What Happens When a Client Does Not Have Tax Basis Records? (2024)

By Marilyn Lindblad Updated February 25, 2022

Management of financial records is an important element of fiscal responsibility. However, even a sophisticated investor may not have all of the records that she needs to establish the tax basis of her investments and the real property she owns.

Some investors inherit assets from family members who did not maintain adequate records. Others keep detailed records only to have them destroyed by fire or a natural disaster. When records are missing, a taxpayer can attempt to reconstruct the tax basis of her assets.

Preferred Records for Tax Basis

According to the IRS, taxpayers need to keep records that show the tax basis of an investment.

For stocks, bonds and mutual funds, records that show the purchase price, sales price and amount of commissions help prove the tax basis. Other useful records are statements and receipts that show dividends that the taxpayer reinvested, load charges and original issue discounts. For real property, the closing statement from the date the client bought the property is the best evidence of tax basis. For personal property, receipts and canceled checks support the taxpayer's claim.

When these records are unavailable from the taxpayer's files, the taxpayer can recreate the information from alternative sources.

Real Estate Records

Several ways exist that a taxpayer can use to reconstruct the tax basis of real estate. She may hire a real estate appraiser to prepare a valuation of the home or other property based on archives of multiple listing service records. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau notes this usually comes at a fee but can be done within a few days.

Alternatively, she may seek copies of transaction documents from the various service providers that participated in the purchase transaction, such as the title company, real estate agent, lender and insurer. She may also use valuation records from the local assessor's office, along with evidence of the ratio of assessed value to actual value for the relevant period.

Real Estate Improvements

If the client made improvements on the property after he purchased it, he also needs to reconstruct the tax basis of the improvements. He may seek copies of records from a third party such as a contractor or a lender. The taxpayer may also use before-and-after photographs that show the unimproved and improved condition of the house to support written statements about the value of the improvements.

The IRS says that the taxpayer may not include his own labor or any labor he did not pay for when determining the basis of improvements.

Finding Records for Other Assets

The best source of information about the tax basis of other assets depends on the asset involved. The client may use a reputable valuation guide to reconstruct the tax basis of automobiles.

Bank and brokerage account statements help establish the value of deposit accounts and investments such as stocks and bonds. Old catalogs, magazines and newspaper ads can help to establish the tax basis of personal property. The financial section of a newspaper that shows the value of stocks, bonds and mutual funds at the time the client acquired these assets also provides information about their tax basis.

Considerations for Accepting Proof

An auditor is not required to accept a client's alternative proof of basis. The IRS may relax its record-keeping standards for taxpayers who lost their records because of a natural disaster, but it expects other taxpayers to maintain accurate records of their investments. An auditor who reviews evidence of tax basis looks for enough documentation to support the taxpayer's assertions and has broad discretion to use his professional judgment to assess the evidence that the taxpayer submits.

What Happens When a Client Does Not Have Tax Basis Records? (2024)
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