How to make a nice looking table with Excel? (Merged Cells have created a nightmare) (2024)

How do you make a nice-looking table to paste into a Word document? I tried merging some cells to make it look nice, but that has caused many random, nonsensical, and infuriating problems.

I used merged cells because some table parts needed 1, 2 and 3 columns to make sense. Only the table sheet has merged cells. The information sheets it is pulling from have no merged cells.

I need an alternative. I am about to pull out my hair.

If you want to read, here are the problems I had using merged cells to make an table to paste into a word document.

1. I couldn't paste a 17 row x 2 column selection into a 17 row x 2 column selection with merged cells. There are zero reasons that it should be more than a 5 second task. I have to paste it into each cell manually.I tried so many different things that completely messed up my excel sheet. Which wasted more of my time. Some formulas were destroyed, for some g***bleep** reason when I posted the table to A Word Doc all the cells were unmerged and some colors randomly changed (This was fixed by a restart). This is ridiculous.

2. The Excel Program CONSTANTLY freezes when all I do is select cells. Sometimes if I wait 5-10 minutes it will come back... but when I am working on a project with coworkers, it is very embarrassing and a waste of everyone's time, both in the waiting and when I finally give up after making a coworker wait for 5 minutes and force excel to shut down and I have to redo work.

TLDR: Any way to make nice looking tables to paste in a word document without merged cells that have 1,2,3 columns in the same table?

How to make a nice looking table with Excel?  (Merged Cells have created a nightmare) (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.