Labor Day Around the World (2024)

Labor Day Around the World (1)

Monday, Sept. 5, is Labor Day – a day set aside for honoring and celebrating the struggles and achievements workers and their unions have made, and continue to make, in turning the American economy into the world powerhouse it is today. While we tend to think about Labor Day as a uniquely American holiday, the truth is that almost from the outset of when either McGuire or Maguire (depending on which story you believe) proposed the first Labor Day, the idea of a day for honoring working people has held international appeal.

Labor Day Around the World (2)

The first American Labor Day was celebrated on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. Less than seven years later, Labor Day went global. In 1889, an international federation of socialists and trade unions in Europe decided to create a similar holiday: International Workers’ Day (or Labour Day) to be celebrated on May 1 of each year, a tradition that continues to this day in more than 60 countries.

Many of us in the United States think about International Workers’ Day as a European celebration. But there is a uniquely American connection that we should all remember on our own Labor Day. The international federation picked that date to commemorate a general strike in Chicago called on May 1, 1886, with tens of thousands of American workers fighting for a right we’ve come to enjoy as standard: the eight-hour workday. The strike, however, met with tragedy just a few days later. On May 4, a riot broke out in Chicago when police attempted to clear Haymarket Square of strikers, leaving seven police officers and four civilians dead, with dozens of others wounded. Eight men were convicted of the killings and sentenced to death following a shamefully unjust trial. The next Illinois governor pardoned the three strikers, who had not yet been executed, six years after their conviction.

While the Haymarket Affair is a painful reminder of the oppressive working conditions that marked the late 19th and early 20th-century workplace, it is also the symbol of the struggle of workers that led to the establishment of an important day of remembrance and a continued call to action. International Workers’ Day, Labour Day and Labor Day give voice to working people who too often work without one. It is a day that should remind us of the work achieved by unions and others to secure a better life for all, while at the same time reminding us of the work that remains to be done. Even acknowledging our advances since 1882, workers in the United States still lag far behind their European counterparts in healthcare coverage, paid leave and retirement protection. And over the last 55 years, the gap between the average CEO compensation package and the average workers’ wage has risen from 21-to-1 in 1965 to 351-to-1 in 2020. In 2022, for the top 300 U.S. firms, the ratio was an even more abysmal contrast of 670-to-1.

Admittedly, the September holiday here in the U.S. has become largely associated with the start of a new school year, the unofficial end of summer, and countless sales from retailers. But that is not the case for much of the world, where Labour Day is a day of demonstrations, protests and memorials. Perhaps there are lessons we should learn from Labor Day’s sibling holidays.

Labor Day Around the World (3)

In much of the world, Labour Day also gets a bit of a boost by sharing the date with other celebrations. In much of Europe, May 1 is also May Day, a traditional festival of springtime and renewal involving singing, dancing, fairs, and plenty of other entertainment that naturally brings people together in public venues, making it easy for wide dissemination of the public speeches and remembrances more substantively associated with Labour Day. Japan actually observes its Labor Day on the same day as Thanksgiving. Every November 23, the people of Japan celebrate Labor Thanksgiving Day, an occasion to respect labor, to celebrate production, and for citizens to give each other thanks for their hard work. It could arguably be considered a triple holiday: Like Europe, the date coincides with an ancient festival, though instead of spring and renewal, the Japanese holiday of niinamesai is for the harvest season.

The most important lesson to take from the prevalence and prominence of Labor Day is that celebrating working people is a nearly universal observance that crosses all borders and enriches the human experience. While people celebrate at different times and with breathtaking diversity, the day nonetheless stands as a unifying occasion we can all recognize and cherish. So this Labor Day, on the way to a final beach trip, or perhaps before you make that big- ticket purchase or throw burgers on the grill, take a moment to think about the history surrounding Labor Day, listen to a podcast on Labor Day, or just generally consider the role that rank-and-file workers play in keeping our country and our world the productive and magnificent marvel it truly is.

Jeffrey Freund is the director of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards.

Labor Day Around the World (2024)


What is Labor Day around the world? ›

May Day, known internationally as International Workers' Day or Labor Day, is a holiday celebrated by over 60 countries on May 1 to recognize the achievements of workers.

Have we forgotten the true meaning of Labor Day answers? ›

Labor Day came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours and days on the job. In the 1830s, manufacturing workers were putting in 70-hour weeks on average. Sixty years later, in 1890, hours of work had dropped, although the average manufacturing worker still toiled in a factory 60 hours a week.

What is the real reason we celebrate Labor Day? ›

Labor Day is our country's most explicit way of recognizing the contributions of workers in this country and the history of labor in the U.S. The first celebrations were in the 1880s. They occurred locally and were organized by workers and unions.

Why is May 1 not celebrated in the USA? ›

Why don't Americans celebrate Labor Day on May 1? Because of the Haymarket Affair. Workers in Chicago started a strike on May 1, 1886, in support of an eight hour workday. On May 3, Police shot into the crowd, killing between two and six civilians.

What countries celebrate May 1st? ›

May Day, also known as Labour Day or International Workers' Day, is a public holiday celebrated on May 1st every year. It is a holiday that is recognized in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, and countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

What country started Labor Day? ›

The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883.

When did Labor Day start and why? ›

President Grover Cleveland made it a national holiday in 1894, during a crisis over federal efforts to end a strike by railroad workers. This article was first published in 2018.

What is Labor Day message? ›

Happy Labor Day! Today, we raise our voices in gratitude for the men and women who built this nation with their hands, dedication, and unwavering belief in the American dream. Labor Day: a reminder of the power of unity, the strength of hard work, and the beauty of the American spirit.

Did you know Labor Day facts? ›

Labor Day Facts

Oregon was the first to declare Labor Day an official holiday in 1887. Labor Day is considered the 'unofficial NFL season kickoff. ' 99.44 percent of the time, the NFL plays its first official season game the Thursday after Labor Day. The first Waffle house opened on Labor Day.

Is Labor Day a pagan holiday? ›

That date had been a pagan celebration, but in the late 19th century, European socialists adopted it as the annual holiday devoted to labor with marches and riots. Industrialization brought labor problems to the United States with some nasty consequences.

What holiday do you not wear white after? ›

The old-fashioned decree bans us from wearing white during the winter and spring, from Labor Day in September till May Day (another day designated to celebrate workers' rights). One popular theory dates back to the early 1900s.

Do you wear white after Labor Day? ›

The answer is NO. For most, the rule no longer applies, so you can style white in your outfits into fall and winter and then back into the spring. And the lack of rule applies everywhere, even the South. According to the Emily Post Institute, white can be worn 365 days a year now.

Is May Day a communist holiday? ›

May Day has been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups since the Second International. May Day is one of the most important holidays in communist countries such as China, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union countries.

Which countries don t celebrate Labor Day on May 1? ›

The United States celebrates Labor Day in September, not May

While there were efforts in the past to have the US holiday coincide with International Workers' Day, it has remained an outlier along with Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zeland.

What is the difference between May Day and Labor Day? ›

May Day, day commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers and the labour movement, observed in many countries on May 1. In the United States and Canada a similar observance, known as Labor Day, occurs on the first Monday of September.

Which countries celebrate Labour Day? ›

World labour day is a celebration of the struggles and achievements of the working class observed on 1 May every year. This historic day is a holiday in countries like Uruguay, Sweden, France, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and many more.

What is Labour Day in Australia? ›

Labour Day in NSW is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in October. In 2024, Labour Day will be celebrated on Monday 7th October. This annual public holiday celebrates the arrival of the eight-hour working day, a victory for workers in the 1850s.

Who celebrates International Labour Day? ›

In 1889, an international federation of socialists and trade unions in Europe decided to create a similar holiday: International Workers' Day (or Labour Day) to be celebrated on May 1 of each year, a tradition that continues to this day in more than 60 countries .

What is the holiday on May 1 in Canada? ›

So on May 1, International Workers' Day we were reminded – as 21st century workers – to stand with our Sisters and Brothers around the globe in common purpose and solidarity, for our citizenships may be different but many of our interests as working people are the same.

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