What to Expect When Taking Your First AP Exam (2024)

Way to go! You’ve nearly made it through your first Advanced Placement® (AP®) course. One of the last steps on your journey with AP this year is to take your AP Exam(s) this May. Taking the exam gives you the opportunity to save time and money by earning college credit, advanced placement, or both and can help you stand out to colleges. No matter what score you achieve, the experience of preparing for and taking your AP Exam will help you build the skills you’ll need to transition from high school to college.

Prepare for your exam by actively participating in your classes and putting your best effort into completing all assignments from your teacher. It's also important to know what to expect before, during, and after the exam so that you can be fully prepared and feel confident on test day.

Know the Format of Your AP Exam

The first step in preparing for your AP Exam is to get familiar with the format of the test you’ll be taking. The best way to do that is to click on the About the Exam tab on your course page. Here you’ll find important information about your exam, including when it will take place, how long it will be, and how it will be structured. Get familiar with the types of questions on your exam by downloading past free-response questions* from real AP Exams. Review previous questions, sample student responses, and scoring guidelines in the Exam Preparation section.

*Please note: Not all AP Exams have free-response type questions. The following courses/exams don’t have this type of question:

  • AP Research
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP 2-D Art and Design; AP 3-D Art and Design; AP Drawing

Put Together a Study Plan

Once you understand the format of your exam, you’ll find it's a good idea to create a study plan. Set aside time each day to study either independently or with a study group to get additional support.

Start by reviewing your syllabus and course materials. Review and continue building your knowledge of course content and skills by watching AP Daily videos in AP Classroom. These short videos cover all the content and skills that will be assessed on your AP Exam. You can also use AP Daily: Practice Sessions, a video series focused on practicing FRQs (free-response questions) and MCQs (multiple-choice questions). New videos will be released on April 22. All videos will be posted on YouTube and in AP Classroom and can be watched at any time. Check out more free resources to help you prepare.

Day Before Exam

If you haven’t already, review the latest AP Exam terms and conditions since you’ll be asked to acknowledge that you’ve read them during the exam. And learn more about exam policies and guidelines.

On Exam Day

On exam day, it's important to arrive at the test location on time, bring all the necessary materials, and eat a healthy breakfast. Usually, you’ll be taking the AP Exam at your school, during the normal school day and with students from your class. During the exam, read each question carefully, and take your time to think through the answer. Try to stay focused and calm. Take breaks if you need to. And check out these 6 tips on building confidence for your AP Exam.

After the Exam

AP Exam scores are typically released in July. Learn how to access them here. Log in to your College Board account before then to make sure that you’ll be able to view them when they’re available. And remember, each year you take an AP Exam, you have the chance to send a free score report to the college, university, or scholarship organization of your choice. June 20 is the deadline to send your scores for free. Even if you didn't receive the score you were hoping for, don't be discouraged. Research shows that many students who don’t earn a qualifying score on an AP Exam go on to earn higher scores on future AP Exams they take. And students who complete AP courses and exams have better college outcomes than their peers.

Taking an AP Exam for the first time is exciting and challenging, but it’s always a beneficial experience. By familiarizing yourself with the exam format, creating a study plan, and preparing yourself mentally and physically for test day, you'll be well on your way to success. You've got this!

What to Expect When Taking Your First AP Exam (2024)


Is it normal to fail your first AP test? ›

First, it's important to know that you are not alone in this situation. Many students, especially those taking an AP for the first time, will fail to score the 3 needed to receive college credit.

Is it hard to get a 1 on an AP exam? ›

Thankfully, not many students leave the exam with a 1 unless complications arise during the test and they need to leave, or they are just trying to take the exam without knowing any of the material. In fact, on the AP® rubric, a 1 is described as “no recommendation”.

What to expect during an AP exam? ›

AP exams take between 2–3 hours to complete and are broken into two sections: multiple choice and free response. The amount of questions per section and the time allotted varies per test subject. How many AP exams are there in total? There are a total of 38 AP Exams.

Do you lose points for guessing on AP exam? ›

Multiple-choice scoring is straightforward—a computer totals your correct answers, with no penalties for incorrect answers or unanswered questions. For that reason, it's a good idea to attempt every question, selecting your best guess if you're not sure of the right answer.

What is a 50% on an AP test? ›

A 50% is considered a 3 or passing. This is when your AP credit is considered in colleges for being qualified, well qualified or extremely well qualified. Also, most exams have multiple parts to them.

Can you get a 0 on an AP exam? ›

To clarify, it's quite rare and quite difficult to get a score of 0 on an AP exam. Typically, scores range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest possible score that indicates the student likely wasn't prepared for the level of the content on the exam.

What is the easiest AP to pass? ›

Based on student polls, the five AP courses that are considered the easiest are:
  • Computer Science Principles.
  • Psychology.
  • Human Geography.
  • Environmental Science.
  • U.S. Government and Politics.

Is a 3 on AP exam OK? ›

In most cases, a 3 or higher is considered a solid AP score. But you can get an even better idea of how good your AP score is by comparing it to the average score for that test that year. For example, the average score for AP Biology was 2.83 in 2021. Anything higher would be considered above average for that test.

Is a 3 bad on AP exam? ›

First, they have scores because tests need scores. Second, a 3 on an AP exam is equivalent to a B-, C+, or C in a college course.

Is it OK if I fail my AP exam? ›

If you fail an AP exam, you will not receive college credit for that course. The good news is that a failed exam does not affect your GPA.

Can you drink water during AP exam? ›

Food or Drink - Not even water bottles. All food/drink will be required to be left outside of the testing room. Unapproved Aids: Books, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters*, notes or colored pencils*.

What should I wear to AP exam? ›

If it's cool outside, go with sweatpants, a hoodie, and sneakers. If it's warmer, a loose pair of shorts and a soft tee shirt are the way to go. Dressing in layers is also a good idea, as it allows you to regulate your own temperature should you feel too warm or too cold.

Should I answer every question on the AP Exam? ›

If you start to run out of time on the harder questions, make an educated guess. There are no penalties for answering questions incorrectly on an AP Exam, so it's best to answer every question.

What is the lowest scoring AP Exam? ›

At many high schools, AP Physics is notorious for its difficulty level. In addition, it has the lowest overall pass rate of any AP exam.

Is 4 a bad score on AP Exam? ›

A 4 or a 5 is the AP score that will most likely earn you college AP credit. Of course, no matter how you do on the AP test, you still get a grade for that AP class from your high school. Good grades in AP courses always look good on your transcript!

Is it OK to fail an AP test? ›

The good news is that a failed exam does not affect your GPA. In addition, you can retake the AP exam the next year. To prepare, you can re-enroll in the class, study on your own, or hire a tutor who can help you tackle the more challenging subjects on the test.

Do colleges care if you fail the AP exam? ›

It's natural to feel some pressure, but remember that your overall performance in the course matters more than the exam score itself. Now, to address your concerns: Failing an AP exam isn't ideal, but it's not necessarily a deal-breaker for college admissions.

What percent of people fail AP Exams? ›

In May 2022, just 43.3% of test-takers passed, and only 7.9% received a perfect score. Other hard AP exams include US History, Macroeconomics, Chemistry, and Calculus AB.

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Name: Duane Harber

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