in april 21 . Im a residence cancelled visa. Thank you and hoping and appreciate your response.


    1. Hi Alma,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  159. My visa is expired 26 April. Now new role is last after this year all visa is extended. Now my question is that I am travele


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  160. Hi sir maam
    I want to check the visa of my cousin


    1. Hi Jeffrey,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  161. My visa status


    1. Hi Jayakumar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  162. I want to check my visa expire date


    1. Hi Echefu,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  163. My name is puran thapa i am from nepal i am coming visiting but now my visit visa is expired last date is april 10th i want to go back nepal .please help me


    1. Hi Puran,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  164. check my visa expiry date


    1. Hi Sana,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  165. Visa check expiry date


    1. Hi AbdulQadir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  166. Visited Visa expire date check


    1. Hi Noor,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  167. I check my visa status on shows that in its VIOLATED…my visa was cancelled last march 5,2020…what should i do? I want to fixed my visa extension…thanks


    1. Hi Joann,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  168. How to check my uae visits viss exipier last date


    1. Hi Bishnu,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  169. Hello good mornig maam/sir, ill Try so many Times about My visa status, ill check All so every single letter OR number but every time no found My visa status. My visa finish since april 20, im a cancel visa..


    1. Hi Ruth,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  170. My visa Before Expired 17 march 2020 and now Automatically Extended 31 December 2020,so now i will go my country Pakistan and will comeback before 31 December 2020,so No problem for me?


    1. Hi Noor,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  171. I want chack my Emirates vissa how can i chack please explain for me


    1. Hi Sultan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  172. My residence visa was canceled and before March 26 I had to leave the country. Due to covid19 restrictions I was not able to change the status . Will I should bear the overstay fine?


    1. Hi Syed,

      Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  173. Tell me about my visit visa detail


    1. Hi Salman,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  174. My residence visa was canceled and before March 26 I had to leave the country. Due to covid19 restrictions I was not able to change the status . Will I should bear the overstay fine?


    1. Hi Syed,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  175. Hello, I left the UAE in 2018 without cancelling my residence visa. My now ex husband cancelled my visa along with his 6 months later as I was sponsored under his visa as a housewife. As I was back in the UK, I wasnt required to give my passport in for it to be stamped as cancelled so they gave a Visa cancellation paper. However, my ex husband is being difficult and wont give me the original copy of my visa cancellation but has given me a photocopied version. I want to know will this be an issue at the airport if I travel to the UAE or if i apply for a job in the UAE in the future? If so, how can i get an original copy of my visa cancellation as my ex husband is being difficult.


    1. Hi,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  176. Visa how to chek


    1. Hi Gangaavath,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


        1. Hi Sajith,

          Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  177. Hello maam I want to know my visa is cancel by march 24 I want to know if is this valid till December 2020 thank u


    1. Hi Crystal,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  178. I want chek my viza expiry date


    1. Hi Mohsin,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  179. Hy now i am in pakistan i came for vacation due to covid-19 i don’t go back now my visa is expired so what will do


    1. HI Abdul,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for residents who wish to return to the UAE. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights rom your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  180. Now i am in pakistan and my visa expiry date is 22/04/2020 .i don’t came back due to covid-19 because all flight is closed but dubai govt annouced that all visa is extended kindly you inform me can i came back in dubai


    1. Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  181. I whant to know when my visa expired


    1. Hi Ghulamabbas,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  182. i want see my visa status


    1. Hi Karen,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  183. I’m cancelled and my 1month grace period is finish already april 18. I was confused if I have fine.


    1. Hi Darrel,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  184. My visiting visa status


    1. Hi Jesinasim,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  185. Visa expire date employment


    1. Hi Noman,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  186. Hello good afternoon sir and madam I’m from Nepal now I’m in UAE i bring my brother now he in the UAE he have visit visa i see news until 2020 December free no deen pay fine this is true or fake please sir and madam give me information because my visit visa expired may 09


    1. Hi Ramkaji,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  187. Hi.
    I wanted to check my visit visa status and know until when I can remain in the UAE.
    My visit visa expires on May 20 but when I entered the details of my passport on the website you gave, it shows my visit visa expires on May 15.
    And then there is this news that we can stay until the end of December.

    Now I’m confused if I have to leave by May 15 or I can stay until the end of December.
    And do I have to register anywhere so that I can stay until the end of this year ?


    1. Hi Adnan,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  188. Visa status


    1. Hi Mohammed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  189. Should I apply to renew my visit visa or it will automatically extend till end of 2020?


    1. Hi Abdullah,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  190. I would like to know my visit visa status in dubai.


    1. Hi Kamran,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  191. Assalamualekum my visa valid or no


    1. Hi Sadia,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  192. Hi how are you. I want to know visit visa in Abu Dhabi expire 1 may or cancel 2 may is coming fine after renwel


    1. Hi Gias,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  193. Hi I want know my visit visa from Abu Dhabi is expire in may 1 is coming over due fine or no


    1. Hi Gias,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  194. I have been given a visa by a friend. This visa is original can’t you tell me please


    1. Hi Chhosang,

      To check whether your visa is genuine or not, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit
      2. Click on the ‘General Inquiry’ tab
      3. Enter the relevant details (visa number, date of birth etc.)
      4. Submit your information

      You will be redirected to a new page that confirms the existence of your visa in the system. If the visa is not fake, the page will display your visa status and expiry date. For more information and assistance, you can visit one of the Amer Centres in Dubai.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  195. Hello ,
    My visit visa May 28 expired covid 19 corona , fight band any fine


    1. Hi Zia,

      Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  196. Hi Dear Sir./ Ms madam
    I would to change my Visa status from light vehicle driver to Cargo loading and unloading or Packer worker how I can change this in the currently situation in Uae ?


    1. Hi Khan,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  197. I have valid UAE visa upto 10/5/2020, but it got cancelled automatically. Will I get it extended later on? whether I have any other remedies?


    1. Hi Prem,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  198. Hi
    Hoto renew online vizit viza /01.05.2020


    1. Hi,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on “How to renew or extend a tourist visa in Dubai” for detailed information on the process.

      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  199. Hi , I’m in ajman now . My campani gave me cancel on 15 march 2020 . And 1 moth extension finish on 13 April 2020 . And I try to take visit visa but I can’t take because of coron vairas . So I went to know I have penalty or no . Please help me .


    1. Hi Ganesh,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  200. Hi
    i have a residence visa issued by sharjah authorities which expired on 4 march2020 how do i check its validity and can i travel back to uae on this same visa


    1. Hi Rahul,

      Thanks for writing to us. To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status. However, if you say your visa expired on 4 March 2020, you cannot travel back to the UAE on the basis of that.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  201. Hi my Visa expired 17 April but nowadays I am home country please give me information


    1. Hi Humza,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  202. My company was coast cutting due to the covid19. My visa is canceled last march 15 can i get the penalty of my situation pls. help me


    1. Hi Dario,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  203. Hi, Right now on Residence Visa, it got expired on 29/4/2020. Due to this Pandemic Situation, I could not renew it. I heard that it will be renewed automatically. But When I checked the portal as per your direction, it shows my expiry date is 29/4/2020 But Status is ACTIVE. If it is extended automatically, I can I know the details?


    1. Hi Abdul,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  204. bro my visit visa issued from abhudhabi on 12th Feb and am entry date on dubai 20th Feb now my visit visa Expired date 12th may so my question is my visit visa already extended to this year end ? or need to register? or it’s not possible to extend?


    1. Hi Riyax,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  205. What will i do my visa is cancelled already i want to ask what will i do


    1. Hi Chrissarah,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  206. visit visa for 3 month i am coming 26 February
    visa expire


    1. Hi Yahiya,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  207. Hi I have cancelled visa and expired on April 28,2020. Is it automatically extended also until the end of 2020? And also i applied for working Visa but it’s been two weeks now and still no update from the government, is that normal because of covid?


    1. Hi Lance,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  208. I want to know the validity of my visit visa


    1. Hi Juliet,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  209. Plz my viza check canseled before 3 months


    1. Hi Subhan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  210. My visa canceled from one month ago i have fine the overstay the air port is closed so can I stay here or not i need your help


    1. Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  211. My visit start on 14 february tell me when will expire my 3 month visit visa


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  212. Hi my 3 month Visa start .5 February my Visa status


    1. Hi Neeru,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  213. Hello good day,my visa was cancelled last march 12,2020 and due to the pandemic,my new employers didn’t take my employment Visa due to the locked down,I want to know if I’m included to the exemption till December 2020 or not?thank you!


    1. Hi Jona,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  214. My working visa expire on 2020/10/03


    1. HI Edwin,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  215. Vissa check


    1. Hi Islam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  216. My visa cancelled on 8 march 2020 now days fine come on me or not


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  217. Hi.. My visa finish date 26 August 2020 so i have company partner visa now lockdown so any fine after my visa finish or not and my visa valid same like others 31dec or not???


    1. Hi Sawera,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  218. Hi my visa cancel by my exployer on 2/5/2020 how long can l stay without over stay.


    1. Hi Aserobaki,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  219. Hii sir
    My visa expir 09/5/2020 please check my visa date


    1. Hi Mumtaz,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  220. My visa expired feb 24, and I cancel on Feb 29 because I wanted to apply to another company and I have grace period till March 24,and airport was shut down due to pandemic disease, is there any fines for me.


    1. Hi Uthman,

      Hi Zubair,

      Thanks for writing to us. Yes, it’s true, the UAE government has extended the validity of all residence and tourist visas till the end of 2020. There will be no overstay fines applicable. You don’t need to renew your visa as long as you plan to return home as soon as the travel ban ends.

      We hope this helps.


  221. I check already my visa the expiration date is December 31 2020 thank you…


    1. Hi Juvelyn,

      We’re glad we could help. Have a nice day!


  222. i wamt know my visa status


    1. Hi Maribel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  223. I whent chake my douther visit visa expire


    1. Hi Maha,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  224. my visit visa ends in April 14 2020 ,should extend my visa or its extended due to covid -19


    1. Hi Manikandan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  225. I want know my visa validity date


    1. Hi Ghaffar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  226. How mach my Visa validity


    1. HI Shamim,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  227. I want to know my Visa validity


    1. Hi Nagendra,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  228. Me I know when my visa expire


    1. Hi Analiza,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  229. Visa status


    1. Hi Prakash,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. am a visit visa holder April 15th my visa expired. When starting the new employment visa process in UAE and any fine in visa processing?


        1. Hi Faisal,

          Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  230. those on cancelled visa, are they also automatically exetended till dec 2020,since they can go back to their country ,


    1. Hi Fiona,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  231. My visit visa will finish on june 02, wht I will do know, imif we need to something to extend our visa


    1. Hi Remalyn,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  232. My Employment visa Isue in 12/3/2020 and I m not enter in UAE for Lock down Covid 19 and expire in 10/03/2020.UAE during this not allow in UAE and my Entry permit Expir .PLZ help me in this situetion


    1. Hi Ranaaltaf,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  233. I will apply for new visa I want to check visa status


    1. Hi Arbab,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  234. What is last expiry date in my visit visa


    1. Hi Iftikhar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  235. Can i check only if my visa also is valid until end of dec… thank u


    1. Hi Myriam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  236. My visa expired on 24 of April and my company has cancel not renew


    1. Hi Ademeso,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has now started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  237. Visit visa expired date check


    1. Hi Raees,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  238. Hye,
    Respectable sir its my humble request to please inform me about Visa expire system in theses circ*mstance.
    One of my friend was go to homeland for holidays.
    He is still there due to corona virus:Covid 19.
    His visa will be expire 23.5.2020.
    Please inform me what is the system of UAE government about those people who has gone to their country and not come back


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for residents stuck in other countries to return to the UAE. PLease check the details of repatriation flights from your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  239. My Visa expire on 16 October 2019 I need check my Visa fine


    1. Hi Rasool,

      Overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
      – AED 100 each consecutive day
      – AED 100 as service charges

      You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  240. Visiting visa expiry date


    1. Hi Jiesa,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  241. Hello i want to check visa stats … its cancel or not


    1. Hi Umair,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  242. Hey my visa will Expire in july12 will i be able to do inside visa change or im also going to exite in December


    1. Hi Abdulrahim,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  243. Hi
    Actually my File Status is showing as CANCELED, But the File Expire Date : 19/08/2021. What exactly does this mean?


    1. Hi Thomas,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  244. Hi HS, I checked my visa status using your advice above. Visa on arrival now valid to 31st December 2020 as per the UAEs brilliant initiative to ease things during Covid. Some new news today about May 18th plus a 3 month grace period to exit the country without fines. Does this now apply to me or do I still have the extension till 31st December 2020? A bit confused.


    1. Hi Hussain,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. The extension was applicable only until the travel ban remained. Since it’s partially lifted now, please check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  245. Check my visa expiring date


    1. Hi Kamrul,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  246. Expire visa check


    1. Hi Dol,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  247. My visa expire 10 Sep 2018 I don’t have money to pay for penalties what I can do


    1. Hi Khadisha,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  248. My wife visat visa check


    1. Hi Zeban,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  249. Hi ,my name is RIDWAN from Nigeria,pls my Visa was issued on 26/3/2020,in wch it will expire on the 24/5/2020, but due to covia 19issue,am not able to travel out of the country,and my Visa is about to expire,pls what can I do.


    1. Hi Ridwan,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  250. I am with residence Visa but am home now because my company closed down and want to ask if u can help me to check my status


    1. Hi Martin,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  251. Good Day
    my working visa is cancelled by my employer.
    the 1st time i checked my visa status the result is until january 30 2021 then the following day i check again the result is INVALID RESIDENCY.
    Thats why im confused.
    thank you


    1. Hi Jay,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  252. Hi.. my wife here in dubai.. on visit visa .. how I can know till when I will be validated…


    1. Hi Pathum,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!

  253. Chaek my viza


    1. Hi,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  254. My visit visa Experty Date check


    1. Hi Santhosh,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  255. I what to no about my visa


    1. Hi Matthew,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  256. Hi sir my tourist visa lssue date 8/3/20and valid until 06/05/20but all filight suspend I’m not coming in Dubai any more options may new visa.


    1. Hi Mehul,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  257. hello my husband doesnt have work since marxh 15 then they didnt gve his passprt ,we keep in calling his employer but they said may 15 that they are waiting fir his passport because he cancelled it how to check his status using the emirates id?


    1. Hi Roselyn,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  258. Aslamoalikum my Visa will expire in August.
    But I want to know that my Visa has also extend till December. Plz guide me. Thanx


    1. Hi Amir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  259. veiza stats


    1. Hi Zubair,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  260. I want to check my Visa status my Visa cancel Nov.14.2019


    1. Hi Jovito,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  261. Visit visa check expiry date


    1. Hi Ali,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  262. Helo dear respected sir /mem i am frm pakistan I have received my 3month visit visa approval on 13 March 2020 and also i check my visa status u.a.e govermnt cancelled my visa on 17march 2020 so I want to that is money refundable or u will extend my visa
    Regard’S saddam 😊


    1. Hi Saddam,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  263. I want to check visa


    1. Hi Waseem,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  264. I want to check my visa status


    1. HI,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  265. I can check viset viza Expiry date


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  266. Check my visa status


    1. Hi Marife,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  267. I need help as i want to know that i got visa which is not pasted on pasport..can i fly to my country in this condition


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  268. I check the my visit visa


    1. Hi Adnan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  269. Cancle my visa so how many month i live in dubai


    1. Hi Mobeen,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has now started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  270. My touriest visa expire 28 aprail


    1. Hi Amritpal,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  271. Will there be fine or penalty as my visa is cancelled on May 12,2020 my grace period till June 4,2020.


    1. Hi Rex,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  272. Hi…I am not able to check my visa status on GDRF App….Where as i can see my visa expiry on ur mentioned link……Is it Ok?


    1. Hi Sairam,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  273. My visa was cancelled on the 10th of February and the 30 days grace expired on the 10th of march, so I want to confirm if my visa is included in the ongoing amnesty given to all expired visas.Thanks


    1. Hi Ayoade,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  274. My vist visa experi date check tell me please


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  275. Assalam walakum I am in overstay person plz help me last 2018 21decmber visa expired my visa how can help you please I am going on India I am not pay room rent also no money food no job please understand online overstay person any register link and another idea


    1. Hi Riyas,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  276. Check my Visa


    1. Hi Nadeem,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  277. How to check the entry permission is approved or not in the site? Or when should I check?


    1. Hi Shabna,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  278. Need visit visa chek


    1. Hi Chandana,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  279. Wich date visa expir


    1. Hi Pratham,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  280. I want to know my visa status


    1. Hi Ntambi,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  281. iam checking to my visa status


    1. Hi Manda,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  282. I want to know my visa- status


    1. Hi Pradeep,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  283. Hello,
    I have a valid dual (UAE and Oman) visa. I have relocated to Muscat in the month of March’19 but my family is still residing in UAE. Due to Covid 19 restrictions I couldn’t travel back.
    In order to keep my UAE visa active and as per rule I should revisit within 6 months period of time. Is this rule still applicable in this current situation also?
    Please advise.


    1. Hi MM,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  284. Hello,
    I have found my record, however it doesn’t show the extended validity until end of the year 2020. Please advise. Thank you


    1. Hi Regina,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  285. Hi ,my husband and my mother 3 months visit visa finish 17 may , we must be go or untill 31 December its free for coronavirus


    1. HI Tunzula,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  286. Check my visits UAE STATUS


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  287. I want to know if my visa is cancel or not


    1. Hi Ann,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  288. Hi
    I want to know the Visa status


    1. Hi Navnnet,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  289. Hi,
    My Dubai work visa will expire in Feb 2021. I left Dubai on 5th Sep, 2019 and tried to re-enter via Hatta Oman boder on 5th Mar, 2020 exact after 6 months but my entry was denied as they calculated 180 days which were completed on 3rd Mar.
    As per new announcement by UAE Govt, all visas expiring after Mar 1st are extended till Dec, 2020.
    I have checked online on GDRFA portal and visa is valid. How to check whether it is active or not and can I re-enter in UAE?
    Please advise in detail how to check visa entry status (active or inactive)?


    1. Hi,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  290. Hello , my visa cancelled on 31st march 2020 ,i want to know is there any overstaying fine ,if is there is any fine then how much i have to pay till the date


    1. Hi Muhammadali,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  291. Sir/madam/my uae dubai employmentvisa expire on 11/04/2020 so what is the procedure to get.back dubai
    That ks


    1. Hi Hondetal,

      Thanks for writing to us. The UAE has started repatriation flights for those stuck in the country with expired and/or cancelled visas. Kindly check the details of repatriation flights to your country to avoid any unnecessary complications that might occur.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day.


  292. My want to my validity of my visa


    1. Hi Ibrahim,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  293. Hi,i wanna chech my visit visa valid


    1. Hi Japhar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  294. Helo sir. I need my emoply viza status


    1. Hi Zohaib,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  295. How I know my Visa still valid or not?my Visa expired last April 20,2020 but still no cancel


    1. Hi Evangelyn,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  296. My Visa 23 may 2020 finish now check


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  297. How to visa chek


    1. Hi Sourav,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  298. I know to my visa renewal


    1. Hi Zahoor,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. How can I get my visa stamp copy on online


        1. Hi Ananthakumar,

          Thanks for writing to us. You can reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

          We hope this helps.


  299. Hi my visa in expire 9 june 2020 and now im in pakistan what i have to do


    1. Hi Ali,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  300. I want check visa stats


    1. Hi Shajahan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  301. Hi me sharfan check me my visit Visa expiri


    1. Hi Sharfan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  302. I m in visit visa how long I can stay in uae without fine


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  303. Hi dear mam or sir. Im on visit visa. It finished may 02.i want to know unltl when valid my visa. But I fallow that advice it is didn’t showing my visa status. Plz more information i need


    1. Hi Dilrukshika,

      Please try once more. The system could be down due to a glitch. To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Alternatively, you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  304. I want to know my visa status


    1. Hi Marilyn,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  305. hi my visit visa is expire so it extend automatically


    1. Hi Mairaj,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  306. Iwant to know when my visa expir


    1. HI Nawab,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  307. i need to my vise check cancell or no


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  308. Good DAY
    There is Any info When visa for seaman and crew change will be allowed?


    1. Hi Tomasz,

      Thanks for writing to us. You can reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  309. Hi sir/mam.. My visa expired on 1.05.2020. I’m now in my home country how to do i will extend my visa & how to check my visa extension covid 19. Please give the information


    1. Hi Sridhar,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  310. Hi how to contact with immigration


    1. Hi Mubashar,

      Thanks for writing to us. You can reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  311. My visa got cancel today so it will valid umtil December plz let me know


    1. Hi NorenZahid,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  312. Visit visa expiry date check


    1. Hi Majid,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  313. Im asking about my visit visa status until wen is valid .


    1. Hi Jaycel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  314. My new Visa check


    1. Hi Iliyas,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  315. I need to know how I get Visa


    1. Hi Taufeequrrahman,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  316. My visa sataus


    1. Hi Khalil,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  317. My name is Abdul Karim said Karim.i want to know my visa are cancel are not.


    1. Hi Abdul,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  318. Hy,
    Actually my visa will be expired at 27-June-2020 and I do not want to renew my visa so please tell me how long i can stay in uae or how long i can renew my visa or cancellation.


    1. Hi Sahil,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  319. When my visa finsh last date tell me


    1. Hi Umer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  320. tourist visa really automatically extended until December?


    1. Hi Zeinura,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  321. How to chek visa


    1. Hi Umer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  322. Employment Visa chuck experi date


    1. Hi Mosim,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  323. How can i check the Dubai visa approval present status?


    1. Hi Abdul,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  324. Please i came with tourist visa on March 9th and i don’t know when it will expire, i want to go home but don’t have ticket money because i couldn’t get a job….please i need some advice


    1. Hi Cornelius,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  325. I came in on March 6th and want to go back but i don’t have returning ticket, is there any fine for overstay and is there going to be a problem if i use transit because i don’t have money for direct flight.


    1. Hi John,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  326. Im lucelle mutia cajolo
    I want to know if i have absconding case and if im canceled…


    1. Hi Lucelle,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  327. I have visa but 180 days almust complete I m still my country.


    1. Hi Sajid,

      Thanks for writing to us. There have been some relaxations in the Covid-19 travel restrictions lately. It is best to check your local laws to see whether you can travel in and out of the country.

      For any other queries related to visa expiry and extension, please refer to our post on UAE visa updates.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  328. hello sir
    my Visa Expire 8.8.2019 please sir tell me that my over stay Visa no fine


    1. Hi Shakeel,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  329. hi, i would like to know if my visa status is including in uea amnesty due to covid 19
    i was cancelled last may 14, 2020. thank you


    1. Hi Ma,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  330. Visiting visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Abdul,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  331. I want to no my Visa status


    1. Hi Jovita,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  332. How to Check a fines for my residence visa? to online please. Thank you.


    1. Hi Jim,

      Overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
      – AED 100 each consecutive day
      – AED 100 as service charges

      You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  333. Visiting visa expiri date


    1. Hi Prakash,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  334. Hello,
    My visa got cancelled on 17th May 2020. I suppose , I have a grace period for 30 days from the date of cancellation (until 16th June). I am suppose to go back home to Mumbai but unfortunately flights may not start until 30th June to Mumbai.
    Am I eligible for amnesty until Dec 2020. Please advise


    1. Hi Raj,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  335. I am in overstay person please help me I am go on india please help me I don’t money I am not pay in room rent to much problem in food


    1. Hi Riyas,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  336. I want check my visa status


    1. Hi Joana,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  337. My visa expired or not expired


    1. Hi Shahmeer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  338. I followed instructions properly to check my tourist visa status but data not found, any help please.


    1. Hi Melanie,

      Thanks for writing to us. Generally, “no record found” means no visa has been applied for. In case you have applied for the visa and still get “no record found,” you might want to check whether your visa is genuine or not.

      For that, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit
      2. Click on the ‘General Inquiry’ tab
      3. Enter the relevant details (visa number, date of birth etc.)
      4. Submit your information

      You will be redirected to a new page that confirms the existence of your visa in the system. If the visa is not fake, the page will display your visa status and expiry date. For more information and assistance, you can visit one of the Amer Centres in Dubai.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  339. Hi, I want to know how to check how much overstays fines generated through online


    1. Hi Mimi,

      Overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
      – AED 100 each consecutive day
      – AED 100 as service charges

      You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  340. Visiting visa cheak expire date


    1. Hi Sunil,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  341. Visit visa expiry date


    1. Hi Zubair,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  342. I want information about my u.a.e visa Stutus


    1. Hi Abdul,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  343. Hi
    My visa expire date was 16/05/20.
    I checked it active December 2020.
    Now IAM in Nepal should I will come again in UAE some visa?


    1. Hi Durga,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  344. How to check the fine on visit visa..?


    1. HI Nouman,

      Overstay fines are calculated according to the following terms.

      – AED 200 for the first day of overstay
      – AED 100 each consecutive day
      – AED 100 as service charges

      You can calculate your overstay fines accordingly. For more information on the topic, please refer to our post on Overstay Fines in the UAE.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  345. I want to check my visit visa expired or not


    1. Hi Man,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  346. I want to check my Visa status


    1. Hi Ademola,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  347. Company visa check


    1. Company visa check if extended until dec.


      1. Hi Krizia,

        To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Visit the portal:
        2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
        3. Select “Visa”
        4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
        5. Select your nationality
        6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

        If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
        We hope you find this information useful.

        Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    2. To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  348. Chak my visa cancel


    1. Hi Adeel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  349. How I check my status in uae immigration.where I go and what is the first step.


    1. Hi Jasmin,

      Thanks for writing to us. You can to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  350. dear sir,
    i wont to check my visa status please


    1. Hi Farzand,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  351. I would like to ask about my visa status cox it cancel on may 30 and I’m worry cox some say I have only 28 days her.then I need to change my status but I saw some posting that have exemption until end of the year….can u explain for if wat I do
    Thank u


    1. Hi Gracezel,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  352. Hi I want to knows the new visa process if open already or not


    1. Hi Qamar,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  353. Chak visit


    1. Hi Faisal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  354. Hi,
    I came here to dubai 6th of march via long term (3 months visit visa).affter that i went to the company and only signed the job letter and applying e visa paper.but the company and they told me to apply my visa.they sent me a e visa papper.but i haven’t get any seal to my passport also i haven’t go to their medical this corana situation i went to the company and i get my passport .i have to know any fine to pay?because there are no any seal to my paasport.also i didnt go to the there any fine to pay?


    1. Hi Heshan,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


    1. Hi Maria,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  355. Visit visa expire check


    1. Hi Rajia,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  356. I wana to know about my Visa status


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  357. HI,
    How much I have paid for my visa renewal


    1. Hi Kamran,

      Thanks for writing to us. The renewal/extension of a tourist visa will cost you AED 600.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day!


  358. Visa expire


    1. Hi Mohd,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  359. I want to check the validity of my vi


    1. Hi Alhaji,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  360. Visa states


    1. Hi Reemajunaid,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  361. My working visa expires 7 of July 2020 so I want know if I’m allowed to stay in the country till the end of the year


    1. Hi Ekwo,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  362. Can i know i f i have temporary pasort u can they make the visa …Coz my pasport and visa going to expired this month end


    1. Hi Indika,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  363. Vissa expiry date is vhek


    1. Hi Ali,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  364. Check residency visa


    1. Hi Azam,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  365. I want to check my residence visa expiry date


    1. Hi Ahmad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  366. I won’t to check my visa


    1. Hi Sajal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  367. My visit visa has expired, can you tell whether it has been renewed automatically?


    1. Hi Syed,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  368. My visa cancelled, how long i can stay here


    1. Hi Vishnu,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  369. I just want to ask as my visa was cancel last 11th June 2022. Am i eligible to stay till dec 2020? If not, do i need to buy a visit visa even 1 month?
    Thank you


    1. Hi Jan,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  370. hi plz chak my visa canceled


    1. Hi Sohail,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  371. Visiting visa states


    1. Hi Fazal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  372. how i can check my online visa status


    1. Hi Noren,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  373. i have two questions.
    1- My wife visa will expire on 1st of July, her visa is valid till 31st December 2020. Right?
    2- i lost my job and my company wants to cancel my visa. when they cancel the visa do i have time till 31st December or i will get 28 days only…



    1. Hi Saud,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  374. how i know about for my status visa


    1. Hi Roxanne,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  375. Hi! Good afternoon. I just want to ask regarding the Resident visa status of my sister was expired on Feb. 26, 2020. After we check by online her visa status we found out that showing ” THE RESIDENCE IS INVALID”. What is that mean? Your kind response with this matter is highly appreciated.


    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  376. Hi,
    My visa is canceled, I want to know the last to stay in UAE and also I want to check that I have employment ban on my cancellation or not ?


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  377. I whant to know my visa exporation..pls


    1. Hi Eudelyn,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  378. I wana check my visa expire date


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  379. I wanted to check if my dead visa has been canceled. Please help me online.


    1. Hi Ali,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  380. How can i check information about visa


    1. Hi Nader,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  381. Hello I want know my visa status in abudhabi emirates


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  382. Hi my visa 1 july 2020 expire and i am out side uae bcoz flight cancel covid19 can I go back uae next month bcoz uae Gov. Valid all residents 31 December 2020


    1. Hi Virendar,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  383. Hi there, I got employment entry permit visa on February 2020 and had plan to fly Dubayfrom Canada on March 2020.However, due to COVID-19 all flight are canceled at that time and borders are closed!
    Now the GDRFA app show my entry permit is permanently closed!!
    What does it mean?


    1. Hi Sheerin,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  384. I want to chek my visit visa status.


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  385. i want to check on passport visa sticker


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  386. I need to know my visa is cancel our not


    1. Hi Shila,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  387. Already i have one year labor ban. I need visiting visa legally any problems?


    1. Hi Sukhalal,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  388. Dubai Visa check


    1. Hi Tanzeem,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  389. Visa check status


    1. Hi Mohsin,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  390. How can I check a visa status if the visa was issued in Abu Dhabi? There’s no option for that. Thanks


    1. Hi Imee,

      You will use the same process to check your visa status.

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  391. my visa check


    1. Hi Vikram,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  392. please send my visa status


    1. Hi Shyju,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  393. My visa status


    1. Hi Khrishna,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  394. Habib m kabir chacek vesa


    1. Hi Habib,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  395. Please help me to check my visa status


    1. Hi Ninia,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  396. I am chake resident viza expires date my viza


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  397. My family visa expired on 22 june 2020, and showing cancelled, but file expiry date showing 31/12/2020, Now my question if my family stay up to the end of this year without renewing the visa, Is there will be any fine while leaving before 31/12/2020. Please your guidance


    1. Hi Sardar,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  398. My visiting visa status


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  399. visa chak


    1. Hi Amir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  400. Want to know my visa status


    1. Hi Vincent,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  401. Dear Sir/Mam, My visa has been cancelled on 30 march 2020, did my visa has been extended tell December 2020 or what will be the exact news to update me….?


    1. Hi Sabir,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  402. I want to cancel my wife visa she pass away what is the process


    1. Hi Simson,

      Thanks for writing to us. Please refer to our post on UAE Visa Cancellation to know all about how to cancel your UAE residence visa.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  403. I want to know my visa expired date and how long I can stay because my country still not open


    1. Hi Sashi,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  404. I m charanjit Singh. I m working in Dubai but February month I will come in india vacations. So 11june my visa is finish. Now how can I will go back my company.


    1. Hi Charanjit,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  405. Hello can I qsk my visa cancel by march 24 2020 this is till December 30 2020


    1. Hi Cryatal,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  406. Hi! my visa was canceled last june 8/2020 and when I checked online, it shows that my visa will expire on 21/10/21. What happened?


    1. Hi Marianne,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  407. How can i avail the amnesty if i have an abscon and My visa is still not cancelled?


    1. Hi Bhelle,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  408. How check visa detail


    1. Hi Imran,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  409. visa cancel on march 10.grace period till April still i am here stuck in dubai.just i want to know ,once i go to airport exit, i have a fine or not.


    1. Hi Pushpasiri,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  410. My visa is expired 5/ 27/2020 But automatic renew until December how can I proceeder please any advice ?


    1. Hi Ramesh,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  411. How can I check visa cancellation status??


    1. Hi Nokhi,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  412. I check my visa
    I don’t know bcz today I know it’s cancell but I check the website about my visa not found
    Pls help me


    1. Hi Elvira,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  413. visit visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Amir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  414. I came here visit vissa than i work 6 month here one company my medical and emygration already don but company they not information any think about my vissa states than now i already resign that company because of covid 19 they cancel my vissa or not i want now can u explain how about my vissa states now when expaired my vissa please..


    1. Hi Kiran,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  415. My visa was expired last march 10 2020

    what is the status now


    1. Hi Sumesankannan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  416. Please check my visa stamp finis


    1. Hi Imran,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  417. I want to check maybe my visa still valid in Dubai or I never have overstay


    1. Hi Mobolaji,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  418. visiting visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Dilzaib,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  419. hi i need to now about my visit visa


    1. Hi Mohammed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  420. how to check my visa is real or fake


    1. Hi Mubharak,

      To check whether your visa is genuine or not, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit
      2. Click on the ‘General Inquiry’ tab
      3. Enter the relevant details (visa number, date of birth etc.)
      4. Submit your information

      You will be redirected to a new page that confirms the existence of your visa in the system. If the visa is not fake, the page will display your visa status and expiry date. For more information and assistance, you can visit one of the Amer Centres in Dubai.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  421. cheek my visa


    1. Hi Nazir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  422. My Visa expires 08/09/2020 about Corona in my country stay naw .Sam time didn’t come. extant valid visa please thank s.


    1. Hi Haidharali,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  423. My visa expire 1 june during corona sooo chak my visa status


    1. Hi Ameer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  424. I want no if my visit visa is still active


    1. Hi Yunus,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  425. How to check my visa


    1. Hi Awal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  426. I want to check my visa status


    1. Hi Mohamad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  427. Visiting visa expiry date chek


    1. Hi Yasim,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  428. Hi.
    I got my family visa on 9th of March 2020 . On 17th March 2020 my family visa canceled before entry .
    I need to know is this visa active again or i have to apply new visa


    1. Hi Rana,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  429. my kids residency entry permit visa expired in march 28 2020. can i travel to uae with the same visa


    1. Hi Jazna,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  430. I am check my Visa expired data


    1. Hi Fazal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  431. Hi po I want to know the status of My visa


    1. Hi Eden,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  432. What is that mean entered not active


    1. Hi Riza,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  433. I wnt chack my visit visa expire date


    1. Hi Zeeshan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  434. Is it allowed to apply for a tourist visa from Egypt?


    1. Hi Mahmoud,

      As of July 2020, Dubai is open for tourists again. You can apply for a UAE tourist visa from Egypt as long as you comply with the visa requirements.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day!


  435. can you check my visa expiri date


    1. Hi Ajay,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  436. My husband have got gdrfa approval to come Dubai but kids have evisa can they come with him


    1. Hi Mitya,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  437. I want to know visa extension validity


    1. Hi Md,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  438. How can i get entry permit to come back to abudhabi I was been trying on ica but all in vain


    1. Hi Siira,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular query, please refer to our post on How to Get a UAE Re-Entry Permit for answers.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  439. I have resident visa of UAE, but currently i am out of UAE since Feb end (26th Feb 2020), as per general rule i have to be back in UAE before Aug end. but i read that UAE Govt have have given permission to those who are stuck outside UAE, to return before end Dec without cancellation of Visa or any penalty. Kindly confirm if this is still valid


    1. Hi Agha,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  440. My visa was cancelled on March 24, do i have an over stay fine?


    1. Hi Buchano,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  441. visa inquary


    1. Hi Vijay,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  442. I need to cheak my Visiting Visa expire date


    1. Hi Sunil,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  443. Visiting viza axpiri date check


    1. Hi Umer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  444. Hi sir, my visit visa got expired on 29th April 2020, when I checked online it is showing that the visa is valid till 31st December 2020, is it correct or there is any other new rule came up?


    1. Hi Habish,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  445. Hi, thanks for this platform.. I got
    File Status : CANCELED
    File Issuance Date : 21/06/2018
    File Expire Date : 31/12/2020
    File Cancellation Date : 23/06/2020

    results as of today July 11, 2020…. does this mean cancelled visas has grace period until end of year? (as mentioned in the File Expire Date : 31/12/2020)

    Thanks and looking forward to your reply.


    1. Hi Francis,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  446. Hi.
    How to check expiry date of visit visa am currently in UAE.


    1. Hi Jash,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  447. My visa expires date


    1. Hi Sayini,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  448. How to get re entry permit


    1. Hi Yog,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular query, please refer to our post on How to Get a UAE Re-Entry Permit for answers.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  449. Want to check my visa status


    1. Hi Bedtad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  450. Hello,can I know which website I have check my visit visa status ,& still now I’m here in Dubai and My visa is till December 31,2020 the expiration , because I’m here some news that they have a new rules for visit visa


    1. Hi Mariet,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  451. Visit visa expiry


    1. Hi Shahbaz,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  452. Hi sir madem
    My wife on visit visa in Dubai
    Her visa expired June 5,2020. Before I hered that visa automatically extend until December 31.
    Now When she can go to home country


    1. Hi Jagjit,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  453. hi hs I am on leve from 6 months ,and I stay at home coz COVID 19 so I want to know that my visa is expired r not plz help me


    1. Hi Sajid,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  454. Hello, I arrived in Dubai on 16 March 2020 and as a UK national I got a 30 day visa on arrival. I entered my passport details on the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship website that you have provided on this website and it responded that “File Expire Date : 31/12/2020”. Is the File Expire the same as visa expiry date?


    1. Hi Inaam,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  455. how i check my visa ?


    1. Hi Monib,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  456. My name is Jeannette Akwi Ambe,
    My visa got expired and cancel on the 7/5/2020. Checking before it shows extended 2020 December, but now violated. I want to understand if 3 months grace till October


    1. Hi Jeannette,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  457. My visa expired 10th May 2020
    My company not clearing my settlement therefore I stay here what’s my visa status and legal requirements?


    1. Hi Syed,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  458. Dear team, my Visa validity expired so I want to check fine ..


    1. Hi Ali,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  459. I cannot view my tourist visa status “No data found” every time I search.


    1. Hi Melanie,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  460. i want to know about my tourist visa its expiry date is 03/06/2020 then afterword this visa has been extended till 31/12/2020 then know how can i check my visa status


    1. Hi Moen,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  461. Hi my name is mazhar khan can u please tell my visit visa expiry our not


    1. Hi Mazhar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  462. Does visa expire or not. How to know the visa details


    1. Hi Mohammed,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  463. Assalam walaikum
    My visit visa expired on 24 may 2020. I checked ICA SMART SERVICE it is showing 31 Dec 2020. Now UAE government has changed the extended period. So As per new amendment on 12 July how many days of GRACE period will I get. Upto which date


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  464. How to check canceled residency visa status?


    1. Hi Basheer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  465. how to check the visit visa expiry date


    1. Hi Ramzy,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  466. I hold a UAE residence visit issued at sharajh and vaalid upto 28 July 2020.
    My company has terminated my services and cancelled my visa
    file cancellation date : 23 June 2020
    file expiry date : 28 July 2020
    I am very confident of finding alternate job shortly, but because of covid restrictions it is getting delayed.
    How long can I continue to stay at UAE legally ?


    1. Hi Anil,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  467. Hello ho can ask about the extended visa until December because in the news is already changed until October only????


    1. Hi Jay,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  468. Hi sir my uae residence visa is expiring on 17 july 2020 now plz guide me for how long i stay here in uae


    1. Hi Wahid,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  469. Concern of visa status


    1. Hi Gina,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  470. How can i check my residence visa still valid


    1. Hi Jeric,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  471. Visa status


    1. Hi Sachin,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  472. Visa expired date


    1. Hi Azamkhan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  473. Hi.can I ask about my visa status


    1. Hi Sheila,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  474. Please check my visit Visa validity


    1. Hi Shafique,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  475. I want to check visa status


    1. Hi Eddie,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  476. Plz Tell me my visit visa update


    1. Hi Adil,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  477. I want to know about my status


    1. Hi Makinde,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  478. Sir I cancelled my visa from company… 4.7.2020…because I join another chekh my visa for cancellations…plz


    1. Hi Salar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  479. Just want to know about my visa validty and renew.


    1. Hi Raj,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  480. Check my visa date


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  481. I want to check my visit visa status


    1. Hi Siraj,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  482. My residence visa is issued on 7/11/2019 and will expire on 6/11/2022 but unable to fly due to covid 19 and stucked in india as it is valid for 6 months, what extension period is granted because already 6 months are over.


    1. Hi Zeba,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  483. visa check


    1. Hi Ajeet,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  484. My name is Prerana B Patel. I am in Dubai on visiting visa from 27 February 2020. My Visa expired on 25th May 2020. But in this situation (covid-19 ) UAE government announced to extend visit visa till 31st December 2020. But as per new update i have extends my visa. I am confused. So please guide me. In how many periods i have to extend my visa or leave from Dubai?
    Please advice me as soon as possible.


    1. Hi Prerana,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  485. I have Dubai visa i travelled to home country 18 dec2019 my employer cancell my visa on 14 jan 2020 from labour but he did not cancell my visa from immigration i want to know the status of my visa can i travell to dubai ?


    1. Hi Ahsan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  486. i see my expired visa date


    1. Hi Maristhel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  487. You check my Visa


    1. Hi Rehmat,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  488. Torist viza


    1. Hi Fatemeh,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  489. Hi
    I just want to know if howmuch my overstay my visa cancel last april 22,2020 until now i didnt get a new visa coz Im covid19 positive from june 6,2020 till now im here in hospital let me know my status pls


    1. Hi Jonalyn,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  490. Hi
    I applied a visa on 03.03.2020 but they cant able to enter here because of covid now i think visa validity is completed .again i have to apply new visa ?? what is the status of my existing visa


    1. Hi Suman,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  491. How can i check my visit visa status


    1. Hi Mary,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  492. When are My visa expiration


    1. Hi Lenard,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  493. I want to check expiry my visa


    1. Hi Victoria,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  494. Hi my visa expiry in 17 July 2020 my company send me vaction 20 July so I pay fine can I come back here after 17 July if I going to out of UAE any problems please reply


    1. Hi Darmiyan,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  495. My visa reanival checking


    1. Hi Chellappa,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  496. Visa status


    1. Hi Rashida,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  497. When is the expiry date ofmy tourist visa


    1. Hi Rina,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  498. Hi I am visa is dubai residents visa but am living at am confirm for gdrfa or ica approval regarding my travel.pls reply me


    1. Hi Deepa,

      Thanks for writing to us. For everyone with a Dubai resident visa, it is best to reach out to the GDRFA. You can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111 for further queries and instructions.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  499. Hi I want some information if extend visa this month visa extension same date start or after 10 august .


    1. Hi umair,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  500. Visa chek


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  501. Residency visa expiry date check
    Residency visa status check


    1. Hi Jaspal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  502. Check my visa status


    1. Hi Aqeel,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. Hello i need some information i lost my job due to covid 19 and and my visa cancelled on 7th july i have booked a flight ticket on 19 th july but its cancelled and postphn to aug 1 and my grace period is of 27 days if its again my flight got cancelled and i f had cross the grace period do i have yo pay the chargers


        1. Hi Mirza,

          Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  503. Hallo mam i am visitor to i went to check my visit Visa


    1. Hi Rana,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  504. Sir can you check my visa expiri date please


    1. Hi Ajay,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  505. Visiting visa expiry date?


    1. Hi Mujeeb,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  506. I want to know i stay 6 month over. When flight open that time can i go to abu visa expire date 31/12/2020


    1. Hi Ibrahim,

      Thanks for writing to us. The rules related to travel in and out of the UAE are rapidly changing these days. However, we do have a detailed post on GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES ON COVID-19 RELATED TRAVEL FAQs that you can refer to for the answer to your query.

      We hope this helps. Have a nice day!


  507. there’s new rules now that make people confused including me specially it says all visit Visa expired after 1 months given chance to renew to go home until August 10 but why when I check my Visa status online on smartservice its says expired October 9 2020 I don’t which to believe? please help


    1. Hi Sar,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  508. I need to know my visa status


    1. Hi Modupe,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  509. Visiting visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Nuwan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  510. I need to know my visa expire or not


    1. Hi Phadindra,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  511. Hi
    My brother came (vacation)India on February 05. So he can travel back to UAE after 180 days! Visa is valid 05/07/2021.As per Labor rule.please let me know! Thanks.


    1. Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  512. Visa status


    1. Hi Rina,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  513. I need check visa expiry


    1. Hi,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  514. I want to check my visa status


    1. Hi Mita,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  515. I check visa cancel our not


    1. Hi Yasir,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


    Please i want to check the validity of my UAE visa. Thanks


    1. Hi Shwetha,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  517. Check my visa status


    1. Hi Wikah,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  518. I lost my Visa page how can I get it back


    1. Hi Sylvester,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  519. Hi i want to know about my visa status


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  520. Want to find my visa status


    1. Hi Tusiimirwe,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  521. How to check my new visa validation


    1. Hi Noor,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  522. chek expire date please


    1. Hi Shahid,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  523. I need to know if my visa is renew or cancel.


    1. Hi Sharon,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  524. When I am checking my wife visa status validity it’s showing till December, but other people are saying that’s updated… So guide me please how to get correct information


    1. Hi Adnan,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  525. Dear sir I had a cansel visa this july 9 so how long I can saty this country


    1. Hi Shobak,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  526. I am a Canadian Citizen having Normal Canada Passport. I used to visit Dubai as tourist with Visa on Arrival for 30 days.
    I have recently obtained Covid-19 PRA test from an approved Emirates Airlines Clinic. My test result is Negative / Not Defected.
    The Emirates Staff at Lahore Airport Departure Desk has informed that I cannot travel to Dubai as Tourist on Canadian Passport unless I obtain a pre- visit Authorisation from GDRFA . Please advise if I need any pre- authorisation from GDRFA as a clearance to board the airplane. Has any changes occured due to Covid-19 travel restrictions and any travel restrictions imposed for Canadians Passport Holder to benefit from the Visa on Arrival at Dubai.
    If required please advise how can I obtain this pre- authorization to Travel to Dubai today on 23rd or 24th July 2020. My Passport is valid for next 8 years and my Covid-19 Test is within the 96 hours tenure. I do hold valid Emirates Airlines Air Ticket purchased on line.
    Kindly advise urgently..


    1. Hi Tahira,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  527. Hello, I am a resident, I am currently out of the country since March, the borders of my country are still closed, what will happen if I have more than 6 months outside the United Arab Emirates?


    1. Hi Sandra,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  528. Hi HS,
    My latest ticket to leave the country is AUGUST 26.2020. but my tourist visa is expired on AUGUST 10 2020.. theres no available flight for me to exit the country before AUGUST 10 2020. Hence will i be paying a fine of 15 days.
    pls help to clarify.
    i been trying to ask the ICA for this issue.but their contacts are all offline & calls also are not answered.

    thanks in advance,


    1. Hi Asheley,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  529. Visa expiry date


    1. Hi Waqar,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  530. My visa status


    1. Hi Sreejith,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  531. Visa expiry date


    1. Hi Kannan,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  532. How check approval status


    1. Hi Imran,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  533. I need to know my vissa stetus


    1. Hi Ssonko,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  534. How yo employment visa cancel or not


    1. Hi Arshad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  535. How to check Visa setas


    1. Hi Nitin,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa type and status.
      We hope you find this information useful.

      Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


      1. I want some information i have applied three month visit visa but ICA record show only two month what is this …


        1. Hi Umair,

          Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222.

          We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  536. Pls check my visa


  537. Good evening HS,
    My mom’s Dubai Visit Visa has expired 3rd July 2020 and yes, up to date , her visa expiry still appears end of December 2020. No entry date appeared in the system (prolly due to not exiting the country – changed visa inside the country March 2020). Status: USED


    1. Hi Lorna,

      Thanks for writing to us. Your query is case-sensitive and it is best to reach out to the experts at GDRFA on +97143139999 for the relevant information.

      We hope this helps.


  538. Please, help am so confused, I just checked my visa status now it still shows till DEC 31……


    1. Hi Ruth,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  539. I wish to check my sister’s visa status


    1. Hi Solomon,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  540. My visit visa was extended to end of the year but the new going on now is that all the visa are cancelled but when I check my status it will show till end of the year, please what can I do about it


    1. Hi Ukachu,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  541. Hello i read the news update that all visit visa extension was concelled and to expire this month of august 2020. But till now my visa status online is still showing to expire 31/12/2020.
    What should I do


    1. Hi Njoku,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  542. My resident visa expired in May 2020 when there was international travel bans due to covid 19. A grace period was given for 3 months but I checked my visa and it shows ‘VIOLATED’. I will like to know why and what to do


    1. Hi Nelvis,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  543. I’m holding a Residence Visa I’m a domestic helper here, my visa expired last July 18,2020. I just want to verify if there is issued grace period ? Till when? Please do advice. Thanks in advance.


    1. Hi Jeniffer,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  544. Hello, my visa was expired on 24/04/2020. Can you please help me to check the expiry date. thank you


    1. Hi Amer,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  545. Hi Mam/Sir,

    Good evening!

    My brother visit visa was expired last 28th May 2020. May we ask you till he can stay in UAE without fine?Please advise.


    1. Hi Arnoel,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  546. Hello good afternoon. My visa still have 2021 end of August but i went vacation on January I finish my 7 months in my country so my visa will expire or no
    Please give me information
    In my passport residence visa stamp
    Here mention:
    Residence permit becomes invalid if bearer resides out of the uae more than six months
    So give me clarification about that thank you


    1. Hi Lanka,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  547. I want to know if my visa is already cancelled


    1. Hi Flordeliza,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  548. Hi… my husband is outside UAE (in India) and he is having residence visa.Now he is not able to enter UAE within 180 days.He exit Dubai on 4th February 2020.In this situation what will be his residence visa status..please help me.


    1. Hi Nisha,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  549. On the portal for my mum visit visa (receives on arrival at the airport from UK), the File status is “Used” but the file expiry date is 31/12/2020, does is mean the visa is still valid till December?


    1. Hi Bando,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  550. i need to check my visa validity.what about 1 month grace period?..should we have to apply for one month grace period?..

    is that till september 10 right?

    please reply me…….


    1. Hi Monisha,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  551. Asalam.o.alaikum sir…sir I want too check my visit visa expiry date


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  552. Hi ma’am sir.
    I want to ask about my visa status
    My visa is expired on March 26 2020
    I want to know if she’s renew or not
    Thank you


    1. Hi Bernadeth,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  553. visit visa expiri date check


    1. Hi Hussnain,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  554. Good morning all, please my company has applied for my visa since two weeks now my visa is not out and i check via online but it says no application. There’s a rumour circulating that the immigration is not accepting visa or probably they are upgrading their system. Please how true is this.


    1. Hi Afolabi,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  555. Hello I need check my visa expiry date


    1. Hi Shihab,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  556. Hello, i have checked my visa status and its showing File Issuance Date : 16/02/2020, File Expire Date : 31/12/2020 but i have heard that 10 August 2020 is the last date and after that i need to pay fine so i am so much confuse please guide me, i was having 3 month visa


    1. Hi Muhammad,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  557. Am with a visit visa, that expired on May, and I just checked my visa status it’s written, it will expire on 31/12/2020 I don’t know if it’s OK or not


    1. Hi Oki,

      Thanks for reaching out to us. The UAE has recently made some changes to their visa rules pertaining to visa expiry, cancellation, extension and the application of overstay fines.

      Please refer to our post on UAE visa updates for detailed information on your particular case. We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  558. My wife was in a job contract. Resigned in the grace period of visa expiry. Wanted to change sponsor to family visa status. But failed to apply on time and late by a week. Now they tells, fine required. My question is how much will be the fine? Any waiver to the fine in these situation?


    1. Hi Asif,

      Thanks for writing to us. For your particular visa issue, it’s best that you contact the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on 600-522-222. If you live in Dubai, you can reach out to the Amer service helpline on 800-5111.

      We hope you find the information useful. Let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you. Do stay tuned to MyBayut!


  559. Visit Visa expiry Update ?


    1. Hi Sana,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  560. I want to known my visa status


    1. Hi Shajalal,

      To check your visa status, here’s what you need to do:

      1. Visit the portal:
      2. Click on the “Passport Information” tab
      3. Select “Visa”
      4. Enter your Passport number and Passport expiry date
      5. Select your nationality
      6. Check the captcha checkbox before you click on the search tab

      If the information you provided is correct, the page will display all your visa details including the UAE visa status.

      We hope you find this information useful. Do stay tuned to MyBayut and give us your helpful feedback. Thank you!


  561. Hi. I have got job offer from one of Abu Dhabi company. I payed already for the visa, work permit, etc…
    However, I did not find any process when I checked status of my visa. What I should do more?


    1. Hello,

      We recommend that you check with the HR department of the company that you are joining for more clarity.

      Hope this helps and have a great day!


  562. I have my employment visa permit but my visa status change is still pending.
    I already have an overstay fine.
    My employer told me she applied for a visa status change but I doubt because it takes 1 week already and still no response.
    How can I validate if my employer really applied it or no?


    1. Hello,

      Thank you for writing to us. It would be best to contact MOHRE on the toll-free number 80060 to find out the details accurately.

      Hope this helps and have a great day!





How To Check UAE Visa Status Online: Know Your Visa Expiry - MyBayut (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.