What Is Kung Fu? - Discovery UK (2024)

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Shaolin Kung Fu Wing Chun Tai Chi

On the question of “what are the kung fu styles”, there are believed to be several hundred. Among the best known are:

  • Shaolin Kung Fu
  • Wing Chun
  • Tai Chi
  • Northern Praying Mantis
  • Baguazhang
  • Xingyiquan
  • Bajiquan

With so many styles leading to debate as to “what is kung fu”, attempts have been made to create more manageable subsets. Thus, in answering “what are the kung fu styles”, there is a distinction between those originating in northern and southern China. While northern kung fu is said to rely more on wide stances and kicks, southern kung fu emphasises hand strikes and narrow stances.

There is also a perceived difference between internal and external kung fu styles. This goes to the question of “what does kung fu teach you”. Internal styles will prioritise one’s strength of mind and inner energy flow or “qi”. External styles are more focused on physical strength.

So, what are the kung fu styles and how do they match these different classifications?

Shaolin Kung Fu

Shaolin Kung fu is a northern, external style. It was created and developed by the monks at the Shaolin Temple from around 495 AD. Thus Shaolin Kung Fu has strong ties with Buddhism. As a combat style, Shaolin kung fu uses a variety of kicks and hand strikes, favouring wide stances.

Wing Chun

Wing Chun is best known as the form of kung fu in which Bruce Lee was initially trained. Founded by female fighters Ng Mui and Yim Wing Chun, it is the only Kung fu with a female namesake. As a fighting style, wing chun is all about close combat, quick footwork and rapid hand strikes. Much of the teachings of wing chun focus on body alignment and positioning, while its countermeasures emphasise ducking and sidestepping to unbalance one’s opponent.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is one of the softer internal forms of kung fu, meeting force not with equal force, but by using the opponent’s strength against them. It has a Taoist philosophy, including concepts of yin and yang.

And there you have it. A short summary of “what is kung fu” as well as “what does kung fu teach you”, from “what does kung fu mean” to “what are the kung fu styles”.

What Is Kung Fu? - Discovery UK (2024)
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