How to Overcome Challenges to Improve Virtual Learning (2024)

Here’s a fun fact: online learning has aretention rate of up to 60%, while traditional learning only has a retention rate of 8-10%. While these stats are impressive, parents are having a hard time trying to stick with homeschool programs; there’s just so much to do!In between beating work deadlines and running errands, there’s little time left to help your child with their online homeschool curriculum. How can you make sure that your child doesn’t fall behind on their education? Here are 5 effective strategies!


Virtual learning may be a new concept for you, and one of the major challenges that you’re currently facing is time management. When should you focus on office work? What’s the best time to help your child with their schoolwork? How much of their homeschool programs should you cover in a day? The only way to tackle this is by creating a schedule so that you can effectively manage your time!Prepare a to-do list for your child every day and break down complex tasks into smaller chunks. This will help them clear their curriculum one task at a time. Adhering to the list will also help them establish a routine.Make sure you discourage your child from multitasking as they will likely start multiple projects but fail to complete them, affecting their productivity.


The average person gets at least 1 distraction every 8 minutes, translating to 60 distractions every day. If you factor in how busy a home setting is, your child will probably experience more distractions.To avoid disrupting your child’s homeschool curriculum, find a secluded & quiet workspace for them to study. Make sure you inform all family members of the learning schedule so that they can minimize distractions & noise and restrict them from the workplace.


Technical issues are a normal occurrence in virtual learning, and sadly, it is impossible to eliminate them. For example, you may have a stable internet connection but experience a power outage. There’s also a chance that your child has difficulties navigatingonline systems or downloading resources.When this happens, ensure you communicate to your child’s tutors and that you seek technical support. Virtual learning is highly reliant on technology, and constant disruptions will only minimize your child’s productivity.


Here’s the thing; there are other parents who have been abruptly thrown into a virtual learning environment, experiencing the same challenges you are. There are also other students finding it hard to navigate e-learning.Join online platforms where you and your child can interact with people in the same predicament as you are. For instance, if your child is having challenges with their homeschool math curriculum, you could look up virtual learning communities for the same and encourage them to actively participate.


Communication is the backbone of all virtual learning curriculums. Keep in mind that all assignments will be handled online, meetings are done on video, and all lessons are virtual. If your child misses one unit, they will have a hard time catching up with other students.Your learning institution already has communication platforms in place, so make use of them. If your child is unable to attend a lesson, make sure that their tutor is notified so that they can send notes or record the lesson.


Despite the challenges you may be facing, virtual learning is advantageous. It is convenient, affordable, easily accessible, and it may just be the future of education. The above strategies will help you overcome these difficulties so that your child can keep up with their programs.Are you looking for the best homeschool math curriculum for your child? Enroll in theCollegeReadyMath Supplemental Algebra Program to set your student up for math success.

How to Overcome Challenges to Improve Virtual Learning (2024)
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