Is it better to get a B in an AP class or an A in a regular class? (2024)

Hello, I'm currently a junior and I'm trying to decide on my classes for senior year. I'm wondering if it's better to take more AP classes and potentially get a B, or take regular classes and get an A. Which one would look better on my college applications? Thanks for your help!

8 months ago

Hi there! This is an important question to consider when choosing your classes for senior year. From my experience with my own child, I can tell you that it's not always about the letter grade, but rather the overall challenge and growth you show in your coursework. College admissions officers often look for a rigorous course load, and taking AP classes can demonstrate that you're willing to push yourself academically.

However, it's also essential to maintain a strong GPA. If you're confident you can handle the AP classes and still maintain a good overall GPA, even with a B, then go for it! But if you feel that taking AP classes may cause your grades to drop significantly, it might be better to focus on regular classes where you can excel.

Ultimately, it's all about finding the right balance between rigor and maintaining a solid academic performance. Good luck in making your decision!

8 months ago

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Is it better to get a B in an AP class or an A in a regular class? (2024)


Is it better to get a B in an AP class or an A in a regular class? ›

AP classes are designed to be much more challenging than grade-level classes, and a "B" in an AP class is typically equivalent to an "A" in a grade-level class.

Is getting B's in AP classes bad? ›

If you're confident you can handle the AP classes and still maintain a good overall GPA, even with a B, then go for it! But if you feel that taking AP classes may cause your grades to drop significantly, it might be better to focus on regular classes where you can excel.

What is a B worth in an AP class? ›

AP Class Grading Scale
GradeStandardAP Weighted
4 more rows
Nov 14, 2020

Is it better to get an A in a easy class or B in hard class? ›

If your school weights certain harder courses (such as AP classes), getting an A in one of those courses is more beneficial for your GPA than an A in a non-weighted class. Also, colleges know that some courses are harder than others and top colleges would rather see a B+ in a hard class than an A in an easy one.

Is a B OK in an honors class? ›

But you also don't want to risk getting a C in an AP course, either. Long story short: it is absolutely worth occasionally risking a B in an AP or honors course, as long as you're also mixing in a healthy dose of A's.

Is it OK to get a C in an AP class? ›

So, a C in an AP class might be viewed a bit more favorably than a C in a regular class, as AP courses are typically more challenging, making the lower grade more understandable, and demonstrate your willingness to take on tougher academic work, which speak well of your curiosity and intellectual drive.

What GPA is a B+ in an AP class? ›

What Is a Weighted GPA?
Letter GradePercentageAP/IB GPA
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Is a 70% a 5 on the AP exam? ›

Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb. The AP Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP's five-point scale: 5: Extremely well qualified.

Which AP is easiest? ›

Easiest AP exams by pass rate
AP SubjectPass Rate (Exam Score of 3+)Median Score
Ap Physics C Mechanics73.4%3.41
AP Psychology58.3%2.71
AP Research82.7%3.3
AP Seminar82.6%3.19
34 more rows
Jan 13, 2023

Is an 88 in an AP class bad? ›

I just got an 88% on my test. Is that a bad grade? No. In the U.S., this is a B+, good, solid grade above average.

Will one B ruin a 4.0 GPA high school? ›

Will a single 'B' ruin my 4.0 GPA? A single 'B' can lower your GPA from a perfect 4.0, but the impact depends on the number of classes you have taken and their credit hours. However, a strong overall academic record with one 'B' is still highly regarded.

Do colleges care about B's? ›

But you may be wondering what your chances are with your current high school GPA. Exactly how strong does your academic performance need to be? Can you get into the Ivy League with mostly A's and a couple of B's? Yes, you can get into top schools with some B's, but it depends on the rest of your academic profile.

Is B+ in honors good? ›

It depends on your high school, but most schools weigh honors classes an additional 0.5 points. That means that if you get a B+ in Honors Geometry, normally a 3.3, it would translate to a 3.8 in your GPA calculations. AP and IB courses are typically weighted by a full point.

Do colleges prefer AP or honors? ›

Colleges like them both. Both honors and AP courses are rigorous courses that most high schools weight more heavily on your transcript. AP courses, however, culminate in the AP Exam. Good AP scores show colleges you are ready to succeed at college-level work and can even earn you college credits.

Is 3.8 GPA good in high school? ›

A 3.8 GPA is only two-tenths of a point below that “perfect” GPA, demonstrating consistent performance at a high level. To put this in perspective, the average GPA of graduating high school seniors is a 3.0—a 3.8 GPA far exceeds that figure.

Is a 4 O GPA good? ›

A 4.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) is typically considered a perfect or straight-A average. Since it represents the highest possible grade point average, a 4.0 GPA would place you at the top of your class in terms of academic achievement.

How does a B in an AP class affect your GPA? ›

Rather than the traditional 4.0 scale, AP classes are weighted on a 5.0 scale — in an AP class, an A is equivalent to 5.0 instead of 4.0, and a B is equal to 4.0 instead of 3.0. This means students who take AP courses can end up with a GPA higher than 4.0, which can set them apart when applying to colleges.

Do colleges not like B's? ›

Though high grades provide an advantage in the college admissions process, earning Bs will not prevent you from getting into a top college. Just as you are more than your academics, your application is more than your GPA.

What is the lowest passing AP class? ›

At many high schools, AP Physics is notorious for its difficulty level. In addition, it has the lowest overall pass rate of any AP exam.

Is it OK to fail an AP class? ›

What happens if you fail an AP class? If you fail an AP class, then your GPA will likely drop as it would for a normal class. This grade also shows up on your transcript. However, you may be able to retake the class the following year to raise your grade and increase your GPA.

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