The Effects of Poor Communication in Business (2024)

Communication is a fact of life, especially in the workplace, where teamwork, technology and remote work are increasingly common. For a business to thrive, meet deadlines and exceed goals, solid communication systems and relationships must be in place. When stress, unmet expectations, relational breakdown, low morale, dissatisfied clients, family problems, health concerns and a smaller bottom line become chronic workplace issues, poor communication could be at the root of the problem.

Stress in the Workplace

High-stress levels in the workplace are a huge sign that there are communication problems. Poor communication can create a feeling that everything on your to-do list is urgent, causing you and others to hurry, feel tense, overworked and have little-to-no sense of humor. Good communication causes a sense of stability and predictability, but lack of communication or unhealthy communication introduces a sense of fear that causes tension, which is counterproductive to efficiency.

Employees who are stressed all day go home stressed and worn out, which impacts their families. Instead of having a spouse or parent who is energetic and thankful to be home, the family is stuck with someone who has so many emotions to unload from the workday that an evening is barely enough time to get it all out. Employees may begin to feel guilty or even to experience conflict at home because of their tension and stress level. This stress stays with them as they start the next workday and it can be hard, if not impossible, to get ahead.

Unmet Needs and Expectations

Lack of communication causes unmet expectations. Teams miss deadlines, clients miss appointments, and people on a project do not seem to know what their roles are. When employees have trouble figuring out what their priorities should be, they often choose the wrong thing and end up disappointing their superiors. Without clearly communicated expectations and priorities, it is impossible to know where to start and how to complete a project efficiently.

Arguments and Other Relational Breakdowns

If you have ever opened your work email inbox, only to find an accusatory message from a colleague, employee or boss, you have probably experienced the sense of frustration, anger, hurt, fear and helplessness that can come with unhealthy workplace communication. Instead of asking questions about how a project is coming along or what your priorities and goals are, the email reads in an accusatory and demanding tone.

Your previously positive relationship might feel strained, so when you pass your co-worker's or boss's cubicle, you are likely to want to hide, rather than sit down and have a friendly solution-finding conversation. You may even feel a sense of uncertainty about seeking conflict resolution for fear of how it might affect your job security. It is also common to feel a sense of insecurity or lack of fulfillment in completing your daily tasks, and all of these emotions slow down productivity in the workplace.

Low Morale and High Turnover

When people are dealing with intense emotions, they spend more time than normal on emotional management. Productivity goes down, and morale is replaced by a sense of relief of making it through the day. Workplace survival mode can be a real problem. When business relationships are wounded and there is no repair, trust goes out the window, making it difficult to work together to meet deadlines. When people miss deadlines, they tend to feel poorly about performance. This vicious cycle prevents teams and businesses from reaching their true potential.

Physical and Mental Health Issues

When things are going wrong both at work and at home, it is not unusual to experience consequences to mental or physical health. Mental health concerns and chronic health problems are more likely to develop during stressful times, especially when an employee has no outlet for stress relief, is out of energy for self-care, or lacks emotional management skills. When these problems pop up, encourage proper professional care and use it as an opportunity to turn around the situation.

Dissatisfied Clients

Dissatisfied clients can be a sign of poor communication. When teams miss deadlines or appointments, superiors tend to be frustrated and stressed, but so do clients. If your client was counting on phone service to begin before its grand opening and your installation team missed the deadline, your client could be out of money. If your legal team is not fully prepared to present a case in court and is winging it at the last minute, the ruling might not be in your client's favor. When nursing staff misses a deadline, it could mean that a patient does not receive medication or a bath on time.

When clients are dissatisfied, they often take their business elsewhere, which costs your company money.

Improving Communication

If poor communication can impact stress levels, deadlines, morale, health and the bottom line negatively, then good communication can have a positive and healing effect. Write out job and project descriptions clearly and check in to ask how things are going. Make use of emails and messaging apps wisely. Treat others with the kindness you hope for in return. Create a written list of priorities for times when there is more work than time, and perhaps set aside time each week to directly address workplace concerns and brainstorm solutions.

Practice active listening skills with co-workers and assume the best of client intentions. Create a culture of celebrating accomplishments and progress. When appropriate, seek support from a corporate psychologist or communications consultant who can teach your team communication, self-care, active listening and emotional management skills. Remember that none of us have perfect communication skills, but by adopting a growth mindset and moving in a positive direction, improvements can occur quickly.

The Effects of Poor Communication in Business (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.