Mi dispiace, non posso soddisfare questa richiesta. (2024)

Mi dispiace, non posso soddisfare questa richiesta.

Mi dispiace, non posso soddisfare questa richiesta. (2024)


What do you say when someone says Mi dispiace? ›

The most frequently used is “Non ti preoccupare” (Eng: Don't worry). You may also hear: “Non fa niente” (Eng: It doesn't matter) or “è tutto a posto” (Eng: everything is fine).

What does non mi dispiace mean? ›

Translation of "non mi dispiace" in English. Adverb. I don't mind. I do not mind.

Is it mi dispiace or spiacente? ›

Mi dispiace (I'm sorry) is a an informal way of apologizing to someone in Italian and the most often used. While this lesson does introduce you to sono spiacente (also “I'm sorry”), it is very formal and infrequently used.

What does mi dispiace mean in english? ›

I'm sorry.

What is the difference between Mi Scusi and Mi Dispiace? ›

To express sadness here you're gonna say "mi dispiace" (I'm sorry) because the accident was not your fault. We use "mi scusi" (formal) or "scusa" (informal) when we want to say that we are sorry about something that depended on us, that we have done, it's our fault.

Why do Italians say Prego before you say thank you? ›

It presumably is because of this original meaning (the verb “to pray”) that “prego” has become the instant reply to “grazie”, which means “thanks”. Once it presumably was an expression to wish someone well who had been nice to you, something like “I pray for your well-being”.

What does perché non mi rispondi mean? ›

Translation of "perché non mi rispondi" in English. why don't you answer me. Why didn't you answer me.

What language is mi dispiace? ›

In spoken Italian, we also use the shorter version mi spiace. Mi dispiace per tua mamma, non sapevo che fosse malata. I'm sorry about your mom; I didn't know she was sick. "Ciro: Mi dispiace, è molto triste."

What does a mi no importa mean? ›

I don't care.

What is the saying tutto bene? ›

“Andrà tutto bene” literally means “Everything is gonna be alright”. People like to stick with this because it's a message of hope.

What is the meaning of mi chiamo? ›

Mi chiamo (pronounced: mee kee-AH-moh) Use this phrase, which means my name is followed by your name to introduce yourself to new people.

Is Como Ti Chiami formal or informal? ›

Italian language notes
Come ti chiami?What's your name? informal
Come si chiama?What's your name? formal
Cosa mangi?What are you eating? informal
Cosa mangia?What are you eating? formal

What does attendre prego mean? ›

hold, please. Wait, please. Please, wait.

Why is it mi manchi? ›

Because in italian “mi manchi” Is a short for “tu mi manchi”: the verb “mancare” in italian can be more properly translated with “to lack to”, so “tu mi manchi” can be translated with “you lack to me” ( It sound weird, so It Is preferred to use “i miss you”).

How do you respond to a compliment in Italian? ›

Here are some different ways to reply positively to compliments and keep the conversation going smoothly: Grazie mille. Sei molto gentile! Thank you very much.

How do you respond to I'm sorry in Italian? ›

How To Reply When Someone Says Sorry?
  1. Nessun problems – No problem.
  2. Non si preoccupi – Don't worry (formal)
  3. Non ti preoccupare – Don't worry (informal)
  4. Lasci stare – Forget about it (formal)
  5. Lascia stare – Forget about it (informal)
  6. Non è successo niente – Nothing happened.
  7. Non fa niente – It does not matter.

What do Italians say when they answer? ›

Pronto literally means “ready”. So, when we answer the phone, we let the person on the other end know that we are ready to talk. This is why we say pronto to answer the phone.

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