What AP classes should I take sophom*ore year? (2024)

Hi all! I'm wondering what AP classes would be best to take during my sophom*ore year. I had a good freshman year and am looking to challenge myself academically, but I also want to make sure that I'm not overwhelming myself with the workload. What AP classes do you recommend? Any advice or past experiences would be super helpful!

5 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're looking to challenge yourself academically during your sophom*ore year. From my experience with my own child, I can offer some suggestions. It's essential to strike a balance between challenging yourself and managing your workload effectively.

AP classes such as AP Human Geography, AP Psychology, or AP Environmental Science are considered to be a good starting point for sophom*ores. These subjects are generally easier to handle while still providing a rigorous curriculum. Additionally, you could consider taking an AP course that aligns with your personal interests or future college major, as it can make the material more engaging for you and showcase your passion for that subject.

Remember to consider other factors like extracurricular activities and your overall course schedule, then choose AP classes that best fit your interests and capabilities. Discussing with your school counselor can also help in guiding you to make the best decision for your unique situation. Wishing you the best of luck in your academic journey!

5 months ago

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What AP classes should I take sophom*ore year? (2024)


What AP classes should I take sophom*ore year? ›

AP classes such as AP Human Geography, AP Psychology, or AP Environmental Science are considered to be a good starting point for sophom*ores. These subjects are generally easier to handle while still providing a rigorous curriculum.

What AP should I take in 10th grade? ›

What are typical AP courses for 10th graders? Common AP courses that 10th graders enroll in are World History, Computer Science Principles, Biology, and Seminar.

Is it OK to take no AP classes sophom*ore year? ›

It's completely fine to not take any APs freshman year. Ideally, you should pace yourself and limit the number of APs you take every year. 3 for sophom*ore year and 5 each for junior and senior year is going to feel much better than 8 junior year and 5 senior year.

Is 3 APs sophom*ore year good? ›

If you are interested in attending a highly selective school, you should take 2 or 3 AP® classes your sophom*ore year. If not, you might want to take your first AP® class in a subject that you enjoy this year to begin to learn about the process.

What is the most useful AP class? ›

4 AP classes give high school students the skills necessary to succeed in academia. These are the AP Research, AP Seminar, AP Statistics, and AP English Literature and Composition. Students with English as a second language should consider AP English Language and Composition instead.

Is 4 APs too much junior year? ›

An Ivy League hopeful might take 3 to 5 AP classes, while if you're aiming for less-selective schools, 2 to 4 would be enough. Senior Year: Take more APs in core subjects and additional subjects, again being careful not to overburden your schedule and to leave time for college applications.

What is the hardest AP class? ›

Okay, Seriously, Which AP Classes Are the Hardest? United States History, Biology, English Literature, Calculus BC, Physics C, and Chemistry are often named as the hardest AP classes and tests. These classes have large curriculums, tough tests, and conceptually difficult material.

What is the easiest AP class to get a 5? ›

1. AP Psychology. With a reputation as one of the easiest AP classes, it comes as no surprise that AP Psychology is also one of the most popular—292,501 students took the exam in 2021. Despite the relative ease of this course, students still struggle; just 58.3% of students pass but 17.0% earned a 5.

Is 3 APs too much? ›

College counselors recommend that students strive to take 5-8 AP classes throughout their high school career, especially if they are interested in attending a highly-selective institution such as an Ivy League college. That said, you shouldn't feel pressured to take more AP classes than you can comfortably manage.

Is 5 APs too much? ›

You can definitely take 5 APs, but just make sure to stay on top of your work and spend a good amount of time studying to make sure you know the material.

How many APs should I take sophom*ore year? ›

Instead, students typically start by taking 1-3 AP classes during their sophom*ore year, beginning with some of the less demanding courses. They may then pick up the pace during their junior year, enrolling in more challenging options. These courses can enhance your transcript and boost your GPA.

Is a 3.0 GPA bad as a sophom*ore? ›

As a sophom*ore, you still have a bit of time before college applications, although changing your GPA is more difficult at this point. A 3.0 GPA means that you're earning decent enough grades to be sure of acceptance at a fair amount of schools with higher admissions rates, but selective colleges may be out of reach.

Is taking 2 APs in junior year bad? ›

The number of AP classes you take should align with your personal academic strengths and interests. Taking two AP courses in your junior year could certainly be viewed as a rigorous courseload, especially if the APs are in subjects that you are passionate about and plan to dedicate considerable effort.

Is taking 4 APs too much? ›

If you're serious about school and learning a lot before university, then I think taking 4 AP classes is fine. I took 4 APs during my junior year (Gov+Politics, Biology, Calc AB, Lang+Comp), and the workload was quite manageable.

Is 3 AP classes too much junior year? ›

3 answers. Last year for my Junior year, I took 3 AP's and had the rest of my classes be honors classes. I've heard the number of AP's you take matter to an extent, but if you take leadership in extracurriculars and demonstrate you are a well rounded student that cares about things. The amount of AP's do not matter.

Should I take 3 or 4 AP classes junior year? ›

Junior year

Take three to five if you are aiming for a highly selective school, and two to four if you are aiming elsewhere. Note that many students describe this year as significantly harder than past ones. And you'll also likely be taking your standardized tests.

Is 3 AP classes a year enough? ›

College counselors recommend that students strive to take 5-8 AP classes throughout their high school career, especially if they are interested in attending a highly-selective institution such as an Ivy League college. That said, you shouldn't feel pressured to take more AP classes than you can comfortably manage.

Should a sophom*ore take AP Physics 1? ›

Most students take AP Physics 1 during their junior or senior years, enrolling after the completion of standard prerequisites like geometry and algebra II. As a result, students in their first two years of high school may not have the necessary skills for success in this college-level class.

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