9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (2024)

In this listicle, we present several Python web servers you can use to deploy your Python applications.

We’ll start by understanding how web servers work and the need for server gateway interfaces. Then, we’ll go over the list of Python web servers along with their salient features. Most of them are available as PyPI packages that you can install and start using in your projects.

Let’s begin!

What is a Web Server?

When developing a Python application, you’ll use the development server to test your app. However, once the development is complete, you’ll have to deploy your app on a production-grade server. Amongst several layers of added functionality on top, a web server should have the basic functionality of an HTTP server.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (1)

The Python web server should be able to handle HTTP requests (simple HTTP requests like GET, PUT, and POST) from clients, such as web browsers, and return the response. This response may include the HTTP status code indicating whether the request was processed successfully or not. It might consist of HTML web pages and semi-structured data such as JSON, XML, and more.

ASGI vs. WSGI: Understanding Server Gateway Interfaces

Suppose you’ve developed a Python application in a framework of your choice, say, Django or Flask. A conventional server may be unable to understand and process the requests directed to the Python application. Here’s where server gateway interfaces come into play.

This gateway interface can be a Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) or an Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI). The web server receives a request from a client, which it then redirects to the server gateway interface. The interface (WSGI/ASGI) interacts with the Python application through an exposed callable.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (2)

The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) handles requests sequentially. If there are multiple slow HTTP requests, then they’ll impact the throughput.

Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface, or ASGI, is a successor to WSGI and has the additional ability to handle requests asynchronously.

Suppose a currently serviced request requires a database read (that can potentially take a long time) and is waiting for the response. When the first request is waiting for a response, ASGI can handle a second incoming request.

This is in contrast to WSGI, where the first request must be processed before the second request.Therefore, using ASGI may result in increased throughput. ASGI also lets you use asynchronous Python capabilities within your application.

Python Web Servers

Now, let’s list down the web servers you can use for your Python applications. We’ve also included certain frameworks that provide out-of-the-box support for production-ready servers. This is not an exhaustive list, and the web server recommendations below are not in any particular order.


If you’re familiar with application development with FastAPI, you’ll have come across Uvicorn, a web server implementation. Uvicorn is an ASGI server implementation for Python.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (3)

To install Uvicorn and associated dependencies using pip, run the following command:

$ pip install uvicorn[standard] # includes installation of optional and Cython-based dependencies

The following are Uvicorn’s salient features:

  • ASGI implementation
  • Support for running apps from an asynchronous Python environment
  • The command-line tool with an extensive list of options
  • Supports running applications from factory functions
  • Provides features to control server instances programmatically


Gunicorn is a WSGI server for Python applications, well known for its advanced process management features.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (4)

Uvicorn gives a Gunicorn worker class, allowing you to achieve performance and process management advantages simultaneously. This documentation page contains details on deploying Gunicorn.

If you have Python 3.5 and later, you can install Gunicorn using pip:

$ pip install gunicorn

The following are Gunicorn’s salient features:

  • Simple and fast
  • Compatible with many web frameworks
  • Support for use with an HTTP proxy server
  • Advanced process management


CherryPy is a Python web framework—just like Django, Flask, and FastAPI—but not as popular as these frameworks. With several stable releases, CherryPy has been around and has evolved into a fully-fledged framework for over a decade. It also has a supportive developer community.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (5)

You can check out the interesting Zen of CherryPy, which conveys the essence that CherryPy is a simple and minimalist yet powerful framework.

CherryPy is a Python framework and not a web server, but it’s on our list as it natively supports a production-grade server—unlike most other frameworks.

To install CherryPy and get started, run:

$ pip install CherryPy

The following are CherryPy’s salient features:

  • Pythonic framework using object-oriented Python; well suited for beginners
  • Support for a production-ready HTTP server, Cheroot
  • Easier to learn than other web frameworks, such as Django
  • Support for building and deploying simple web apps to microservices


Django is one of the most popular Python web frameworks. If you’ve developed applications with Django, you’ll likely have used the Daphne web server. Daphne is one of the first ASGI server implementations used as a reference for ASGI server implementations.

Daphne is available as a PyPI package that you can install using pip.

$ pip install daphne

Here’s a detailed tutorial that’ll walk you through building a full-stack production-ready Python application.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (6)

The following are Daphne’s salient features:

  • Widely adopted in production environments
  • Reference for all ASGI server implementations
  • Support for HTTP, HTTP2, and WebSocket protocols

Python Trio

The Trio project aims to provide production-grade asynchronous I/O capabilities: support for parallel I/O and concurrency. This project also has several web and HTTP Python libraries.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (7)

You can install the latest release of Trio (June 2022) from PyPI.

$ pip install trio

Here’s a list of useful Trio libraries for web programming with Python:

  • hypercorn: Hypercorn is an ASGI server that supports HTTP
  • muffin: Muffin is an ASGI web framework for Python
  • startlette: Starlette is a lightweight ASGI framework
  • trio-websocket: support for <a href="https://geekflare.com/websocket-servers/">WebSocket server</a> and client</li><li><code>httpx: HTTP client for Python

Twisted Web

Twisted is a framework for Python applications. This event-driven framework includes a module for web programming called twisted.web.

You can install Twisted and the associated modules using pip:

$ pip install Twisted

The following are Twisted’s salient features:

  • Developer-friendly features such as unit testing and static code checking
  • twisted.web provides a WSGI server and support for HTTP clients and servers


AIOHTTP is a Python library that provides client and server-side capabilities through the client and server APIs.

Here’s a useful video explaining the asynchronous programming capabilities on the client side to speed up requests to APIs significantly.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (8)

The following are the salient features of AIOHTTP:

  • Support for both the HTTP server and client functionality
  • Support for logging to facilitate easier debugging; provides logging for a client, server, web sockets, and more
  • Native support for testing through the pytest Plugin for testing: pytest-aiohttp, Which is available as a PyPI package


Tornado is another Python web framework that supports asynchronous networking. In recent years, there have been many stable releases of Tornado – the most recent version 6.2, was released in July 2022. Currently, Tornado supports Python 3.7 and later.

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (9)

Like most packages in this list, Tornado can also be installed using pip:

$ pip install tornado

The following are Tornado’s salient features:

  • Support for HTTP server tornado.httpserver and client
  • Scalable and uses non-blocking network I/O
  • Well suited for applications that require connectivity for a substantially longer interval of time
  • Utilities for logging, unit testing, and more
  • Seamless integration with services for authentication


Meinheld is a WSGI server for Python. It uses and builds existing libraries for event handling and HTTP request processing.

You can install Meinheld using pip:

$ pip install meinheld

Some features of Meinheld:

  • Uses http-parser library to handle incoming HTTP requests
  • Builds on top of the picoev library for event handling


I hope you found this listicle of Python web servers helpful. Be sure to try them out in your future projects. We’ve listed the key features; to fully understand the dependencies and how they work, you’ll have to use them in your applications. 👩🏽‍💻

If you want to level up your Python skills, consider checking out Geekflare’s library of Python tutorials. Happy coding!

9 Python Web Servers to Try for Your Next Project (2024)


Which web server is used for Python? ›

CherryPy is a self contained web framework as it can run on its own without the need of additional software. It has its own WSGI, HTTP/1.1-compliant web server. As it is a WSGI server, it can be used to serve any other WSGI Python application as well, without being bound to CherryPy's application development framework.

What is web server in Python explain? ›

HTTP Web Server is simply a process which runs on a machine and listens for incoming HTTP Requests by a specific IP and Port number, and then sends back a response for the request.

How do I run a web server with Python? ›

To run the server:
  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the directory you want to have the root directory.
  3. Execute the command to start the server.
  4. Python 2 — python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000.
  5. Python 3 — python -m http. server 8000.

What is the fastest Python web server framework? ›

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. The key features are: Fast: Very high performance, on par with NodeJS and Go (thanks to Starlette and Pydantic). One of the fastest Python frameworks available.

Which is the best server for Python? ›

Django is one of the most popular Python web frameworks. If you've developed applications with Django, you'll likely have used the Daphne web server. Daphne is one of the first ASGI server implementations used as a reference for ASGI server implementations.

What is a simple web server? ›

In simple terms, a web server is a computer that stores, processes, and delivers website files to web browsers. Web servers consist of hardware and software that use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to respond to web users' requests made via the World Wide Web.

What is a web server and examples? ›

On the hardware side, a web server is a computer that stores web server software and a website's component files (for example, HTML documents, images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files). A web server connects to the Internet and supports physical data interchange with other devices connected to the web.

What is the purpose of a web server? ›

The communication between a web server or browser and the end user takes place using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The primary role of a web server is to store, process, and deliver requested information or webpages to end users.

What is a web server How is it used? ›

A web server is software and hardware that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and other protocols to respond to client requests made over the World Wide Web. The main job of a web server is to display website content through storing, processing and delivering webpages to users.

How to setup a web server? ›

Set Up Your Very Own Web Server!
  1. Step 1: Acquire a Dedicated PC. This step may be easy for some and hard for others. ...
  2. Step 2: Get the OS! ...
  3. Step 3: Install the OS! ...
  4. Step 4: Setup VNC. ...
  5. Step 5: Install FTP. ...
  6. Step 6: Configure FTP Users. ...
  7. Step 7: Configure and Activate FTP Server! ...
  8. Step 8: Install HTTP Support, Sit Back and Relax!

How to create a webpage in Python? ›

A step-by-step guide to create a website using Python
  1. Step 1: Get a handle on HTML and CSS. ...
  2. Step 2: Master the basics of JavaScript. ...
  3. Step 3: Master the document object model. ...
  4. Step 4: Backend development with Python. ...
  5. Step 5: Choose your framework and database.
Oct 4, 2021

How do you write a webserver? ›

How to write a HTTP server?
  1. Open a socket on port 80.
  2. Wait for a client to make a request.
  3. Read the request (i.e., this person wants page "contact-us. html").
  4. Find and read "contact-us. html".
  5. Send an html header, then send the content of "contact-us. html"
  6. Done.
Jun 7, 2013

What is an example of a Python web framework? ›

Django is one of the most popular Python frameworks.

The framework has a built-in admin panel, allowing for easy management of the database content. With minimal configuration, this panel is generated automatically based on the defined models.

Is Python good for web server? ›

Python's core features make it a popular option for web development. Firstly, Python is free, open-source, and widely available. More importantly, though, it is also highly adaptable. Python allows developers to create websites according to several different programming paradigms.

Which web server is faster? ›

WP Engine is the best WordPress-focused provider for the fastest web hosting. Cloudways is a VPS-focused provider that offers speed, flexibility, and stability.

How do I find the name of a Python server? ›

Inside Python's Socket Module, there is a gethostname() function that can be used to find the hostname in Python. The os. uname() function from the OS module in Python can also be used to find the hostname, however, it does not work for the windows system.

What is the best web server language? ›

Top 10 Backend Languages
  1. JavaScript. JavaScript is useful for server-side and front-end development assignments. ...
  2. PHP. PHP has a reputation as the most widely used server-side coding technology globally. ...
  3. Ruby. ...
  4. Python. ...
  5. Java. ...
  6. Rust. ...
  7. Solidity. ...
  8. Go.

What are types of web server? ›

Web - Server Types
  • Apache HTTP Server. This is the most popular web server in the world developed by the Apache Software Foundation. ...
  • Internet Information Services. The Internet Information Server (IIS) is a high performance Web Server from Microsoft. ...
  • lighttpd. ...
  • Sun Java System Web Server. ...
  • Jigsaw Server.

Is Google a web server? ›

Google Web Server (GWS) is proprietary web server software that Google uses for its web infrastructure. GWS is used exclusively inside Google's ecosystem for website hosting.

What are the three most popular web server programs? ›

Most popular web servers. According to the W3Techs' statistics, the top 3 web servers — as of May 2022 — are Nginx, Apache and Cloudflare Server. According to Netcraft's statistics, the 3 most used web servers — as of May 2022 — are Nginx, Apache and OpenResty.

How do I find my web server? ›

An easy way to find your web hosting provider is by digging your A-record DNS information. Search for your domain name, ensuring you are searching for an A-Type record. You should see an IP address propagate from your search. Now visit an IP search site such as https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup.

Is a web server a website? ›

A web server is a computer hosting one or more websites. "Hosting" means that all the web pages and their supporting files are available on that computer. The web server will send any web page from the website it is hosting to any user's browser, per user request. Don't confuse websites and web servers.

What are the parts of web server? ›

A typical web server today contains four elements in addition to the physical hardware. These are the operating system, web server, a database and a scripting language.

What is the most popular web server application? ›

8 Best Web Servers for Windows and Linux
  1. Apache. Apache is the second most popular web server software, used by 31.5 percent of all known websites. ...
  2. Tomcat. Tomcat is one of the best web server software options for Java applications. ...
  3. NGINX. ...
  4. LiteSpeed. ...
  5. CentOS Stream. ...
  6. Caddy. ...
  7. Lighttpd. ...
  8. Microsoft IIS.
Jul 13, 2022

How many web servers are there? ›

There are mainly four types of web servers – Apache, IIS, Nginx and LiteSpeed.

How do I connect my web server to my website? ›

To recap, here are the steps to upload your website to the web server:
  1. Pick the right hosting provider.
  2. Choose the tool and method to upload your website.
  3. Upload files to your website.
  4. Move the website files to the main root folder.
  5. Import your database.
  6. Check if your website works worldwide.

Can I have my own web server? ›

Yes, you can. But before you do so, there are limitations you need to take into consideration: You should know how to setup a WWW server software on your computer. This is a software that allows Internet users to access the web files on your computer.

How do I connect my computer to a web server? ›

Windows Instructions
  1. Open the Start menu and click "Computer."
  2. Click the "Map network drive" button in the toolbar.
  3. Click the "Drive" menu and choose the letter to assign to the server.
  4. Fill in the Folder field with the IP address or hostname of the server you want to access.

What is Python used for? ›

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialized for any specific problems.

How do I run a Python code in HTML? ›

Use the <py-script> tag and then mention the Python code inside the tag. After that you can pass the Python file directly. It will create a widget.

How to connect HTML to Python? ›

HTML and CSS for Python Developers
  1. Create Your First HTML File. The HTML Document. Whitespace and Text Formatting. ...
  2. Style Your Content With CSS. Add Color to Your Website. Change the Font. ...
  3. Handle HTML With Python. Programmatically Write HTML. ...
  4. Continue With HTML and CSS in Python. JavaScript. ...
  5. Conclusion.
Sep 7, 2022

How to connect node js to HTML? ›

Approach 1: creating server using a built-in 'http' module
  1. Step 1: Create index.html to be served.
  2. Step 2: write server code using http module.
  3. Step 3: run the server. $ node server.js. Then your index.html page will be available on URL: http://localhost:8080.

How do I start a simple Python server? ›

Using Python
  1. Install Python. ...
  2. Open your command prompt (Windows) / terminal (macOS/ Linux). ...
  3. This should return a version number. ...
  4. Enter the command to start up the server in that directory: ...
  5. By default, this will run the contents of the directory on a local web server, on port 8000.

How do I upload HTML file to webserver? ›

Uploading to the server

This directory is effectively the root of your website — where your index. html file and other assets will go. Once you've found the correct remote directory to put your files in, to upload your files to the server you need to drag-and-drop them from the left pane to the right pane.

How can I learn Python web framework? ›

10 Best Python Web Development Courses in 2023
  1. Django 2.2 & Python. ...
  2. The Complete Python Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery. ...
  3. Full Stack Web Development with Python (WEB2PY) ...
  4. REST APIs with Flask and Python. ...
  5. Python and Flask Bootcamp. ...
  6. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp.

Where is Python used examples? ›

12 Real-world Applications of Python
  • Web Development. ...
  • Game Development. ...
  • Scientific and Numeric Applications. ...
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. ...
  • Software Development. ...
  • Enterprise-level/Business Applications. ...
  • Education programs and training courses. ...
  • Language Development.
Sep 29, 2022

Is Python enough to get a job? ›

Even the most popular software development companies in India don't have the required resources that are skilled in python. While the language is gaining popularity, there is still not enough interest in pursuing a course or certification in acquiring this skill to start a career.

Why Python is best for web development? ›

This comes in handy especially when you need your web application to be as secure as possible. Python is often used in fintech because it's great for dealing with large amounts of data, and it's relatively easy (for a senior developer) to make an airtight app with military-grade security.

What software is used for web server? ›

These days, Apache server is the most common web server available in the market. Apache is an open source software that handles almost 70 percent of all websites available today. Most of the web-based applications use Apache as their default Web Server environment.

What website has the most servers? ›

1. Google (2.5 million servers). 2. Microsoft (1 million products).

What is the safest web server? ›

Secure web hosting: ranked
  • DreamHost – website security for personal sites.
  • Hostinger – very affordable and secure web hosting solution.
  • A2 Hosting – security against most malicious threats.
  • SiteGround – overall the best secure web hosting provider.
  • InterServer – no-nonsense secure web hosting.
Jan 26, 2023

Does Python have a built in web server? ›

Python comes with a built-in module known as SimpleHTTPServer, which in other words is a simple HTTP server that gives you standard GET and HEAD request handlers.

Does Python run on Apache server? ›

The Apache HTTP Server is a widely deployed web server that can be used in combination with a WSGI module, such as mod_wsgi or a stand-alone WSGI server to run Python web applications.

Does Python have HTTP server? ›

You can run python http server on any port, default port is 8000. Try to use port number greater than 1024 to avoid conflicts. Then open your favourite browser and type localhost:9000 .

How to create a web server? ›

Set Up Your Very Own Web Server!
  1. Step 1: Acquire a Dedicated PC. This step may be easy for some and hard for others. ...
  2. Step 2: Get the OS! ...
  3. Step 3: Install the OS! ...
  4. Step 4: Setup VNC. ...
  5. Step 5: Install FTP. ...
  6. Step 6: Configure FTP Users. ...
  7. Step 7: Configure and Activate FTP Server! ...
  8. Step 8: Install HTTP Support, Sit Back and Relax!

Do you need a server to run Python? ›

Server-side languages (such as PHP or Python) require a special server to interpret the code and deliver the results.

What is the difference between web server and app server in Python? ›

A web server accepts and fulfills requests from clients for static content (i.e., HTML pages, files, images, and videos) from a website. Web servers handle HTTP requests and responses only. An application server exposes business logic to the clients, which generates dynamic content.

How do I run a Python server on Windows? ›

Using Python
  1. Install Python. ...
  2. Open your command prompt (Windows) / terminal (macOS/ Linux). ...
  3. This should return a version number. ...
  4. Enter the command to start up the server in that directory: ...
  5. By default, this will run the contents of the directory on a local web server, on port 8000.
Jan 27, 2023

How do I run an HTTP server? ›

Installing HTTP server using NPM

Run the command line/terminal on your system (it doesn't matter which directory you are currently in). Execute npm install -g http-server . Once NPM finishes, you have the tiny HTTP-server installed. That's it.

Which language is best for web server? ›

Top 10 Backend Languages
  1. JavaScript. JavaScript is useful for server-side and front-end development assignments. ...
  2. PHP. PHP has a reputation as the most widely used server-side coding technology globally. ...
  3. Ruby. ...
  4. Python. ...
  5. Java. ...
  6. Rust. ...
  7. Solidity. ...
  8. Go.

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