Low Ice Production - Freestanding Ice Maker (2024)

", { "class": F }); an.append(ai, ah, al); return an } function M() { var ae = H(z), af = ae.data("service-get-cart"); return H.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: af, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }) } function ab(ae) { if (ae < 1) { H(E).addClass(C) } if (ae > 0) { H(E).removeClass(C); H(B).text(ae) } } function s() { var ae = H(z); eventsSelector = "click" + z + " touchend" + z; if (ae.is(":visible")) { aa.on(eventsSelector, function (ag) { var ah = (ae.has(ag.target).length == 0 && !ae.is(ag.target)), af = (H(ag.target).hasClass(p)); if (ah || af) { ae.hide(); ae.removeClass(o); ae.removeClass(e); aa.off(eventsSelector) } }) } } function V() { aa.ready(function () { try { U() } catch (ae) { console.log(ae.stack) } }) } return { init: V, setTotalItems: ab } })(jQuery); cartMini.init(); var footer = (function (e) { var g = e(document), b = ".form-submit-success", a = "form-submit-error-on", d = ".form-submit-error"; function f() { g.ready(function () { e("#footer-sign-up").submit(function (h) { h.preventDefault(); c() }) }) } function c() { var k = e("#footer-sign-up"), m = k.serializeArray(), j = k.attr("method"), l = k.attr("action"), n = k.find(b), h = k.find(d); var i = null; m.forEach(function (o) { i = (i === null ? "?" + o.name : i + "&" + o.name) + "=" + o.value }); if (n.hasClass(a)) { n.removeClass(a) } if (h.hasClass(a)) { h.removeClass(a) } e.ajax({ contentType: "application/json", crossDomain: true, dataType: "json", type: j, url: l + i }).done(function (o) { e(formSelector).trigger("reset"); if (n) { n.addClass(a) } }).fail(function (o) { if (o.status == "200") { n.addClass(a); h.removeClass(a) } else { h.addClass(a); n.removeClass(a) } }) } return { init: f } })(jQuery); footer.init(); var resetPassword = (function (c) { var g = c(document), b = ".reset-password", d = "#resetToken"; function a(h) { var i = new RegExp("[?&]" + h + "=([^]*)").exec(window.location.href); return i[1] || 0 } function f() { c(d).val(a("token")) } function e() { g.ready(function () { if (c(b).length > 0) { f() } }) } return { init: e } })(jQuery); resetPassword.init(); var catTiles = (function (e) { var d = e(document), h = ".category-tile", j = ".category-tile-image", b = ".category-tile-image-hover"; function i() { d.ready(function () { if (e(h).length > 0) { g(); f() } }) } function g() { d.on("mouseenter", j, function () { var k = e(this); a(k) }); d.on("mouseleave", j, function () { c() }) } function f() { d.on("touchend", j, function () { var k = e(this); a(k) }) } function c() { e(b).removeClass("category-tile-show-overlay") } function a(k) { setTimeout(function () { c(); k.find(b).addClass("category-tile-show-overlay") }, 500) } return { init: i } })(jQuery); catTiles.init(); var prodCarousel = (function (j) { var n = j(document), c = { small: 767, medium: 1023 }, i = "prd-carousel", p = ".prd-carousel", B = ".prd-carousel__items-list", C = ".prd-carousel__item", h = ".prd-carousel__item button", x = ".product-tile-img", o = ".prd-carousel__prev--btn", e = ".prd-carousel__next--btn", g = ".prd-carousel__status", m = ".prd-carousel__status-active", w = ".prd-carousel__status-total", r = ".prd-carousel__product-tile__title--link", f = ".prd-carousel__product-tile__btn", l = ".prd-carousel-rating-link", v = ".cartproduct-i18dictionary"; digitalData.productList = digitalData.productList || []; function k() { var D = j(B).not(".slick-initialized"); D.each(function () { var F = j(this); var E = F.find(C); t(F, E); F.slick({ mobileFirst: true, appendDots: j("#" + F.data("dot-id")), infinite: false, prevArrow: j("#" + F.data("prev-id")), nextArrow: j("#" + F.data("next-id")), dots: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, draggable: true, responsive: [{ breakpoint: c.small, settings: { dots: (E.length > 3) ? true : false, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, draggable: true } }, { breakpoint: c.medium, settings: { dots: (E.length > 4) ? true : false, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 4, draggable: false } }] }) }) } function t(E, D) { E.on("init", function (G, F) { j(this).parent().parent().find(m).html(1); j(this).parent().parent().find(w).html(D.length); setTimeout(function () { s() }, 10) }); E.on("afterChange", function (H, F) { var G = j(this).slick("slickCurrentSlide") + 1; var I = D.length; j(this).parent().parent().find(m).html(G); j(this).parent().parent().find(w).html(I) }) } function q() { j(r).clamp({ clamp: 2 }) } function s() { if (j(r).length > 0) { q() } } function A() { if (typeof $BV != "undefined") { console.log("Inside invokeCarouselInlineRatings"); var G = j(".whp-carousel-bv-helper"); var F = {}, H = {}, I = []; if (G.length > 0) { j(G).each(function (L) { var M = j(this); var K = M.data("product-code"); if (K) { F = {}; H = {}; K = K.toString(); var J = {}; J.url = M.data("product-url"); F[K.toUpperCase()] = J; H.productIds = F; H.containerPrefix = M.data("container-id"); I[M.data("container-id")] = H } }); console.log(I); for (var E in I) { if (I.hasOwnProperty(E)) { var D = I[E]; $BV.ui("rr", "inline_ratings", D) } } } } } function d(D) { var E = j(D), H = j(p).data("is-commerce-site"), K = E.data("store-locator-link"), J = E.data("prod-endpoint-base"), I = E.data("prod-code"), F = E.data("prod-endpoint-query-str"), L = J + I + F, G = j.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: L, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }); G.done(function (O) { var Q = j(p).data("base-image-path") || "", P = O.isMajorAppliance, N = { product: { majorCat: O.isMajorAppliance, url: K, imgUrl: O.picture, model: O.code, name: encodeURIComponent(O.name), code: O.code, color: (!O.color ? "" : encodeURIComponent(O.color.name)), price: O.price.value, stockLevelStatus: ((O.stock !== undefined) && (O.stock.stockLevelStatus !== undefined) ? O.stock.stockLevelStatus : "outOfStock"), qty: 1, reviewCount: O.averageRating, reviewStars: O.numberOfReviews, thumbnailURL: Q + O.picture, msrpPrice: (O.baseDisplayPrice && O.baseDisplayPrice.formattedValue) ? O.baseDisplayPrice.formattedValue : "", productType: P ? "major" : "smalls", category: (O.categories !== undefined) ? O.categories[0].code : "", subcategory: (O.categories !== undefined) ? O.categories[0].pipedCategory : "", buyable: (O.productIsBuyable) ? O.productIsBuyable.toString() : "", purchasable: (O.purchasable !== undefined) ? O.purchasable : "false", sku: O.code }, endpoint: E.data("add-to-cart-endpoint"), text: { addBtn: j(v).data("addto-cart"), viewBtn: j(v).data("view-details"), whereBtn: "" }, cssClasses: "button-full", isCommerceSite: H, parentCompClass: i }; var M = addToCartBtn.newCtaBtn(N); E.html(M); addToCartBtn.init() }).fail(function (M) { throw new Error("Request for get product failed. CTA buttons not built") }) } function b(G, F) { var J = Math.floor(G), I = Math.floor((G - J) * 100), D = j(F).find(".pdp-tray__star-icon"); for (var E = 0; E < D.length; E++) { var H = j(D[E]); if (E < J) { H.find(".pdp-tray__full-star").css("display", "block") } else { H.find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "block") } } if (I >= 25 && I < 75) { j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__half-star").css("display", "block"); j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "none") } if (I >= 75) { j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__full-star").css("display", "block"); j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "none") } } function a() { j(".pdp-tray__stars").each(function () { var D = j(this).data("rating"); b(D, j(this)) }) } function z() { j(h).each(function () { digitalData.productList.push(u(j(this))) }) } function u(D) { var E = { productName: decodeURIComponent(D.data("product-name")), sku: D.data("product-sku"), reviewCount: D.data("product-reviewcount"), reviewStars: D.data("product-reviewstars"), thumbnailURL: D.data("product-thumbnailurl"), price: D.data("product-price"), salePrice: D.data("product-saleprice"), category: D.data("product-category"), subCategory: D.data("product-subcategory"), availability: D.data("product-availability"), purchasable: D.data("product-purchasable"), productType: D.data("product-type") }; return E } function y() { n.ready(function () { if (j(B).length > 0) { k(); j(f).each(function () { d(j(this)) }); A(); n.ajaxStop(function () { z() }); a() } }) } return { init: y } })(jQuery); prodCarousel.init(); var compareBar = (function (x) { var H = x(document), t = ".compare-bar-container", g = ".compare-bar-product-link", j = ".add-to-compare", v = ".compare-bar-delete-trigger", J = ".compare-bar-tiles-row", b = "#productsToCompare", e = 0, I = "compare-bar-hide", c = ".compare-bar-collapse-icon", D = "compare-bar-drawer-hide", u = ".compare-bar-remove-all", F = ".compare-product-tile.not-empty-product", i = "#compare-bar-link", d = "$ka-product-thumbnail$", h = 1023; var B = 0; digitalData.event = []; function n() { H.on("click", i, function () { var K = ""; K += (window.location.pathname) ? window.location.pathname : ""; K += (window.location.search) ? window.location.search : ""; K = encodeURI(K); localStorage.setItem("historyURL", K) }) } function o() { if (localStorage.getItem("drawer") === "true" && e > 0) { p() } else { w() } } function G() { H.ready(function () { if (x(t).length > 0) { console.info("cb: doc ready"); f(); q(); A(); C(); n(); o() } H.on("change", j, function () { console.info("cb: changed"); var M = x(this), L = M.parents(".form-checkbox"), K = M.data("product-id"); if (M.is(":checked") && e < 4) { m(K, L) } else { y(K) } }); H.on("click", v, function () { console.info("cb: delete"); var L = x(this), K = L.data("product-id"); y(K) }); if (x(F).length > 0) { digitalData.compareProducts = []; x(F).each(function () { digitalData.compareProducts.push(a(x(this))) }) } }) } function k() { x(g).each(function () { x(this).not(".cb-clamped").clamp({ clamp: 3 }).addClass("cb-clamped") }) } function f() { var L = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { L = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")); for (var K in L) { x('.add-to-compare[data-product-id="' + K + '"]').prop("disabled", false).prop("checked", true) } if (JSON.stringify(L) !== "{}" && L !== null) { p(); z() } } } function y(L, N) { var M = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { M = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } if (N) { M = {}; x(".add-to-compare").prop("checked", false) } else { for (var K in M) { if (K === L) { delete M[K] } } x('.add-to-compare[data-product-id="' + L + '"]').prop("checked", false) } localStorage.setItem("compareData", JSON.stringify(M)); z(true); E() } function m(N, M) { console.info("cb: update ajax call"); var O = x(t).data("lang"), L = x(t).data("compare-url"), K = x(t).data("site"); x.ajax({ type: "GET", url: L + K + "/products/" + N + "?fields=FULL&lang=" + O + "&version=Online", accepts: { text: "application/json" }, dataType: "json", success: function (P) { if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") { var Q = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { Q = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } if (Object.keys(Q).length < 4) { Q[N] = P; localStorage.setItem("compareData", JSON.stringify(Q)); digitalData.event[B] = s(M); if (typeof _satellite != "undefined") { _satellite.track(M.data("analytics-success")) } console.log(digitalData.event); B += 1 } else { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("Comparable products limit exceeded.") } f() } else { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("localStorage not supported") } }, error: function (P) { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("Error:", P.status) } }) } function z(N) { console.info("cb: update drawer"); var M = {}; e = 0; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { M = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } x(J).html(""); x("a#compare-bar-link").attr("href", "#"); for (var L in M) { if (M.hasOwnProperty(L)) { var K = '



\n \n \n \n



\n ' + M[L].name + '\n


\n ' + x(t).data("model-text") + " " + M[L].code + '\n


\n \n


\n'; x(J).append(K); r(M[L].code.toUpperCase()) } e++ } if (e === 0) { l(); localStorage.setItem("drawer", "true") } else { if (e === 4) { q() } } if (b) { x(b).html(e); if (!N) { p() } k() } } function q() { if (e === 4) { x(j).each(function () { var K = x(this); if (!K.is(":checked")) { K.prop("disabled", true) } }) } } function E() { x(j).prop("disabled", false) } function r(M) { var N = x("a#compare-bar-link"), L = N.attr("href"), K = ""; if (L !== "#") { K = L.substr(0, L.lastIndexOf(".html") !== -1 ? L.lastIndexOf(".") : L.length); K = K + "." + M + ".html" } else { K = x(t).data("compare-path") + "." + M + ".html" } N.attr("href", K) } function p() { x(t).removeClass(I); (window.innerWidth > h) ? x(t).removeClass(D) : null } function l() { x(t).addClass(I); w() } function w() { x(t).addClass(D) } function A() { H.on("click", c, function () { if (x(t).hasClass(D)) { x(t).removeClass(D); localStorage.setItem("drawer", true) } else { w(); localStorage.setItem("drawer", false) } }) } function C() { H.on("click", u, function () { y(null, true) }) } function s(K) { var L = K; var M = { eventInfo: { eventName: L.data("product-eventname"), eventAction: L.data("product-eventaction"), product: [{ productInfo: { sku: L.data("product-sku"), productName: decodeURIComponent(L.data("product-name")) || "", reviewCount: L.data("product-reviewcount") || "", reviewStars: L.data("product-reviewstars") || "", thumbnailURL: L.data("product-thumbnailurl") || "", price: L.data("product-price") || "", salePrice: L.data("product-saleprice") || "", category: L.data("product-category") || "", subCategory: L.data("product-subcategory") || "", availability: L.data("product-availability") || "", purchasable: L.data("product-purchasable") || "", productType: L.data("product-type") || "" } }] } }; return M } function a(L) { var K = { productInfo: { productName: decodeURIComponent(L.data("product-name")), sku: L.data("product-sku"), reviewCount: L.data("product-reviewcount") ? L.data("product-reviewcount").toString() : "", reviewStars: L.data("product-reviewstars") ? L.data("product-reviewstars").toString() : "", thumbnailURL: L.data("product-thumbnailurl"), price: L.data("product-price") ? L.data("product-price").toString() : "", salePrice: L.data("product-saleprice") ? L.data("product-saleprice").toString() : "", category: L.data("product-categories"), subCategory: L.data("product-subcategories"), availability: L.data("product-availability"), purchasable: L.data("product-purchasable") ? L.data("product-purchasable").toString() : "", productType: L.data("product-type") } }; return K } return { init: G } })(jQuery); compareBar.init(); var badges = (function (b) { var f = b(document), e = ".badge", c = "data-expiry"; function a() { b(e).each(function () { var g = decodeURIComponent(b(this).attr(c)), h = (g && Date.now() > Date.parse(g)); if (h) { b(this).hide() } if (!h) { b(this).show() } }) } function d() { f.ready(function () { var g = b(e).length > 0; if (g) { a() } }) } return { init: d } })(jQuery); badges.init(); var contactUs = (function (d) { var c = d(document), b = ".contact-us", e, h, i; function j() { c.ready(function () { if (d(b).length > 0) { k(); a(); g() } }) } function k() { var l = 500; var m = d("#comment_ques_txt_box").data("count-text"); d("#comment_ques_char_count").html(l + " " + m); d("#comment_ques_txt_box").keyup(function () { var n = d("#comment_ques_txt_box").val().length; var o = l - n; d("#comment_ques_char_count").html(o + " " + m) }) } function a() { d("#contact-us-topic-drp").on("change", function () { _this = d(this); var l = _this.data("choices"); d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").html(""); l.forEach(function (o, m) { if (_this.find(":selected").text() === o.val) { var n = _this.data("sub-" + (m + 1)); n.forEach(function (p) { if (p.disabled) { d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").append("

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'; return n } function b(n) { var m = "

star rating instance (" + n.starRatingInstance + ") already exist

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Low Ice Production - Freestanding Ice Maker (2024)


Why is my ice maker producing so little ice? ›

Slow or low ice production can be a result of small ice cubes. It requires more cubes to fill the bucket. A restriction in the water supply line may cause less water to get to the icemaker. A restriction in the water supply line is generally a plumbing issue, not an issue with the icemaker or Refrigerator.

Why is my portable ice maker not making enough ice? ›

Low Ice Production

An ice maker makes little ice if there is a water leak in the reservoir, hose pipe, or freeze tray. If the water tank leaks, there will be little or no water flow to the freeze tray.

Why is my standalone ice maker not making ice? ›

When the ice maker runs but doesn't make any ice, a bad electronic control board, failed water supply, broken recirculation pump, sealed system failure or broken cutting grid could be causing the problem. A faulty electronic control board can prevent the ice maker from making any ice.

How do I get more ice out of my ice maker? ›

Some models are equipped with Quick Freeze feature – just press Quick Freeze on your display to temporarily increase the ice production rate. If your refrigerator is not properly making ice, the freezer temperature could be set too warm. Set the freezer control to a colder setting to improve ice production.

Why is my ice maker not making full ice? ›

Check for blockages like ice build-up or jammed ice cubes. If you find any, remove them with a plastic knife, or let your freezer defrost. Change your water filter if it's older than six months or has any clogs or debris. Check your water dispenser's water stream.

Why is my ice maker not working fast enough? ›

Lower the Freezer Temperature: the water in the ice tray freezes quicker, triggering the tray thermostat to warm and release the ice, which starts the process all over again. The circle of life in the ice maker machine! To make your ice maker work faster, simply lower the freezer temperature by 3-5 degrees.

How do I reset a portable ice maker? ›

Unplug the machine and wait 10 seconds. Plug the machine back in and press the ON button. You should see a blue light appear, letting you know that the machine has been reset.

Why does my ice maker run out of ice? ›

A clogged filter can send less water to the ice maker, which may cause a decrease or halt in ice production. Solution: Be sure to change your refrigerator's water filter once every six months, and be on the lookout for signs of an old filter.

How much ice can a portable ice maker make? ›

A single batch of ice may take between 7 and 15 minutes to freeze the cubes and drop into the portable ice maker's storage tank. On average, portable ice makers can produce up to 35 lbs. of ice every day, as well as store as much as 2 lbs. of ice.

How do I know if my ice maker is clogged? ›

Check the water fill tubes

If your ice maker isn't making ice or if the ice cubes are small or misshapen, the water fill tubes may be the problem. Check the fill cup and the tube at the back of the ice maker. If they are covered in ice, look for a blockage.

Why is my ice maker not making ice but the water works? ›

Several problems can interfere with making ice properly or dispensing ice. The ice maker or dispenser could be jammed or broken, a dirty water filter or kinked water line could be blocking water flow or the water inlet valve could be clogged or faulty. Here are the most common ice maker problems.

How do you fix a slow ice maker? ›

How to Fix a Slow Ice Maker
  1. Turn down the freezer temperature. ...
  2. Open the freezer door less frequently. ...
  3. Keep the freezer well stocked. ...
  4. Ensure nothing is too close to the ice maker. ...
  5. Check the water line for clogs or pressure issues. ...
  6. Replace the water filter.

What can be a cause of non-production to low production of ice in the ice maker? ›

Factors such as hot water, hot air, or both can affect production and create the problem of your ice maker not making enough ice.

How often should an ice maker drop ice? ›

A really good refrigerator ice maker will produce 8 to 10 cubes every 90 minutes. In this case, your ice maker should cycle around 16 times each day yielding around 130 cubes in a 24 hour period. This estimate will vary depending on the ice tray size and actual cycle time of your specific machine.

Why is my countertop ice maker making small ice cubes? ›

A clogged water filter (on models so equipped) could cause the ice cubes to be too small or hollow. Replace the filter, dispense about 2 gallons of water (to flush the filter), and allow the icemaker to go through several cycles (and dump out the ice).

Why is my ice maker making very thin ice? ›

Run a cleaning cycle to clean deposits out of the water distributer so water flows freely across the evaporator plate. If ice cubes are still thin after the cleaning cycle, you may need to replace the recirculation pump because the pump isn't moving enough water across the evaporator plate to create thick ice cubes.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.