Slash and burn agriculture is known as in northeastern states A. Jhumming B. Pamlou C. Milpa D. Bewar (2024)

Hint: Slash and burn agriculture is also called the shifting cultivation. It is the primitive subsistence agriculture that is practiced on small patches of land. Shifting cultivation is popular in the northeastern states (Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Mizoram) of India.

Complete step by step answer:
In the North-Eastern regions of India, jhumming is the local name of shifting cultivation. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural process in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, and then abandoned for a period of time in order to allow them to revert back to their natural vegetation.
In this type of farming, farmers usually choose a forest area first. The trees are cut down and burnt. Then the land is cultivated and crops are grown on it. This process is commonly known as ‘jhumming’ in north-eastern states like Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Mizoram. The ‘slash and burn’ agriculture is known as ‘Milpa’ in Mexico and Central America, ‘Roca’ in Brazil, ‘Ladang’ in Indonesia, ‘Conuco’ in Venezuela, ‘Masole’ in Central Africa, ‘Ray’ in Vietnam. In India, this is known as ‘Bewar’ or ‘Dahiya’ in Madhya Pradesh, ‘Podu’ or ‘Penda’ in Andhra Pradesh, ‘Kumari’ in the Western Ghats, ‘Pama Dabi’ or ‘Koman’ or Bringa’ in Odisha, ‘Valre’ or ‘Walter’ in South-eastern Rajasthan, ‘Khil’ in the Himalayan belt, ‘Kuruwa’ in Jharkhand, and ‘Jhumming’ in the North-eastern region.
So, the correct answer is Option A.

Note: Slash and burn agriculture is the primitive subsistence agriculture that is practiced on small patches of land. In this form of agriculture, farmers clear a patch of land to produce cereals and other food crops. After cultivation, when the soil fertility decreases, the farmers shift to a fresh patch of land for cultivation abandoning the previous land. This type of shifting allows nature to replenish the fertility of the soil.

Slash and burn agriculture is known as in northeastern states A. Jhumming B. Pamlou C. Milpa D. Bewar (2024)


What is slash and burn agriculture called in North East? ›

In the state of Arunachal Pradesh, a form of slash-and-burn agriculture known as jhumming or jhum is practiced. North-eastern states including Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Nagaland all practice jhumming.

What agriculture is slash and burn? ›

Slash and burn agriculture is a widely used method of growing food in which wild or forested land is clear cut and any remaining vegetation burned.

What is Jhumming in Brazil called? ›

Solution: Jhumming in Brazil is called Roca.

In which state slash and burn agriculture is called Bewar or Dahiya? ›

The correct answer is Madhya Pradesh. Key Points. Slash and burn agriculture is known as Bewar or Dahiya in Madhya Pradesh.

Which type of farming is done in north-eastern states? ›

  • Jhumming is the local name of shifting cultivation practiced in North-Eastern regions of India.
  • Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned and allowed to revert to their natural vegetation.

Which type of agriculture practice is famous in north-eastern states? ›

Solution: Jhum cultivation is popularly known as slash and burn cultivation, and in most cases, it is practised in the North-Eastern states of India. This type of cultivation involves burning down the trees in a particular forest region to clear land.

Where was slash and burn agriculture used? ›

Slash and burn agriculture is most often practiced in places where open land for farming is not readily available because of dense vegetation. These regions include central Africa, northern South America, and Southeast Asia. Such farming is typically done within grasslands and rainforests.

What is an example of slash and burn? ›

Slash and Burn Agriculture Example

The milpa is a classic slash-and-burn agricultural system found in Mexico and Central America. It refers to a single plot in a given year and to the fallow process whereby that plot turns into a forest garden, then is slashed, burned, and replanted at some point.

What is slash and burn farming simple? ›

Slash and burn is a method of farming that involves clearing land by destroying and burning all the trees and plants on it, farming there for a short time, and then moving on to clear a new piece of land. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.

What is slash and burn called in Brazil? ›

The correct option is A Roca. Slash and Burn agriculture is known as Roca in Brazil, Milpa in Central America, Conuco in Venezuela and Ray in Vietnam.

What type of agriculture is Brazil? ›

Agriculture of Brazil. The country is essentially self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs and is a leading exporter of a wide range of crops, including oranges, soybeans, coffee, and cassava, which are grown mainly in the South and Southeast.

What is agriculture Brazil known for? ›

Brazil has made a remarkable transformation from being an exporter of tropical agricultural products (such as coffee, sugar, and cacao in the 1960s and 1970s) to becoming a major global supplier of: soybeans, soybean products, corn, cotton, sugar, coffee, orange juice, meat, and ethanol since the early 21st century.

Which slash and burn agriculture is known in Manipur? ›

'Jhumming' in north-eastern states like Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland, 'Pamlou' in Manipur, 'Dipa' in Bastar district of Chhattishgarh, and in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

What is slash and burn agriculture known in Chhattisgarh? ›

The correct option is A Podu. Slash-and-burn agriculture is also practised in the states of Arunachal Pradesh and Chattisgarh. Here this method of cultivation is called jhum.

What is slash and burn agriculture also known as in Sri Lanka? ›

It is known as lading in south-east Asia, milpa in Central America, Chitemene or tavy in Africa and Chena in Sri Lanka.

What is another name for slash and burn farming? ›

Thus, another name for this type of agriculture is shifting agriculture.

What is the practice of shifting agriculture in northeast India called? ›

Shifting cultivation is known as Jhumming in north-east India.

What is shifting cultivation of North East? ›

The method of cultivation is known as 'jhuming' where a piece of jungle is cut and burnt and cultivated for a year or two. Then the land is abandoned and a new site is selected for cultivation. In this system of cultivation farmers rotate the land rather than crops to sustain livelihoods.

What is shifting cultivation in the north-eastern states? ›

In the Himalayan region of the north east, the agricultural practice of shifting cultivation also known as jhum cultivation or rotational agro-forestry, prevalent since prehistoric times, is being carried out by traditional tribal societies even today.

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