Python - Web Servers (2024)

Python - Web Servers (1)

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Python is versatile enough to create many types of applications ans programs that drive the internet or other computer networks. One important aspect of internet is the web servers that are at the root of the client server model. In this chapter we will see few web servers which are created uaing pure python language.


Gunicorn is a stand-alone web server which has a central master process tasked with managing the initiated worker processes of differing types. These worker processes then handle and deal with the requests directly. And all this can be configured and adapted to suit the diverse needs of production scenarios.

Important Features

  • It supports WSGI and can be used with any WSGI running Python application and framework
  • It can also be used as a drop-in replacement for Paster (ex: Pyramid), Django's Development Server, web2py, etc
  • Offers the choice of various worker types/configurations and automatic worker process management
  • HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 (Keep-Alive) support through synchronous and asynchronous workers
  • Comes with SSL support
  • Extensible with hooks

CherryPy WSGI Server

CherryPy is a self contained web framework as it can run on its own without the need of additional software. It has its own WSGI, HTTP/1.1-compliant web server. As it is a WSGI server, it can be used to serve any other WSGI Python application as well, without being bound to CherryPy's application development framework.

Important Features

  • It can run any Python web applications running on WSGI.
  • It can handle static files and it can just be used to serve files and folders alone.
  • It is thread-pooled.
  • It comes with support for SSL.
  • It is an easy to adapt, easy to use pure-Python alternative which is robust and reliable.

Twisted Web

It is a web server that comes with the Twisted networking library. Whereas Twisted itself is "an event-driven networking engine", the Twisted Web server runs on WSGI and it is capable of powering other Python web applications.

Important Features

  • It runs WSGI Python applications
  • It can act like a Python web server framework, allowing you to program it with the language for custom HTTP serving purposes
  • It offers simple and fast prototyping ability through Python Scrips (.rpy) which are executed upon HTTP requests
  • It comes with proxy and reverse-proxy capabilities
  • It supports Virtual Hosts
  • •It can even serve Perl, PHP et cetera


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Python - Web Servers (2024)


Can Python be used for web servers? ›

To create a web server, you will need a Python HTTP server module that can be used as a static file server. For a dynamic web server, you will need a Python framework like Django or Flask.

What is the simplest Python web server? ›

Python comes with a built-in module known as SimpleHTTPServer, which in other words is a simple HTTP server that gives you standard GET and HEAD request handlers. This module can turn any directory of your system into a web server.

Which server is best for Python? ›

1. Kamatera: Best Free Host. Kamatera is our number-one pick for best Python hosting because of its incredible 30-day free trial for cloud and VPS hosting, among today's more expensive hosting options. Once your trial period ends, plan pricing is determined based on your server configuration and usage.

How to host a web server using Python? ›

Practical Example Project
  1. Step 1: Set Up Your Environment. Ensure Python and Flask are installed. ...
  2. Step 2: Create Your Flask Application. Initialize Your App: In your project directory, create a file named ...
  3. Step 3: Run Your Application. In your terminal, run the command python to start your Flask server.
Feb 14, 2024

What is better, Django or Flask? ›

Django is generally used for larger, more complex projects that can benefit from its “batteries included” approach and numerous built-in features. Flask is a good choice for simple applications or microservices. It's a minimalistic framework that offers developers the flexibility to add the functionality they need.

Which is better, Python or PHP? ›

In Python vs PHP, both are preferred for developing a web application due to the high availability of versatile libraries and frameworks based on them. But, Python is considered more scalable, as it offers to implement Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning programs in the Software.

Is Python too slow for websites? ›

Python is a high-level programming language: The code of Python looks very similar to how humans think. For that reason, it must Separate the details of the computer from you: memory management, pointers,… Hence, it is slower than “lower-level language” like C.

Is Python alone enough for web development? ›

Python is great for beginners, ideal for data science, AI, and backend web development. It's known for its simplicity and wide range of applications. JavaScript is essential for web development, enabling interactive web pages. It's a must-learn for front-end development and also useful for backend with Node.

Is Python slow for servers? ›

Its main advantage is that it is easy to learn, easy to use, and highly versatile, supporting developer productivity. However, Python is also notoriously slow. Programs written in languages such as C++, Node. js, and Go can execute as much as 30-40 times faster than equivalent Python programs.

Where can I host my Python website for free? ›

  • 5 Top Free Hosting Platforms for Python Apps 2024 — Best Heroku Alternatives. Alisdair Broshar. ...
  • Koyeb. Website: ...
  • Free Tier: One web application. ...
  • Render. Website: ...
  • Free Tier: $5 sign-up credit. ...
  • DigitalOcean App Platform. ...
  • Heroku.
Feb 21, 2024

Where can I deploy Python web application for free? ›

Anvil is a Python web app platform that lets you build and deploy web apps for free, forever. Just write your code – Anvil handles the rest for you!

Where can I host my Python code? ›

Render's pricing model is designed to be affordable and predictable, making it a great choice for startups and small businesses.
  1. Deta. Deta is another cloud platform that makes it easy to to build and deploy web and mobile applications. ...
  2. PythonAnywhere. ...
  3. Railway. ...
  4. Heroku. ...
  5. Glitch. ...
  6. Streamlit.
Mar 4, 2023

How to setup a simple web server? ›

How To Setup Your Own Server For Web Hosting
  1. Quick Summary.
  2. Make Sure Your Connection Is Suitable For Web Hosting.
  3. Choose Your Hardware.
  4. Choose Your Operating System (OS) And Install It. Linux. ...
  5. Set Up And Configure Your Server At Home.
  6. Set Up Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
  7. Install File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  8. Install HTTP.

How to create a basic web server? ›

Set Up Your Very Own Web Server!
  1. Step 1: Acquire a Dedicated PC. This step may be easy for some and hard for others. ...
  2. Step 2: Get the OS! ...
  3. Step 3: Install the OS! ...
  4. Step 4: Setup VNC. ...
  5. Step 5: Install FTP. ...
  6. Step 6: Configure FTP Users. ...
  7. Step 7: Configure and Activate FTP Server! ...
  8. Step 8: Install HTTP Support, Sit Back and Relax!

How do I get a simple HTTP server in Python? ›

Create a HTTP server with one command thanks to Python
  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the directory you want to have the root directory.
  3. Execute the command to start the server.
  4. Python 2 — python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000.
  5. Python 3 — python -m http. server 8000.

How do I create a simple web browser in Python? ›

GUI Implementation steps :
  1. Create a main window.
  2. Create a QWebEngineView object and add it as the central widget to the main window.
  3. Add Status bar to the main window.
  4. Create a toolbar and add navigation button and the line edit to show the url, below is hot the toolbar will look like.
Jan 12, 2022

How do I start a simple HTTP server in Python? ›

How to Start Python's http.server in the Command Line. $ python3 -m http.server Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ... Python starts an HTTP server on port 8000 and binds it to all the available network interfaces on your machine, which are denoted with a special IP address.

What is the simplest GUI framework for Python? ›

PySimpleGUI. PySimpleGUI is a lightweight and easy-to-use Python GUI framework designed for beginners and developers looking for a quick and simple way to create graphical interfaces. It focuses on simplicity and ease of use, allowing developers to create basic GUI applications with minimal code.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.