Risk of being rescinded for bad AP scores (2024)

Hey y'all, I'm a bit stressed about my AP scores this year. If my scores aren't as good as I'd hoped, there's a chance colleges might rescind my acceptance, right? Should I be worried about this?

3 months ago

Hey there! No need to be too stressed about your AP scores affecting your college acceptance. Generally, colleges don't consider AP scores as a major factor in their admissions decisions. They care more about the AP courses you've taken and the grades you've earned in those classes, as it demonstrates your ability to handle challenging coursework.

Once you've been accepted to a college, the likelihood of having your admission rescinded due to low AP scores is very low. Schools are more concerned about maintaining a strong GPA, taking rigorous courses, and avoiding any disciplinary issues. In fact, many institutions don't receive official AP scores until after the admissions process is complete.

In some cases, colleges may take AP scores into account when awarding course credit or determining class placement, but it's highly unlikely that they'd rescind your acceptance based on a low AP score alone. However, if your final semester grades were to drop significantly, that could potentially be a reason for concern. Colleges want to see consistency in your academic performance.

In summary, don't stress too much about your AP scores affecting your college acceptance. Focus on maintaining a high GPA, staying involved in extracurricular activities, and finishing your senior year strong. Good luck!

3 months ago

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Risk of being rescinded for bad AP scores (2024)
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