NetSuite Applications Suite (2024)

You can quickly update price changes to your items.

You can update up to 10,000 items with a single mass update. For more information, see Defining a Mass Update.


This action cannot be undone.


During a mass update of a large volume of data, old prices may be visible.

To update prices:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Update Prices.

  2. On the Update Prices page, in the Amount field, enter a negative or positive amount for the price change.

    You can enter a currency amount or a percent in this field.

  3. In the Based on field, choose what you want to base this price change on:

    • Existing Price – The existing price for each price level is updated.


      For the price update to be applied to all price levels, you must set the Based on field to Existing Price.

    • Average Cost – The price is adjusted based on the average cost of the items selected.

    • Most Recent Cost – Adjustment is based on the most recent cost of the items selected.

    • Entered Cost – Adjustment is based on the purchase price entered on the item record.

  4. In the Price Levels field, select the price levels you want to change.

    When this page first appears, not all price levels are selected.

  5. In the Rounding field, select rounding options:

    • None – this will not round your price update

    • To nearest – this rounds your prices to the nearest dollar

    • Round up – this rounds your prices up

  6. In the Round To field, select the way in which you want to round.

    For example, you are increasing your inventory items by $2. You want them to round to even dollar prices. You would select Even Dollar from the list.

  7. Check the Public box if you want to make this mass update available to everyone else with access to your account.

  8. On the Criteria subtab, set search criteria for the items you want to change prices for.

  9. On the Results subtab, choose how you want the search results to show.

  10. Click Preview if you want to look at the changes before submitting them.

  11. Click Save.

General Notices

NetSuite Applications Suite (2024)


What are NetSuite SuiteApps? ›

SuiteApps are applications or bundles that extend NetSuite for specific industry and business needs.

Is NetSuite an application or software? ›

Business Software, Business Management Software.

Is NetSuite a ERP or CRM? ›

NetSuite ERP is an all-in-one cloud business management solution that helps organizations operate more effectively by automating core processes and providing real-time visibility into operational and financial performance.

Does NetSuite have an app store? ›

The official NetSuite for iPhone app enables unparalleled access to the World's #1 Cloud Business Software Suite – the unified business management suite, encompassing ERP / financials, CRM, HCM and ecommerce.

How do I create a SuiteApp in NetSuite? ›

The Process for Building SuiteApps
  1. Join SDN. ...
  2. Conceptualize your application. ...
  3. Decide how you want to build your application. ...
  4. Gain NetSuite expertise. ...
  5. Build the application. ...
  6. Test your application. ...
  7. Limited deployment. ...
  8. Wide-scale deployment.

What is the difference between SuiteApp and account customization? ›

An account customization project can reference objects in the same project, or objects in the account. The object must be declared as a dependency in the manifest file when from an account. A SuiteApp project can reference objects in the project or in a SuiteApp installed to the account.

Who is NetSuite's biggest competitor? ›

Leading NetSuite competitors include Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Odoo, SAP Business One Professional and SYSPRO. Each of these alternatives provides a unique set of benefits and features that may be right for your business.

Is NetSuite owned by Microsoft? ›

NetSuite, owned by Oracle, caters to SMBs seeking diverse global capabilities, prioritizing financial strength over operational features. On the other hand, Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O, from Microsoft, targets larger, complex global enterprises, emphasizing cloud-native technologies and maturity in global operations.

Why NetSuite is better than SAP? ›

SAP can make changes to code, but this will, unfortunately, restrict the user's ability to upgrade and apply fixes. On the other hand, NetSuite has the capacity to edit and customise forms, records, KPI and visual appearance without the need to modify the code.

Why is NetSuite so popular? ›

Legacy Systems Hold Back Business Growth

Deliver the best possible experience for your customers and your staff with integrated cloud software.. One of the key reasons why companies choose NetSuite is its ability to eliminate version lock and outdated systems that are common with on-premise ERP systems.

Is NetSuite owned by Salesforce? ›

In a nutshell, Oracle acquired NetSuite to expand its cloud-based enterprise software offerings. In contrast, Salesforce acquired DemandWare (now Salesforce Commerce Cloud) to bolster its ecommerce capabilities and enhance its customer relationship management ecosystem.

Is NetSuite hard to learn? ›

NetSuite is designed to be user-friendly, but like any comprehensive tool, it has a lot to learn. Starting might seem tough, but with practice and good training, it gets easier.

How much is NetSuite per month? ›

How much is NetSuite per month? The cost of NetSuite varies significantly based on modules, users, and additional services, with basic plans starting from around $999 per month plus $99 per user, per month.

What database is behind NetSuite? ›

The Oracle NetSuite technology concepts map the Oracle Data Integrator concepts as follows: An Oracle NetSuite Instance corresponds to a data server in Oracle Data Integrator. Within this instance, a schema maps to an Oracle Data Integrator physical schema.

Is Oracle NetSuite the same as NetSuite? ›

What are the main differences between Oracle ERP Cloud and NetSuite? Oracle ERP Cloud is designed for larger businesses and offers advanced features and customization options. NetSuite, on the other hand, suits smaller to mid-sized companies with a user-friendly interface and ease of use.

What is SuitePeople in NetSuite? ›

SuitePeople is a comprehensive and integrated Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. SuitePeople eliminates repetitive and manual processes by providing one source for employee data.

How do I remove SuiteApp from NetSuite? ›

Uninstalling SuiteApps Obtained from the SuiteApp Marketplace
  1. Go to Customization > SuiteCloud Development > Installed SuiteApp List.
  2. From the Installed SuiteApps list, identify the SuiteApp you intend to uninstall.
  3. For the desired SuiteApp, select Uninstall from its action menu. The uninstallation process begins.

What is NetSuite SuiteScript? ›

SuiteScript is the NetSuite platform built on JavaScript that enables complete customisation and automation of business processes. Using the SuiteScript APIs, core business records and user information can be accessed and manipulated via scripts that are executed at pre-defined events.

What kind of application is NetSuite? ›

NetSuite is a cloud-based business management software that helps organizations manage their financials, operations, and customer relationships. It offers features such as accounting, CRM, inventory management, e-commerce, and more, all in one platform.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.