Which is harder: AP Biology or AP Chemistry? (2024)

I'm thinking about taking an AP science class next year and can't decide between AP Biology and AP Chemistry. Which one is generally considered more difficult? Looking for some opinions from those who've taken either or both classes.

4 months ago

Hey there! The difficulty of AP Biology and AP Chemistry can vary depending on your personal strengths and interests. Generally speaking, AP Chemistry is considered more difficult because it requires a stronger foundation in math and involves learning complex equations and problem-solving techniques. On the other hand, AP Biology focuses more on memorizing and understanding a vast amount of information on various biological processes, systems, and concepts.

If you're more mathematically inclined and enjoy solving problems, AP Chemistry may be a better fit for you. But, if you have a strong passion for learning about living organisms and their functions, then AP Biology might be the way to go.

It's also important to consider the teaching style and resources available at your school, as this can have a significant impact on the difficulty level of a course. I'd recommend talking to your current science teacher or students who have taken the courses at your school for a more tailored input. Best of luck!

4 months ago

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Which is harder: AP Biology or AP Chemistry? (2024)
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