Scientific research topics have many sources of inspiration including observations of natural phenomena, watching animal behavior, or reactions of people in life situations. Natural responses to these observations are to ask: Why did they do that? How did that happen? What if I did this?
A broad set of current research topics identified by scientists at The Ohio State University are the Discovery Themes which include:
- Brain Injury: Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Brain Injury
- Data Analytics: Translational Data Analytics and Decision Science
- Foods for Health: Personalized Food and Nutritional Metabolic Profiling to Improve Health
- Food Security: Resilient, Sustainable and Global Food Security for Health
- Infectious Diseases: Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease Detection, Treatment and Prevention
- Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability: Translational Materials and Innovation: Accelerating Global Sustainability
- Sustainable Economy:Sustainability Science for Materials Innovation
Some past research topics include:
- Integration of the senses
- Exotic and native fishes habitat overlap
- Effect of mixing speed on ice cream quality
- Reducing ammonia volatilization from dairy cattle manure
- Relationship between hemoglobin concentration and fresh pork quality characteristics
- Use of landfill leachate to generate electricity in microbial fuel cells
- Effect of fat content on quality of ice cream
- The effect of sweeteners on ice cream characteristics
So, what do you want to explore?