Western Blot Transfer Buffer (2025)

Transfer Buffer for Western Blots

Since the first publication of a method for the electrophoretic transfer of proteins to nitrocellulose, the technique — now called western blotting — has become a standard method for detecting and quantifying proteins. The basic method of blotting and the composition of the standard western blot transfer buffer have not changed over the years.

Every western blot buffer must have two main properties: a western blot buffer must both promote the elution of proteins from the gel matrix and facilitate the efficient binding of all proteins in the sample to the membrane. Additionally, the components of a western blot buffer must not interfere with any subsequent steps after the transfer.

The advent of semi-dry blotting and the optimization of western blotting transfer for specific classes of proteins have resulted in several alternative formulations of western blot transfer buffers. Bio-Rad offers premixed blot buffers and reagents for use in common western blotting protocols.

Western Blot Transfer Buffer Formulations

The standard transfer buffer for western blots, called Towbin buffer, is 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, pH 8.3 — usually with 20% methanol (vol/vol). Sometimes SDS is added to this buffer, generally in the range of 0.1 to 0.25%. This transfer buffer has both low ionic strength and low conductivity, which is optimal for tank (wet) blotting and for some semi-dry apparatuses.

Tris/glycine western blot buffer may not be suitable in some types of apparatuses for transfer of very high molecular weight proteins, which require lengthy transfer times. As transfer proceeds for an extended period of time, the production of heat decreases the resistance of standard western blot transfer buffer, causing the blot buffer to lose buffering capacity, thus reducing transfer efficiency. Additionally, the increased heat can cause gels to stick to the membrane, creating a handling problem for the soft, low-percentage acrylamide gels that are usually used for very high molecular weight proteins. Often, these gels must be carefully and laboriously scraped off the membrane.

For particular proteins, the choice of blot buffer can impact the efficacy of transfer. Generally acidic proteins are transferred more efficiently in a western blot buffer with a lower pH, and basic proteins are more efficiently transferred in a blot buffer with a higher pH. There are many buffers used for western blotting, such as the Dunn carbonate buffer (10 mM NaHCO3, 3 mM Na2CO3, pH 9.9); 10 mM CAPS, pH 11; and 10 mM CHES, pH 9.6.

For semi-dry western blotting, in addition to the standard Tris/glycine blot buffers, CAPS can be substituted for the glycine. A typical formulation has 60 mM Tris and 40 mM CAPS. An advantage of semi-dry blotting is that, unlike in tank blotting, the anode and cathode buffers are separated. This provides the ability to increase the efficiency of transfer by having different buffers at the anode and the cathode. For example, 15% methanol is generally added to the anode buffer, and 0.1% SDS is often added to the cathode buffer.

Role of SDS and Methanol in Western Blot Transfer Buffers

For large proteins, the addition of SDS to the western blot transfer buffer can increase the efficiency of transfer, whereas for small proteins, particularly with nitrocellulose membranes having larger pores (0.45μ), SDS-denatured proteins may migrate faster through the membrane. The addition of SDS increases the ionic strength of the blot buffer and therefore increases heating; additionally, depending on the apparatus and transfer conditions, the presence of SDS can lead to excessive foaming.

The addition of methanol to a western blot transfer buffer has been suggested to prevent gel swelling during transfer and improve the efficiency of protein adsorption onto the membrane. Many laboratories no longer use methanol since they have found that, for their protein samples, the addition of methanol does not markedly increase efficiency, and omitting it eliminates the problem of disposing of toxic methanol-containing solutions. To eliminate the problem of toxic waste disposal, some formulations replace 20% methanol with 10% ethanol.

For high molecular weight proteins, the absence of an alcohol and the resulting slight swelling of a gel may be advantageous for transfer, since increased pore size may aid in the elution of the proteins from the gel matrix. Conversely, alcohols can strip SDS from proteins, which may increase the difficulty of transfer of large proteins if they start to regain their native secondary and tertiary structure while still within the gel matrix. For low molecular weight proteins and peptides, stripping of SDS by methanol increases protein binding to membranes and reduces migration through the membrane. Consequently, for proteins at either end of the molecular weight range, the absence of methanol in western blot transfer buffer may be advantageous.

Western Blot Systems, Membranes, Filter Paper, and Immunodetection Reagents

  • Blotting Systems

    • Semi-Dry and Rapid Blotting Systems
    • Wet/Tank Blotting Systems
    • V3 Western Workflow™
  • Membranes and Filter Paper

    • Blot Absorbent Filter Paper
    • Immun-Blot® PVDF Membrane
    • Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.45 μm
  • Immunodetection Systems

    • Clarity™ Western ECL Substrate
    • Immun-Star™ AP Chemiluminescence Kits
    • Immun-Blot® Opti–4CN™ Colorimetric Kits

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Western Blot Transfer Buffer (2025)


Western Blot Transfer Buffer? ›

The standard transfer buffer for western blots, called Towbin buffer, is 25 mM Tris

Tris, or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, or known during medical use as tromethamine or THAM, is an organic compound with the formula (HOCH2)3CNH2. It is extensively used in biochemistry and molecular biology as a component of buffer solutions such as in TAE and TBE buffers, especially for solutions of nucleic acids.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tris
, 192 mM glycine, pH 8.3 — usually with 20% methanol (vol/vol). Sometimes SDS is added to this buffer, generally in the range of 0.1 to 0.25%.

How do you make a 10X transfer buffer for Western blot? ›

Directions for 10X Transfer Buffer:

Membrane blocking: blocker non-fat dry milk (1g) in 1X Tris buffered saline (10ml, 1X TBS) + 0.1% Tween 20. After blocking (1 h), membrane washed with 1X Tris for 10 min to prepare for antibody.

What is the difference between a running buffer and a transfer buffer? ›

Running buffer's main purpose is to create an electric field that allows for the movement of proteins through the gel during the electrophoresis process. Transfer buffer serves as a conductive medium to facilitate the transfer process.

Why do you add methanol to transfer buffer? ›

The presence of methanol in the transfer buffer serves two main purposes: It promotes dissociation of SDS from the protein and dramatically improves adsorption of proteins onto membranes in the presence of SDS, although these effects may vary with proteins.

Should I add SDS to transfer buffer? ›

Transfer large and small proteins for Western Blot

Be sure to run your samples in a low-concentration gel, 8% or less. Adding SDS to a final concentration of 0.1% in the transfer buffer will decrease the tendency of protein precipitation in the gel.

What is the recipe for transfer buffer for Western blotting? ›

The standard transfer buffer for western blots, called Towbin buffer, is 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, pH 8.3 — usually with 20% methanol (vol/vol). Sometimes SDS is added to this buffer, generally in the range of 0.1 to 0.25%.

How do you make a 10X buffer? ›

Dissolve 30.0 g of Tris base, 144.0 g of glycine, and 10.0 g of SDS in 1000 ml of H2O. The pH of the buffer should be 8.3 and no pH adjustment is required. Store the running buffer at room temperature and dilute to 1X before use.

How many times can I reuse a transfer buffer? ›

A recent study by Kendrick et al. demonstrated that transfer buffer containing methanol can be reused for at least five times for transferring proteins from SDS-PAGE to polyvinylidene difluoride . They added fresh transfer solution each time to compensate for the loss of transfer buffer.

Why do we use glycine in transfer buffer? ›

SDS in the buffer helps keep the proteins linear. Glycine is an amino acid whose charge state plays a big role in the stacking gel.

Why does transfer buffer need to be cold? ›

Keeping the system cold reduces the resistance to electric current in the system. I would recommend you keep your transfer buffer in the fridge. So it will be cold upon use. Also, you can use a frozen cooling unit to keep the system cool.

Can you over transfer a Western blot? ›

Transfer conditions must be optimized for proteins of different molecular weights, e.g., to prevent under-transfer (incomplete transfer of proteins out of the gel) or over-transfer (loss of proteins passing completely through the membrane).

How long to run a transfer Western blot? ›

Western blot transfer voltage and times
MethodCondition held constantTime
High ionic buffer (1-Step Transfer buffer)1.3 Amps7–12 min
Towbin Buffer (standard semi-dry transfer)25 V60 min
Dry Transfer
iBlot Transfer Device25–30 V3–8 min
8 more rows

Do you wash the membrane after transfer? ›

After protein transfer, wash the membrane in deionized water 4 times for 5 minutes each with agitation to remove all transfer buffer.

What is the composition of 10X transfer buffer? ›

SDS-PAGE SDS Running Buffer (10x) Preparation and Recipe
Tris base (mw: 121.14 g/mol)30.3 g0.2501 M
Glycine (mw: 75.07 g/mol)144.4 g1.924 M
SDS (mw: 288.38 g/mol)10 g0.03467 M

How to make 10X TBS buffer? ›

To make 1 L of 10X TBS stock solution, dissolve 24 g Tris and 88 g NaCl in 900 mL of water and then adjust the pH to 7.6 and final volume to 1 L. This calculator enables the preparation of a 10X TBS wash buffer stock solution, whether you are preparing enough for a single experiment or for the entire lab.

How do you make a 10X TE buffer? ›

TE Buffer 10X Preparation and Recipe
  1. Prepare 800 mL of distilled water in a suitable container.
  2. Add 15.759 g of Tris-Cl (desired pH) to the solution.
  3. Add 2.92 g of EDTA (pH 8) to the solution.
  4. Add distilled water until the volume is 1 L.

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