Top 10 ERP selection criteria (including checklist) (2024)


ERP is a software tool we all use and it is at the heart of our businesses helping us achieve our goals. Selecting the right ERP one for our business is one of the most important decisions we will make. The decision has to be right. Here are some ERP system selection criteria that you should bear in mind during your selection project.

Always keep in mind what your business goals are when considering your ERP selection criteria, and how these may impact each element.

Top 10 ERP selection criteria:

  1. Business requirements
  2. Upper management support
  3. User support
  4. Functional requirements
  5. Integration with existing systems
  6. Budget and resources
  7. Technology and future scalability
  8. Total cost of ownership and ROI
  9. Evaluate and select options
  10. Necessary customization

Download your free ERP selection checklist to ensure you don't miss a step when choosing your ERP.

What are the criteria for selecting ERP?

When selecting an ERP you should consider many factors as this system will impact every aspect of your business for years to come. Every business' criteria for critical requirements will differ slightly, but you should ensure that your ERP system:

  • Meets functional requirements for your business - the system does what it is supposed to and helps rather than hinders
  • What industry experience your ERP provider has with companies like yours
  • What user support do you need for your ERP system?
  • How much does you ERP system cost? An ERP needs to be within your business budget
  • How your system integrates with existing systems that will be staying - you need a system that works across your entire business rather than many disparate systems
  • What customization do you need from the out-of-the-box software?

We will answer these questions in our ERP selection criteria list below, but keep in mind your own business problems, and how they apply to each set of criteria along the way.

ERP selection criteria #1: business requirements

Develop a clear and comprehensive list of your requirements for your ERP. Use every resource available to make this list excellent. Talk to your production workers and your purchasing manager. Listen to executive management, and your customers and suppliers. Call in former employees and current salespeople. When every thought is written, then prioritize the entire list. Reach a solid consensus as to which requirements are absolutely “must have”. The next priority tier includes things that are not mandatory but there is general agreement that including them will benefit the company. Any other listed items are in a lower category, merely “nice to have”.

Take your priority list around to the same people who provided your inputs. Do they agree with the requirement list? Does it need to be updated? Can someone provide a solid case to elevate a point from tier 2 to tier 1? Much of every other criterion assumes this list is as good as it can be.

Top 10 ERP selection criteria (including checklist) (1)

An ERP requirements template will be invaluable to this process, allowing you to break down your required features into specific functionality. Our requirements template goes beyond individual feature requests, and asks for specific function e.g. how does the general ledger automate recurring transactions? And, if the software allows rules to calculate the amounts for GL transactions. This granular detail will give you a full scope a system's functionality, and how their software can meet your requirements i.e. is it out-of-the-box functionality, a customization, or a 3rd party integration.

ERP selection criteria #2: upper management support

This could seem like an obvious criterion. Too often, it is not recognized for its importance. One can select the absolute best ERP for their organization, yet without upper management support, the project is likely doomed. Support goes beyond simply getting a spending approval. You want your management to actively embody their support. When a resource from another department is needed, the manager can throttle progress by providing lukewarm support. When a choice arises to support the new ERP or use the present system, you want confidence that the manager truly supports the ERP even if there is a short-term cost at the point of the choice.

Pitching senior management for ERP project buy-in may seem daunting, but it is key to your project's success - alongside determining selection costs, you need to focus your business case on company goals, and how ERP can help your organization achieve them.

ERP selection criteria #3: user support

People in every functional area will be users of the new ERP. Gain their support by ensuring their needs and desires are included in the requirements list. Those users, wherever they work, will have much to gain through the success of your ERP implementation. Let those users know they will have the support they need such as training and equipment they need to use the ERP and receive value for them as well as for the overall organization. Make certain they know they will have support helping them through the needed changes. In return, they will support your efforts to use and benefit from your new ERP. Make sure here that the documentation users will need is available when and where needed by users and is of sufficient quality to meet their needs.

ERP selection criteria #4: functional requirements

Your business has certain functional requirements that must be satisfied even before your change and update requirements. Does this ERP support sales orders that include both physical products related and services? If that is what your business sells, it has to. Your business operates in multiple countries around the globe. Do the accounting components of ERP include multiple currencies and the ability to work with the variety of tax systems in those countries?

Think about any ERP components not required by your business. If your business is distribution and you perform no manufacturing, can you easily work around any work-in-process demands made by an integrated inventory system included in some ERPs?

Top 10 ERP selection criteria (including checklist) (2)

Specific sectors and departments will have very specific functional needs; your ERP selection criteria should factor in each department's needs and desires. Your ERP should make things easier - not harder - on all departments. Your supply chain needs to know if your ERP is going to integrate with their suppliers, and if they can track shipments through the new system. Sales want to know how ERP is going to handle different sales territories, and if they can handle multi-tiered orders. Make sure to factor each department into your ERP requirements list.

ERP selection criteria #5: integration with existing systems

Most businesses considering an ERP selection have other systems that are quite adequate for their purpose and the business is not interested in changing multiple systems along with their ERP. The question now to be asked: how will those systems integrate with ERP? Almost always, there are common data elements. Can ERP read and use the existing data in that other system? Will you allow the same data to exist and how will you keep those separately updated data elements compatible? Will you be better served by changing the other system to use that data from ERP?

What integration tools come with this ERP? It should have simple integration such as .csv files for occasional data updates. That type of update is inefficient and likely too slow for everyday use. Web services and XML files that allow different systems to quickly transfer data between systems are a more modern way to work.

Many customers and suppliers use EDI (electronic data interface) to share data between companies. If this is needed, be sure your ERP supports that need.

ERP selection criteria #6: budget and resources

How much money is available for an ERP system?If you only have $10, then you have to have a very strict selection criterion. A 2021 Software Path report stated that on averageyou can expect to spend about $9,000 on each user of your system - that's a big investment and a reminder that ERP selection is a long-term consideration. Most ERP systems will be used for a decade or longer so ongoing maintenance and support for the ERP as well as the infrastructure related are a budget concern. Your choice today will lock costs into future budgets.

Use our free ERPprice and budget guide to calculate how much your ERP costs

Who is going to take the time and perform the work involved in selecting and implementing ERP? Ideally, you can devote full-time resources to the project but many businesses will want to use part-time resources. You need to plan who will perform the necessary work those resources perform now while they devote time toward ERP.

Top 10 ERP selection criteria (including checklist) (3)

Your ERP budget can vary based on business size, the latest ERP research from Software Path collated budget data from thousands of ERP projects to find an average cost per user for various business sizes. Interestingly, their ERP project report also found that companies in the healthcare industry typically had a higher estimated budget per user.

Requirements, resources, industry, and company size are all factors you should include in your ERP selection criteria to find the right software.

ERP selection criteria #7: technology and future scalability

These concerns apply to the software used to develop your ERP system and to the hardware required to use that ERP. We know there will be ongoing developments and improvements in both domains. We might not want either to perform on the bleeding edge of technology but neither do we want either one to use obsolete technology today. At the same time, we want to buy our ERP from a provider that has a good record of accomplishment of keeping up with technology developments and who promises to maintain that strategy.

ERP selection criteria #8: totalcost of ownership and ROI

Add up all the incremental costs you will incur due to this ERP. There will be the initial purchase amount and some initial consulting expense. You might need some updates to your servers and networks immediately. You will spend money on training and temporary labor while your people are implementing ERP. You will have support and maintenance costs every year while you use the ERP.

At the same time, you will benefit from improvements in the cost to perform work. You might see additional revenue because you now can provide services and products to your customers that were not possible without this ERP.

Spread those costs and benefits over time and calculate your return on investment. Most businesses have a threshold return needed before making an investment. Ensure that this ERP passes your business ROI threshold.

ERP selection criteria #9: evaluate and select options

The traditional ERP system running on an on-premises server and supported by an in-house IT staff is not the only choice today. Many businesses choose an ERP that runs in the cloud using a SaaS framework. The initial investment is reduced in favor of monthly “rental” payments that include the software and most support needs.

You can choose a hybrid approach where your business owns the ERP but operates it in the cloud running on shared servers.

Many ERP systems today are developed using open source software too. These benefit from free or very low cost to acquire the software. You have the source code for open-source so you have the power for complete customizations. Users everywhere update open source ERP and they find and fix bugs. Those improvements are available to all users immediately with no need to wait for a development company to issue a new revision.

If you have concerns related to these options, your choice will point to what ERP system selection criteria are essential for your business.

ERP selection criteria #10: necessary customization

The perfect ERP will never require any customization. Since none are likely to be perfect, any customization will be a selection criterion. Understand among your team what customization is desired and whether it truly is essential. Today’s ERP systems use knowledge gained from thousands of customers. Is there some component of your business that is unique among every other business around the world? Not likely. If your desired customization can be worked around easily using an existing ERP, that customization is not a selection criterion. If that customization can be deferred while you use an existing ERP and evaluated later, it is not immediately a criterion, but the ability to implement that customization later is a criterion.

On the other hand, if your desired customization is required, look at ERP systems with an eye toward the ease and efficiency of that customization. Do you have developers skilled in the programming language required? Are developers with that skill available in the employment market?

How will your ERP handle the customization? Can you use business objects or other validation techniques to ensure compatibility with other components of the ERP? Can you introduce your customization with no adverse effects on other components of ERP?

Some ERPs available will have better answers to your questions than others will and will help limit your available choices among ERP systems.

Bonus: ERP software selection checklist

Ensure your ERP selection project goes to plan using a full checklist, you should make sure to customize your checklist with your business needs beyond this, but our list should provide a good starting point. You can download our full ERP selection checklist to ensure you don't miss a step when choosing your ERP.

  1. Selection Team tasks
    • Selecting your project lead
    • Assembling your selection team
    • Identifying a C-Level sponsor
  2. Requirements gathering
    • Creating a map of your current business processes
    • Identifying key business challenges
    • Consult each department for their issues
  3. System specification
    • How many users require access
    • What hosting should you choose
    • What language and currency requirements do you have
  4. Vendor services
    • What support do you need
    • Do you need an external project management team
    • Whatare the critical data sets in your legacy systems
  5. ROI forecast
    • Determine the timeframe for total cost of ownership
    • Set up reporting on ROI forecasts
    • Create a change management plan
  6. Vendor shortlisting
    • Research ERP used by similar companies in your industry
    • Compile your shortlist
    • Create an RFP
  7. Selecting an ERP
    • Build your selection team
    • Review RFQ responses
    • Agree to a purchase decision

The above checklist is a very condense version of our complete ERP selection checklist with60 steps you should take when selecting your ERP.

Now that you've reviewed our list, and have the answers to all these ERP selection criteria, you are well on the way to selecting an ERP that serves your business now and for the future.

Top 10 ERP selection criteria (including checklist) (2024)


What are the selection criteria for an ERP systems? ›

There are several steps in selecting an ERP system. Among them: evaluate and establish business requirements and goals; develop a budget and timeline; and evaluate candidate systems for factors such as cost, deployment model, implementation time, support and training, vendor expertise, and customizability.

What is the ERP selection criteria matrix? ›

The selection matrix can be used in conjunction with a recruitment process as referred to in section 8.7 of the Redundancy Policy. The assessment process will, where possible, be carried out independently by two managers who know all employees in the selection pool.

Which of the following factors should be considered in the ERP system selection? ›

Consider factors such as process improvements, data visibility, reporting needs, and compliance requirements. Aligning the ERP features with these factors and your business objectives ensures that the system adds value and supports your business's unique workflows.

What are the 7 steps for successful ERP implementation? ›

Seven aspects of a successful ERP implementation
  • Executive support.
  • Employee involvement.
  • Clearly defined project scope.
  • Plan to optimize business processes.
  • Proactive change management.
  • Project management tools.
  • A partner that knows your industry.

What are the main 3 factors would you set to choose an ERP system? ›

Requirements, resources, industry, and company size are all factors you should include in your ERP selection criteria to find the right software.

How should an ERP system be chosen? ›

How to choose the right enterprise resource planning system for your business
  1. Identify your business needs and goals. ...
  2. Research and compare different ERP systems. ...
  3. Evaluate the system's fit with your business. ...
  4. Consider the implementation process. ...
  5. Look for long-term support and maintenance.

What to look for in an ERP system? ›

5 of the Most Important Things to Look for in ERP Selection test
  • Your ERP selection should deliver platform scalability and flexibility. ...
  • Select an ERP with support for mobile users. ...
  • Customer recommendations or testimonials. ...
  • Ease of use and contextualization. ...
  • Long-term costs.

How do you select and implement an ERP system? ›

5-Steps to Selecting and Implementing an ERP System
  1. Step 1: Preliminaries.
  2. Step 2: Get everyone on the same page.
  3. Step 3: Choose a solution provider and. implementation partner.
  4. Step 4: Implement.
  5. Step 5: We went “live”…now what?

How many ERP characteristics are there? ›

The five key components of an ERP system are Human Resource Management, managing employee information and payroll; Customer Relationship Management, handling sales and customer service; Supply Chain Management, overseeing the flow of goods and services; Financial Management, dealing with accounting and financial ...

What are the main factors in choosing an ERP system for manufacturers? ›

ERP selection: The top 9 factors for the manufacturing industry
  • How can we better connect warehouse and production?
  • How do we implement customer-specific production efficiently?
  • How do we control costs?
  • How do we shorten lead times?
  • How do we optimize quality assurance?
  • How do we make good use of big data?

What factors would contribute to an unsuccessful selection in ERP? ›

The failure factors in implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution include poorly defined system requirements, a lack of data hygiene, unrealistic project timelines, fluctuating budgets, a lack of executive buy-in, poor employee training and incomplete ERP testing before the system is officially ...

Which of the following are key characteristics of an ERP? ›

What Are the Key Characteristics of ERP Systems?
  • Integration. The primary, and maybe the most important characteristic of ERP system is integration. ...
  • Automation. One of the other vital characteristics of ERP systems is automation. ...
  • Customisation. ...
  • Reporting. ...
  • Security and Data Protection.
Mar 28, 2024

What are the golden rules for ERP implementation? ›

Golden Rules For ERP Implementation

Ensure top management visibly supports the project at Kickoff, status meetings etc. Hold firm on project scope and management expectations. Assign ownership of deliverables to business leaders. Effective change management and user training is imperative.

What are the 5 major steps in the ERP implementation? ›

5 key steps for a successful ERP implementation
  • Project Planning. Set objectives that clearly define the scope of implementation. ...
  • Analyzing Software Capabilities. Dedicate a full week to analyze the software for the project team. ...
  • Data Management. ...
  • Training & Testing. ...
  • Go-Live & Post-Implementation.

What are the three pillars of ERP implementation? ›

There are three important pillars in every ERP implementation: people, process, and technology. Most ERP implementation failures result from inadequate planning and resource management, coupled with a lack of awareness regarding risks.

What are the basic requirements of an ERP system? ›

ERP System Requirements Checklist Details
  • Scalability and Performance. ...
  • Integration Capabilities. ...
  • User-Friendly Interface. ...
  • Mobile Accessibility. ...
  • Customizable Reporting and Analytics. ...
  • Comprehensive Security and Data Protection. ...
  • Compliance and Regulatory Support. ...
  • Vendor Reputation and Support.
Sep 12, 2023

What are the 3 characteristics of an ERP? ›

What are the 3 characteristics of an ERP? Three characteristics of ERP systems are their flexibility to adapt to unique business processes, modularity allowing for selective module integration, and a centralized database for consistent and up-to-date information across departments.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.