Process vs Procedure: What’s the Difference? (2024)

The difference between processes and procedure is quite substantial – a process is more surface-level. It’s used by management to analyze the efficiency of their business. Aprocedure, on the other hand, is a lot more detailed, as it includes the exact instructions on how the employee is supposed to carry out the job.

Process vs Procedure

So, putting it more bluntly…
A process is a series of related tasks or methods that together turn inputs into outputs.
A procedure is a prescribed way of undertaking a process or part of a process.

At a glance, the two might seem confusing, as they both refer to the same activities being carried out. So, to make it easier, you can look at the difference between a process and a procedure as “what” versus “how.”

A process consists of three elements:

  • An input (materials or information)
  • A process with its sub-processes
  • An output

A procedure, on the other hand, describes:

  • Who is responsible for each part of the process
  • When each part of the process occurs
  • The specifications applicable to each part of the process

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Considering the differences between the two terms, it shouldn’t be too surprising that there are different ways to document them. For a process, a simple workflow diagram would do. Procedures, on the other hand, would be explained through a physical or electronic document (To complete the process, do X, Y, and Z). Unlike processes, a procedure doesn’t have to be a workflow – a set of simple guidelines could suffice.

Process and Procedure Example

A fast food outlet makes hamburgers. The process is a simple one, and it all starts with taking the order. After that, the staff springs into action, cooks the patty, prepares the hamburger roll and serves the finished hamburger up to the client.

However, inside this simple process, the fast food outlet’s staff also follow several procedures. Thus, the store owner might specify that the sales assistant should greet the client and smile. He or she may even provide a script for the interaction. That’s a procedure, and it can make a huge difference to a business.

Just think of it: even if the sales assistant is rude and unfriendly, he or she has still completed a part of the hamburger-making process the minute the order is written down. Sure, the customer isn’t going to come back, but the sales assistant has still done the job. The “what” criterion has been fulfilled.

But if the person behind the counter follows a procedure that indicates the expected standard for customer interactions, the entire customer experience changes. Sure, the task remains the same: the assistant writes the order. However, the customer is happy because the quality of the order-placing experience was so much better.

Why Document Processes and Procedures?

When you do business, you want to do everything “right.” What’s more, you want your staff to get it right EVERY TIME. As soon as a process that transforms inputs into outputs is repeatable, you have an opportunity to capture the process and procedure so that your staff knows what to do and how to do it.

But along the way, you might find that things aren’t going as well as you would like them to. Maybe some variable you didn’t initially plan for enters the equation. Or you discover that there’s room for error in what you thought was a watertight process with sufficient procedural information. Perhaps you just think you’ve found a way to make the process more efficient.

You now have an opportunity to revisit the process or procedure that isn’t working well and figure out how to improve it. Did someone make a mistake? Was quality not all you would like it to be? How can you build in a safeguard procedure that ensures it won’t happen again?

Want to learn how to document your processes? Check out our complete guide on: How to Write a Standard Operating Procedure

Documentation Allows for Continuous Process Improvement

The real value of capturing every procedure and process is that it allows your business to improve and keep on improving. It’s a competitive world out there, and if you want to outperform your competitors and win greater support for your business, you have to be better at what you do than they are.

On the other side of the coin, if they’re doing the same thing you do, only more efficiently or to a higher standard, it’s a real threat to the survival of your business.

Continuous improvement is essential to the profitability of your business – and even its survival. It all starts with mapping out what your business does and how it does it.

Enforcing Processes and Procedures

While documenting processes and procedures is one thing, enforcing them is something completely different.

You can invest months of your time, come up with a fat file with every process and procedure neatly documented, and guess what? Nobody is going to consult it! So, how do you ensure that processes and procedures get followed?

While it’s great for your staff to have an overview of complete processes and procedures to see how they fit into the picture, what really matters is what each person is busy with right now.

You can lay out processes and procedures on documents and checklists with complicated cross-references to allow for contingencies. But at the end of the day, how do you know if people followed each step in the way you’ve determined will be best? Do you even have time to collect all those signed off checklists and study them?

Business Process Management Software (BPMS)allows the company leadership to keep track of processes and procedures while giving the employee a dashboard with all of their to-dos to complete. And when it’s time to alter process flows and procedural criteria, all it takes is a small tweak.

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Process vs Procedure: What’s the Difference? (1)

Auto-document and track workflows with other people in real-time


Process vs Procedure: What’s the Difference? (2024)


Process vs Procedure: What’s the Difference? ›

In a nutshell, the key difference between a process and a procedure is this: a process is a series of tasks and activities that produce an outcome. A procedure is a set of instructions for completing a single task or activity within a process.

How do you identify a process or procedure? ›

Process vs Procedure: The Key Difference

In short, a process is a broad approach to achieving an outcome in a series of steps, while a procedure is a specific set of instructions for completing a particular task within a process.

What is the difference between a standard process and a procedure? ›

Processes are interrelated tasks, activities, or workflows that collectively achieve a specific outcome. Procedures are detailed, step-by-step instructions for completing specific tasks or activities. They are used for guiding general activities and high-level operations within organizations.

What is an example of a procedure? ›

Examples of procedure in a Sentence

Installing a car battery is a simple procedure. What is the procedure for applying for a loan? New employees are taught the proper safety procedures.

What is an example of a process? ›

Standard Definition of a Process

Preparing breakfast. Placing an order. Developing a budget. Writing a work order.

What is an example of a process vs procedure? ›

To keep it simple, let's take a familiar example: making a chocolate cake. The process is the action of making the cake and the procedure is the recipe that explains how to make the cake. In the life of the company, there are many examples.

What is the best definition of process? ›

A process is a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end is attained: a chemical process. Procedure usually implies a formal or set order of doing a thing, a method of conducting affairs: parliamentary procedure.

What should a procedure contain? ›

A typical procedure template will include:
  • Scope & Purpose.
  • Definitions.
  • Responsibilities.
  • Procedure.
  • References (Checklists, templates, forms etc.)
  • Version History (author, approvals, date, versions etc.)

What is the difference between process time and procedure? ›

The Difference Between Process and Procedure

Processes are strategic frameworks that guide how work is done. Procedures are detailed, task-specific instructions that dictate how a particular activity or task should be performed within the context of a process.

What is the difference between a process and a procedure in QMS? ›

Consider a process as a high level, strategic method of control, in effect a summary of objectives, specifications, and broad resources needed. The procedure adds more specifics such as responsibilities, specific tools, methods, and measurement.

What does a procedure look like? ›

Procedures are action oriented. They outline steps to take, and the order in which they need to be taken. They're often instructional, and they may be used in training and orientation. Well-written procedures are typically solid, precise, factual, short, and to the point.

What is a procedure also known as? ›

Synonyms: plan, method, operation. any given mode of conducting legal, parliamentary, or other business, especially litigation and judicial proceedings. Computers. the sequence of actions or instructions to be followed in solving a problem or accomplishing a task. Also called subprogram.

What is an example of a procedure in a company? ›

A procedure is a detailed instruction that explains all the tasks that need to be completed in a workplace. These tasks may be stand alone or may be a part of a process. For example: instructions for how to pack and send a customer sales order within the sales and shipping process manual.

What are the 4 types of processes? ›

There are four primary types of processes: chemical, physical, biological, and psychosocial.

What is a process in simple terms? ›

a series of actions or events performed to make something or achieve a particular result, or a series of changes that happen naturally: Completing his degree at night was a long process.

What are the 3 types of processes? ›

Those main process categories are: Management, Core, and Support. All three of these process systems are incredibly important, and must work together to be effective. Each type has its own set of sub-processes that can be identified through rigorous analysis or simply with practice.

How do you identify business processes? ›

Identifying business processes begins with understanding the business's primary processes – the core activities that deliver value to the customer. These may include manufacturing, marketing, or customer service. Start by mapping these primary processes, defining each step from inception to completion.

How do you document processes and procedures? ›

No matter which method you use, there are a few key steps to process documentation.
  1. Identify the process. First, identify the process you are documenting. ...
  2. Place boundaries. ...
  3. List the expected result. ...
  4. Detail the inputs. ...
  5. Walk through the process. ...
  6. Determine who is involved. ...
  7. Utilize your process documentation system.

How are system processes usually identified? ›

The system assigns a process identification number (PID number) to each process when it starts. If you start the same program several times, it will have a different PID number each time. When a process is started on a system, the process uses a part of the available system resources.

How do you describe a process step by step? ›

Once you've determined what triggers the process to begin and end, list each of the process steps in sequential order. If there are multiple tasks needed, list each of them within the step. Simplify your steps, using clear headings to focus only on capturing the essential parts of the process.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.