Are 2 AP Classes Enough for Junior Year? (2024)

Hi! I'm a sophom*ore trying to decide how many AP classes to take next year. I'm considering taking just 2 AP classes during my junior year. Is that enough or should I take more? I appreciate your thoughts!

5 months ago

The number of AP classes you take should align with your personal academic strengths and interests. Taking two AP courses in your junior year could certainly be viewed as a rigorous courseload, especially if the APs are in subjects that you are passionate about and plan to dedicate considerable effort. If the two APs play to your strengths and planned college major, they might even weigh more positively in your application.

It's not just about the quantity of AP classes, but also the quality of your engagement with them. Admissions committees look for students who challenge themselves, but also who perform well in these challenges – so it's important to balance your workload to maintain strong grades and mental health.

Additionally, if you're involved in extracurricular activities where you're making a significant impact, or if you have commitments outside of school, colleges will consider these when evaluating the rigor of your schedule. If juggling more APs would compromise your performance or involvement in other valuable areas, then sticking to two might be the wisest choice. In the end, only you can properly assess your capabilities and interests. Good luck in your decision!

5 months ago

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Are 2 AP Classes Enough for Junior Year? (2024)


Are 2 AP Classes Enough for Junior Year? ›

The number of AP classes you take should align with your personal academic strengths and interests. Taking two AP courses in your junior year could certainly be viewed as a rigorous courseload, especially if the APs are in subjects that you are passionate about and plan to dedicate considerable effort.

Is 2 AP classes good for junior year? ›

Junior Year

Depending on what kind of school you want to go to, you should be taking between 3 and 5 AP® classes this year. You will need to manage your time well, however, as you also need to study for the SAT® or ACT® during this time.

Is it okay to only take 2 AP classes? ›

If you have a good GPA, a solid SAT/ACT score, a few extracurriculars, and a good story for your college essays, then 2–3 AP courses isn't something bad at all. You can still get into college, and you might find it easier than others who murdered their GPA's with taking too heavy a load of AP classes.

Is 2 AP exams enough? ›

Aim for four to eight AP exams in your junior and senior years. For competitive Ivy League schools, admission officers also want to see AP courses for core subject areas and additional courses. If possible, aim to pass about seven to 12 AP exams if applying to these highly selective schools.

How many AP should I take in 11th grade? ›

Colleges want to see that you are challenging yourself where you can, so we're going to go out on a limb here and suggest 4 as your goal number — an average of 1 AP class per year. It's a reasonable, achievable goal. It will show that you are actively looking for a challenge. If you want to take more, go for it!

Is 2 AP classes too little? ›

An Ivy League hopeful might take 3 to 5 AP classes, while if you're aiming for less-selective schools, 2 to 4 would be enough. Senior Year: Take more APs in core subjects and additional subjects, again being careful not to overburden your schedule and to leave time for college applications.

Is it OK to take no AP classes junior year? ›

AP Classes are great, but not really necessary. If you take the regular, non-remedial college prep classes you should be fine. Just taking whatever you're comfortable with is always the best option. If you feel like AP classes are a good choice for you, then take them.

Is taking 2 APs in junior year bad? ›

The number of AP classes you take should align with your personal academic strengths and interests. Taking two AP courses in your junior year could certainly be viewed as a rigorous courseload, especially if the APs are in subjects that you are passionate about and plan to dedicate considerable effort.

Is 2 AP classes enough for high school? ›

College counselors recommend that students strive to take 5-8 AP classes throughout their high school career, especially if they are interested in attending a highly-selective institution such as an Ivy League college. That said, you shouldn't feel pressured to take more AP classes than you can comfortably manage.

How many APs should i take junior year? ›

Junior year

This is when you should start taking your AP core classes. Take three to five if you are aiming for a highly selective school, and two to four if you are aiming elsewhere. Note that many students describe this year as significantly harder than past ones.

Is a 70% a 5 on the AP exam? ›

Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb. The AP Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP's five-point scale: 5: Extremely well qualified.

Are AP tests curved? ›

AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...

How many APs do ivy leagues want? ›

How Many AP Classes Should You Take for Ivy Leagues and Other Top US Universities? For students aiming for the Ivy League and Top 20 schools in the United States, a good target is to take (and pass) 10-14 AP classes throughout your high school career — or 3-4 each year.

Is it ok to be 15 in 11th grade? ›

In some parts the eleventh grade is the second year of high school. Most students enter this grade as 16 year olds, but some might enter early as 15 and late as 17.

Is a C+ in AP good? ›

I would say that earning a C+ in a class like Calculus AB or Chemistry AP is satisfactory. However, you really should strive to earn at least a B in the class if possible. You may need to reconsider managing your time and improving your learning. Try to get some tutoring if possible.

How many AP classes can a junior take? ›

The number of AP classes you should take really depends on your personal strengths, interests, and time management abilities. However, I'll try to give you some general advice. A typical recommendation for high-achieving students might be 3 to 5 AP classes during their junior year.

How many AP classes should I take in junior year? ›

Junior year

This is when you should start taking your AP core classes. Take three to five if you are aiming for a highly selective school, and two to four if you are aiming elsewhere. Note that many students describe this year as significantly harder than past ones.

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