When conflict arises between a CEO and a Chair (2025)

Case Studies

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by Stephen Conmy

When conflict arises between a CEO and a Chair (1)

What to do when conflict arises between the CEO and the Chair? When a rift develops between the CEO and the Chair of the board, ultimately, there is only one party that has the deciding vote.

The CEO/Chair relationship is one of the most important in any organisation, and it needs to run smoothly at all times. If toxicity persists, then the organisation will suffer.

The CEO and Chair need to have a mutual appreciation and respect for their relationship. This case study will explore what happens when CEOs and chairs conflict… using one of the most famous examples in modern business history: Apple.

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When conflict arises between a CEO and a Chair (2025)


What is the conflict between CEO and chair? ›

When a rift develops between the CEO and the Chair of the board, ultimately, there is only one party that has the deciding vote. The CEO/Chair relationship is one of the most important in any organisation, and it needs to run smoothly at all times. If toxicity persists, then the organisation will suffer.

Why should CEO and chairman be separated? ›

Chairman of the board vs. CEO: benefits of splitting the roles. The primary benefits of separating the board chair and CEO positions are reduced risk of conflict of interest and excessive concentration of power. Eliminating these risks allows companies to avoid many reputational, financial, and regulatory issues.

What is the conflict between CEO and Board of Directors? ›

There can be an inherent conflict between a CEO and their board; the board may be focused on short-term gains for shareholders while the CEO is trying to steer the course for long-term success.

Who is more powerful, CEO or chairman? ›

Since the board chairperson is superior to the CEO, the CEO has to get the board chairperson to approve any significant moves. While the board chairperson has the ultimate power over the CEO, the two typically discuss all issues and effectively co-lead the organization.

What is the relationship between the chair and the CEO? ›

The chair-CEO relationship is quite unique: an interdependent relationship of equals at the top. The chair has oversight responsibility for the CEO and exerts considerable influence over the financial resources the CEO has to work with and the CEO's personal compensation.

Can the Chairman of the board fire the CEO? ›

The answer is yes, they can. However, there are certain circumstances where it may not be possible. If the CEO is appointed by the board, then the board has the power to remove them from their position.

What are the division of responsibilities between chairman and CEO? ›

2.3 The Chairman is the guardian of the Board's decision-making processes. 2.3 The CEO is responsible, with the executive team, for implementing the decisions of the Board and its Committees. 3.1 Running the Board and setting its agenda. Providing input to the Board's agenda, both from himself and the executive team.

What are the disadvantages of CEO chairperson duality? ›

CEO duality can create potential conflicts of interest, as the CEO may prioritize their interests over those of other shareholders and stakeholders. Such conflicts could result in decisions that benefit the CEO personally but are detrimental to the company's long-term prospects.

Why a company's Chairman and CEO should not be the same person? ›

When the CEO is also the chair, a conflict of interest arises, as the CEO is voting on his or her own compensation. Although a board is required by legislation to have some members who are independent of management, the chair can influence the activities of the board, which allows for abuse of the chair position.

What is unethical behavior of board of directors? ›

Inadequate diversity among board members in terms of skills, experience, or background. Failure to hold management accountable for poor performance or unethical behavior. Disregard for shareholder concerns and interests. High turnover of board members due to resignations or disagreements.

Can the board of directors override the CEO? ›

The board of directors is not above the CEO because they are elected by the shareholders. The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company and reports to the board of directors. The board of directors has the authority to hire and Fired CEOs, but they cannot tell the CEO what to do on a daily basis.

Who gets paid more, CEO or chairman? ›

The executive chairman's compensation package can vary significantly depending on the company's size, industry, and financial performance. Their pay is typically on par with or slightly below the CEO's.

Who is most powerful after CEO? ›

In most organizations, the positions above the CEO include Chairman of the Board, President and Vice President. If your company is a start-up, then in some sense, a start up advisor could be seen as also being higher than the CEO.

What position has more power than the CEO? ›

While the Chairman technically has higher level powers, the CEO is indeed “the boss” of a company. And yes, the CEO does (by the letter of the law) answer to their board of directors, which is ultimately headed by the chairman.

Why a company's chairman and CEO should not be the same person? ›

When the CEO is also the chair, a conflict of interest arises, as the CEO is voting on his or her own compensation. Although a board is required by legislation to have some members who are independent of management, the chair can influence the activities of the board, which allows for abuse of the chair position.

What is the relationship between board chair and executive director? ›

The board chair is the head of the board, and it is the board that, as a whole, oversees the executive director. The executive director is the non-profit's operational leader but also the board's partner in helping shape and realize the organization's mission and strategic directions.

Is CEO higher than executive chair? ›

In the corporate world, chairman vs. CEO roles hold significant importance. An executive chairman heads the board of directors, while a chief executive officer oversees day-to-day operations. The chairman's position is technically higher, managing the CEO and providing strategic direction to the board.

Does the CEO report to the chair? ›

The chief executive officer serves as the public face of the company in many cases. CEOs are elected by the board and its shareholders. They report to the chair and the board who are appointed by shareholders.

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