Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (2024)

in Supply

Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (1)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (2)

Samsung Electronics is striving to establish a responsible and environment-friendly supply chain by supporting suppliers in improving their business competitiveness as well as their labor and human rights, environmental, safety, and health standards.

“Samsung Electronics tries to minimize the possibility of risks
that exist throughout the supply chain by requiring that purchasers
in the company will comply with the global behavior rules
and suppliers will keep supplier code of conduct.

We also fulfill mutual cooperation with suppliers to conform sustainable
and responsible procurement practices.”

- Earn-Key Joo, Executive Vice President and Head of Partner Collaboration Center -

  • Supply Chain Management
  • ESG Audit and Capacity-Building
  • Partner Collaboration
  • Responsible Minerals

Supply Chain Management

Building together with our suppliers

From selection
to operation,
management and
evaluation of suppliers

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (3)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (4)

    Choosing our suppliers

    Selection process for new suppliers

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (5)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (6)

    Collaborating openly

    Supplier Management System

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (7)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (8)

    Evaluating our suppliers

    Comprehensive evaluation of suppliers

ESG Audit and Capacity-Building

For everyone to comply with the law and fulfil social responsibilities

Samsung Electronics takes into account its contractors' sustainability and aims to grow and develop together.
We spread good influence to the entire society by strengthening supply chain competitiveness and implementing collaboration.

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (9)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (10)

    Ensure that what needs
    to be complied with is

    ESG Audit

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (11)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (12)

    Improve the work
    environment of our
    partners around the

    ESG Capacity-Building


How we grow with our suppliers

We Buy Value, We Pay Trust. This is our procurement vision, and it drives our efforts for our suppliers' sustainable growth.Such efforts allowed us to become the first Korean company to receive the highest grade for 11 consecutive yearsin the ‘2021 Shared Growth Index Evaluation’ selected by the Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership.

*Note: The Act on the Promotion of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation between Large Enterprises and Small and Medium Enterprises aims to resolve polarization issue between large enterprises and small and medium enterprises in Korea. Under this act, the Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership evaluates the level of such a cooperation. The ‘Shared Growth Index’ evaluates factors as strengthening competitiveness of and collaborating with supply chain, and fair trade practices.

Competitiveness of our suppliers

  • Funding
    Learn more
  • Human
    Learn more
  • Innovation
    Learn more
  • Technology Support Learn more
  • Partner Collaboration
    Learn more
  • Semiconductor
    and Business
    Learn more

Environmental Health & Safety
and GHG Emissions Management

The first step toward incorporating
sustainability in products and
realizing clean production

Development and clean production of products with environmental considerations (e.g., high-energy efficiency and use of recycled materials) cannot happen without active management of and support for the supply chain. At Samsung Electronics, we are working with our suppliers to manage our environmental impact, reduce the production of harmful substances, and improve health and safety.

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (13)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (14)

    Reducing carbon emissions
    with suppliers

    Supplier environmental management

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (15)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (16)

    Incorporating EHS into

    Chemical management

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (17)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (18)

    Keeping our suppliers’
    work environment
    healthy and safe

    Support for EHS improvements

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (19)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (20)

    Risks that are carefully
    and proactively

    Risk Assessment and Management of Our Suppliers

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (21)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (22)

    Not to miss even
    the smallest voice

    Grievance Handling System


Responsible mining and transparent

Responsible minerals are minerals related to various issues such as child labor, human rights, and environmental issues
in Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas. We strive to eradicate human rights violations, such as child labor and sexual violence,
during the mining process and to protect the health and safety of miners.

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (23)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (24)

    Blocking conflict minerals.
    Sourcing only responsible
    mining minerals.

    State of responsible mineral management

  • Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (25)Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (26)

    Working with
    global partners

    Responsible minerals partnerships

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Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics (2024)


Sustainability in Supply Chain | People | Sustainability | Samsung Electronics? ›

Samsung Electronics takes into account its contractors' sustainability and aims to grow and develop together. We spread good influence to the entire society by strengthening supply chain competitiveness and implementing collaboration.

What should be considered in supply chain sustainability? ›

These include issues like pollution, water usage, greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and other impacts that operations across a supply chain may have on the planet. A green supply chain may not consider the ethical and social impacts of business activities.

What are the three pillars of sustainability in a supply chain? ›

Sustainability in supply chains requires three responsibilities: social, environmental, and financial. For those of you familiar with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) method of accounting, these three elements will sound familiar.

What is the the importance of sustainability in a supply chain? ›

Sustainability in supply chain management is the ability to maintain the standardized processes without affecting the environment. Supply chain sustainability aims to reduce the impact of factors affecting the environment like pollutants, deforestation, ozone depletion and global warming.

How is Samsung being sustainable? ›

Recently reorganized under the Samsung Mobile eXperience (DX) division, the team aims to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2027 and improve energy efficiency in products by 30% by 2030 by using energy-saving technologies and achieving zero standby power consumption in smartphone chargers by 2025.

How does technology impact supply chain management? ›

Technology has revolutionized supply chain management by automating processes, improving visibility, enabling real-time data analysis, enhancing communication, and optimizing decision-making. This streamlining of operations increases efficiency, reduces costs, enhances collaboration, and improves customer satisfaction.

What is an example of a sustainable supply chain strategy? ›

Common examples include Patagonia, which is known for using organic cotton, recycled materials, and fair wage supply chains to produce its clothing, and IKEA, which is actively investing in supply chain sustainability and circularity around the world.

What are the characteristics of a sustainable supply chain? ›

In a sustainable supply chain, economic activity must take place within environmental and social thresholds or limits. Clearly, sufficient economic performance is a key feature of a sustainable supply chain. However, once environmental and social thresholds are set, they come first.

What are the 3 P's of sustainability? ›

The 3Ps of sustainability are a well-known and accepted business concept. The Ps refer to People, Planet, and Profit, also often referred to as the triple bottom line. Sustainability has the role of protecting and maximising the benefit of the 3Ps.

What is supply chain sustainability and how can it be achieved? ›

What Is Supply Chain Sustainability? Supply chain sustainability refers to companies' efforts to consider the environmental and human impact of their products' journey through the supply chain, from raw materials sourcing to production, storage, delivery and every transportation link in between.

How can we make supply chains more sustainable? ›

5 Proven Tips For Building A More Sustainable Supply Chain For Your Business
  1. Map Out Your Supply Chain.
  2. Reduce Transportation Emissions.
  3. Set Clear Standards For Suppliers.
  4. Reduce Waste.
  5. Measure Sustainability Outcomes.
  6. Creating A Sustainable Future.
Apr 4, 2024

What are some benefits to improved sustainability of a supply chain? ›

The benefits of a sustainable supply chain are:
  • Reduced environmental impact. ...
  • Improved continuity of supply. ...
  • Protecting against reputational damage. ...
  • Potential for new partnerships. ...
  • Win more business.
Oct 26, 2023

What makes a supply chain resilient? ›

A resilient supply chain is defined by its capacity for resistance and recovery. That means having the capability to mitigate most supply chain disruptions and greatly limit the impact of those that occur.

Who is more sustainable Apple or Samsung? ›

Both Apple and Samsung are making efforts to improve their impact on the environment. However, at the moment, Apple's practices are more eco-friendly overall, especially when we for example, take into account its lower carbon footprint.

Why is Samsung Electronics successful? ›

Firstly, Samsung's investment in research and development has been a key factor in their success. The company invests heavily in innovation and has a large team of researchers working to develop new technologies and products. Secondly, Samsung has a strong focus on quality control and customer satisfaction.

How Samsung drives sustainability across its supply chain? ›

Samsung Electronics is striving to establish a responsible and environment-friendly supply chain by supporting suppliers in improving their business competitiveness as well as their labor and human rights, environmental, safety, and health standards. and suppliers will keep supplier code of conduct.

What are the four approaches for making supply chains sustainable? ›

Figure 1 identifies four broad strategies for supply chain management: legal, ethical, responsible, and sustainable. These strategies are hierarchical. A responsible supply chain, for example, must also be legal and ethical.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.