Working with Transaction Codes (SAP Library - Getting Started (2024)

Working with Transaction Codes (SAP Library - Getting Started (1)Working with Transaction CodesWorking with Transaction Codes (SAP Library - Getting Started (2)


Eachfunction in the SAP system has a transaction code associated with it. Atransaction code consists of letters, numbers, or both. You enter transactioncodes in the command field.

Youuse a transaction code to go to any task in an SAP application faster. Byentering a transaction code instead of using the menu, you go to a task andstart the function in a single step.


Displaying the CommandField

On thestandard toolbar you can:

·Display the command field by choosing the arrow tothe left of the Save icon.

·Hide the command field by choosing the arrow to theright of the command field.

Finding the TransactionCode for the Task You Want to Start

Tofind a transaction code for a certain task, place the cursor on theappropriate menu item in the SAP Easy Access menu and perform one of thefollowing:

·Choose Extras Technicaldetails.

A dialog box, displaying the details for theselected menu item, appears.

·Choose Extras Settings Show technicalname.

After refreshing the menu, the system displays thetransaction codes of all items from the menu.

Finding the TransactionCode for the Current Task

Tofind the transaction code for the current task, perform one of thefollowing:

·Choose the arrow in the first statusfield

The transaction code appears, along with othersystem information.

·From the menu bar, choose System Status.

The SystemStatus dialog boxappears. You can find the transaction code for the current task in the Repository data frame.

Entering a TransactionCode


1.In the command field, enter /n followed by a transaction code.

This will end the current task.

If you do not want to end your current task, you cancreate a newsession.

2.Choose Enter.

The initial screen of the new taskappears.

Choosing a TransactionCode from the History List


1.Choose the dropdown box to the right of the commandfield.

The history list appears. It displays thetransaction codes of all transactions you have accessed since you loggedon.

2.Choose the desired transaction code and chooseEnter.

The initial screen of the new taskappears.

Working with Transaction Codes (SAP Library - Getting Started (2024)
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