The 10 Functions of Storytelling - Carla Johnson (2024)

June 12, 2018

by Carla Johnson

Storytelling gets too much credit and not enough appreciation. And that’s because people don’t really understand it, much less how to use it.

Storytelling comes down to two things – connection and engagement. And when we look at it from this perspective, we have many more opportunities to use storytelling to create influence, affect change and move big ideas forward.

In their book, “What’s Your Story?” authors Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker lay out 10 functions of storytelling. It’s a great illustration of how to use stories for every imaginable need in the world of business. And, most importantly, how to connect with the people that matter so you have their attention, and how to engage them so they take action.

The 10 Titan Techniques

1. Explain origins

These answer the time-honored questions of: Who am I? Where did I come from? What do I believe? What’s my legacy? From a business perspective, what does your origin story say about what you stand for, who you are and where you’re going? For example, Walmart’s story starts with Sam Walton, a man of modest means in a modest town who wanted to deliver good value to his neighbors. Compare that with Steve Jobs, the obsessive, visionary young genius. When we understand the origins of a company, we better understand the company.

2. Define individual and group identity

Once we’ve answered the question of, “Who am I?” we can move to the next level of a story. That’s when we expand to create the story of how we relate to ourselves and others. We’ve seen these stories throughout history when one country justifies an alliance with or against another. We see this in the airline industry with the Southwest, Ryan Air and Virgin low-cost carrier stories going up against those of United, British Airways and Delta.

3. Communicate tradition and delineate taboo

One of the most powerful uses of a story that people don’t realize is to communicate the traditions that make up our culture, and why. For example, the story of why societies celebrated harvest or why the phrase, “break a leg,” is supposed to bring good luck. When we create stories of business traditions and taboo behavior we articulate and give evidence that reinforces why “we” do things the way “we” do.

4. Simplify and provide perspective

Cliff dwellers painted pictures on their walls because that was easier to pass along information than sharing all the details. It helped people put context around what they wanted to communicate by simplifying the message and giving it perspective. The best brands still do that, whether that’s GE’s “We bring good things to life,” or HSBC’s “The World’s Local Bank.”

5. Illustrate the natural order of things

Knowing your place in the food chain is just as important in business as it is in nature. In Greek mythology, we have the hierarchy of the gods. In corporate America, we have the organization chart. It not only tells us the hierarchy, it explains relationships. First you look for yourself on the chart, then your team, and then where you fit in the overall business engine.

6. Concisely communicate complex history

Let’s face it, the story version of fact is easier to remember. And people recall and repeat things they can remember. No buyer wants to understand the intricate science and engineering that had to happen to come up with a sophisticated router. They want the story of why a vendor’s network works when and how it’s supposed to.

7. Communicate moral and ethical positions and the transfer and preservation of values

People have used stories to reinforce their values and the behavior they feel is most important since tribes first formed. We see this today with fair trade stories (Starbucks), environmental sensitivity stories (REI) and creating a better tomorrow (Tesla).

8. Illustrate relationships to, and with, authority

These stories are a variation on using the fifth function about the natural order of things, and getting serious about the consequences. Greek mythology gets into gruesome details about what happens when you push too hard against the boss. There was Ixion who killed his future father-in-law and tried to steal away with Zeus’ wife and ended up stretched out for eternity on a wheel of fire. The Greeks weren’t big on defiance, and neither is corporate America. Whether it’s the story of why a key executive left a company (she wanted to spend more time with her family) or why so-and-so didn’t get the promotion (he wanted to broaden his skills through a lateral position), the stories deliver a clear message about relationships to authority.

9. Describe appropriate responses to life or model behaviors

We know what happened to King Midas when he got greedy. There’s the tortoise and the hare. Dorothy learned that no matter how beautiful the world, there’s no place like home. Story can be used to model any kind of behavior from flat organizational structure (Zappos) to rewarding great employee work (Disney) to nurturing creativity (Google). It’s one thing to say it’s important. It’s another to spotlight it being done.

10. Define reward and detail the paths to salvation and damnation

Stories are about connections. They trace the connections of people with each other and their society. They create a continuum between the past, the present and the future. They show the link between correct behavior and rewards, and missteps and punishments. We hear stories of companies that were saved because of digital transformation and others that fell by the wayside because they forgot how to be human.

Do you still think that stories don’t matter in the modern work of technology and big business? Then I’ll leave you with a bit of wisdom of the ages.

“Those who tell the stories rule the world.” –Hopi American Indian proverb

Are you interested in learning how to create a story that hits home with your audience and makes them take action?Contact meand let’s talk about how we can help.Or connect with me on LinkedIn and subscribe to my newsletterfor regular updates.

Photo credit:Pixaby

The 10 Functions of Storytelling - Carla Johnson (2024)


The 10 Functions of Storytelling - Carla Johnson? ›

Broadly speaking, we can think about the functions of storytelling as being to Learn, Organize, Educate, and Advocate—and thereby effect change in public attitudes, behavior, culture, and policy. These four functions often overlap, and most of the organizations profiled here use storytelling in more than one way.

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Broadly speaking, we can think about the functions of storytelling as being to Learn, Organize, Educate, and Advocate—and thereby effect change in public attitudes, behavior, culture, and policy. These four functions often overlap, and most of the organizations profiled here use storytelling in more than one way.

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What Does a Storyteller Do? As a storyteller, your job is to narrate and read stories to an audience. In many cases, this focuses on orally encouraging certain emotions or reactions in your listeners or trying to convey details about a situation.

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What are the 5 elements of storytelling? It's the 5Ps: People, Places, Pictures, Platforms, and the Personal.

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But when you boil it down, each story is actually made up of five basic story elements:
  • Character.
  • Conflict.
  • Plot.
  • Setting.
  • Theme.
Mar 28, 2024

What are the 7 functions of storytelling? ›

The 10 Functions of Storytelling
  • Explain origins. ...
  • Define individual and group identity. ...
  • Communicate tradition and delineate taboo. ...
  • Simplify and provide perspective. ...
  • Illustrate the natural order of things. ...
  • Concisely communicate complex history. ...
  • Communicate moral and ethical positions and the transfer and preservation of values.
Jun 12, 2018

What are the 7 elements of storytelling? ›

  • Aristotle's 7 Elements of. Good Storytelling. ...
  • Dialogue. Plot. ...
  • Character. Who are the people? ...
  • Theme. The theme of a story tells us the overarching obstacle that needs to be crossed, or the end goal of the project. ...
  • Dialogue. What are the people saying? ...
  • Melody/Chorus. ...
  • Décor. ...
  • Spectacle.

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It exists (and existed) to entertain, to inform, and to promulgate cultural traditions and values. Oral storytelling is telling a story through voice and gestures.

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''The Storyteller,'' by British author H.H. Munro, whose penname was Saki, explores the themes of pride, moral education, and improper behavior for children in the Edwardian time period. Saki loved to satirize high society in his short stories.

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Having heard the history of Josef's crimes, Sage decides that it is not her place to forgive him. She helps him complete suicide by baking him a poisoned bread roll. As he dies, he asks her “how does it end?” (455).

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Most elements of short stories can be characterized as falling under one of four C-word descriptions. (“Most” because there is always evidence of breaking writing rules effectively.) They are character, conflict, change, and context.

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Let's understand the 5 Cs of storytelling- Circ*mstance, Curiosity, Characters, Conversations, and Conflicts that captivate audiences' interest. The circ*mstance is all about establishing the scene. A storyteller must provide essential information to their audience including — when, where, and why.

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Today, we're diving into the well-trodden yet ever-mystical realm of “Show, Don't Tell” — the golden rule of storytelling that you've probably heard until your ears bled. And this isn't just for the novelists out there; this advice is gold for everyone trying to turn writing into a profitable venture.

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Aristotle's Seven Golden Rules of Storytelling are: plot, character, theme, speech (or dialog), chorus (or music), decor and spectacle.

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So this idea can be expanded upon: the writer accidentally makes errors in person and agreement, messing up the most basic of inflectional rules; he moves in and out of present and past tense as if he has not made up his mind on how the narrator ought to be doing his job; getting bigger, plot holes emerge, such as a ...

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Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values.

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Once upon a time there was no brand storytelling. Everything was so plastic, fake, and sterile. Nothing had emotion, nothing made us feel anything.

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Promote a feeling of well-being, fun and relaxation.
  • Increase children's willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings.
  • Encourage active participation.
  • Increase verbal proficiency.
  • Encourage use of imagination and creativity.
  • Encourage cooperation between students.
  • Enhance listening skills.

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.