1LECTURE METHODis the oldest procedure ofteaching. It is widely used in schools and colleges. It is a good method itscover a wide topic at heights level of college or secondary schools and highersecondary classes but its success depends on the personality and ability ofstudents.

Why And When This Method Should BeUsed?
To motivate students.
To give an overview of a large topic.
To add supplement the students reading.
To make an importance matters understanding.
To provide background of a topic or to introduce the topic
To help the students to use their time wisely
To explain the major concepts of a lesson
To develop reasoning skill of students
To have a classroom discussion

Merits Of The Method:

It is economical and save time Effectivein giving factual information

It Stimulate and motivatestudents It provide flexibility

Helps to clarify and explainideas Give opportunity to maintainpersonal contact with students

It helps the teacher to make hisworks simple It establishes face toface contact.

It develops attention span. Students develop listening andnote taking skills.
Students can prepare the notes. Itis easy method for new teachers.

Demerits Of The Method:

It is a teacher centered methodnot very good for SS.

It is a monotonous tiring andsometimes it becomes a boring method.

It brings a lot of burden andreading to the teacher.
It is not an interactive method. Somelectures may waste time.

Does note meet individual needs It Encourage learning of “readymade”materials


Discussion is one of the mostvaluable methods of teaching social science. It is well known that “two headsare better than one” and by this method wonderful results can be achieved. Theword discussion means exchanging views and debate. Here the discussion can beamong the group of students as a whole group.

Purpose of Discussion:

Laying plans for new works Sharing of information

Clarifying ideas and concepts Making decisions concerning future action

Evaluating progress

Where And When Can You UseDiscussion Method?

1 the teacher of S.S. can usethis method when he is using a project method.

2 when he has to shareinformation and ideas from a large group.

3 when one needs to solve aproblem, or do thinking and analytical activity in the class.

4 when one obtain information andideas from a large group of students.

5 when one needs to check orevaluate students’ progress.

Forms Of Discussion:

Adebate is a programme in which two or more students holdingcontradictory opinions on a particular problem present arguments.

A Symposiumis meeting or conference fordiscussion of a particular topic in which a collection of essays or papers werepresented by subject experts or a number of contributors , especially one in which the participants form anaudience and make presentations.

Brainstormingis a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts aremade to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideasspontaneously contributed by its members.

The Process Of Discussion:
The process can be different depending upon the type of discussion.
1 the ideas are initiated by the teacher than there is exchange of ideasopinions observations comments etc
2 this is a co-operative learning.

Steps in Discussion
1 Preparation:
To make discussion a success the teacher as well as the student must make acareful preparation. The teacher should do in depth reading of the topic. Sheshould do critical reading, should understand the arguments well and know thegist of the lesson.

Conducting Discussion:
In this stage the teacher initiates the discussion. He controls process andkeeps the students disciplined and keeps the discussion under control or on theright tract.

Purpose Of Discussion:

Laying plans for new work Making decisions concerningfuture action

To share information and ideas To clarify ideas

Inspiring interest Evaluatingprogress

Marits Of Discussion Method:
• It is based of differences. •It emphasizes independent study.
• It develops reasoning. • Itdevelops study habits.
• It is activity oriented. • Itteaches how to study purposefully.
• It helps the teacher to find leadership quality among students.
• It helps in clarifying ideas, issues etc.
• It creates better understanding of the topic, issues, events, ideas orconcepts.

Demarits Of Discussion Method
• It is time consuming method.

• It needs some training andaverage teacher can not
• Why students do not benefit from this activity.
• Sometimes only a few students dominate.
• There can be some necessary argument and can lead to some major problems.


Role playing, socio drama or creative dramasare used to present a specific situation for study and discussion. It is a way of bringing situation from reallife into the classroom.In role play, students improvise the situation is fixedbut they make up the exact as they go.

Role Plays Are Use To Teach:
to clarify social values. tofocus attention on a specific central ideas.
to extend vocabulary. togain grater insight into the problems of others.
It develops social skills, communication skills and team spirit.
They provide excellent basis for discussion and evaluation.

Followup Activities After The Role Play
Role Play should be followed by discussion about the theme of the role play.
Students can be interviewed about their role.
The audience can say about each role. They can also do the role play by othergroup of Students.


A project is a problematic actcarried to completion in its natural settings. According to Kilpatrick, aproject is a whole hearted, purposeful activity proceeding in a socialenvironment preferably in its natural settings.

This method is based on theeducational philosophy of John Dewy. This method is most widely propagated bypragmatists and is based on the principles of learning by doing or learning by living.

What Is A Project Method?

It is a progressive approach ofteaching. It is a purposeful act it provides the learner with learningexperiences.

Here the teacher acts like aguide assigns the projects to groups of students.’

Each group works on differenttopics or problems. They work together to prepare the project.
The students work together as a team, they learn by discussing, reading, andexchanging ideas. Then they take the help of a teacher wherever theydifficulties or have questions.

The project method covers thecontent of many different subjects and the teacher tries to integrate theinformation to the main topic.

This method gives completefreedom and choice to students.

Principles of Project Method:

Principle of Purpose, Principle of Activity, Principle of experience

Principle of reality, Principle of freedom, Principle of utility

Steps In Project Method:
Providinga situation , Proposing and Choosing, Planning,Executing, Evaluating, Recording

Advantages Of Project Method:
It gives freedom and creativity. Herethe teacher and students both grow.
Students can link the subject to real life. Itmotivates students.
It is related with real life Ittrains for democratic way of life

It gives training in citizenship Upholds dignity of labour

It promotes self discipline andself sufficiency

Disadvantages Of Project Method:
It is expensive method. It istime consuming.
It needs lots of resources. Someprojects cannot be done at school.
Lack of competent teachers


Source method is an activityoriented method. It is generally used in social studies subject also. Generallysources mean a person, books or document or picture or actual objects that canprovide information for learning. It is learning directly from the actualsources for examples for social studies they can be- A contract with the bank –or studying the sample of stone collected from the moon or an object found fromany ancient place can also be studied. One can also take students to museums tofind the objects to study.

There are three types of sources in this method.

1 Material resource: Ideas,machines, weapons etc…..

2 Oral resources: Songs, folkstories, traditions, customs etc...

3 Written and printed resources:Records, reports, letters etc….

Steps Followed To Use Source Method:

1 Demonstration or presentationby the teacher.

2 Locate related reading materialand assign reading to the study.

3 Problem solving by students;with group discussion among the students.

Advantages Of Sources Method:

It provides direct, first handexperience.

It develops a sense of reality

It creates motivating andinteresting ambience in the class.

It develops skill of datacollection, thinking skill and observation skill.

It makes the subject meaningful.


Most of the original sources of Indian history areavailable in foreign languages

Original sources are very rareand are unavailable

Not suit for all stages andclasses

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