Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (2024)

  • Updated on 24 Mar 2023
  • 8 Minutes to read
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The Data Maintenance mass convert option should always run after all dedupe convert filters have been processed. This filter type performs basic checks against Account Name during the conversion process but only to prevent duplicate inserts of Accounts during a mass conversion process. It behaves similarly to the Salesforce 'create a new Contact' and 'create a new Account' options during the conversion process and the tool is not intended to be used for finding existing matches to convert into. For more information on finding existing matches to convert into, see the Ways to Convert Leads help article.

Scheduling Tip:

When scheduling automated convert filters, it is recommended to stagger the run times after the merge filter run times. Lead to Contact filters should be scheduled to run first, followed by Lead to Account filters, then Data Maintenance convert filters (if applicable) last. This allows time for each filter to complete before the next one starts.


  1. Choose the ‘Tools’ → ‘Convert’ → ‘Mass Convert’ option in the left-hand navigation window.
    Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (1)
    1. Choose ‘Create New Job’ to build a new filter.
      Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (2)
    2. Choose ‘Edit’ from a specific filter’s menu option to edit an existing filter.
      Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (3).

Actions & View Options

Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (4)

  1. The 'Actions' menu provides a variety of options.
    1. Recalculate Totals: Recalculates (queries) all filters at one time.
    2. Reorder Jobs: Choose this option to reorder the filters for display.
    3. Manage Rules: Choose this option to get directly into the Manage Rules page.
    4. Manage Owner Mapping: Choose this option to get directly into the Owner Mapping page.
    5. Run Window & Throttle: Choose this option to get directly into the page.
    6. Halt & Disable All Data Maintenance Automation: Choose this option to temporarily stop all currently running or future automation jobs.
      1. Jobs currently running can take time to completely stop.
    7. Show Details: Choose this option to show additional filter details (such as the filter description, fields used, and the rule applied if applicable.
      1. Choose 'Hide Details' from the 'Actions' menu to return back to the regular filter view.
  2. Toggle between Tile View or List View to control how filters are displayed.
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  3. Sort By: Choose from a variety of sort options to display filters.
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  4. View Settings: Choose from a variety of view settings to display filters.
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Step 1: The basics

Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (8)

  1. Maintenance Type: This option is automatically defaulted to ‘Mass Convert Leads’.
  2. Object Type: The only option available is ‘Lead’ for Mass Convert jobs.
  3. Filter Name: Give the filter a descriptive name.
  4. Description Name (optional): Give a brief description of the filter.
  5. Enable: All filters are enabled by default. Disabling makes the filter inactive.

Step 2: Which records do you want to convert?

Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (9)

  1. Select Criteria: Build criteria to filter Leads for conversion.
    1. Choose the ‘Add Field’ button to begin adding fields to the criteria.
    2. Lead Field: Choose a field for the criteria to find records.
      1. Use the ‘Refresh Fields’ option at the top of Step 2 if a field is not showing in the list.
      2. Use caution when using a formula, calculated, or related object fields. Syncs are not sent to Cloudingo when the underlying value is changed. Reindexing may be required. Consider using a Salesforce report instead of building criteria when using these field types.
    3. Condition: Choose a condition (such as ‘Equal’, ‘Contains’, ‘Has a value’, etc.).
    4. Specify a value in the far-right blank box if applicable. Some conditions do not require a value to be set.
    5. Choose the ‘Add Field’ option again to add additional criteria to find records.
  2. Use an Existing (Salesforce) Report:

    Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (10)

    1. Salesforce reports will appear in the drop box when this option is selected. Choose the desired Salesforce report to pull the list of Leads for conversion.
      1. Report must contain the Salesforce Record ID using the standard ID field in the output.
      2. Report must be accessible to the user establishing the Cloudingo connection.

Step 3: What fields do you want to update? (optional)

Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (11)

  1. Choose the ‘Add Field’ option to specify a field and actions to update the field value. See more details regarding update options in our Update Unique Records article.
    1. Use the ‘Refresh Fields’ option at the top of Step 3 if a field is not showing in the list.

Step 4: What actions do you want to perform?

Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (12)

  1. Assign Campaign: Assign a campaign to all records (Leads or Contacts) in the job while performing the update.
    1. Choose the ‘Assign Campaign’ option.
    2. Choose a Campaign in the Campaign box (use search to find a campaign).
    3. Set a Campaign Status.
    4. Choose the ‘Create new campaign members’ option to add records in the job to the campaign.
    5. Choose the ‘Update existing campaign member statuses’ option to update the status of existing campaign members.
      1. Both options can be enabled simultaneously.
  2. Convert Leads to a new Account using the name: Choose to assign all newly created Contacts to a newAccount. This option does not check for existing Accounts. New Accounts will get created using either the:
    1. Specific Name: Type in an Account Name in the box. Cloudingo will create a new Account using the name provided, and all Leads will convert into Contacts under this Account.
    2. Lookup Name: Use a Lead field (such as Company) to set the Account Name. Cloudingo will create a new Account using the provided Lead field’s value, and Leads will convert into Contacts under the newly created Account.
      1. This is the default setting already configured when the Convert Leads to new Account option is chosen
        Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (13)
  3. Convert Leads to existing Account: Choose to check for existing Accounts before converting. Leads will get converted into existing Accounts using either the:
    1. Specific Name: Type in an Account Name in the box. Cloudingo will convert all Leads into the Account Name provided.
    2. Lookup Name: Use a Lead field (such as Company) to search for an existing Account Name. Cloudingo will convert Leads into new Contacts under the matched Account.
      1. This is the default setting already configured when the Convert Leads to Existing Account option is chosen.
        Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (14)
    3. Assign newly created contact to existing account owner: Choose this option to assign ownership to the Account owner during conversion.
      1. When selected, additional ownership rules still need to be configured under the ‘Additional Convert Options’ section (see below) to tell Cloudingo how to assign ownership if an Account match is not identified.
        Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (15)
    4. If existing account not found: Choose an option if the lookup for an existing Account Name did not detect a matched Account. Options include:
      Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (16)
      1. Convert Leads to new Account using the above Account Name: Choose this option to create a new Account using the Lead field value used to perform the Account Name search in the Lookup Name step above. If Cloudingo finds a match, the Lead will convert into the existing Account.
        1. For example, if Company was used to perform the lookup, and a match was not detected, the newly created Account will use the Lead’s Company name when setting the Account Name.
      2. Do not Convert Leads to new Account: Choose this option to allow the conversion process to fail if a matched Account Name is not identified.
  4. Additional Convert Options:
    Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (17)
    1. Assign all newly created Contacts to:
      1. Respective Lead Owners: Sets the newly created Contact owner based on the Lead Owner.
      2. Cloudingo Owner: Sets the newly created Contact owner to the connected Cloudingo.
      3. Specified Owner: Sets the newly created Contact owner to the user-defined owner.
      4. Converted Status: Choose a converted status to apply to all Leads.
        1. Convert Status options pull from Salesforce. The list will include Lead Status’ configured as a convert status option.
      5. Create Opportunity: Choose this option to create opportunity records during the conversion process.
      6. Send email to owners: Choose this option to send emails to respective owners during the conversion process.
      7. Create Task: Choose this option to create a task in Salesforce during the conversion process.
  5. Create Note: Creates a note under the ‘Notes’ or ‘Notes & Attachments’ section in Salesforce for all records updated. Notes are not searchable in Salesforce and take up space.

Choose ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Run’ (to query for results) to save the filter configuration.


When creating or editing a filter with new fields (on indexed objects), Cloudingo initiates a re-indexing process on the object that may take time. To avoid this, users can pre-set a list of fields they will be using in their filters by going to ‘Account’ → ‘Settings’ → ‘Manage Objects’ from the top right toolbar.

Preview Results

Make sure to preview the filter results for accuracy before performing the conversions. Check to ensure that the correct records are pulling in and the correct values will get applied (if applicable).

  1. Choose the ‘View Results’ option on the filter after the filter has been calculated.
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  2. Choose the red arrow on a group to preview the results. Check a few records for accuracy.
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  3. The preview will display the current record on the left and any values to be updated (if applicable) on the right.


After checking records for accuracy, run the update. There are three ways to convert.

  1. Manually: Update one record at a time from the preview page.
    Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (20)
    1. Update: Converts the record and returns the view back to the record list.
    2. Update & Load Next: Converts the record and immediately opens the next record.
    3. Skip & Load Next: Loads the next record without converting the current record.
  2. Mass Convert: Converts records one page at a time from the preview page.
    Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (21)
    1. Select records using the checkboxto the left to be updated.
      1. Or choose the Select All box at the top left corner.
    2. Choose the ‘MassConvert Leads’ button at the top of the record list to submit all selected records in view.
    3. Page through results using the page numbers at the bottom of the results list.
    4. Mass Updates can only be done one page at a time.
    5. Watch the Activity Stream for the update confirmation back from Salesforce to see if conversions were successful or a failure (or view the Activity Stream Error/Warnings report from the Reports dashboard to get a list of failures).
    6. Results within the pages will refresh in the list as records get updated and when moving through the pages.
  3. Automation: Convert all records in the filter by starting a one-time automation job or schedule to run the job repeatedly.
    1. For a one-time job:
      1. From the filter’s menu option, choose ‘Start Automation’.
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      2. Or choose the ‘Automation’ menu option from within the preview page and choose ‘Start Automation’.
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      3. Click ‘Automate’ on the confirmation page.
        1. Check the Run Window & Throttle settings if the job does not start within a reasonable time.
    2. To schedule the jobto run repeatedly:
      1. From the filter’s menu option, choose ‘Schedule’.
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      2. Toggle the dot to the right to enable the ‘Schedule recalculation’.
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      3. Specify a frequency (one time, hourly, daily, or weekly. Set any additional settings related to the frequency as required.
      4. Specify a start date and start time.
      5. The ‘Keep Schedule Running’ option must be enabled for the job to continue processing at the scheduled time.
      6. Toggle the dot to the right to enable ‘Schedule auto – update’ to process the job and ‘Save’. If disabled, the job will only perform the calculation (query) at the scheduled time.
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Mass Convert Leads (non-dedupe) (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.