Slash-and-Burn Agriculture | Saving Earth | Encyclopedia Britannica (2024)

Slash-and-burn agriculture, method of cultivation in which forests are burned and cleared for planting. Slash-and-burn agriculture is often used by tropical-forest root-crop farmers in various parts of the world and by dry-rice cultivators of the forested hill country of Southeast Asia. The ash provides some fertilization, and the plot is relatively free of weeds. After several years of cultivation, fertility declines and weeds increase.

Slash-and-Burn Agriculture | Saving Earth | Encyclopedia Britannica (1)

Traditionally, the area was left fallow and reverted to a secondary forest of bush. Cultivation would then shift to a new plot. After about a decade the old site could be reused. By the early 21st century, however, cleared areas were typically maintained in a deforested state permanently, causing habitat fragmentation and biodiversity loss. Although traditional practices generally contributed few greenhouse gases because of their scale, modern slash-and-burn techniques are a significant source of carbon dioxide emissions, especially when used to initiate permanent deforestation. In Southeast Asia, slash-and-burn agriculture for oil palm cultivation has been a major source of annual air pollution from smoke. (See also shifting agriculture.)

Written byThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Top image credit: ©Stockbyte/Thinkstock

Slash-and-Burn Agriculture | Saving Earth | Encyclopedia Britannica (2024)
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