What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (2024)

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set?

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (1)

If we have a group of keyboards that are from the same company, same colour, same look, then we can’t differentiate between them just by seeing them. We can differentiate between them only if we know the product number which is unique for every keyboard. So, if we don't know this product number then these keyboards can't be identified from a group and they are just objects. Why are we stressing so much on identifying them uniquely? Also, why are we taking the example of a keyboard in DBMS?

The reason is simple, just like the keyboards, we have to retrieve the data from the database and each of them should have a unique value that can be used to differentiate between two different data. So, when an object becomes uniquely identifiable we can call it an entity. Now, let's see in more depth what is an entity and what are entity types and entity sets.


An entity is a real-world thing which can be distinctly identified like a person, place or a concept. It is an object which is distinguishable from others. If we cannot distinguish it from others then it is an object but not an entity. An entity can be of two types:

Tangible Entity: Tangible Entities are those entities which exist in the real world physically. Example: Person, car, etc.

Intangible Entity: Intangible Entities are those entities which exist only logically and have no physical existence. Example: Bank Account, etc.

Example: If we have a table of a Student (Roll_no, Student_name, Age, Mobile_no) then each student in that table is an entity and can be uniquely identified by their Roll Number i.e Roll_no.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (2)

Note : In E-R model we don't represent the data but we represent the structure or schema. When we convert E-R model to relational model then data can be stored in tuple or row and hence, represented as an entity.

Entity Type

The entity type is a collection of the entity having similar attributes. In the above Student table example, we have each row as an entity and they are having common attributes i.e each row has its own value for attributes Roll_no, Age, Student_name and Mobile_no. So, we can define the above STUDENT table as an entity type because it is a collection of entities having the same attributes. So, an entity type in an ER diagram is defined by a name(here, STUDENT) and a set of attributes(here, Roll_no, Student_name, Age, Mobile_no). The table below shows how the data of different entities( different students) are stored.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (3)

The E-R representation of the above Student Entity Type is done below.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (4)

Note: We use a rectangle to represent an entity type in the E-R diagram, not entity.

Types of E ntity type

  • Strong Entity Type
  • Weak Entity Type

Strong Entity Type: Strong entity are those entity types which has a key attribute. The primary key helps in identifying each entity uniquely. It is represented by a rectangle. In the above example, Roll_no identifies each element of the table uniquely and hence, we can say that STUDENT is a strong entity type.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (5)

Weak Entity Type : Weak entity type doesn't have a key attribute. Weak entity type can't be identified on its own. It depends upon some other strong entity for its distinct identity. This can be understood with a real-life example. There can be children only if the parent exits. There can be no independent existence of children. There can be a room only if building exits. There can be no independent existence of a room. A weak entity is represented by a double outlined rectangle. The relationship between a weak entity type and strong entity type is called an identifying relationship and shown with a double outlined diamond instead of a single outlined diamond. This representation can be seen in the diagram below.

Example : If we have two tables of Customer(Customer_id, Name, Mobile_no, Age, Gender) and Address(Locality, Town, State, Customer_id). Here we cannot identify the address uniquely as there can be many customers from the same locality. So, for this, we need an attribute of Strong Entity Type i.e ‘Customer’ here to uniquely identify entities of 'Address' Entity Type.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (6)

Entity Set

Entity Set is a collection of entities of the same entity type. In the above example of STUDENT entity type, a collection of entities from the Student entity type would form an entity set. We can say that entity type is a superset of the entity set as all the entities are included in the entity type. Let's try to understand this with the help of an example.

Example 1: In the below example, two entities E1 (2, Angel, 19, 8709054568) and E2(4, Analisa, 21, 9847852156) form an entity set.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (7)

Example 2: We can form another entity set by taking three entities from the table. (2, Angel, 19, 8709054568) , (3, Priya, 20, 9864257315) and (4, Analisa, 21, 9847852156) can also form a entity set. Similary, we can form any combination of the entity set using any of the entities from the entity type 'STUDENT'. Also, we can understand that if we take all the records to the entity set we get the entity type 'STUDENT'. So, we can say that the entity type is the superset of the entity set.

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (8)

This is all about an entity, entity type and entity set. Hope you learned the difference between these terms.

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Now, let's discuss the concepts mentioned in the article "What is an Entity, Entity Type, and Entity Set?"


An entity is a real-world thing that can be distinctly identified, such as a person, place, or concept. It is an object that is distinguishable from others. If we cannot differentiate it from others, then it is an object but not an entity. Entities can be of two types:

  • Tangible Entity: Tangible entities exist physically in the real world. Examples of tangible entities include a person, car, etc.
  • Intangible Entity: Intangible entities exist only logically and have no physical existence. Examples of intangible entities include a bank account, etc.

[[SOURCE 1]]

Entity Type

An entity type is a collection of entities that have similar attributes. In the example of the Student table, each row represents an entity, and they all have common attributes such as Roll_no, Student_name, Age, and Mobile_no. Therefore, we can define the Student table as an entity type because it is a collection of entities with the same attributes.

In an ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram, an entity type is defined by a name (e.g., STUDENT) and a set of attributes (e.g., Roll_no, Student_name, Age, Mobile_no).

[[SOURCE 1]]

Entity Set

An entity set is a collection of entities of the same entity type. In the example of the STUDENT entity type, a collection of entities from the Student entity type would form an entity set. The entity type is considered the superset of the entity set because all the entities are included in the entity type.

For example, in the given Student table, if we take two entities with the values (2, Angel, 19, 8709054568) and (4, Analisa, 21, 9847852156), they form an entity set. Similarly, we can form any combination of entities from the entity type 'STUDENT' to create different entity sets.

[[SOURCE 1]]

I hope this explanation helps clarify the concepts of entity, entity type, and entity set. If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to ask!

What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? (2024)


What is an Entity, Entity Type and Entity Set? ›

Entity Set is a collection of entities of the same entity type. In the above example of STUDENT entity type, a collection of entities from the Student entity type would form an entity set. We can say that entity type is a superset of the entity set as all the entities are included in the entity type.

What is entity set and entity type? ›

The relationship between an entity type and an entity set is analogous to the relationship between a row and a table in a relational database: Like a row, an entity type describes data structure, and, like a table, an entity set contains instances of a given structure.

What is an entity type? ›

The entity type is the fundamental building block for describing the structure of data with the Entity Data Model (EDM). In a conceptual model, an entity type represents the structure of top-level concepts, such as customers or orders. An entity type is a template for entity type instances.

What is the difference between entity type and entity instance? ›

In definition: Entity: Entity is a concept to abstractly represent all instances of a group of similar “things”. Entity Type: It is collection of entity having common attribute. Entity Instance: An entity instance is a single occurrence of an entity.

What is an example of an entity type in a database? ›

Entity Type:

For example, a database of a corporate company has entity types such as employees, departments, etc. In DBMS, every entity type contains a set of attributes that explain the entity. The Employee entity type can have attributes such as name, age, address, phone number, and salary.

What is the entity set? ›

An entity set is a set of entities of the same type (e.g., all persons having an account at a bank). Entity sets need not be disjoint. For example, the entity set employee (all employees of a bank) and the entity set customer (all customers of the bank) may have members in common.

What is the difference between entity type and entity set in SAP? ›

An entity set allows access to entity type instances. While an entity type describes a data structure, an entity set can expose instances of the specified entity type as well as any entity type inherited from the specified entity type.

How do you identify an entity type? ›

An entity can be of two types: Tangible Entity: Tangible Entities are those entities which exist in the real world physically. Example: Person, car, etc. Intangible Entity: Intangible Entities are those entities which exist only logically and have no physical existence.

How do I choose an entity type? ›

The two most critical factors in selecting the form of business entity are (i) who the owners of the business will be and (ii) and how the earnings of the business will be returned to its owners.

What are the three types of entities? ›

Types of Business Entities
  • Sole Proprietorship. This is a business run by one individual for their own benefit. ...
  • Partnerships–General and Limited. ...
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) ...
  • Corporation. ...
  • Advantages/Disadvantages.

How many entity types are there? ›

Most business owners will choose from the six most common options: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, LLC, C corporation or S corporation.

What is an entity type and an entity set explain the difference between a relationship instance and a relationship type? ›

relationship type: what entities and their types participate in the relationship. relationship set: a set of relationships of a specific type. relationship instance: a relationship between two entity instances.

What is entity type in entity Framework? ›

What Is an Entity in Entity Framework? An entity is a class in an Entity Framework that maps the database tables. EF API can map each entity to tables and each property of an entity to a column in the database.

What is an example of a strong entity set? ›

A simple example of a Strong Entity is the Employee which has the key attribute 'Employee ID,' using which a record of that Entity Type is uniquely identified. In ER Diagram, it is represented using a single rectangle.

How do you identify an entity in a database? ›

If you're creating a database and trying to determine whether something is an attribute or an entity, it's important to think about the primary purpose of the database. If you're creating a database of customer information, 'customer' would be the database entity and 'phone number' would be an attribute, or property.

What is an entity called in a database? ›

In database administration, an entity can be a single thing, person, place, or object. Data can be stored about such entities. A design tool that allows database administrators to view the relationships between several entities is called the entity relationship diagram (ERD).

What are entity types in SQL? ›

An entity can be of two types: Tangible Entity: Tangible Entities are those entities which exist in the real world physically. Example: Person, car, etc. Intangible Entity: Intangible Entities are those entities which exist only logically and have no physical existence.

What is entity type in accounting? ›

An accounting entity is a clearly defined economic unit that isolates the accounting of certain transactions from other subdivisions or accounting entities. An accounting entity can be a corporation or sole proprietorship as well as a subsidiary within a corporation.

How many types of entity set are there? ›

The entity set in DBMS is classified into two types: Weak entity set in DBMS. Strong entity set in DBMS.

What are the two types of entities in entity Framework? ›

There are two types of entities in an entity framework:
  • POCO Entities (Plain Old CLR Objects) It is an entity class that does not depend on any framework-specific base class. It is the normal . ...
  • Dynamic Proxy Entities (POCO Proxy) Dynamic proxy entities are runtime classes and wrap up the POCO entity.
Feb 20, 2023

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