Savannah Monitor (2024)

Varanus exanthematicus

Order: Squamata

Housing Requirements

  • Savannah monitors require a fair bit of space. The enclosure should be at least twice as long as the lizard and at least as wide as it is long.
  • A temperature gradient is ideal. This can be accomplished by providing a heat lamp at one end of the enclosure. The temperature at this end should be close to 100 degrees. A full spectrum lamp is also necessary.
  • Savannah monitors are burrowers, but this can present a problem for a program animal. One solution is to provide a “hide” for the lizard. The hide needs to be somewhat snug for the lizard to feel comfortable. Providing a digging box is also necessary. Any substrate that the lizard can get under will work including mulch, shavings, or shredded paper.

Diet Requirements

  • In the wild, savannah monitors eat rodents, birds, insects, toads, eggs, and smaller reptiles. They will also take carrion.
  • A favorite food in the wild is snails. The teeth of savannah monitors are quite blunt, and the jaw has evolved to put maximum leverage at the back. These adaptations help the monitor to crack snail shells.
  • In captivity, they are fed mice, Madagascar hissing co*ckroaches, crickets, and mealworms.

Veterinary Concerns

  • This species is very prone to obesity so special care needs to be taken with diet to control weight gain. While snails and other invertebrates are ideal foods (co*ckroaches are a favorite), you can use mice (skinned) or chicks also.

Notes on Enrichment & Training

  • Check out the ReptelligenceFacebook page and Reptelligence websitefor enrichment and training inspiration.
  • The more often you can handle the monitor the better. They will walk on a leash, which is a great way to get some sun.
  • Weekly walks are a great way to get your monitor to defecate. this also means less cage cleaning!
  • Savannahs will swim if given the opportunity. A weekly swim or soak will also aid shedding.
  • You can use feeder puzzles to stimulate hunting behavior.


Colony or Breeding Management

Notes species is housed or managed socially or for breeding purposes.

Individual Identification

Dimorphism or practiced ways to individually mark species (such as those in colonies, like giant millipedes).


Temperature Guidelines


Tips on Presentation

  • Adults can be harnessed and walked for groups. Target training for programs tends to work very well. Just maintain the training area!

Touching Techniques

Tips on Handling

  • Savannahs do have sharp claws so they will scratch.
  • Supporting the entire body is key to having a relaxed monitor.

Potential Messaging

  • In general, animals seen at the zoo do not make good pets. Most have specialized dietary, veterinary, housing, and social needs that are difficult or impossible for even dedicated pet owners to meet. Always ensure that your future pet has not been taken from the wild. Capture of wild animals for the pet trade has significantly damaged the survival prospects of species such as sloths, tamanduas, and many parrots. Captured animals are typically mistreated by profit-motivated traffickers and dealers, resulting in many animal deaths; well-meaning animal lovers may feel like they are rescuing animals by purchasing them but are really perpetuating the cruelty. In addition, many exotic pets are released by their owners when they become too dangerous or demanding, often with devastating effects on local ecosystems. Animals that should never be kept as pets include all bats, primates, and exotic carnivores. Birds, fish, and reptiles have specialized needs, are frequently wild-caught, and damage the local environment if released; guests should be advised to educate themselves and proceed with caution. Domestic dogs and cats are almost always the best option! Many deserving animals are available for adoption at animal shelters.
  • Downtown Aquarium, Denver: Good “wow” factor. Easy to care for.

Range and Habitat

Savannah monitors are found in Africa south of the Sahara, particularly West Africa and the central parts of Africa southward towards Zaire. Their preferred habitat is the savanna, but they have adapted to other habitats as well, such as rocky (though not sandy) deserts, open forests, and woodlands.

Physical Description

These monitors have a stocky body with short, thickly muscled legs, a blunt snout, and a short, thick neck. The tail is long and powerful, has alternating brown and yellowish rings, and has rough scales ringing the base. Savannah monitors are dark gray or dark brown in color, with a yellowish underbody. There are rows of circular, dark-edged yellow spots across the back. The tongue is snake-like and blue in color.
From snout to the tip of the tail, savannah monitors can reach up to 5 feet in length.

Life Cycle

Savannah monitors breed during the wet season. Females will lay 20 to 50 eggs in burrows dug into sandy soil or termite mounds. Incubation takes 5 to 6 months, so the young are hatching out during the month of March.
Typically, savannah monitors live 10 to 15 years, but they can live longer than that. The oldest recorded savannah monitor in captivity was 17 years old when it died.


These monitors are strictly terrestrial, and they require a dry heat. They will frequently bask of rocks.
Males are very territorial and will defend that territory very aggressively.

Threats and Conservation Status

This species is considered vulnerable, and is listed on CITES Appendix II.

  • Varanusis a Latin word derived fromwaran, and Arabic word for monitor (so named from the superstitious belief that the Nile monitor warned of the presence of crocodiles – when what it was probably doing was eating crocodile eggs and young crocs.)Exanthemacomes from the Greek word for eruption, an accurate term when describing the bumpy scales (osteoderms) all over the backs of monitors such as the savannah.
  • A savannah monitors flick its tongue an average of 10 to 20 times a minute. After it has attacked and bitten prey, the tongue-flicking rises to as many as 80 flicks a minute. This helps the monitor to find the injured and possibly escaping prey.
  • When walking, monitors carry their bodies high off the ground with only a small part of the tail touching the ground.
  • Previously, it had been believed that the saliva of Varanid species contained a bacterial “soup,” serving to prevent a bite wound from clotting. This has since been disproved, as it is now understood that Varanid species do in fact utilize a form of venom. Unlike snakes, which utilize hollow fangs as delivery structures, monitor venom simply pools around the lizard’s teeth and enters the bloodstream of the prey animal when it is bitten. The monitor then releases the animal and waits for death to occur, using the amazing sense of smell to track the dying animal.

By Bjoertvedt (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

  • The Philadelphia Zoo
  • The Baton Rouge Zoo
  • Houston Zoo, Natural Encounters
Savannah Monitor (2024)


How big does a Savannah monitor get? ›

As one of the most popular pet lizard species available, the Savannah monitor is a large stocky lizard that will mature to be 3 ½ to 4 feet long. If provided with the proper care and husbandry, these lizards can live 15 to 25 years.

What size tank does a Savannah monitor need? ›

TANK SET UP Savannah monitors must have space to roam, yet have the proper heat and humidity in their cages. A 20 gallon long tank with a screen top for young monitors, and a 40 gallon breeder tank for larger juveniles is recommended. For full grown Savannahs, a 90 gallon, 120 gallon, or larger habitat is recommended.

How many crickets should I feed my Savannah monitor? ›

How often should I feed my savannah monitor? According to field research conducted by Daniel Bennett, savannah monitors will eat up to 150 insects/day for 5-6 months out of the year, up to 10% of their own body weight.

Can Savannah monitors eat mice? ›

However, most monitors only rarely eat rodents in the wild, and if fed artificially high numbers of them (as often occurs in captivity) they can quickly succumb to a variety of health problems. Mice and rats are generally considered to be too high in fat for most captive, exercise-deprived monitors.

Are savannah monitors good or bad? ›

Savannah Monitor Behavior and Temperament

Their teeth are small but sharp, their claws can scratch, and they use their long, heavy tail as a whip to defend themselves. This lizard requires a large cage setup and strict environmental control—their care is comprehensive and not recommended for beginners.

Do savannah monitors like to be held? ›

Savannah monitors, also called Bosc monitors, are large carnivorous lizards that resemble tegus more than typical monitors. When handled regularly, these large bodied, stocky lizards can become quite docile and even enjoy the physical interaction in some cases.

Can 2 savannah monitors live together? ›

Because of their size, savannah monitors should be housed alone, but a male and a female or two females can live together if there is substantial room for each lizard. Male savannahs should not be housed together as they will fight.

How smart are savannah monitors? ›

Savannah Monitor Facts

The term “monitor” was given to them (and their cousins) due to their alert and highly responsive nature, and they are some of the most intelligent reptiles in all the animal kingdom. All five senses are highly acute, and they are top predators in their natural ecosystem.

What is the lifespan of a savannah monitor in captivity? ›

exanthematicus. The savannahs have long, blue forked tongue with are actively used in exploring their environment. The oldest documented Savannah was over eleven years old when it died; other monitors have been documented at more than fifteen years of age.

Can savannah monitors eat scrambled eggs? ›

Raw lean meats such as chicken and turkey and soft-boiled or scrambled eggs can be provided to vary the diet.

Can my Savannah monitor eat eggs? ›

Diets containing crickets, mealworms, waxworms, ground turkey and hard-boiled eggs are suggested for Savannah monitors. The biggest problem with monitor diets is that they will eat anything. Many owners will unknowingly over-feed their monitors.

Do savannah monitors lay eggs? ›

Soon after mating, the female savannah monitor starts digging test burrows until, some three to four weeks after mating, she excavates one into which she lays her eggs. The average clutch is between 12 and 20 eggs, but some monitors have produced as many as 41.

Will my savannah monitor eat my cat? ›

A monitor lizard that is larger than the dog or cat will see that animal as potential prey and can seriously injure, kill and potentially eat them. And if the dog/cat and the lizard are about the same size, they are equally likely to injure each other severely.

Can savannah monitors eat hissing co*ckroaches? ›

Diet Requirements

The teeth of savannah monitors are quite blunt, and the jaw has evolved to put maximum leverage at the back. These adaptations help the monitor to crack snail shells. In captivity, they are fed mice, Madagascar hissing co*ckroaches, crickets, and mealworms.

Do savannah monitors bite? ›

What happens when a monitor lizard bites you? - Quora. Well, first, you get a wound. Varanids have sharp teeth to begin with, so it's gonna hurt. Second thing that will happen is you'll get a weird burning sensation, because they're one of the few lizards with a venomous bite.

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