ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (2024)

The ABC XYZ analysis is a great tool to manage products and optimize inventory.

The ABC classification is a good start, but this is not enough to manage stock levels correctly. I will tell you why in this article and how to add more categories to the analysis.

To fully understand this method, you can download the ABC XYZ Analysis Excel template here:

ABC XYZ analysis in Excel: Step-by-step video tutorial 👇

Table of Contents

The ABC classification is not enough

If you have never heard of the ABC classification, I advise you first to consult our article on the matter. I explain in concrete terms what ABC analysis is with an example to download in Excel.

Briefly, the main advantage of the ABC analysis is to focus your time and energy on the products that represent your biggest sales,but also the most inventory for your company.

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (2)

When it comes to inventory management, the ABC Analysis is a good tool to:

  • Identify the products we should review and spend most of our time on (demand planning reviews/meetings, emails…)
  • Set Service Rate targets, that determine safety stock levels (see my article about Safety Stock here).

About the latter, there are 2 classic mistakes made by companies:

  1. Setting highSafety stock on A codes,to protect top sellers
  2. Setting low Safety Stockon A codes, because sales volume is high, so they seem more predictable

We have the opposite issues for C items:

  1. Setting high safety stock on C codes because these items are unpredictable
  2. Setting low safety stock on C codes because we don’t want to hedge low selling items
ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (3)

Both statements are incorrect because it all depends on the uncertainty of demand.

XYZ analysis: demand uncertainty

To better estimate service rates and safety stock targets, we need to add another dimension: XYZ categories.

Products have different levels of demand uncertainty. For example, there are stable products such as toilet paper, and others with much more volatility, such as umbrellas – which are sold only during rainy periods (Z items). You will probably have a better forecast quality on toilet paper (X items) than on the umbrella (Z items). Other products are in-between (let’s say… french baguette, more or less stable during the year with peaks during holidays 😉)

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (4)

ABC XYZ analysis in Inventory Management

The main idea of the ABC XYZ analysis is to combine ABC and XYZ categories across two dimensions: we end up with a matrix of 9 categories.

Then, we can classify items around 4 extremes:

AX: High sales volumes, stable
High sales volumes, very volatile
Low sales volumes, stable
Low sales volumes, very volatile

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (5)

Inventory Management Policy

To use effectively the ABC XYZ matrix, we need to define an Inventory Management Policy: setting service level and safety stock targets. Roughly speaking, if you want a better service level, you need higher safety stock.

For example, we can choose to hold more inventory for the A category, as A items are the major drivers of your business, and we want to maximize the service level for those products. For AX items, we can afford to hold less safety stock than AZ items, as we have better visibility over the demand.

The same logic applies to B items.

Regarding C codes, you can decide to hold low inventory for both CX and CZ categories, for two reasons:

  • CX items have a low impact on the business, so we can afford to set a lower service level. Also, they are stable, so we require even less safety stock.
  • CZ items are very volatile. We can think we need therefore a bit more safety stock, but I know by experience that most of the time It is not worth it: because they are both low-selling items and very unpredictable, CZ items are often a source of high stock levels and unnecessary headaches. I noticed that CZ items represent a big part of the total sleeping inventory of most companies. It might be wise to set lower service levels for this category.
ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (6)

Here is an example of Service Level targets for the Inventory Management Policy we just defined:

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (7)

Remember that this is just an example. There is no golden rule, it all depends on your own supply chain challenges. For example, if you want to focus more on the customer service rather than the stock levels, you might want to have a bit higher service rate targets for Z items. The key is always to find the right balance between the inventory and the service level.

ABC XYZ Analysis in Excel

You can download the ABC XYZ Analysis Excel template here:

In this example, we have a list of items with the last 12 months’ sales, already categorized with ABC classification.

We can see that item 1 sales are much more stable than item 2. We want to quantify this difference.

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (9)

To have a good estimation of the items’ demand uncertainty, we can use the coefficient of variation (CV). It is simply the standard deviation divided by the average. We can apply the formula over the past 12 months to have a monthly coefficient of variation. The formula can be easily obtained in Excel with STDEVP() and AVERAGE() functions, as shown in the image below (cells D to K are hidden):

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (10)

The more unstable your series is, the higher your standard deviation will be. For item 1, we get a 5% coefficient of variation vs 58% for item 2 which is consistent with the graph we saw above.

Then, we need to define coefficients of variation thresholds to classify items in XYZ categories. Here, we assumed:

  • CV < 10%: X code
  • 10% < CV < 25%: Y code
  • CV > 25%: Z code
ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (11)

So, Item 1 is an X code and item 2 a Z code.

Of course, those threshold values are arbitrary, and you should adjust according to your data (if you have almost no X items for example). I advise you to set thresholds based on your business specificities: Identify clear patterns and group your items accordingly.

ABC XYZ Analysis: Other Purposes

ABC XYZ Analysis is not only about Inventory Management, this is also a good management tool that can be useful in various situations.

An excellent Supply Chain Education Tool

I have been a Supply Chain Manager and S&OP Manager for many years, and I have used extensively ABC XYZ analysis for educational purposes. I used it in particular to animate S&OP, customer, and supplier meetings:

  • Marketing/Sales: to educate them on why it is not possible to have a very high service rate for all the products.
  • Finance: to educate them on why it is not possible to lower inventory and holding costs for all the products.
  • Production: to tell them why the demand uncertainty and the diversity of service rate targets prevent production schedules to be steady and uniform all year.
  • Suppliers/Customers: Educate them on your own challenges and inventory strategy to find trade-offs. For example, I used to explain to customers that we had not in stock some highly unpredictable products because it was part of our policy. And I used to convince them that once I had those items back in stock, I could make fast delivery for them.
ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (12)

A good Crisis Management Tool

ABC XYZ Analysis is also very useful for crisis management.

By caricaturing, you might face situations when your CFO comes to your desk telling you to “cancel all orders because there is no more cash”. Or telling you the opposite, urging you to “double all orders” because you sell surgical masks and plan to make +100% in times of pandemic 😉.

Having your products well categorized is key to taking action quickly in those situations. In the first situation, you could convince your anxious CFO to save at least your most strategic products:

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (13)

ABC XYZ Analysis limitations

The ABC XYZ Analysis comes with several limitations.

Demand variations and predictability

In this article, we used the coefficient of variation to assess the predictability of demand: the higher variations are, the harder it is to forecast demand.

In practice, this is often not a good indicator of demand predictability: some demand patterns are much easier to forecast than others.

In the example above, item 1 has a clear seasonal peak in July, and item 2 demand profile is much more sporadic. A forecast model taking into account seasonality parameters could perform much better with item 1 than item 2. Still, the coefficients of variation are very close (54% and 52%).

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (14)

To address this issue:

  • Use your forecast instead of past sales
  • Use your forecast accuracy KPI instead of the coefficient of variation

Is ABC XYZ Analysis good enough?

With ABC XYZ classification, we assume Inventory Management is a 2 dimensions problem (items’ profitability and demand uncertainty). But in Supply Chain, we always deal with multifactor issues. We could add other categories for supply uncertainty, obsolescence risks…

The problem is that any new dimension increases the number of categories exponentially and so the level of complexity. If the level of complexity is too high in comparison to your resources, the level of performance can drop quickly. That’s why I recommend mastering the foundations before seeking more complexity.

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (15)

ABC XYZ Analysis: Action Plan

  • Start your first ABC XYZ Analysis TODAY. You can download the file used in this article below.
  • Classify your products ABC first, then XYZ
  • Define Service level targets per category
  • Track your performance
  • Optimize
  • Share and Educate

Other Inventory Management content

I recommend you to check out our video tutorials:

  1. Safety Stock formula to define the right levels of Safety Stock (Excel Tutorial)
  2. EOQ Formula to optimize the quantity to order (Excel tutorial)

Become an Inventory Management Expert

If you want to go to the next level, join my next Inventory Management Workshop (free): “How to avoid shortages and overstocks in times of great uncertainty”.

During this webinar, I will share with you:

👉 My method for dealing with sales and supplier uncertainty: 13 parameters to master
👉 How to reduce your inventory and increase your service rate simply and automatically
👉 Excel files and case studies presented live (Zara, H&M, Amazon…)

ABC XYZ Analysis In Inventory Management: Example In Excel | AbcSupplyChain (2024)


How do you calculate XYZ ABC? ›

How to calculate ABC XYZ inventory analysis
  1. Identify the items you want to include in the analysis.
  2. Calculate the coefficient of variation for each item e.g (standard deviation / mean) * 100.
  3. Sort the items by increasing coefficient of variation and accumulate the figures.
  4. Set the boundaries for each category.
13 Feb 2022

What is ABC and XYZ analysis in inventory management? ›

The ABC/XYZ analysis serves the better classification of the available stocks and/or the goods needed by the procurement. With the ABC analysis the individual articles are judged according to their portion (high value, middle value, small value) of the enterprise conversion.

How do I get the ABC columns in Excel? ›

Cause: The default cell reference style (A1), which refers to columns as letters and refers to rows as numbers, was changed.
  1. On the Excel menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Authoring, click General .
  3. Clear the Use R1C1 reference style check box. The column headings now show A, B, and C, instead of 1, 2, 3, and so on.

How do you solve ABC analysis problems? ›

ABC classification – an example
  1. Use the formula 'annual number of units sold x cost per unit' to calculate the annual consumption value of each item. ...
  2. List your products in descending order, based on their annual consumption value.
  3. Total up the number of units sold and the annual consumption value.
10 Jul 2021

What is the XYZ analysis with example? ›

An XYZ analysis divides items into three categories. X items have the lowest demand variability. Y items have a moderate amount of demand variability, usually because of a known factor. Z items have the highest demand variability and are therefore the hardest to forecast.

What is the formula for XYZ? ›

We will show: 1.1 THEOREM. The equation xyz = x + y + z = 1 has solutions in Z/m Z if and only if m is divisible by neither 3 nor 4.

What is the ABC analysis with example? ›

Example of ABC Analysis

One can take the example of a Furniture Store. Step 1: Multiply the total number of items by the cost of each unit to find the annual usage value. Step 2: After noting all the products of the inventory, it's time to list them in the descending order based on annual consumption value.

How is ABC inventory analysis calculated? ›

How Do You Conduct an ABC Analysis For Warehouse and Inventory Management Systems?
  1. Step 1: Gather All Inventory Data. ...
  2. Step 2: Find The Total Value of Each Item. ...
  3. Step 3: Calculate the Total Value of Your Inventory. ...
  4. Step 4: Calculate the Percentage of Value Each Inventory Item Offers. ...
  5. Step 5: Classify Your ABC Inventory.

How do you calculate ABC inventory classification? ›

ABC Inventory Classification
  1. Determine annual usage or sales for each item.
  2. Determine the percentage of the total usage or sales by item.
  3. Rank the items from highest to lowest percentage.
  4. Classify the items into groups.
23 Jan 2014

Can you explain ABC analysis of inventory control? ›

ABC analysis is a method in which inventory is divided into three categories, i.e. A, B, and C in descending value. The items in the A category have the highest value, B category items are of lower value than A, and C category items have the lowest value. Inventory control and management are critical for a business.

What is ABC formula in Excel? ›

ABC-analysis in Excel. ABC method allows you to sort a list of values in three groups, which have different impact on the final result.

How do you complete an ABC chart? ›

Use “Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence” or an ABC chart to record behavior. This involves writing down what triggered the behavior (what happened just before the behavior occurred - known as the Antecedent), the actual Behavior, and what happened afterward as a result (the Consequence).

What column number is ZZ in Excel? ›

Excel Columns A-Z
Column LetterColumn Number
22 more rows
11 May 2016

What is ABC analysis PDF? ›

ABC analysis is a well-established categorization technique based on the Pareto Principle for determining which items should get priority in the management of a company's inventory.

How do you explain ABC analysis? ›

What Is ABC Analysis in Inventory Management? ABC analysis is an inventory management technique that determines the value of inventory items based on their importance to the business. ABC ranks items on demand, cost and risk data, and inventory mangers group items into classes based on those criteria.

What is XYZ in business? ›

We do X—where X is what you do, or the products and services your business provides to customers—for Y—where Y is the ideal targeted client or customer of your business—so they can Z—where Z is the benefit of doing business with you.

Who owns ABC XYZ? ›

Rather than using one of its many top level domain options, Google took a different approach by making a new address for Alphabet Inc. - ABC. XYZ.

Why is XYZ used? ›

The use of z, y, x ... to represent unknowns is due to René Descartes, in his La géometrie (1637). Without comment, he introduces the use of the first letters of the alphabet to signify known quantities and the use of the last letters to signify unknown quantities.

What is XYZ value? ›

The XYZ values are calculated based on the luminosity of a perfect reflecting diffuser which has a reflectance of 100 at each wavelength. The sums are divided by the sum of the spectral energy times y at each wavelength because Y for the perfect white must equal 100 by definition.

How do you read XYZ coordinates? ›

The x-axis is the horizontal line along which the wall to your left and the floor intersect. The y-axis is the horizontal line along which the wall to your right and the floor intersect. The z-axis is the vertical line along which the walls intersect.

What is an example of the ABC model? ›

You can use the ABC model in various situations. Here are examples: Your co-worker arrives at work but doesn't greet you. You're friendly with all your classmates, but one of them hosts a party and doesn't invite you.

What is an example of ABC? ›

"ABC: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence." ThoughtCo.
ABC Examples.
How to Use ABC
The instructional assistant tells the student to clean up the blocks.The student screams, “No, I won't clean up!”The instructional assistant ignores the child's behavior and presents the student with another activity.
3 more rows
29 Jan 2020

What are the 4 types of inventory? ›

While there are many types of inventory, the four major ones are raw materials and components, work in progress, finished goods and maintenance, repair and operating supplies.

What is ABC XYZ classification? ›

ABC/XYZ analysis is a method of grouping planning objects (characteristic value combinations, SKUs) based on their value (revenue or sales volume) and dynamics of consumption or sales. During the analysis, the planning objects are assigned one of the classes of ABC and XYZ simultaneously.

What is an ABC calculator? ›

The free Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) program is designed to assist agricultural producers in determining their cost of production and projected cash and economic returns for their various farm or ranch enterprises.

Which is the first step in ABC analysis? ›

Step 1: Compute the annual usage value for every item in the sample by multiplying the annual requirements by the cost per unit. Step 2: Arrange the items in descending order of the usage value calculated above. Step 3: Make a cumulative total of the number of items and the usage value.

Which answer best represents an ABC approach? ›

static budget master budget direct materials budget flexible budget Which answer best represents an activity-based costing (ABC) approach? ABC provides the same data as traditional cost systems. ABC is easier to implement than traditional cost systems. ABC is less costly than traditional cost systems.

What is the basis of inventory classification under ABC analysis? ›

ABC analysis is an approach for classifying inventory items based on the items' consumption values. Consumption value is the total value of an item consumed over a specified time period, for example a year.

What is XYZ in Excel? ›

Under the graphing tab in cell tools you will find many options for graphing. What we will be focused on is in the section, '3D XYZ Tools'. This add-in makes it so easy to graph your data in 3D that it is as simple as: select, click '3D Line', '3D Spline' or '3D Scatter' and your graph is produced.

What type of data is an ABC chart best for? ›

ABC data collection can be used for:

Assessing behaviors. Assisting in identifying the function of behaviors (why behaviors happen) Tracking progress. Documenting behavior incidences.

How do you do ABC observation? ›

This ABC is considered a direct observation format because you must be directly observing the behavior when it occurs.
Observing Behavior Using A-B-C Data
  1. Antecedent- the events, action, or circ*mstances that occur before a behavior.
  2. Behavior- The behavior.
  3. Consequences- The action or response that follows the behavior.

Why is a ABC chart used? ›

An ABC chart is an observational tool that allows us to record information about a particular behaviour. The aim of using an ABC chart is to better understand what the behaviour is communicating. The 'A' refers to the antecedent or the event that occurred before the behaviour was exhibited.

› blog-uk › abc-classification-... ›

What is ABC analysis/ABC classification? ABC classification (also called ABC analysis) is used by inventory management teams to help identify the most important...

ABC Inventory Management › tools › cost-transformation-model › tools › cost-transformation-model
What is it? ABC analysis is an approach for classifying inventory items based on the items' consumption values. Consumption value is the total value of an i...

ABC analysis › wiki › ABC_analysis › wiki › ABC_analysis
In materials management, ABC analysis is an inventory categorisation technique. ABC analysis divides an inventory into three categories—"A items" with...

How do you autofill ABCD in Excel? ›

Autofill the Alphabet

Now Excel is able to recognize an alphabetic pattern, so you can autofill the letters A–Z. Enter the letter A in cell B1 and position the cursor in the bottom-right corner of B1 to get the fill handle.

How do I calculate alphabets in Excel? ›

To use the function, enter =LEN(cell) in the formula bar and press Enter. In these examples, cell is the cell you want to count, such as B1. To count the characters in more than one cell, enter the formula, and then copy and paste the formula to other cells.

Is there an Excel formula for z score? ›

The formula for computing a z-score is =(DataValue-Mean)/StDev. For example, to compute a z- score for the first value in our data set, we use the formula =(A2-$D$2)/$E$2 as Figure 1 illustrates. Notice the dollar signs $ in the formula. These dollar signs are what are known as absolute markers.

What is the A to Z alphabet? ›

The English Alphabet consists of 26 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

How do I get the first 7 letters in Excel? ›

Extract first n characters from string

Select a blank cell, here I select the Cell G1, and type this formula =LEFT(E1,3) (E1 is the cell you want to extract the first 3 characters from), press Enter button, and drag fill handle to the range you want.

What is code formula in Excel? ›

Description. Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. The returned code corresponds to the character set used by your computer.

What is the ABCD in Excel called? ›

By default, Excel uses the A1 reference style, which refers to columns as letters (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns), and refers to rows as numbers (1 through 65,536). These letters and numbers are called row and column headings.

What is p value in Excel? ›

Excel P-Value. The p-value is the probability value expressed in percentage value in hypothesis testing. It confirms whether the primary hypothesis results derived were correct.

What is the easiest way to calculate z-score? ›

How do you calculate the z-score? The formula for calculating a z-score is is z = (x-μ)/σ, where x is the raw score, μ is the population mean, and σ is the population standard deviation. As the formula shows, the z-score is simply the raw score minus the population mean, divided by the population standard deviation.

How do you convert P value to z-score in Excel? ›

P-value from z Score with Excel - YouTube

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